hei all
maybe others are interested as well in how to suspend/resume a standalone 
freevo box. after some hours of investigations, I found a more or less proper 
solution... here are my experiences:

- my box is an new installed gutsy/amd64 and I use the acpi-support 
script /etc/acpi/sleep.sh which works well if the X server is running (if 
not, the console stay black and X will no longer start after resume and I 
have not yet found why)

- what I need: I will be able to suspend the box by pressing the power button 
and also with the freevo shutdown mechanism.

1) the easyest would probably be to run /etc/acpi/sleep.sh in the background 
and just to continue after resume:
-> one problem for me is that the lirc_imon kernel module is not yet able to 
survive (on the other hand, lirc_serial is!).
-> another problem is that if I press the power button in the moment freevo is 
streaming something frm a NFS mounted share or even internet radio, the 
resume is not properly done (whyever).

2) another solution would be to stop freevo+lirc, then run /etc/acpi/sleep.sh 
and then restart lirc+freevo after resume.
-> the first problem on my system is, that suspend/resume do not work if the X 
server is not running (X no more starts, whyever).
-> another problem is, that stopping freevo out of freevo kills also all 
children of it, thus the killing script is killed as well and nobody can 
continue... (ok, I probably found a solution for that: forking a script with 
the atd mechanism, the new script is then a child of the atd and no longer of 
the freevo process)

3) my proposed (and tested) solution is, to start freevo out of .xinitrc such 
that if freevo (and not X) is ended, the while loop restarts freevo after 
suspend/resume while X is still running...

starting freevo at bootup with startx:
************ /etc/rc.local *********************
su -l -c "startx 2> /dev/null"
exit 0
startx runs .xinitrc as child of the X server:
************ /root/.xinitrc *********************
xset s noblank
xset s off
xset -dpms
************ /etc/freevo/freevo.xinit **********

while ! ( rm $sigexit 2> /dev/null ); do
  # sudpend/resume if asked
  if ( rm $sigsleep 2> /dev/null ); then
    echo " - ...sleeping..."
    echo " + ...awaking..."

  # start lirc and setup alsa
  /etc/lirc/lirc.start (could also be done with /etc/init.d/lirc start)
  /etc/alsa/alsa.setup (assure default alsamixer settings)

  # start freevo
  echo " + Starting freevo"
  ( /usr/bin/freevo > /dev/null ) 2> /dev/null
  touch $sigsleep

  # stop lirc (could also be done with /etc/init.d/lirc stop)

  # stop lirc


echo " - Exiting freevo xinit loop"
exit 0;
at the end of this script, X will exit as well

pressing the power button will just kill freevo:
************ /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh **********
# If all else failed, just initiate a plain shutdown.
#/sbin/shutdown -h now "Power button pressed"
kill `cat /var/run/freevo-0.pid`

in freevos local_conf.py nothing special is needed, just an normal freevo end:

that's all. maybe someone is interested in it? is there another (better) 
solution (working) out there? I am very interested!
or is this just not a need?
or would it be interesting to add it to a wiki somewhere?


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