John Molohan wrote:
> David Frager wrote:
>> Thanks John
>> I did not see any configuration for this behavior...I will dig around a
>> little more.  I don't recall seeing this issue when I first started using in
>> back in March..maybe something has changed recently 
> It looks like Richard did a pretty good job with the doc for the plugin, 
> actually he's probably set the standard for others to follow. Here's the 
> output from running
> freevo plugins -i tv.ivtv_xine_tv
> Name: tv.ivtv_xine_tv
> Type: Plugin
> File: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/freevo/tv/plugins/
> Description:
> ------------
> Plugin to watch live tv with xine. The plugin supports:
>     - Live TV: pause & continue, seek forward & backward
>     - Multiple digit channel selection: '1', '12, '123'
>     - Channel stack: jump to previously viewed channel
>     - Automatic jump: undo time shift on channel change
>     - OSD messges: volume and channel info
>     - Progressive seek: automatically increase seek speed
>     - Video groups: enable svideo and composite inputs
>     - Stop confirmation: press STOP twice to return to menu
>     - Record stream: press RECORD to record the current show
> =================================================================
> Requirements:
> =================================================================
> The following software must be installed:
>     - ivtv driver (for e.g. Haupage x50 series TV card)
>       version ivtv: >= 0.10.6
>     - xine media player (built with xvmc / xxmc if available)
>       version xine-lib: >= 1.1.9
>       version xine-ui: >= 0.99.6
> =================================================================
> Configuration:
> =================================================================
> The following items should be configured in
> Freevo General Config Items
> Plugin Specific Config Items
>     - XINE_TV_VO_DEV
>     - XINE_TV_AO_DEV
> =================================================================
> Plugin Specific Events
> =================================================================
> The following additional events can be defined:
> | # go back to the previous viewed channel
> |
> | # show program info
> | EVENTS['tv']['SOME_LIRC_CMD'] = Event('TOGGLE_OSD')
> |
> | # normal seek forward/backward by 1 second
> | EVENTS['tv']['SOME_LIRC_CMD'] = Event(SEEK, arg=-1)
> | EVENTS['tv']['SOME_LIRC_CMD'] = Event(SEEK, arg=+1)
> =================================================================
> Timeshift Filemask
> =================================================================
> The LIVE TV functionality requires a large buffer on disk
> where the TV stream is being recorded while watching.
> | # This specifies the path and filemask that xine uses for
> | # timeshifting. File can get quite big (several gigabytes)
> | XINE_TV_TIMESHIFT_FILEMASK = '/local/tmp/xine-buf-!/local/saved/!20'
> Note: the format is 'a!b!c', where:
> a = prefix (with path) for temporary file buffers
> b = prefix (with path) for saved recordings
> c = number of file buffers (200MB each) to use
> The path for saved recordings must be on the same partition as
> the path for temporary file buffers. If the save path is empty
> then the saved files will be stored in the path for temporary
> files.
> =================================================================
> STOP Confirmation
> =================================================================
> The STOP event will cancel the history of the TV stream. To
> prevent that this happens by accident, a confirmation can be
> requested.
> | # Stop confirmation: press STOP twice to return to menu
> =================================================================
> Progressive Seek
> =================================================================
> If progressive is enabled, then seeking in the TV stream
> will speed up by 'increment' seconds every 'threshold'
> seconds. Note, set the starting seek event to 1 second to
> allow fine control.
> | # This enables the progressive seek feature. The speed
> | # for seeking (fast forward and rewind) is increased
> | # automatically. The speed is increased every [THRESHOLD]
> | # seconds in steps of [INCREMENT] secnds.
> =================================================================
> Live Record
> =================================================================
> If live record is enabled, then the RECORD button will cause the
> current show to be recorded permanently. Freevo will set marks
> in the video stream when a new show starts (according to the
> program guide) and when the channel is changed. Recording will
> stop automatically (1) on a channel change, (2) when a new show
> starts according to the program guide or (3) when returning to
> the program guide.
> Note: the performance of channel changes will noticably suffer
> on slow (<1GHz) machines when live recording is enabled. Using a
> fast disk and a fast filesystem will help.
> =================================================================
> Input Real Channels
> =================================================================
> When pressing numbers on the remote control, Freevo will jump to
> a different channel, an index in the TV_CHANNELS array by default.
> Set this to true to use real (cable) channel numbers instead.
> =================================================================
> Indent OSD
> =================================================================
> When using overscan mode, the OSD text in xine may be displayed
> too far to the left. Set this to indent the text somewhat to the
> right.
> =================================================================
> Video Groups Setup Example
> =================================================================
> The following shows an example of a configuration for a 1-tuner
> PVR 250 card and adds S-VIDEO and Composite Inputs. Note that the
> audio input is selected automatically by ivtv.
> |         VideoGroup(
> |             vdev='/dev/video0',
> |             adev=None,
> |             input_type='Tuner 1',
> |             tuner_norm='pal',
> |             tuner_chanlist='europe-west',
> |             desc='Regular Cable',
> |             group_type='ivtv',
> |             record_group = None
> |         ),
> |         VideoGroup(
> |             vdev='/dev/video0',
> |             adev=None,
> |             input_type='S-Video 1',
> |             tuner_type='external',
> |             desc='S-Video Input',
> |             group_type='ivtv',
> |             record_group = None
> |         ),
> |         VideoGroup(
> |             vdev='/dev/video0',
> |             adev=None,
> |             input_type='Composite 2',
> |             tuner_type='external',
> |             desc='Composite Input',
> |             group_type='ivtv',
> |             record_group = None
> |         ),
> | ]
> |
> |     ('ned1',        'NED 1',                'C22', '', 0),
> |     ...
> |     ('natg',        'National Geographic',  'C47', '', 0),
> |     ...
> |     ('svideo',      'S-Video Input',        'EX1', '', 1),
> |     ('composite',   'Composite Input',      'EX2', '', 2),
> | ]
> =================================================================
> Configurable items in the xine config file
> =================================================================
> The xine config file is located in '~/.xine/config'.
> Items that change the OSD text appearance:
> | gui.osd_enabled    (set this to '1')
> | gui.osd.fontsize   (set this to '28' or '32' for a TV setup)
> | gui.osd.fontcolor  (choose one: white, yellow, green, cyan)
> | gui.osd.background (set this to '1' for better readibility)
> Owners of VIA EPIA boards might want to set the following:
> | video.device.unichrome_cpu_save
> Refer to the config file for further explanation.
> Plugin configuration variables:
> -------------------------------
> TV_CHANNELS: TV Channels
> Default: None
> MIXER_MAJOR_CTRL: Main Mixer control (mandatory)
> Default: None
> Default: 50
> XINE_COMMAND: xine command
> Default: '/usr/bin/xine'
> XINE_ARGS_DEF: xine default arguments
> Default: '--no-lirc'
> XINE_TV_VO_DEV: xine video output device
> Default: 'xv'
> XINE_TV_AO_DEV: xine audio output device
> Default: 'oss'
> XINE_TV_TIMESHIFT_FILEMASK: xine time shift parameters
> Default: '/tmp/xinebuf'
> XINE_TV_CONFIRM_STOP: require a stop confirmation
> Default: True
> XINE_TV_PROGRESSIVE_SEEK: use progressive seek mode
> Default: True
> XINE_TV_PROGRESSIVE_SEEK_THRESHOLD: progressive seek mode threshold 
> (seconds)
> Default: 2
> XINE_TV_PROGRESSIVE_SEEK_INCREMENT: progressive seek mode steps (seconds)
> Default: 5
> XINE_TV_INPUT_REAL_CHANNELS: handle direct input numbers as real channels
> Default: False
> XINE_TV_LIVE_RECORD: enable recording (make permanent) of live video
> Default: True
> XINE_TV_INDENT_OSD: indent OSD text
> Default: False
> The plugin is loaded with the following settings:
> type=default, level=10, args=None
> Looks like this isn't on the wiki, it would be great if you have a few 
> minutes to update it?

Hi John,

Two things worth noting are:

1) I only discovered this when someone reported a bug and this is that
in the freevo web-server we already have a list of all the current
plug-ins and it is automatically generated, i.e.:

plus Don's configuration tool

2) Wiki pages are easy to generate, i.e:
freevo plugins -wiki -i tv.ivtv_xine_tv

There are more possibilities too:
freevo plugins -wiki <plug-in type>

plug-in type is on of:
MainMenuPlugin, Plugin, DaemonPlugin, IdleBarPlugin, ItemPlugin,
MimetypePlugin, ScreenSaverPlugin


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