F R E N D Z  of martian

The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (IMPS)

    It has been posited that if an infinite number of monkeys sit at
    an infinite number of typewriters and randomly press keys, they
    will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare [1] [2].
    But if such a feat is accomplished, how would anybody be able to
    know?  And what if the monkey has flawlessly translated
    Shakespeare's works into Esperanto?  How could one build a system
    that obtains these works while addressing the basic needs of
    monkeys, such as sleep and food?  Nobody has addressed the
    practical implications of these important questions [3].

    In addition, it would be a waste of resources if such a sizable
    effort only focused on Shakespeare.  With an infinite number of
    monkeys at work, it is also equally likely that a monkey could
    produce a document that describes how to end world poverty, cure
    disease, or most importantly, write a good situation comedy for
    television [4].  Such an environment would be ripe for innovation
    and, with the proper technical design, could be effectively
    utilized to "make the world a whole lot brighter" [5].


INTERNET DRAFT                                            S. Christey
Document: draft-christey-imps-00.txt               MonkeySeeDoo, Inc.
Expires: 1 September 2000                                1 March 2000

              The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (IMPS)

Status of this Memo

    This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
    all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

    Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
    Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
    other groups may also distribute working documents as
    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
    documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
    as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in
    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

Copyright Notice

    Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2000.  All Rights Reserved.


    This draft describes a protocol suite which supports an infinite
    number of monkeys that sit at an infinite number of typewriters in
    order to determine when they have either produced the entire works
    of William Shakespeare or a good television show.  The suite
    includes communications and control protocols for monkeys and the
    organizations that interact with them.

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Table of Contents

    1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
    2. Objects In The Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
    3. IMPS Packet Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
    4. Infinite Threshold Accounting Gadget (I-TAG) Encoding  . .  5
    5. KEEPER Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     5.1 KEEPER Message Request Codes (ZOO-to-SIMIAN) . . . . . .  7
     5.2 KEEPER Message Response Codes (SIMIAN-to-ZOO)  . . . . .  8
     5.3 Requirements for KEEPER Request and Response Codes . . .  8
     5.4 Example ZOO-to-SIMIAN Exchanges using KEEPER . . . . . .  9
    6. CHIMP Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     6.1 SIMIAN Client Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     6.2 ZOO Server Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     6.3 Example SIMIAN-to-ZOO Session using CHIMP  . . . . . . . 11
    7. IAMB-PENT SPECIFICATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     7.1 ZOO Client Requests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     7.2 BARD Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     7.3 Example ZOO-to-BARD Session using IAMB-PENT  . . . . . . 13
    8. PAN Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     8.1 ZOO Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     8.2 CRITIC Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     8.3 Table of CRITIC Reject Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     8.4 Example ZOO-to-CRITIC Session using PAN  . . . . . . . . 15
    9. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
    10. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
    11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1. Introduction

    It has been posited that if an infinite number of monkeys sit at
    an infinite number of typewriters and randomly press keys, they
    will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare [1] [2].
    But if such a feat is accomplished, how would anybody be able to
    know?  And what if the monkey has flawlessly translated
    Shakespeare's works into Esperanto?  How could one build a system
    that obtains these works while addressing the basic needs of
    monkeys, such as sleep and food?  Nobody has addressed the
    practical implications of these important questions [3].

    In addition, it would be a waste of resources if such a sizable
    effort only focused on Shakespeare.  With an infinite number of
    monkeys at work, it is also equally likely that a monkey could
    produce a document that describes how to end world poverty, cure
    disease, or most importantly, write a good situation comedy for
    television [4].  Such an environment would be ripe for innovation
    and, with the proper technical design, could be effectively
    utilized to "make the world a whole lot brighter" [5].

    The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (IMPS) is an experimental set
    of protocols that specifies how monkey transcripts may be
    collected, transferred, and reviewed for either historical
    accuracy (in the case of Shakespearean works) or innovation (in
    the case of new works).  It also provides a basic communications
    framework for performing normal monkey maintenance.

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2. Objects in the Suite

    There are four primary entities that communicate within an IMPS
    network.  Groups of monkeys are physically located in Zone
    Operations Organizations (ZOOs).  The ZOOs maintain the monkeys
    and their equipment, obtain transcripts from the monkeys'
    typewriters, and interact with other entities who evaluate the

    A SIMIAN (Semi-Integrated, Monkey-Interfacing Anthropomorphic
    Node) is a device that is physically attached to the monkey.  It
    provides the communications interface between a monkey and its
    ZOO.  It is effectively a translator for the monkey.  It sends
    status reports and resource requests to the ZOO using human
    language phrases, and responds to ZOO requests on behalf of the

    The SIMIAN uses the Cross-Habitat Idiomatic Message Protocol
    (CHIMP) to communicate with the ZOO.  The ZOO uses the
    Knowledgeable and Efficient Emulation Protocol for Ecosystem
    Resources (KEEPER) to interact with the SIMIAN.

    The ZOO obtains typewriter transcripts from the SIMIAN, which is
    responsible for converting the monkey's typed text into an
    electronic format if non-digital typewriters are used.  The ZOO
    may then forward the transcripts to one or more entities who
    review the transcript's contents.  IMPS defines two such reviewer
    protocols, although others could be added.

    For Shakespearean works, as well as any other classic literature
    that has already been published, the ZOO forwards the transcript
    to a BARD (Big Annex of Reference Documents).  The BARD determines
    if a transcript matches one or more documents in its annex.  The
    ZOO sends the transcript to a BARD using the Inter-Annex Message
    Broadcasting Protocol for Evaluating Neoclassical Transcripts
    (IAMB-PENT).  The transcripts are considered Neoclassical because
    (a) they are transferred in electronic media instead of the
    original paper medium, and (b) the word "classical" does not begin
    with the letter N.

    For new and potentially innovative works, the ZOO submits a
    transcript to a CRITIC (Collective Reviewer's Innovative
    Transcript Integration Center).  The CRITIC determines if a
    transcript is sufficiently innovative to be published.  The ZOO
    uses the Protocol for Assessment of Novelty (PAN) to communicate
    with the CRITIC.  The process of using PAN to send a transcript to
    a CRITIC is sometimes referred to as foreshadowing.

    A diagram of IMPS concepts is provided below.  Non-technical
    readers such as mid-level managers, marketing personnel, and
    liberal arts majors are encouraged to skip the next two sections.
    The rest of this document assumes that senior management has
    already stopped reading.

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                 -+-+-+-+-+-   CHIMP     -+-+-+-+-+-
                 | SIMIAN/ | ----------> *         *
                 | MONKEY  |             *   ZOO   *
                 |         | <---------- *         *
                 -+-+-+-+-+-    KEEPER   -+-+-+-+-+-
                                /    \
                               /      \
                       IAMB-PENT /        \ PAN
                             /          \
                            V            V
                     -+-+-+-+-+-     -+-+-+-+-+-
                     *         *     *         *
                     *  BARD   *     *  CRITIC *
                     *         *     *         *
                     -+-+-+-+-+-     -+-+-+-+-+-

3. IMPS Packet Structure

    All IMPS protocols must utilize the following packet structure.

         |Version | Seq  # | Protocol # | Reserved  | Size  |
         |         Source        |      Destination         |
         |           Data                        | Padding  |

    The Version, Sequence Number, Protocol Number, and Reserved fields
    are 32 bit unsigned integers.  For IMPS version 1.0, the Version
    must be 1.  Reserved must be 0 and will always be 0 in future
    uses.  It is included because every other protocol specification
    includes a "future use" reserved field which never, ever changes
    and is therefore a waste of bandwidth and memory. [6] [7] [8].

    The Source and Destination are identifiers for the IMPS objects
    that are communicating.  They are represented using Infinite TAGs
    (see next section).
    The Data section contains data which is of arbitrary length.

    The Size field records the size of the entire packet using
    Infinite TAG encoding.

    The end of the packet may contain extra padding, between 0 and 7
    bits, to ensure that the size of packet is rounded out to the next

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4. Infinite Threshold Accounting Gadget (I-TAG) Encoding

    Each SIMIAN requires a unique identifier within IMPS.  This
    section describes design considerations for the IMPS identifier,
    referred to as an Infinite Threshold Accounting Gadget (I-TAG).
    The I-TAG can represent numbers of any size.

    To uniquely identify each SIMIAN, a system is required that is
    capable of representing an infinite number of identifiers.  The
    set of all integers can be used as a compact representation.
    However, all existing protocols inherently limit the number of
    available integers by specifying a maximum number of bytes to be
    used for an integer.  This approach cannot work well in an IMPS
    network with an infinite number of monkeys to manage.

    Practically speaking, one could select a byte size which could
    represent an integer that is greater than the number of atoms in
    the known universe.  There are several limitations to this
    approach, however: (a) it would needlessly exclude IMPS
    implementations that may utilize sub-atomic monkeys and/or
    multiple universes; (b) there is not a consensus as to how many
    atoms there are in this universe; and (c) while the number is
    extremely large, it still falls pitifully short of infinity.
    Since any entity that fully implements IMPS is probably very, very
    good at handling infinite numbers, IMPS must ensure that it can
    represent them.

    Netstrings, i.e. strings which encode their own size, were
    considered.  However, netstrings have not been accepted as a
    standard, and they do not scale to infinity.  As stated in [9],
    "[Greater than] 999999999 bytes is bad."  Well put.

    A scheme for identifying arbitrary dates was also considered for
    implementation [10].  While it solves the Y10K problem and does
    scale to infinity, its ASCII representation wastes memory by a
    factor greater than 8.  While this may not seem important in an
    environment that has enough resources to support an infinite
    number of monkeys, it is inelegant for the purpose of monkey
    identification.  It is also CPU intensive to convert such a
    representation to a binary number (at least based on the author's
    implementation, which was written in a combination of LISP, Perl,
    and Java).  The algorithm is complicated and could lead to
    incorrect implementations.  Finally, the author of this document
    sort of forgot about that RFC until it was too late to include it
    properly, and was already emotionally attached to the I-TAG idea
    anyway.  It should be noted, however, that if a monkey had typed
    this particular section and it was submitted to a CRITIC, it would
    probably receive a PAN rejection code signifying the reinvention
    of the wheel.

    Since there is no acceptable representation for I-TAGs available,
    one is defined below.

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    An I-TAG is divided into three sections:

           |    META-SIZE      |    SIZE     |     ID     |

    SIZE specifies how many bytes are used to represent the ID, which
    is an arbitrary integer.  META-SIZE specifies an upper limit on
    how many bits are used to represent SIZE.

    META-SIZE is an arbitrary length sequence of N '1' bits terminated
    by a '0' bit, i.e. it has the form:


    where N is the smallest number such that 2^N exceeds the number of
    bits required to represent the number of bytes that are necessary
    to store the ID (i.e., SIZE).

    The SIZE is then encoded using N bits, ordered from the most
    significant bit to the least significant bit.

    Finally, the ID is encoded using SIZE bytes.

    This representation, while klunky, makes efficient use of memory
    and is scalable to infinity.  For any number X which is less than
    2^N (for any N), a maximum of (N + log(N) + log(log(N)))/8 bytes
    is necessary to represent X.  The math could be slightly
    incorrect, but it sounds right.

    A remarkable, elegant little C function was written to implement
    I-TAG processing, but it has too many lines of code to include in
    this margin [11].

5. KEEPER Specification

    Following is a description of the Knowledgeable and Efficient
    Emulation Protocol for Ecosystem Resources (KEEPER), which the ZOO
    uses to communicate with the SIMIAN.  The IMPS protocol number for
    KEEPER is 1.

    KEEPER is a connectionless protocol.  The ZOO sends a request to
    the SIMIAN using a single IMPS packet.  The SIMIAN sends a
    response back to the ZOO with another IMPS packet.  The data
    portion of the packet is of the following form:

        |   Version  | Type | Message ID    | Message Code  |

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    Version, Type, Message ID, and Message are all 16-bit integers.

    Version = the version of KEEPER being used (in this document, the
              version is 1)

    Type = the type of message being sent.  '0' is a request; '1' is a

    Message ID = a unique identifier to distinguish different messages

    Message Code = the specific message being sent

    When a ZOO sends a KEEPER request, the SIMIAN must send a KEEPER
    response which uses the same Message ID as the original request.

5.1 KEEPER Message Request Codes (ZOO-to-SIMIAN)

    | 0    | RESERVED | Reserved                                |
    | 1    | STATUS   | Determine status of monkey              |
    | 2    | HEARTBEAT| Check to see if monkey has a heartbeat  |
    | 3    | WAKEUP   | Wake up monkey                          |
    | 4    | TYPE     | Make sure monkey is typing              |
    | 5    | FASTER   | Monkey must type faster                 |
    | 6    |TRANSCRIPT| Send transcript                         |
    | 7    | STOP     | Stop all monkey business                |
    |8-512 | FUTURE   | Reserved for future use                 |
    | 513+ | USER     | User defined                            |

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5.2 KEEPER Message Response Codes (SIMIAN-to-ZOO)

    | 0    | RESERVED | Reserved                                  |
    | 1    | ASLEEP   | Status: Monkey is asleep                  |
    | 2    | GONE     | Status: Monkey is not at typewriter       |
    | 3    |DISTRACTED| Status: Monkey is distracted (not typing) |
    | 4    |NORESPONSE| Status: Monkey is not responding          |
    | 5    | ALIVE    | Status: Monkey is alive                   |
    | 6    | DEAD     | Status: Monkey is dead                    |
    | 7    | ACCEPT   | Monkey accepts request                    |
    | 8    | REFUSE   | Monkey refuses request                    |
    | 9-512| FUTURE   | Reserved for future use                   |
    | 513+ | USER     | User defined                              |

5.3 Requirements for KEEPER Request and Response Codes

    Below are the requirements for request and response codes within

    1. A SIMIAN must respond to a STATUS request with an ALIVE, DEAD,

    2. A SIMIAN must respond to a HEARTBEAT request with an ALIVE or
    DEAD code.  SIMIAN implementors must be careful when checking the
    heartbeat of very relaxed monkeys who practice transcendental
    meditation or yoga, as they may appear DEAD even if they are still

    3. A SIMIAN must respond to a STOP request with a NORESPONSE,
    ALIVE, DEAD, or GONE code.  How a SIMIAN stops the monkey is
    implementation-specific.  However, the SIMIAN should preserve the
    monkey's ALIVE status to protect the ZOO from being shut down by
    authorities or animal rights groups.  If the monkey is present but
    the SIMIAN interface is unable to verify whether the monkey is
    ALIVE or DEAD, then it must use a NORESPONSE.

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    4. A SIMIAN should respond to a TYPE or FASTER request with an
    ACCEPT code, especially if there are deadlines.  The only other
    allowed responses are REFUSE, ASLEEP, GONE, NORESPONSE, or DEAD.
    This protocol does not define what actions should be taken if a
    SIMIAN responds with REFUSE, although a BRIBE_BANANA command may
    be added in future versions.

    5. A SIMIAN must respond to a WAKEUP request with ACCEPT, REFUSE,

    6. A SIMIAN must respond to a TRANSCRIPT request by establishing a
    CHIMP session to send the transcript to the ZOO.

5.4 Example ZOO-to-SIMIAN Exchanges using KEEPER

    Assume a ZOO (SanDiego) must interact with a monkey named BoBo.
    Using KEEPER, SanDiego would interface with BoBo's SIMIAN
    (BoBoSIM).  The following exchange might take place if BoBo begins
    to evolve self-awareness and independence.

    SanDiego> STATUS
    SanDiego> TYPE
    SanDiego> TYPE
    SanDiego> TYPE
    BoBoSIM>  GONE

    The following exchange might take place early in the morning, if
    BoBo was being poorly maintained and was working at its typewriter
    very late the night before.

    SanDiego> WAKEUP
    SanDiego> WAKEUP
    SanDiego> WAKEUP
    SanDiego> HEARTBEAT
    BoBoSIM>  DEAD
    SanDiego> TRANSCRIPT

6. CHIMP Specification

    Following is a description of the Cross-Habitat Idiomatic Message
    Protocol (CHIMP), which the SIMIAN uses to communicate with the
    ZOO.  The IMPS protocol number for CHIMP is 2.

    CHIMP is a connection-oriented protocol.  A SIMIAN (the "client")
    sends a series of requests to the ZOO (the "server"), which sends
    replies back to the SIMIAN.

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6.1. SIMIAN Client Requests

    SEND <resource>

      The SIMIAN is requesting a specific resource.  The resource
      The SIMIAN makes requests for FOOD or WATER by interpreting
      the monkey's behavior and environment, e.g. its food dish.  It
      requests MEDICINE or VETERINARIAN if it observes that the
      monkey's health is declining in any way, e.g. carpal tunnel
      syndrome or sore buttocks.  How the SIMIAN determines health
      is implementation-specific.  In cases where the SIMIAN itself
      may be malfunctioning, it may request a TECHNICIAN.

    REPLACE <item>

      The ZOO must replace an item that is used by the monkey during
      typing activities.  The item to be replaced may be TYPEWRITER,

    CLEAN <item>

      The SIMIAN is requesting that the ZOO must clean an item.  The
      item may be CHAIR, TABLE, or MONKEY.  How the ZOO cleans the
      item is implementation-specific.  This command is identified
      in the protocol because it has been theorized that if an
      infinite number of monkeys sit at an infinite number of
      typewriters, the smell would be unbearable [12].  If this
      theory is proven true, then CLEAN may become the most critical
      command in the entire protocol suite.

    NOTIFY <status>

      The SIMIAN notifies the ZOO of the monkey's status.  The status
      may be any status as defined in the KEEPER protocol,

    TRANSCRIPT <size>

      The SIMIAN notifies the ZOO of a new transcript from the monkey.
      The number of characters in the transcript is specified in the
      size parameter.


      The SIMIAN is terminating the connection.

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6.2. ZOO Server Responses

    HELO <free text>

      Upon initial connection, the ZOO must send a HELO reply.


      The ZOO will fulfill the SIMIAN's request.


      The ZOO will fulfill the SIMIAN's request at a later time.


      The ZOO refuses to fulfill the SIMIAN's request.


      The ZOO has received the full text of a transcript that has been
      submitted by the SIMIAN.

6.3 Example SIMIAN-to-ZOO Session using CHIMP

    Assume a monkey BoBo with a SIMIAN interface named BoBoSIM, and a
    ZOO named SanDiego.  Once the BoBoSIM client has established a
    connection to the SanDiego server, the following session might
    take place.

      SanDiego> HELO CHIMP version 1.0 4/1/2000
      SanDiego> ACCEPT
      SanDiego> ACCEPT
      BoBoSIM>  xvkxvn i hate Binky xFnk , feEL hungry and sIck sbNf
      BoBoSIM>  so so sad sDNfkodgv .,n.,  ,HELP MEEEEEEEEE cv.Cvn l
      SanDiego> RECEIVED
      SanDiego> ACCEPT
      SanDiego> DELAY
      SanDiego> REFUSE
      SanDiego> REFUSE
      SanDiego> ACCEPT
      SanDiego> ACCEPT
      SanDiego> ACCEPT

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7. IAMB-PENT Specification

    Following is a description of the Inter-Annex Message Broadcasting
    Protocol for Evaluating Neoclassical Transcripts (IAMB-PENT),
    which a ZOO uses to send transcripts to a BARD.  The IMPS protocol
    number is 5.

    IAMB-PENT is a connection-oriented protocol.  A ZOO (the "client")
    sends a transcript phrases to the BARD (the "server"), which
    evaluates the transcript and notifies the ZOO if the transcript
    matches all of a classical work or a portion thereof.

7.1. ZOO Client Requests

    RECEIVETH <transcript name>

      The ZOO notifies the BARD of a new transcript to be evaluated.
      The name of the transcript is provided.

    ANON <size>

      The ZOO notifies the BARD that a transcript of the given size is
      to be provided soon.  The text of the transcript is then sent.

    ABORTETH <A2> <U3> <A3> <U4> <A4> <U5> <A5>

      The ZOO notifies the BARD that it is about to close the
      connection.  The ZOO must specify a closing message.  A2, A3,
      A4, and A5 must be accented syllables.  U3, U4, and U5 must not
      be accented.

7.2 BARD Responses

    HARK <U1> <A2> <U3> <A3> <U4> <A4> <U5> <A5>

      When the ZOO establishes a connection, the BARD must send a HARK
      command.  A2, A3, A4, and A5 must be accented syllables.  U1,
      U2, U3, U4, and U5 must not be accented.

    PRITHEE <A2> <U3> <A3> <U4> <A4> <U5> <A5>

      When a ZOO uses a RECEIVETH command to specify a forthcoming
      transcript, the BARD must respond with a PRITHEE.  A2, A3, A4,
      and A5 must be accented syllables.  U3, U4, and U5 must not be

    REGRETTETH <A2> <U3> <A3> <U4> <A4> <U5> <A5>

      If the BARD does not have the transcript in its Annex, it uses
      the REGRETTETH command to notify the ZOO.  A2, A3, A4, and A5
      must be accented syllables.  U3, U4, and U5 must not be

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   ACCEPTETH  <A2> <U3> <A3> <U4> <A4> <U5> <A5>

      If the BARD has located the transcript in its Annex, it uses the
      ACCEPTETH command to notify the ZOO.  A2, A3, A4, and A5
      must be accented syllables.  U3, U4, and U5 must not be

7.3 Example ZOO-to-BARD Session using IAMB-PENT

    This is a sample IAMB-PENT session in which a ZOO (SanDiego) sends
    a transcript to a BARD (William).

      William> HARK now, what light through yonder window breaks?
      SanDiego> RECEIVETH TRANSCRIPT SanDiego.BoBo.17
      William> PRITHEE thy monkey's wisdom poureth forth!
      SanDiego> ANON 96
      SanDiego> I must be cruel, only to be kind.  Thus bad begins,
                and worse remains in front.
      William> REGRETTETH none hath writ thy words before
      SanDiego> ABORTETH Fate may one day bless my zone

8. PAN Specification

    Following is a description of the Protocol for Assessment of
    Novelty (PAN).  A ZOO uses PAN to send monkey transcripts for
    review by a CRITIC.  The IMPS protocol number for PAN is 10 [13].

    PAN is a connection-oriented protocol.  A ZOO (the "unwashed
    masses") sends a request to the CRITIC (the "all-powerful"), which
    sends a response back to the ZOO.

8.1. ZOO Requests

    COMPLIMENT <text>

      The ZOO may say something nice to the CRITIC using the given
      text.  The CRITIC does not respond to the compliment within the
      protocol.  However, it is generally believed that the CRITIC is
      more likely to accept a new transcript when a ZOO uses many

    TRANSCRIPT <name> <size>

      The ZOO notifies the CRITIC of a new transcript for review.
      The name of the transcript, plus the number of characters, are
      specified as parameters to this request.  The text of the
      transcript is then sent.


      This is an indicator that a ZOO is about to terminate the

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8.2. CRITIC Responses

    SIGH <insult>

      When the ZOO establishes a connection, the CRITIC must respond
      with a SIGH and an optional insult.


      A CRITIC must respond with an IMPRESS_ME once a ZOO has made a
      TRANSCRIPT request.

    REJECT <code>
    REJECT 0 <text>

      When a transcript has been received, the CRITIC must respond
      with a REJECT and a code that indicates the reason for
      rejection.  A table of rejection codes is provided below.  When
      the code is 0, the CRITIC may respond using free text.  A CRITIC
      may send a REJECT before it has received or processed the full
      text of the transcript.


      The CRITIC makes this statement before terminating the


      Working group for the Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (WIMPS)
      agreed that it is highly unlikely that a CRITIC will ever use
      this response when a REJECT is available.  It is only included
      as an explanation to implementors who do not fully understand
      how CRITICs work.  In time, it is possible that a CRITIC may
      evolve (in much the same way that a monkey might).  Should such
      a time ever come, the WIMPS may decide to support this response
      in later versions of PAN.

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8.3. Table of CRITIC Reject Codes

    | 0 | <Encrypted response following; see below>
    | 1 | "You're reinventing the wheel."
    | 2 | "This will never, ever sell."
    | 3 | "Huh?  I don't understand this at all."
    | 4 | "You forgot one little obscure reference from twenty years
    |   |  ago that renders your whole idea null and void."
    | 5 | "Due to the number of submissions, we could not accept every
    |   |  transcript."
    | 6 | "There aren't enough charts and graphs.  Where is the color?"
    | 7 | "I'm cranky and decided to take it out on you."
    | 8 | "This is not in within the scope of what we are looking for."
    | 9 | "This is too derivative."
    |10 | "Your submission was received after the deadline.  Try again
    |   |  next year."

    If the CRITIC uses a reject code of 0, then the textual response
    must use an encryption scheme that is selected by the CRITIC.
    Since the PAN protocol does not specify how a ZOO may determine
    what scheme is being used, the ZOO might not be able to understand
    the CRITIC's response.

8.4. Example ZOO-to-CRITIC Session using PAN

    Below is a sample session from a ZOO (SanDiego) to a CRITIC

      NoBrainer> SIGH Abandon hope all who enter here
      SanDiego> COMPLIMENT We love your work.  Your words are like
      SanDiego> COMPLIMENT jewels and you are always correct.
      SanDiego> TRANSCRIPT RomeoAndJuliet.BoBo.763 251
      NoBrainer> IMPRESS_ME
      SanDiego> Two households, both alike in dignity,
      SanDiego> In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
      SanDiego> From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
      SanDiego> Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
      SanDiego> From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
      SanDiego> A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
      NoBrainer> REJECT 2    ("This will never, ever sell.")
      SanDiego> THANKS

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9. Security Considerations

    In accordance with the principles of the humane treatment of
    animals, the design of IMPS specifically prohibits the CRITIC from
    contacting the SIMIAN directly and hurting its feelings.  BARDs
    and CRITICs are also separated because of fundamental
    incompatibilities and design flaws.

    The security considerations for the rest of IMPS are similar to
    those for the original Internet protocols.  Specifically, IMPS
    refuses to learn from the mistakes of the past and blithely
    repeats the same errors without batting an eye.  Spoofing and
    denial of service attacks abound if untrusted entities gain access
    to an IMPS network.  Since all transmissions occur in cleartext
    without encryption, innovative works are subject to theft, which
    is not a significant problem unless the network contains entities
    other than CRITICs.  The open nature of BARDs with respect to
    IAMB-PENT messages allows a BARD to borrow heavily from
    transmitted works, but by design BARDs are incapable of stealing
    transcripts outright.

    The ZOO may be left open to exploitation by pseudo-SIMIANs from
    around the world.  A third party could interrupt communications
    between a ZOO and a SIMIAN by flooding the SIMIAN with packets,
    incrementing the message ID by 1 for each packet.  More heinously,
    the party could exploit the KEEPER protocol by sending a single
    STOP request to each SIMIAN, thus causing a massive denial of
    service throughout the ZOO.  The party could also spoof a CHIMP
    request or send false information such as a DEAD status, which
    could cause a ZOO to attempt to replace a monkey that is still
    functioning properly.

    In addition, if a ZOO repeatedly rejects a SIMIAN's requests
    (especially those for FOOD, WATER, and VETERINARIAN), then the ZOO
    may inadvertently cause its own denial of service with respect to
    that particular SIMIAN.  However, both KEEPER and CHIMP allow the
    ZOO to detect this condition in a timely fashion via the
    NORESPONSE or DEAD status codes.

    All BARDs are inherently insecure because they face insurmountable
    financial problems and low prioritization, which prevents them
    from working reliably.  In the rare cases when a BARD
    implementation overcomes these obstacles, it is only successful
    for 15 minutes, and reverts to being insecure immediately
    thereafter [14].  Since a CRITIC could significantly reduce the
    success of a BARD with an appropriate PAN response, this is one
    more reason why BARDs and CRITICs should always be kept separate
    from each other.

    It is expected that very few people will care about most
    implementations of CRITIC, and CRITICs themselves are inherently
    insecure.  Therefore, security is not a priority for CRITICs.  The
    CRITIC may become the victim of a denial of service attack if too
    many SIMIANs submit transcripts at the same time.  In addition,

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    one SIMIAN may submit a non-innovative work by spoofing another
    SIMIAN (this is referred to as the Plagiarism Problem).  A CRITIC
    response can also be spoofed, but since the only response
    supported in PAN version 1 is REJECT, this is of little
    consequence.  Care must be taken in future versions if a
    GRUDGING_ACCEPTANCE response is allowed.  Finally, a transcript
    may be lost in transmission, and PAN does not provide a mechanism
    for a ZOO to determine if this has happened.  Future versions of
    IMPS may be better suited to answer this fundamental design
    problem: if an innovative work is lost in transmission, can a
    CRITIC still PAN it?

    Based on the number of packet-level vulnerabilities discovered in
    recent years, it is a foregone conclusion that some
    implementations will behave extremely poorly when processing
    malformed IMPS packets with incorrect padding or reserved bits
    [15] [16] [17].

    Finally, no security considerations are made with respect to the
    fact that over the course of infinite time, monkeys may evolve and
    discover how to control their own SIMIAN interfaces and send false
    requests, or to compose and submit their own transcripts.  There
    are indications that this may already be happening [18].

10. Acknowledgements

    The author wishes to thank Andre Frech for technical comments that
    tripled the size of this document, Kean Kaufmann and Amanda
    Vizedom for lectures on Shakespearean grammar, Rohn Blake for
    clarifying the nature of the entire universe, William Shakespeare
    for accents, the number 16, and the color yellow.

11. References

    [1] The Famous Brett Watson, "The Mathematics of Monkeys and
    Shakespeare."  http://www.nutters.org/monkeys.html

    [2] Dr. Math.  "Monkeys Typing Shakespeare: Infinity Theory."
    [3] K. Clark, Stark Mill Brewery, Manchester, NH, USA.  Feb 18,
    2000.  (personal communication).  "Good question!  I never thought
    of that!  I bet nobody else has, either.  Please pass the french

    [4] The author was unable to find a reference in any issue of TV
    Guide published between 1956 and the date of this document.

    [5] "Dough Re Mi," The Brady Bunch.  Original air date January 14,

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    [6] Internet Standard STD-5 / RFC-791.  Internet Protocol.
    J. Postel.  September 1981.

    [7] Internet Standard STD-7 / RFC-793.  Transmission Control
    Protocol.  J. Postel.  September 1981.

    [8] Internet Standard STD-55 / RFC-2427.  Multiprotocol
    Interconnect over Frame Relay.  C. Brown, A. Malis.  September

    [9] Internet-Draft bernstein-netstrings-06 (expired work in
    progress).  D.J. Bernstein.  Inclusion of this reference is a
    violation of RFC 2026 section 2.2.

    [10] RFC-2550.  Y10K and Beyond.  S. Glassman, M. Manasse,
    J. Mogul.  April 1999.

    [11] "My Last Theorem: A Prankster's Guide to Ageless Mathematical
    Jokes That are Funny Because They're True and People Can't Prove
    Them for Centuries."  P. Fermat.  Circa 1630.

    [12] .signature in various USENET postings, circa 1994.  Author

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