I have another version, which works better. The seekbar is now displayed,
but I still can't use it to jump to a random place inside the stream (I got
an error: 'INPUT_CONTROL_SET_POSITION(_OFFSET) 21,5% failed').
I don't think that this is a problem of integration inside Freevo, because
since I replaced the popup window by a true html file (vlcwin.rpy), the vlc
plugin and all controls appears correctly on the page.
If someone could try this last version, we could get success finally. I
really would like that this seekbar feature to be present in the next Freevo

On Nov 8, 2007 9:01 PM, Pascal Schirrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> don locke a écrit :
> > I have some issues with the following lines i covverted.
> >
> >     vlc += u"doc.getElementById('file-head').innerHTML = '%s';\n"
> >     vlc += u"doc.getElementById('file-info').innerHTML = '%s';\n"
> >     vlc += u"doc.getElementById('file-play-button').onclick = %s;\n"
> >     vlc += u"doc.getElementById('file-play-using-vlc').onclick = %s;\n"
> >
> > what are the %s values ?
> >
> Hi,
> The explanation is 4 line lower : In python (warning, I'm nearly a
> python newbie !), you can write for instance that :
> print "the result is %s when the snow is %s, and %s when the sun is %s"
> % ( weather, snow_state, weather2, sun_rise )
> So, in the program, the first %s is replaced by
> Unicode(title.replace("'", "\\'"))
> And so on
> Pascal
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