Ciao a tutti,

I am using freevo 1.9.2.b2 on a debian stable.

It works quite well but for a problem viewing photos: it is really slow
and after showing two or three photos freevo xserver crashes always.

Photos are simple "familiar" photgraphs on on a local directory (the
other media come from nfs exported directories) but opening a directory
with something like 700 photos freevo takes many minutes (but I created
the cache with "freevo cache") and after showing two or less photos
freevo dies.

The log shows, waiting for the listing of the directory, many lines like

2011-10-30 21:50:40,396 INFO     SEGMENT: 0xffe2, len=96

and then freevo often dies without writing anything else!

What would I do?

gpg fingerprint: 54A4 2612 FD50 0313 7FED  6A91 DA5C 1552 E7A4 D6C2
\    /
 ~~~~   The only ASCII history possible
/    \

Attachment: pgprfF3jWjiPm.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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