J.R. Oldroyd wrote:
> A while back, in bug 2512357, I reported a problem with the favorites
> not being displayed properly prioritized in the web server and attached
> a traceback similar to the one below.  The bug report was closed when
> I was too busy with other stuff to repspond to a comment.
> Since I am now running a recent 1.8.4 svn, and have just had the same
> traceback, it's probably worth discussing this and perhaps re-opening
> that bug.
> The main problem:
>       - the traceback below, ending in:
>               recordserver.py", line 596, in conflictResolution
>                   conflictedProgram = conflictedPrograms[0]
>               IndexError: list index out of range

A bit of a difficult problem to reproduce, I gave the conflicted
programs option a quick try and could not easily reproduce the problem.
However I did add a check into svn testing that conflictedPrograms was
not empty; it is possible that this fix simply moved the problem elsewhere.

> Seen when:
>       - this one was during a "freevo tv_grab"; in fact, this one
>         is from the tv_grab log file
>               - the TV listings have been downloaded and
>                       TV.xml and TV.xml.pickled are new
>               - the schedulefavorites has not completed:
>                       schedule.pickle is not current
> Previously, I had also seen this error in the webserver log after
> editing favorites from the web interface when I had also noted that
> the favorites are not listed in the proper order.  (This is still a
> problem, by the way.)  But the IndexError problem appears to be when
> schedulefavorites is run.

I could be a race condition that the schedule is being updated by two
programs at the same time, always difficult to reproduce.

> My TV listings come from ScheduleDirect (tv_grab_na_dd) and are the
> us-bcast ones for my area.
> If I remove TV.xml* and start over, it will complete OK, and it will
> be OK for a few more days, then the problem repeats.
> This was a problem with 1.8.3 also.

If you are able then you might need to debug this problem as it may be
specific to your set-up.


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