On 05/04/2010 16:25, mclu...@wp.pl wrote:
> Why can't we use Freevo's excellent record server to schedule recording
> of different brodcast types - e.g. internet streaming?
Cause no one has written support for it yet :)
> This is how I'm planning to achieve this (I based my idea on this
> article: http://doc.freevo.org/MultiRecordingCard)
> 1) I fed xmltv file with program of my favorite radio station
> 2) I patched generic_record plugin to add a new field to VCR_CMD, called
> `group-type'
> 3) I created additional instance of VideoGroup inside my local_conf.py
> just to introduce a different group type ('stream'):
> TV_VIDEO_GROUPS = [VideoGroup(vdev='/dev/video0',
>       adev=None,
>       input_type='Tuner 1',
>       input_num=0,
>       tuner_norm='pal',
>       tuner_chanlist='europe-east',
>       desc='Regular Cable',
>       group_type='ivtv',
>       record_group = None),
>    VideoGroup(vdev=None,
>          adev=None,
>          input_type='default',
>          desc='Internet recording',
>          group_type='stream',
>       record_group = 1),
> ]
> 4) I created a script /etc/freevo/record-stream.sh to perform audio
> stream recording with mplayer:
> #!/bin/sh
> # arguments : channel_name_or_number frequency_in_MHz seconds_to_record
> output_filename
> exec mplayer -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast:file="$4" -endpos "$3" "$1"
> 5) and command to call the script from within Freevo's generic_record
> plugin:
> VCR_CMD = '/etc/freevo/record-%(group-type)s.sh "%(channel)s"
> "%(frequencyMHz)s" "%(seconds)s" "%(filename)s"'
Is point 6 missing?
> 7) and finally I created additional entry to channel list in
> local_conf.py containing internet radio channel with stream address as
> channel data and referencing to proper video group:
> ('429', 'PR3','mms://stream.polskieradio.pl/program3','','1')
Apart from that it seems reasonable up to here.
> At this point I am able to schedule recording from Internet radio, but
> 'channel' parameter passing by generic_record plugin to recording script
> is wrong!
> The program data: ('429',
> 'PR3','mms://stream.polskieradio.pl/program3','','1')
> is stored inside Freevo as: channel=<TvChannel '429' 'PR3' 'http://'>
> As you can see stream address 'mms://...' was replaced with string:
> 'http://'
> We can see it in main log file:
> epg_types.py (348): add(channel_id='429', channel=<TvChannel '429' 'PR3'
> 'http://'>)
> I would like to write patch against that, but I cannot find the piece of
> python code that stores channel data.
I don't know where that might be off the top of my head. Duncan might 
> I would also like to know what determines recording file suffix, because
> Freevo tries to store my audio data into file with avi suffix. I need to
> know how to change that behavior and associate video group with
> particuar suffix.
I'm pretty sure there's an option in local_conf.py for the record file 
suffix no?
> Any ideas on how to improve Internet stream recording are welcome.
> Maciej
Does it support watching as well as recording?


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