On 02/11/2011 02:50 AM, Stephen Rowles wrote:

> This may be a silly suggestion, but have you tried checking in "top"? No
> idea what spec your machine is but could it be that it is only just
> capable of playing back the video and with the overhead of freevo it
> can't quite cope, hence audio slipping out of sync?

Thanks for the response.

Yes, top tells me that I'm only using 60% of the CPU for mplayer and
10% for python (freevo) when running mplayer both inside and outside
of freevo.  I don't think I have a cpu performance problem.

> Another silly thing worth checking is are you running them both as the
> same user? Could it be there are some different .mplayer settings that
> are being used?

I have tried different users too.  I get the same behavior outside of 
freevo when using either the user which freevo runs (root) or an non-root
user.  When outside of freevo, the videos play just fine.

The choice of videos is sensitive too.  US broadcasts recorded from CBS, 
ABC, NBC work fine.  I have trouble with videos from FOX and ION.  

I'm going to try and hack up mplayer.py to launch mplayer using "system"
instead of the ChildApp class and see what happens there.  I just need
a fews hours to concentrate on it.


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