Jody Gugelhupf wrote:
> hi ppl :)
> i run ubuntu feisty, there was an updated package of freevo lately, i got now 
> 1.7.3 everything is
> workign fine, except the tvguide, when i click on it, i get this:
> web.Server Traceback (most recent call last):
> <type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in 
> position 42-44: invalid
> data
> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/web/, line 160 in process
> 158    try:
> 159      resrc =
> 160      self.render(resrc)
> 161    except:
> Self
> site  
> twisted.web.server.Site instance @ 0x857542c <twisted.web.server.Site 
> instance at 0x857542c>
> Locals
> resrc 
> __builtin__.GuideResource instance @ 0x92c792c <__builtin__.GuideResource 
> instance at 0x92c792c>
> self  
> twisted.web.server.Request instance @ 0x92ea3ec <GET /guide.rpy HTTP/1.1>
> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/web/, line 167 in render
> 165  def render(self, resrc):
> 166    try:
> 167      body = resrc.render(self)
> 168    except UnsupportedMethod, e:
> Locals
> resrc 
> __builtin__.GuideResource instance @ 0x92c792c <__builtin__.GuideResource 
> instance at 0x92c792c>
> self  
> twisted.web.server.Request instance @ 0x92ea3ec <GET /guide.rpy HTTP/1.1>
> Globals
> UnsupportedMethod     <class 'twisted.web.server.UnsupportedMethod'>
> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/www/, line 100 in render
> 98      # thus we return the self._render methode
> 99      # which hopefully will do something usefull
> 100      return self._render(request)
> 101
> Locals
> self  
> __builtin__.GuideResource instance @ 0x92c792c <__builtin__.GuideResource 
> instance at 0x92c792c>
> request       
> twisted.web.server.Request instance @ 0x92ea3ec <GET /guide.rpy HTTP/1.1>
> /usr/share/freevo/htdocs/guide.rpy, line 247 in _render
> 245
> 246      rowdata.append("</tr>")
> 247      fv.res += string.join(rowdata, "\n")
> 248    fv.tableClose()
> Locals
> rowdata       
> List instance @ 0x92eaccc
> "<tr class='chanrow'>"
> "<td class='channel'>E\xe9n</td>"
> '</tr>'
> fv    
> www.web_types.HTMLResource instance @ 0x92c702c <www.web_types.HTMLResource 
> instance at 0x92c702c>
> Globals
> string        <module 'string' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/string.pyc'>
> <type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in 
> position 42-44: invalid
> data
> someone has an idea how to fix it? thx in advance :)
> katie-J. :)

A Unicode translation problem, how have you set up your channels in

This works for me:
    ('CNI04C1',         u'SF1',                  'K05', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI04C7',         u'SFzwei',               'K10', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI04CC',         u'SFinfo',               'K35', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI0497',         u'3plus',                'S15', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI0DC1',         u'ARD',                  'K09', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI0DC2',         u'ZDF',                  'K11', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI0DC7',         u'3sat',                 'S10', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI0D85',         u'arte',                 'K21', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI0DC9',         u'KiKa',                 'K21', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI0DCB',         u'Bayern 3',             'K29', '', '0', '150'),
    ('CNI0DE0',         u'Südwest Fernsehen BW', 'S14', '', '0', '777'),
    ('CNI1DE6',         u'WDR',                  'S31', '', '0', '150'),
    ('CNI0D8D',         u'DSF',                  'K24', '', '0', '777'),

The last two columns you won't need. But the important thing is the
unicode 'u' before the name.


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