Anders Eriksson wrote:
> I'm currently writing a script to write fxd files for all of 
>  . The site exposes the media in wmv and flash formats and I wonder how I can 
> best tell freevo to stream the media.
> For whatever reasn mplayer dislikes the wmv files (starts looping), so I'm 
> looking at using the flash. That in turn requires someting like
> rtmpdump -o - -r $URI | mplayer -
> Any ideas how I can fixup the fxd and/or to do this? My reading 
> of suggests that player selection is based on file name 
> extension, and this a URI (without flv "extension"). 

Interesting idea. I'd be very interested to hear your results, and at
the same time I thought I should mention a related idea that could be

There's a guy who has made a script that allows you to "mount" the shows
from <URL:> as a filesystem, where each show
is made available as an ASX playlist.

I've been trying to use this to get access to the NRK shows, but so far
I have failed for some reason or other... :)

Morten Lied Johansen
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