Hi there. New to Freevo, just a quick question for those who may already use a 
setup how I want to.

Basically I want to forgo any messing around with EPG stuff. I travel a lot. I 
want to plug in to multiple paytv/freeview set-top boxen. I'll browse through 
their EPG's and make my choices. I don't want to worry about xmltv or anything 
at all. Simply functional manual recording/pausing of live tv, and perhaps with 
the ability to schedule a record time/date. That and watching live tv 
obviously. So basically a budget capture card with composite/s-vhs in, hooked 
to a set-top box of any description.

Has anyone attempted a setup similar to this, or could give me advice as to the 
steps i'd need to go through, or even just a word or two on whether it's 
possible to disable epg or not. Basically it's a month down the line that i'll 
even be starting the project, but advice/hints/criticisms/anything would be 
gladly welcomed.

As an afterthought, some sort of positionable osd that pops up for scheduling a 
recording would be best. That way I can have the epg of the set-top box still 
open and i can set my record time without having to remember dates/times. But 
that's not really a priority.

Anyway, thanks loads in advance to all whom dare offer advice.

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