On Sat, 2009-08-29 at 18:44 -0700, Phil Raymond wrote:
> You need to add dvbstreamer (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dvbstreamer/) to 
> Freevo as a plugin and then use it to scan for the channels in your area. The 
> command in terminal is "setupdvbstreamer -A channels.conf". Next run this 
> commmand, "dvbctrl lsservices -- -id| grep -v  ^ffff.ffff.". This will 
> capture the channels available. Next, copy and paste your channel list to 
> your local_conf.py.Here's my list as an example of what it should look like.

I would recommend using the newer livepause plugin (tv.livepause) rather
the the dvbstreamer specific one. The new livepause plugin is a lot more
refined and uses less CPU. For that you will need the livepause program
(also available from the dvbstreamer sourceforge page).

> plugin_record = plugin.activate('tv.dvbstreamer.record')
You will still need to use this to record though



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