On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:54:22PM EDT, Chris Jones wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 10:02:14AM EDT, Jonathan Isom wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:33 AM, Chris Jones<cjns1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [..]
> > >> > What's a clean way to add the xmodmap tweak to the freevo
> > >> > standalone startup scripts?
> [..]
> > Hi
> > 
> > try
> > 
> > #su freevo
> > //add freevo to end of .xinitrc
> > ------------------------------->8---------------------
> > #!/bin/sh
> > xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
> > 
> > freevo
> > 
> > ------------------------------->8---------------------
> > 
> > 
> > #startx -- -config xorg.conf.tvout :1.0 vt09
> > 
> > not as nice as starting freevo starting x.
> > then put "startx -- -config xorg.conf.tvout :1.0 vt09"
> > in a script to start freevo to save time.
> That's pretty good. 
> I'll give it a shot tonight.

Well, more than ten days later.. :-) I found time to look at this again
and thought I'd try to find a way to avoid having to start freevo
manually at boot time.

I vaguely remembered an Xconfig trick I had read about in the past that
let you swap the two keys, and eventually found it again via google.

I added the following to my xorg.conf in the keyboard section and that
did the trick:

  Option  "XkbOptions"  "ctrl:swapcaps"

A minimal change, and one thing I like about this "solution" is that if
I remember correctly, debian saves a backup copy of xorg.conf whenever
you upgrade X.

Naturally, this only works because this is my home machine and I can
change the X server's config file without asking anyone's permission. 

And of course, there's no guarantee that this keyboard option will not
be deprecated at some point in the future.

So maybe this should be part of freevo's keyboard configuration..?



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