F R E N D Z  of martian
----- Original Message -----
From: James Love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 9:28 PM
Subject: <nettime> [Random-bits] Sexton, Berryhill et all on ICANN and

>      [orig to RANDOM-BITS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> This is an online petition to ICANN regarding the issue of trademark's
> and domain names.
> http://sunrise.open-rsc.org/
> In the sign-on letter to ICANN, be
> http://sunrise.open-rsc.org/see_it/
> This is from the letter:
>      MichaelKirkIsaPedophile.com is libelous, and has legal consequences
> as a string of text.
>      HaveSexWithMeForMoney.com is a criminal solicitation.
>      TheHolocaustIsaJewishLie.com is likewise a criminal utterance, but
> in Germany, not the U.S.
>      MuhammadTheProphetAtePork.com is blasphemous and likely a capital
> offense in several countries.
>      Yet, despite these and other categories of legally significant
> alphanumeric character sequences, some even criminal in nature, nobody
> is proposing a prior restraint on them.
>      Trademark infringement is only a subset of a much larger category
> of legally-proscribable uses of alphanumeric characters.
>      Why, among all forms of legally significant text strings, are
> trademarks singled out for a heretofore unknown pre-emptive right?
> Because ICANN, a technical body, has an "Intellectual Property
> Constituency" with non-technical concerns.
> =======================================================
> James Love, Director           | http://www.cptech.org
> Consumer Project on Technology | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> P.O. Box 19367                 | voice: 1.202.387.8030
> Washington, DC 20036           | fax:
> =======================================================
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