
You might want to add a modeline in xorg.conf like

ModeLine "768x576"     50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  630

in the Monitor section to see if the nvidia driver picks that up.

And as an aspect helper for xine you may add the line

# Set for 4:3 display
DisplaySize 300 225

for standard definitions. Again you put these line in the monitor section


On Sunday, September 23, 2007, 4:29:52 PM, Hugo wrote:

> Hello all,

> I've been poking around with freevo for the last days for the first time
> and i have to say that i'm impressed with all the possibilities.

> My first approach was to launch freevo from gdm and i already had 
> everything working in this setup. Then i saw the docs about freevo -fs,
> and i switched for that kind of setup, which is much faster and cleaner
> (no windowing and all). The problem is that suddenly my videos don't 
> play with the right resolution. The resolution used is bigger than the
> 768x576.

> I've managed to correct this behavior in mplayer with -screenh 576 
> -screenw 768 but since i use xine to play DVDs, i'm stuck on that part.

> I can see in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log that the resolution used is 800x600,
> although i only have Modes "768x576" in my xorg.conf. My guess is that
> xinit doesn't really care about things on xorg.conf. And this clearly 
> strikes me as a X issue.

> "(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "800x600""

> I'd like to solve this in a general way, i.e. without having to force 
> resolutions on the players, if that's not possible. If someone knows how
> can i do a similar thing to xine like i did with mplayer, that'll be 
> great too. At least for a temporary fix up.

> I've tried parameters --geometry 768x576+0+0 in xine, but the result was
> the same.

> Any help will be very much appreciated.

> Hugo Monteiro.


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