Will 2.0 offer an option to capture streams from devices like the Hauppauge hd 
pvr, without selecting a channel to record?  By that, I mean for example, using 
the word "stream" in tv channels in the local conf and Freevo would know it's 
looking for a stream instead of a channel.

On Sun Jul 17th, 2011 4:47 AM CDT Dirk Meyer wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>please read this if you are a Freebo user, even if you are no developer
>at all. I have been thinking about the future of Freevo 2.0 and need all
>your help to get it going somehow.
>I tried XBMC some days ago and while it looks very nice, it forces me to
>organize my media collection in a way I don't want to and has some
>usability issues (IMHO). Therefore, I still need Freevo. :)
>The main problem with Freevo 2.0 is my and Jason's lack of time the last
>year. Development was not only slow, it wasn't existant. I now have one
>Freevo-hacking day in my calender each week which may be dropped if the
>weather is too good but it is there and I plan to use it. There are some
>minor issues I will fix no matter what happens. But I do not have the
>time to finish Freevo 2.0 to make it look and feel like I want. If you
>want to help in any way, please answer to this mail and we can discuss
>it. If you need help to start (like kaa.base help), feel free to ask.
>Jason and I can both answer your questions. Jason: I assign your name to
>some smaller stuff here, I hope it is OK. ;)
>Freevo Core:
>1. kaa.base is done and has all the cool stuff I want. If there is a
>bug, Jason and I will take care of it. But it shouldn't be much.
>2. kaa.metadata is also done. Maybe add or change a parser, but that is
>not important right now. Patches are always welcome.
>3. kaa.imlib2 is also working as it should and it does not play a big
>role in the Freevo 2.0 core.
>4. The Freevo core directory is also mostly done. There are some minor
>bugs in the playlist stuff but it should be easy to fix. The menu reload
>also has some problems I need to investigate.
>To summarize: the core is mostly done and the remaining points are on my
>TODO list and I will fix them. Now the bigger problems: GUI. The
>clutter-based GUI can do nice stuff but needs some more work.
>5. kaa.candy has the basics, but may need some nice effects like
>mirror-effect, better animations, etc. It has everything we need to make
>Freevo 2.0 work but it could be nicer. If you know C (Python not needed)
>and want to play with clutter or if you now Python and want to dive into
>kaa.candy, drop me a note. You only need to know kaa.base and clutter as
>6. XBMC looks soooo cool. The big background images, the animations.
>Nice! We do have the code in Freevo 2.0 to do the same (even support to
>grab TV show or movie specific wallpapers and images). I need help from
>a designer to make look Freevo even better. Can someone make a fake
>screenshot how Freevo should look like? Can someone provide nice
>wallpapers (CC licence)? This is one of the things I can not do myself.
>The GUI stuff needs help from you. C programmers, Python programmers and
>artists. Or if you cannot help with that, tell us what you want to have.
>Let's dive into the media plugins:
>7. kaa.beacon is mostly done. I have some minor things on my list I will
>do the next weeks. The big problem is a better network support. Jason:
>we talked about distributed beacon servers. Do you still plan to do
>this? Do you still have time for it?
>8. kaa.popcorn (or video player) needs clutter support to write on a
>texture. This would enable us to draw on top of the video and put it on
>the background. Again: help needed here. we could either put the mplayer
>output on a texture or use gstreamer. Jason played with the first option
>but the code is not finished yet. Jason: do you think you can finish it?
>Others: do you want to help here? You need to understand kaa.base and
>kaa.popcorn (which you could change to your needs). Besides that,
>mplayer and/or gstreamer. The mplayer integration would also require C
>and clutter knowledge. The gstreamer integration needs pygstreamer. And
>we need to figure out how to integrate it with kaa.candy and the Freevo
>core. That would be my task.
>9. The image viewer could look nicer. If you want to help on this
>smaller part of Freevo, feel free to tell me.
>10. I have no time to work on TV support. I need help on working on the
>TV server, the TV devices (e.g. dvbstreamer), the EPG, etc. This is one
>of the major tasks I want to assign a new maintainer.
>And something different:
>11. There is not webserver for Freevo 2.0. Anyone willing to take over
>this part? You have complete control what you want to do. I guess you
>have to know your HTML/CSS/JS-fu.
>12. Android / iPhone support? Not needed but nice to have
>13. Port plugins from Freevo 1.9 to 2.0
>And last but not least:
>14. It has been 2 or 3 years since I last asked for donations and I am
>paying for the server and the domain on my own since the money run out.
>It is only 11 EUR/month but it would be nice if some of you would help
>me out here. You can use paypal and dis...@freevo.org for donations.
>Thank you.
>Long mail and I hope to get some feedback. Who is willing to help? Code
>C or Python? Clutter knowledge? Gstreamer? Web-stuff? Or a designer
>without coding? It would be a shame if Freevo dies, but I cannot do this
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