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January 31, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

aimbot 1.00

    aimbot is a bot that runs on the AOL Instant Messenger network and acts
    as a customer service representative would, talking back to 'customers'
    who contact it. 

Anthill Build Manager 1.5.44

    Anthill is a tool that ensures a controlled build process and promotes
    the sharing of knowledge within an organization. Anthill performs a
    checkout from the source repository of the latest version of a project
    before every build and tags the repository with a unique build number
    after every build. It supports many reposistory adapters including: CVS
    (Concurrent Versions System), Visual Source Safe, Perforce, PVCS,
    StarTeam, MKSIntegrity, and FileSystem. Anthill also automatically
    updates a project intranet site with artifacts from the latest build.
    Anthill is an extension to the Apache-Ant project and is compatible
    with version 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 of Ant. 

Astaro Security Linux 3.391 (Beta)

    Astaro Security Linux is a firewall solution. It does stateful packet
    inspection filtering, content filtering, user authentication, virus
    scanning, VPN with IPSec (PKI for X.509 certificates) and PPTP, and
    much more. With its Web-based management tool, WebAdmin, and the
    ability to pull updates via the Internet, it is pretty easy to manage.
    It is based on a special hardened Linux 2.4 distribution where most
    daemons are running in change-roots and are protected by kernel

Blue Linux 1.0

    Blue Linux is a free operating system for computers in the educational
    field. It is based on the Linux core system, and comes with many
    packages that are used in the educational field. All these packages are
    bundled up in an easy installation program. 

Borges Documents Management System 0.7.11

    Borges is an open-source project aimed at XML-aware documentation
    projects which care about internationalisation, reusable contents,
    teamwork, etc. The system currently support the DocBook DTD. 

BSM Pseudonymizer 0.1.6

    BSM Pseudonymizer pseudonymizes records from Solaris BSM audit trail
    files. Personal data such as user IDs, pathnames, timestamps, etc. is
    replaced with pseudonyms so that the generated output doesn't reveal
    private information about the system's users, but still preserves a
    maximum of integrity and consistency. 

CanIt 1.9 (Pro)

    CanIt is a server-based spam-control system built around SpamAssassin,
    MIMEDefang, Apache, and PostgreSQL. It features sophisticated
    spam-handling techniques which minimize the amount of spam you receive
    while guaranteeing that you'll never lose a valid email. CanIt achieves
    extraordinarily accurate discrimination through human intervention, and
    includes mechanisms to minimize the amount of human intervention

CanIt 1.9 (Stable)

    CanIt is a server-based spam-control system built around SpamAssassin,
    MIMEDefang, Apache, and PostgreSQL. It features sophisticated
    spam-handling techniques which minimize the amount of spam you receive
    while guaranteeing that you'll never lose a valid email. CanIt achieves
    extraordinarily accurate discrimination through human intervention, and
    includes mechanisms to minimize the amount of human intervention

cgdb 0.2.3

    cgdb is a lightweight, but fully functional curses frontend to gdb. The
    goal of cgdb is to be lightweight and responsive, not encumbered with
    unnecessary features. The interface retains the familiar GDB text-based
    interface with 100% of the original functionality. The interfaces also
    provide additional features, such as a source code window, shortcut
    keys, visual setting of breakpoints, regex searching capabilities, and

CVSToys 1.0.5

    CVSToys is a collection of companion tools for the Concurrent Versions
    System, better known as CVS. It currently contains FreshCVS, which
    performs actions in response to a commit. Actions include notification
    by various methods, updating a working copy, and rsync'ing to backup.
    Another key feature of FreshCVS notifications is that you receive one
    per commit, not one for each directory of the commit as
    loginfo-triggered scripts are prone to do. FreshCVS is extensible with
    Python, and notifications may be published by a Perspective Broker
    network service, allowing 3rd party clients to listen in. 

DbtuTools 0.99.020

    The DbtuTools project is a framework for working with the Unix/Wintel
    versions of IBM's DB2 UDB database family. 

Fink 0.5.1 (Development)

    The Fink project wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source
    software to Darwin and Mac OS X. It modifies Unix software so that it
    compiles and runs on Mac OS X and makes it available for download as a
    coherent distribution. Fink uses Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get to
    provide powerful binary package management. You can choose whether you
    want to download precompiled binary packages or build everything from

GtkGLExt 0.7.0

    GtkGLExt is an OpenGL extension to GTK 2.0 or later. It has low-level
    OpenGL related objects with GLX like interface, and high-level
    gtk_widget API add-ons which extends any GTK+ widget to an
    OpenGL-capable widget. 

gtkglextmm 0.7.0

    gtkglextmm is C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt, an OpenGL extension to GTK. 

Hibernate 1.2.3

    Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence
    and query service for Java. It lets you develop persistent objects
    following common Java idiom, including composition, association,
    inheritance, polymorphism, and the Java collections framework. To allow
    a rapid build procedure, Hibernate rejects the use of code generation
    or bytecode processing. Instead, runtime reflection is used and SQL
    generation occurs at system startup time. It supports Oracle, DB2,
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Interbase, Microsoft SQL Server, Mckoi SQL,
    Progress, SAP DB, and HypersonicSQL. 

Impact 0.2.4

    Impact is a finite element program based on an explicit time stepping
    algorithm. It can be used to simulate dynamic events such as car
    crashes or other large deformation events. It is written in Java and is
    kept very simple, to make it intuitive to use and easy to change and
    extend. It is very flexible and can handle several different input and
    output formats. 

JasperReports 0.4.5

    JasperReports is a report-generating Java library. XML report templates
    are used to generate ready to print documents using data from
    customizable data sources, including JDBC. The output can be delivered
    to the screen, printer, or stored in PDF, HTML, or XML format. 

JavaBDD 0.1

    JavaBDD is a Java library for manipulating BDDs (binary decision
    diagrams). Binary decision diagrams are widely used in model checking,
    formal verification, optimizing circuit diagrams, and other areas. 

Katie snapshot-17

    Katie is a revision control system, somewhat like a cross between CVS
    and NFS, that was inspired by Rational ClearCase. The three most
    interesting features of Katie are that the repository is mounted as a
    filesystem (rather than being copied to a local workspace), that all
    versions of all files (even deleted ones) are accessible through this
    filesystem (so there is, for example, no need for a Katie-specific diff
    command like CVS has), and that directories are versioned (just like
    files are). Basic operations (creation of elements, checkout, checkin,
    dynamic views, config specs, and branches) work, but there is much work
    still to go before it will be generally useful. 

KPreg 1.2.1 (Stable)

    KPreg is a helper application for completing Web forms and other
    programs. It provides an interface for entering commonly required data,
    such as name, email, address, etc. With a simple click of the mouse,
    any item in the text list is copied to the clipboard, and can then be
    easily pasted in any form or application. KPreg can dock in the panel
    for easy access (in KDE). 

Licq 1.2.4

    Licq includes all the basic features of ICQ, like sending/receiving
    messages, chat, file transfer, contact list with pixmaps and user
    status, basic/extended user info, adding/editing users from within the
    GUI, user history, user groups, and new user registration. All commands
    and information are available through a simple and convenient tab
    dialog. Licq also has a completely configurable user interface with
    Skin and Icon pack support. It is written in C++ and comes with a GUI
    plugin using the Qt widget set. Other plugins are also available. 

Linux 2.4.21-pre4 (2.4-testing)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Linux X10 Universal Device Driver 1.5.1e (Linux-2.4.x)

    This project provides a /dev interface to an X10 network through Linux
    kernel modules. It is intended to provide a standard interface and
    syntax to shell script utilities (such as cat and echo), Perl scripts,
    C programs, or Java programs so that everything from a quick hack to a
    more advanced program can manipulate the X10 devices in an automated
    home regardless of the transceiver used. Its simplest use is with shell
    scripts (examples of which are provided in the package). Currently the
    project supports the 4 main X10 transceivers (PowerLinc Serial,
    PowerLinc USB, CM11A, and Firecracker/CM17A). 

Lopo's Talker OS Star 1.2.3

    Lotos is a telnet-based chat server (talker) written in C for
    communicating with users in real time. It supports plugin modules, ANSI
    colors, rank accessing to more commands, authentication (finger, auth,
    ident) and more. 

Manauton 0.0.8

    Manauton is a manual and autonomous sound recorder. In autonomous mode
    it can start and stop recording based on sound characteristics. When in
    manual mode, recording can be paused and un-paused manually. Using a
    series of buffers, the effect of negative latency can be accomplished,
    this effect cancels out the effect of the human latency associated with
    hearing a sound and interpreting it. 

mnoGoSearch 3.2.8 (3.2.x)

    mnoGoSearch (formerly known as UdmSearch) is a full-featured Web search
    engine which you can use to build search engines over HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,
    and NTTP servers, local files, and database big text fields. It
    supports Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, miniSQL, Solid, Virtuoso,
    InterBase, SAPDB, iODBC, EasySoft ODBC, and unixODBC database backends.
    mnoGoSearch is also known to work with MS SQL, SyBase, and Oracle
    through ODBC. It has text/html and text/plain built-in support, and
    external parsers support for other document types. An automatic
    language/charset guesser for more 70 language/charset combinations is
    included, along with basic authorization support, and you may index
    password-protected intranet HTTP servers with proxy authorization

mod_auth_pgsql 2.0.0 (Apache 2.0.x)

    mod_auth_pgsql is an Apache (1.3/2.0) module that allows user
    authentication (and can log authentication requests) against
    information stored in a PostgreSQL database. 

Mod_Survey 3.0.14d (Stable)

    Mod_survey is an Apache mod_perl module which allows users to create
    their own Web questionnaires using an XML-based tag notation. It
    supports exporting of data into several file formats, including SPSS
    syntax, semi-colon delimited fields, and SQL script. It also provides
    limited support for descriptive statistics of the submitted data, and
    stylesheet customizations of layout. 

newfile 1.0.1.b.3

    newfile generates "starting-out" files using a full featured
    template preprocessor. It can also generate trees of files, for
    example, a FreeBSD port or a project using automake and autoconf. A
    user can add their own template files and directories to those supplied
    with the package. It includes templates for making "empty"
    files for Ruby, make, shell, C, C++, C & C++ headers, and more. 

OSSP ex 1.0.2

    OSSP ex is a small ISO-C++ style exception handling library for use in
    the ISO-C language. It allows you to use the paradigm of throwing and
    catching exceptions in order to reduce the amount of error handling
    code without making your program less robust. This is achieved by
    directly transferring exceptional return codes (and the program control
    flow) from the location where the exception is raised (throw point) to
    the location where it is handled (catch point), usually from a deeply
    nested sub-routine to a parent routine. All intermediate routines no
    longer have to make sure that the exceptional return codes from
    sub-routines are correctly passed back to the parent. 

Q-Midi 1.8.1

    Q-Midi is a MIDI interface module which allows you to write MIDI
    applications in the Q programming language. It runs on top of Grame's
    MidiShare package. Most basic MidiShare functionality is available,
    including timing functions for realtime programming and MIDI file
    access. A sample MIDI player application is included (which requires

Simple Expenses Manager 0.9.1 (Developement)

    Simple Expenses Manager is a Perl CGI for entering simple day-to-day
    expenses. It is not a full-featured accounting package, but it is
    useful for no-brainer expense tracking. It supports user-defined
    categories, sorting, and calculating totals and averages according to a
    time period and/or category. It also features multi-user login, with
    CGI-based administration. 

TightVNC 1.2.8

    TightVNC is a VNC distribution with many new features, improvements,
    and bugfixes over VNC. It is optimized for faster operation on slow
    network links such as modem connections, provides more configuration
    options in the server, features automatic SSH tunneling in the Unix
    vncviewer, and more. The modified servers and viewers are fully
    compatible with the original VNC software. 

VideoDB 2003-01-30

    VideoDB is a database to manage your personal video collection. It's
    mainly designed for videofiles but you can also put your DVDs and VHS
    tapes in it. It features fetching movie data/covers from the Internet
    Movie Database (IMDb), local caching of coverimages, an option to mark
    movies as seen, a search by genre or title/subtitle/plot/cast data, a
    filter for TV episodes, a random movie function and a simple borrow
    manager. It is a personal database, so no user
    management/authentication scheme is implemented. Everybody may
    add/edit/delete movies. 

WireFusion 1.01 (MP3 add-on)

    WireFusion allows interactive, plug-in free, and very compact Java
    presentations and product simulations to be created for the Web.
    Development involves visually connecting preprogrammed objects or by
    coding in Java. Several add-ons are available, including a real-time 3D
    engine where textures can be replaced with interactive 2D
    presentations, an MPEG video player, a slide show viewer, and an MP3

WireFusion 1.01 (Video add-on)

    WireFusion allows interactive, plug-in free, and very compact Java
    presentations and product simulations to be created for the Web.
    Development involves visually connecting preprogrammed objects or by
    coding in Java. Several add-ons are available, including a real-time 3D
    engine where textures can be replaced with interactive 2D
    presentations, an MPEG video player, a slide show viewer, and an MP3

WireFusion 1.1 (Slide show add-on)

    WireFusion allows interactive, plug-in free, and very compact Java
    presentations and product simulations to be created for the Web.
    Development involves visually connecting preprogrammed objects or by
    coding in Java. Several add-ons are available, including a real-time 3D
    engine where textures can be replaced with interactive 2D
    presentations, an MPEG video player, a slide show viewer, and an MP3

xine xine-ui 0.9.18

    xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It
    also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local
    disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It
    interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available--and
    some of the most uncommon formats, too. All those features come in a
    reusable library (xine-lib) which can easily be embedded in your

Zorp 2.0rc3 (Development)

    Zorp is a proxy firewall suite. Its core framework allows the
    administrator to finetune proxy decisions (with its built-in script
    language), and fully analyze complex protocols (including SSH with
    several forwarded TCP connections, or SSL with an embedded POP3
    protocol). FTP, HTTP, finger, whois, and SSL protocols are fully
    supported with an application-level gateway. Zorp aims for compliance
    with the Common Cirteria/Application-level Firewall Protection Profile
    for Medium Robustness Enviroment. 

ZynAddSubFX 1.0.6

    ZynAddSubFX is a powerful real-time, multi- timbral software
    synthesizer for Linux. It has microtonal capabilities, and the
    instruments it creates sound like those from professional keyboards. It
    includes effects like reverb, echo, chorus, and phaser. 


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