Duncan Webb wrote:

> Michel Hoogervorst wrote:
> > 
> > So, in order to get an usb ir receiver that works with the event
> > interface my only option is to buy a receiver+remote bundle?
> No, you should get this working relatively easily. See:
> http://doc.freevo.org/LircDevInput
> The only problem is that sometimes the devices move about.
Not if you nail it down with an udev-rule:

KERNEL=="event*", SYSFS{name}=="AT Translated Set 2 keyboard", 
SYMLINK+="input/remote", MODE="0666"

And in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf:

Yes, "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" doesn't really look unique but 
that's the only string that my FB-Receiver in my S100 gives back.
Nonetheless it works for me as the real keyboard that I sometimes 
connect via USB has a different name.


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