Andrew Jeffery wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> John Molohan wrote:
> | Andrew Jeffery wrote:
> |> Hash: SHA1
> |>
> |> Hi,
> |>
> |> I'm having a problem with aspect ratio in xine - I'm using it to view
> |> digital tv on a widescreen lcd tv. X is running at 1280x720 (16:9) and
> |> I've changed freevo.conf's geometry option to match. However, xine still
> |> displays black bars at the top and bottom of the screen when i'm
> |> watching tv despite setting the geometry and aspect ratio:
> |>
> |> [EMAIL PROTECTED] $ ps ux
> |> ...
> |> freevo   20191  9.4  3.1 463084 32204 tty1     Sl   15:17   0:48
> |> /usr/bin/xine --hide-gui --borderless --geometry 1280x720+0+0
> |> - --no-splash --aspect-ratio dvb --stdctl -V xv -A oss --no-lirc
> |> - --post='pp:quality=10;expand' dvb://7 Digital
> |> ...
> |>
> | Try removing expand from the command. You can also change xine's aspect
> | ration when running with the 'a' key.
> |> the odder thing is mplayer displays digital tv fullscreen but won't tune
> |> channel 7 (I'm in Adelaide, Australia - anyone else had this issue? I'm
> |> thinking it's a signal strength problem but xine and dvbstreamer tune it
> |> fine using the same channels.conf :( )
> |>
> |> Cheers,
> |>
> |> Andrew
> | It's conceivable that mplayer needs a stronger signal strength to lock.
> | A better aerial maybe? :)
> Yeah - I'm having issues with channel 10 sometimes and with the
> dvbstreamer buffer starving - someone mentioned that was also a signal
> strength issue... I'll have to look into raising the antenna or checking
> cable quality. The thing is the stand-alone dvb tuner we have tunes
> everything fine, maybe it's doing a better job at signal processing or
> something
> |
> | John
> Andrew
I've seen two usb dvb devices plugged into the same PC where one suffers 
from signal quality issues much more than the other. They both have very 
comparable aerials but one's a memory key size device the other is an 
little external box so I'm not sure if it's a driver issue or ones a 
more fully featured hardware decoder but there's definitely a difference 


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