Special Sun Web Event: Network Computing 3.0 February 10, 2003 - 9:30
a.m. PST (17:30 GMT). See Sun's vision for network computing-from the
data center to the network edge. It's an all-out assault on computing
costs and complexity. Learn more at:
February 04, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

255 Magic Animating Buttons 5.0

    255 Magic Animating Buttons is a Java applet providing navigation
    button menus with mouse-sensitive animation and pulsing effects.
    Transition effects include classic fades, rainbow fades, folding page
    effects, ripples and waves, sweeps, and wipes. It is highly
    user-configurable, and includes loads of parameters to design your own
    transition effects. For fast download times, attractive and
    configurable internal graphics are optionally available. Buttons can
    trigger Javascripts, audio, and simultaneous multiple page loads
    targeted into different frames. Buttons can be stacked as vertical
    sidebars, horizontal topbars, or placed in grids. 

Advanced Scrolling Text 3.1

    This Advanced Scrolling Text applet reads a text file and displays the
    contents within a Web page in a scrolling format. It supports many
    advanced features and is efficiently written. 

Advanced Slide Show Software 3.1 (Stable)

    Advanced Slide Show Software is a Java applet which can be used for
    product display, as an advertising tool, as a photo album, or for any
    other form of presentation. It features a range of changeover effects
    and multiple link areas within a slide. 1.36 allows a company to manage all parts of a task from idea
    to execution and evaluation. Work together on big projects and/or
    gather daily tasks into one common system. 

Apollo CMS 0.4.2

    Apollo CMS is a content management system written in Python, using
    PostgreSQL as a backend. It is written in a modular way allowing for
    new types of content, and new database backends. 

Archangel 0.2.0

    Archangel is a client for the RGTP bulletin board transfer protocol
    which uses Mozilla as a back end. Eventually, it will be possible to
    run it both as a standalone application and as an extension to
    Mozilla's functionality. 

Axualize 1.0.5

    Axualize is a tool for creating applications by actualizing Java
    objects using XML. Axualize is based on JSR-57, and is intended to
    allow developers to create Java applications dynamically using XML. To
    understand how this could be useful, imagine a J2EE application with
    multiple client UIs being generated from Web applications. Using
    Axualize, you can present multiple form-based GUI front ends to your
    application by dropping in a Web application which builds your GUI
    applications using Axualize XML generated with JSP and whatever
    application framework you please. 

BioCoRE 20020203

    BioCoRE is a collaborative work environment for biomedical research,
    research management, and training. It offers scientists (working
    together or alone) a seamless interface to a broad range of local and
    remote technologies such as discipline-specific and general tools,
    data, and visualization solutions. It features powerful yet easy-to-use
    tools, among them co-authoring papers and other documents, running
    applications on supercomputers, sharing molecular visualization over
    the Internet, notifying project team members of recent project changes
    by email, chatting, keeping a lab book, and other practical features. 

BitTorrent++ 0.3.0

    BitTorrent++ is a client for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing
    solution. Based on the original BitTorrent software, it is also written
    in Python using wxPython for the GUI, thus allowing it to run on Win32
    as well as Linux-like platforms. It improves (or will improve) many
    parts of the original software, like downloading of multiple files at
    once, configuration of upload and download speeds, as well as other
    behaviours. The GUI and usability is also to be improved greatly. 

bogofilter 0.10.2 (Stable)

    Bogofilter is a Bayesian spam filter. In its normal mode of operation,
    it takes an email message or other text on standard input, does a
    statistical check against lists of "good" and "bad"
    words, and returns a status code indicating whether or not the message
    is spam. Bogofilter is designed with fast algorithms (including
    Berkeley DB system), coded directly in C, and tuned for speed, so it
    can be used for production by sites that process a lot of mail. 

Cayenne 1.0a6 (Alpha)

    Cayenne is a free object-relational persistence framework written in
    Java. Its goal is to make development of database Java applications
    faster and more consistent with the Object Oriented Programming
    concept. Some of the ideas used in Cayenne have been inspired by the
    persistence mechanism of NeXT's (and now Apple's) WebObjects
    application server. 

Centipaid phpnuke module 1.3.1b

    The Centipaid PHPNuke module allows administrators of PHPNuke sites to
    charge their users nominal fees to access certain sections of their
    site. It allows for groupings of modules in zones with their own rates
    and duration, and supports unlimited zones and modules. 

Cherokee 0.4.0 Beta 8

    Cherokee is a tiny, ultrafast, lightweight Web server. It is
    implemented entirely in C, and has no dependencies beyond a standard C
    library. It provides only the most basic HTTP functionality, but is
    extremely fast and small. 

Consultant Communicator 3 Beta 4 (Testing)

    Consultant Communicator (ConsultComm) is a lightweight, cross-platform
    program that allows anyone managing multiple projects, clients, or
    tasks to effectively keep track of exactly how much time has been spent
    on each project. 

Crimson Fields 0.3.0

    Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle.
    The player decide which units are sent to the front lines, and when to
    unleash the reserves. Mission objectives range from defending
    strategically vital locations to simply destroying all enemy forces in
    the area. Tools are available to create custom maps and campaigns. The
    original Battle Isle maps can be played if the player has a copy of the
    game files. 

Cyrus IMAP Server 2.1.12

    The Cyrus IMAP server is generally intended to be run on sealed
    systems, where normal users are not permitted to log in. The mailbox
    database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to
    Cyrus. All user access to mail is through the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP
    protocols. The private mailbox database design gives the server large
    advantages in efficiency, scalability, and administratability. Multiple
    concurrent read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted.
    The server supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage
    quotas on mailbox hierarchies, multiple SASL mechanisms, and the Sieve
    mail filtering language. 

Cyrus SASL 2.1.12 (SASLv2)

    The Cyrus SASL library is a generic library for easy integration of
    secure network authentication to any client or server application. It
    supports authentication via standard plaintext methods as well as
    CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 shared secret methods and KERBEROS_V4 and
    GSSAPI Kerberos methods. The SASL protocol framework is used by SMTP,
    IMAP, ACAP, LDAP, and other standard protocols. 

DC-GUI 0.2.4

    DC-GUI is a QT GUI Direct Connect filesharing client. 

DiaCanvas2 0.9.0

    DiaCanvas2 is a flexible diagramming widget. It is based on
    GnomeCanvas. It uses its own constraint solver to maintain object
    relationships. It is Model/View/Controller-based and makes full use of
    GnomeCanvas' features. 

DIBS 0.5

    Since disk drives are cheap, backup should be cheap too. Of course it
    does not help to mirror your data by adding more disks to your own
    computer because a fire, flood, power surge, etc. could still wipe out
    your local data center. Instead, you should give your files to peers
    (and in return store their files) so that if a catastrophe strikes your
    area, you can recover data from surviving peers. The Distributed
    Internet Backup System (DIBS) is designed to implement this vision. 4.23 is a flexible Perl script to handle unattended incremental
    backups of multiple servers. It handles multiple media sets with
    automatic media preparation and rotation, configurable
    'what-to-backup', global per-host exclusion patterns, and user settable
    'don't-back-this-up' metafiles. Its design goal is zero-maintenance,
    nothing to do except change the media when told. 

domainrobot 0.8.1

    domainrobot is a Webmin module that can be used to order, update,
    administer, and transfer domains. It can be used with the 1und1,, and provider4you registrars. 

DoXFS 0.5.2

    DoXFS (pron. docs-eff-ess) is a document management system that uses
    the XFS filesystem to store both content (files) and meta-data (file
    attributes), bypassing the traditional architecture of filesystem and
    database, and leveraging the built-in advantages of XFS. Currently, it
    offers a Web frontend based on PHP and standard management
    functionality (create, delete, attributes add/delete, etc.) as well as
    extras such as versioning and Full Text Indexing (using Namazu). 

Dwnl 0.2

    Dwnl is a download manager for the console to manage multiple

Enterprise Gantt 0.4.4

    Enterprise Gantt is a Gantt chart library, and is becoming a generic
    charting library to support a variety of charts. The library strongly
    conforms to the Model View Controller architecture recommended by Sun.
    A lot of effort has been put into this library, from the design
    perspective rather than the feature perspective, to make this the most
    flexible library of its kind. 

Examplotron 0.7

    Examplotron is a XML schema language based of examples: instead of
    using a specific syntax to say that there should be an element
    "foo" here, you just write the element:

EzManage 1.9

    Ezmanage provides a simple WWW interface to managing multiple ezmlm
    mailing lists. It is designed to enable ISPs to provide their clients
    with easily administrable mailing lists, and to create virtual domains
    for mailing lists, etc. 

FieryFilter 0.2

    FieryFilter is an interactive desktop firewall for Linux. It will ask
    the user every time a new network connection is made if they want to
    allow or deny it. In future versions users will be able to generate
    rules from connections and thus minimize the amount of questions asked. 0.32.b.2

    Fire is a multi-protocol instant messenger client that can handle
    simultaneous connections to AIM, ICQ, Yahoo IM, IRC, MSN, and Jabber. 

ftpcopy 0.6.2

    ftpcopy is a small mirror-like utility to copy files or directory trees
    with FTP. ftpcopy understands EPLF and traditional listing formats. 

FUDforum 2.3.8RC1 (Development)

    FUDforum is templatable forum with i18n support based on PHP and either
    MySQL or PostgreSQL. It features a user/group management system, a
    multi-lingual spell checker, both flat and thread message views, a
    private messaging system with mult-iuser forwarding capabilities, poll
    file attachments, and much more. It is an extremely fast and scalable
    forum that can fulfill the needs of both small and large forum

Gambas 0.44 (Development)

    Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic
    interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to
    use any other toolkit that a module is written for. 

gGo 0.3.3

    gGo is a Go board and SGF editor and client for the Internet Go Server.
    Go is an ancient board game, very common in Japan, China, and Korea.
    gGo was formerly named qGo for Java. 

GneleMixer 3.0.3

    Gnelemixer is yet another OSS mixer. It has a good looking GUI, and
    supports loading/saving settings. 

gnokii 0.5.0pre5

    gnokii is a Linux/Unix tool suite for Nokia (GSM) mobile phones. It
    provides a virtual Hayes-AT compatible modem to allow data calls to be
    made to a modem or ISP as well as providing a phone book, and SMS and
    ringtone management. Phones supported include recent models such as the
    6310, 6510, and 6210, and older phones like the 3110, 3810, 8110, 5110,
    6110 and their derivatives. 

Gnome Attacks 0.1

    Gnome Attacks is a GNOME 2 game which involves bombing a city into
    oblivion to leave a flat surface for your falling spaceship to land. 

GNOME Clipboard Manager 2.0.4 (Stable)

    GNOME Clipboard Manager (GCM) makes copying and pasting easier and more
    productive. It will automatically synchronize the mouse selection (the
    primary selection) with the clipboard (the clipboard selection) and
    store the contents of the clipboard, making it possible to go back to a
    previous clipboard. You can save and load clipboards, edit them, and
    convert them to another format. 

GNU nano 1.1.99pre2 (Unstable)

    GNU nano (Nano's ANOther editor, or Not ANOther editor) is an enhanced
    clone of the Pico text editor. 

GNU xhippo 3.3

    GNU xhippo is a simple GTK-based playlist manager, designed to play
    music using mpg123, xmp, or most other commandline-based players while
    providing a friendly, clean X interface. It is localised in both
    English and German. Its interface is based upon the Amiga program
    HippoPlayer. It supports drag-and-drop, has optional GNOME support, and
    has a simple text-based playlist format compatible with many other

google search 1.2

    google search gives users the ability to search the Google database
    with Webmin. 

GStreamer 0.6.0

    GStreamer is a streaming media library and set of tools that enable
    applications to share a common set of plugins for things like video
    decoding and encoding, audio encoding and decoding, audio and video
    filters, audio visualisation, Web streaming and anything else that
    streams in real-time or otherwise. It is modelled after research
    software worked on at the Oregon Graduate Institute. 

GTagger 0.1

    GTagger is an ID3 tag editor designed for easy and efficient usage.
    Features include directory listing, viewing and editing ID3 tags,
    converting ID3 tags into several versions, filename suggestions
    appropriated from tag information, live filename suggestion alteration
    while editing the ID3 tag, the ability to rename and delete files, and
    short cuts for every function. 

GTK+ Dictionary 0.5.5

    GTK+ dictionary is a frontend to dictionaries stored in a MySQL server. 

GTKsubtitler 0.2.0pre1

    GTKsubtitler is a tool for editing and converting subtitles for DivX
    films. It allows you to move subtitles, change their format, convert
    them to ISO-8859-1/2, and merge two sets of subtitles. 

Gubby 0.3.1

    Gubby is a small program that continually shows where Procmail has
    placed new email. It runs both in commandline and in an ncurses
    environment with colors, and will update the overview in real time,
    while using very low resources. Users can launch a specified mailreader
    by selecting a folder and pressing enter. 

Hawaii Aglet Server 0.1

    Hawaii Aglet Server is an aglet server and viewer with an attractive
    and intuitive user interface built with Swing. Hawaii features easy
    installation, a logging facility, a browser for aglet classes, and
    sound support for events. Hawaii is intended to be a complete platform
    for deploying and managing aglets, designed for normal users,
    administrators, and developers. It includes support for managing and
    viewing the runtime, contexts, and aglets in a very easy-to-use
    graphical interface. 0.2

    HelpViewer is an online help viewer for GNUstep applications. It uses
    XML files, and its goal is to be fast and easy to use. 

Hspell 0.3

    Hspell is a Hebrew linguistic project. It features a Hebrew
    spell-checker, and aims to use the databases and algorithms developed
    as a morphology engine (for example, for search engines), and in the
    future for advanced things like Hebrew speech synthesis. 

IDX-DocBook2LaTeX 1.0

    IDX-DocBook2LaTeX is a stylesheet which translates DocBook documents
    into LaTeX. It is written in Perl, using the XML::XPathScript package
    from AxKit. It features the ability to handle tables, indices, figures,
    footnotes, and more. The XSLT-like templating philosophy built into
    XPathScript makes it easy to extend. 

IDX-PKI 1.8.4

    IDX-PKI is an Open Source implementation of a Public Key Infrastructure
    which aims to be IETF-compliant for PKIX recommandations. 

iGal 1.4

    iGal is a Perl program for making online image galleries (static HTML
    slides, index page, and thumbnails) quickly and easily, "out of
    the box". The output is highly customizable, but it generates a
    pretty good-looking set of slides even with its default settings. It
    supports JPG, PNG, and GIF, image captions, JavaScript image
    preloading, and doesn't rely on non-standard packages for image

Independent Coffeeshop Access Manager 0.1

    Independent Coffeeshop Access Manager (ICAM) provides a Web interface
    to the NoCatAuth Internet access system. It supports account
    activation, timeouts, and password management, and is perfect for use
    in both wired and wireless access scenarios. 

Jaffer 0.01

    Jaffer is a Java implementation of an Appletalk File Server over TCP.
    Jaffer is only concerned with the latest AFP specifications and
    supporting OS X and OS 9 clients. It is mainly focused on a tight,
    clean, fast codebase that is very portable and embeddable. 

jBASE multi dimensional database system

    jBASE is an Application Development and Database Independent Management
    System that enhances and extends the UNIX, Windows NT and Windows '95
    Operating Systems. jBASE also facilitates easy migration, and therefore
    to those Operating Systems, from other DBMS's, including Pick and
    Reality. jBASE consists of run-time, development and administrative
    components and is designed with Open Systems and Open Software in mind.
    jBASE allows the most flexible overall computing environment possible
    by allowing multiple Operating Systems and multiple Databases to
    interact together in one overall heterogeneous solution. 

JSX2 0.1.4 (Object Export)

    In one line, JSX2 externalizes object data as XML, so it can be
    distributed, stored, and processed independently of the code that
    created it. In another line, that data can be deserialized back into
    objects. JSX uses the JOS API, and so works for all objects, complex
    object graphs, dynamically adjusts to recompiled classes, and enables
    classes to customize their serial form for evolution. The XML format
    for JSX2 is much easier to process than that of JSX. 

Kalyp 0.3-alpha (Development)

    Kalyp is a fantasy-based roguelike game written in Java. Its design is
    based on traditions set by popular roguelike games, especially Nethack.
    It is single player and runs in a text terminal. The project focuses
    mostly on the Artificial Intelligence engine for the non-player
    characters. Most of the game design will be done in scripting, as the
    core engine written in Java will handle user interface, rulesets, basic
    actions, and try to hold it all together. 

kbarcode 1.1.4 (Development)

    KBarcode is a barcode and label printing application for KDE 3. It can
    be used to print everything from simple business cards up to complex
    labels with several barcodes, such as article descriptions. KBarcode
    comes with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG label designer, a setup wizard, batch
    import of labels (directly from the delivery note), thousands of
    predefined labels, database managment tools, and translations in many
    languages. Even printing more than 10,000 labels in one go is no
    problem for KBarcode. Additionally, it is a simple xbarcode replacement
    for the creation of barcodes. All major types of barcodes like EAN,
    UPC, CODE39, and ISBN are supported. 

Leafnode 2.0.0.alpha20030203a (Development)

    Leafnode is a news server, suitable for small, limited-bandwidth sites
    with only a few users (and useful for offline news reading). Leafnode
    keeps track of which groups are being read and downloads only articles
    in those groups. Leafnode has been designed to require no maintenance
    and to be easy to set up. 

Leafnode 1.9.33.rel

    Leafnode is a news server, suitable for small, limited-bandwidth sites
    with only a few users (and useful for offline news reading). Leafnode
    keeps track of which groups are being read and downloads only articles
    in those groups. Leafnode has been designed to require no maintenance
    and to be easy to set up. 

libdvdcss 1.2.5

    libdvdcss is a cross-platform library for transparent DVD device access
    with on-the-fly CSS decryption. It currently runs under Linux, FreeBSD,
    NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, Solaris, BeOS, Win95/Win98, Win2k/WinXP, MacOS
    X, HP-UX, QNX, and OS/2. It is used by libdvdread and most DVD players
    such as VLC because of its portability and because, unlike similar
    libraries, it does not require your DVD drive to be region locked. 

libdvdplay 1.0.0

    libdvdplay is a cross-platform layer over libdvdread that provides
    low-level functions for DVD reading and seeking, as well as access to
    the DVD data (subtitles, languages, chapters). It also provides the
    virtual machine required for DVD navigation to the client application. 

libGenome 0.5.1

    libGenome is a development library designed to make common operations
    on DNA and protein sequences easy. libGenome provides functionality to
    read and write sequence and annotation data in several file formats. It
    provides a common manipulation interface for sequence and annotation
    data in any supported file format. Some of the basic manipulation
    functionality offered by libGenome is concatenation, truncation,
    reverse complementation, and translation of sequences. It was intended
    to be used on genome size sequences and is optimized accordingly. This
    is a cross platform library written in ANSI C++ and is currently
    supported on any platform with gcc. Metrowerks CodeWarrior on Windows
    and Mac OS are also supported. 

libsmtp++ 0.1

    libsmtp++ is a library that implements the client part of the SMTP
    protocol. It has an object-oriented design using the C++ language to
    make it easy to integrate. It supports important SMTP features,
    including SSL, CRAM-MD5, CRAM-SHA1, LOGIN, and PLAIN authentication. 

LinuxSSN Pre Alpha 2.9 (Pre-Alpha)

    LinuxSSN is a naval combat simulation game. It is based on the
    operations of a nuclear submarine. 

MagCon 0.8

    MagCon reads tracks from a Magellan GPS and exports them to memopad. It
    was tested on a SporTrak Pro, but should work on all SporTraks, all
    Meridians, the 315/320, and other devices. 

MailStripper Pro 0.92

    MailStripper Pro is a mail scanner that aims to remove spam and viruses
    from incoming mail using the F-Prot anti-virus. It is written in Tcl
    and was designed to be MTA-independent. 

Martin's Picture Viewer 0.1.42

    Martin's Picture Viewer is a JPEG viewer for X Windows written in Perl
    and Tk. It is able to display and edit JPEG meta-information, including
    EXIF data, IPTC/IIM information, and embedded comments. It also serves
    as a frontend for performing lossless rotation, resizing, and
    filtering, and can displays images as thumbnails. 

mboxstats 0.5

    mboxstats creates top-10 lists of the messages in a mailbox (top
    writers/subjects/messages per day, etc.). 

melancolic 0.0.1

    melancolic aims to be a simplistic yet efficient and robust Ogg Vorbis
    audio streamer. It reads raw audio data on stdin and encodes it to one
    or more Ogg Vorbis streams at different bitrates which it offers to
    clients through HSLP on a chosen TCP-port. HSLP, or HTTP and
    Shoutcast-Like Protocol, is an (at least for the time being) completely
    informal, unspecified protocol (defined as "the protocol which
    melancolic does") which tries to be as compatible as possible with
    existing HTTP/Shoutcast/Icecast-enabled audio players as well as

mod_mono 0.3.4

    mod_mono is a module that interfaces Apache with Mono and allows
    running ASP.NET pages on Unix and Unix-like systems. 

mother 0.0.4

    The mother modular generic compiler is designed to compile arbitrary
    computer languages to arbitrary assembler code. the desired language
    and assembler is specified as tables, so there is no need to generate
    something like a "cross compiler". Further, mother is
    modular, as it is made up of a set of separate tools which are used in
    the very Unix fashion of calling them in a pipe. 

NBook 1.1.2

    NBook is a simple to use, simple to install guestbook. It includes a
    Web-based configuration, Name, Email, Homepage, Location, and Comments
    fields, and a commented out IP. 

Nvclock 0.6.2 (Stable)

    Nvclock allows you to overclock your Nvidia card under Linux. 

OpenLDAP-PostgreSQL Linux HOWTO 2.0

    OpenLDAP-PostgreSQL Linux HOWTO describes how to have a PostgreSQL
    database working as an SQL backend for OpenLDAP. 

OProfile 0.5

    OProfile is a low-overhead, transparent profiler for Linux. It is
    capable of instruction-grain profiling of all processes, shared
    libraries, the kernel, and device drivers, via the hardware performance

Oxymoron 0.3

    Oxymoron is a tool that automates the process of creating GNU standard
    source packages with autoconf/automake. 

Pachi el marciano Demo 020203

    Pachi el marciano is a platforms game inspired by games like Manic
    Miner and Jet Set Willy. The goal is to collect all the objects on each
    level; when this is done, the exit gate to the next stage will appear. 

PatentMailer 2.1

    patentmailer is an easy-to-use CGI and command-line script that fetches
    the image files for a patent so that you can easily receive a PDF file
    of the patent by email. This is useful for investigating the patents
    that a company holds or is trying to claim. 

PDF::API2 0.3b41 (Stable)

    PDF::API2 is 'The Next Generation' of Text::PDF::API, a Perl
    module-chain that facilitates the creation and modification of PDF
    files. It features support for the 14 base PDF Core Fonts, TrueType
    fonts, and Adobe-Type1, with unicode mappings, embedding of bitmap
    images, compression via zlib, and a rich object-oriented API. 

PerlDesk 1.7 (Stable)

    PerlDesk is a fully featured help desk, ideal for companies with
    several technicians who are required to support many users. It
    incorporates many features to streamline support and improve customer
    relations, such as: Email and web based ticket submission, staff
    logging, a knowledge base, and user registration. 

phPay 2.02 (Stable)

    phPay is a shopping cart system using a combination of PHP and SQL. It
    works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Informix, and MS-SQL. It does not
    use cookies. It features user accounts, flexible design, easy
    administration, and support for multiple languages, and can be used
    without price values as a simple catalog. It cross-references in
    every-detail view, and features a translation tool. Complete
    adminstration can be done via a browser. Different languages and
    currencies are supported. Shipment and payment methods can be chosen by
    the user, and it also supports stock tracking. 

phpInv 0.7.0

    phpInv is a small yet highly configurable inventory script written in
    PHP with a MySQL backend. It features unlimited categories, unlimited
    depth of sub-categories, customizable columns per category, an
    administration control panel, access permissions (user and group), easy
    configuration, a template system, and searching. 

phppdflib 2.1 (Development)

    phppdflib is a PHP class that allows dynamic generation of PDF files.
    It focuses on being easy to use, without requiring special Web server
    configuration. It currently supports automatic JPEG image embedding, as
    well as manual embedding of bitmapped image formats. Several methods of
    text placement (specifically designed for easy layout) are supported. 

Pixory Beta 2.5 (Stable)

    Pixory is a "personal image server". It allows you to store
    your photos on your own PC and access them, compose them into albums,
    and share them anywhere on the Internet. It presents a standard Web
    interface through which you can browse and organize your photos. All
    user-entered album data is stored in XML. Pixory displays image
    metadata such as the EXIF information embedded in image files by most
    digital cameras and scanners. 

Polipo 0.1

    Polipo is a lightweight caching Web proxy that was designed as a
    personal cache. It is able to cache incomplete objects and will
    complete them using range requests. It will use HTTP/1.1 pipelining if
    supported by the remote server. 

pork 0.5.0

    pork is a UNIX console-based AIM client mostly fashioned after the
    look-and-feel of ircII. 

PowerDNS daemon 2.9.5 (Development)

    PDNS is an advanced high performance authoritative nameserver with a
    host of backends. Besides plain BIND configuration files, PDNS reads
    information from MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and many other databases.
    Backends can easily be written in any language, and a sample Perl
    backend is provided. PDNS powers, a
    Web-based DNS maintenance site, and the top level domain .TK. 

pseudo-cron 1.2.1

    pseudo-cron allows users to use cron jobs on a Website without shell
    access. Whenever any user requests a page which uses pseudo-cron, it
    checks if any cron jobs should have been run since the previous
    request. If there are, they are run and logged. It uses a syntax very
    much like Unix cron's and can run any include()able PHP file. 

QuaD-Pres 0.7.17 (Development)

    QuaD-Pres is a Perl tool for creating HTML presentations that can
    optionally work in conjunction with WebMetaLanguage. It organizes a
    lecture into a tree with meaningful URLs, generates a table of contents
    and navigation links, and links to a common CSS stylesheet. 

Rave IRC Services 1.0.0 (beta5)

    The Rave IRC Services are IRCu services based on E-Services featuring a
    GlobalServ to send Globals across the network. 

rdesktop-open 1.5

    rdesktop-open is a graphical frontend to the rdesktop RDP client. It is
    written in Python and uses the Tkinter library. 

Really Slick ScreenSavers GLX Port 0.7.2

    The Really Slick ScreenSavers GLX Port is a port of some nifty OpenGL
    screensavers that were originally written for Windows to GLX. It is
    intended for use with an existing screensaver daemon like xscreensaver. 

reflect 0.9

    reflect is a symlink-style package management tool similar to depot,
    stow, graft, epkg, etc. Unlike these, it has much less prerequisites,
    in that it only requires bash and coreutils. Configuration is
    per-package, and multiple target directories are permitted. 

ReplayTV 5000 Series Client 1.11

    This program allows users to download MPEG files from a ReplayTV. The
    program sends a request to the multicast address, and listens for
    answers. When it gets a reply from a Replay unit, it lists it in the
    "ReplayTVs" column. Users can then see basic info about the
    unit (such as serial number), fetch the guide, show information on a
    show, and download the show MPEG file. 

rubrica (Development)

    rubrica is an address book written using GTK+ and GNOME. It allows you
    to add personal data (name, surname, address, etc.), Web links, email
    addresses, telephone numbers, job information (company where contact
    works, company infos, contact's assigment, etc.) and notes. XML is used
    to store the data. It can import addressbooks from GnomeCard and export
    to HTML. 

SDBA Revolution 1.4

    SDBA Revolution is an open-source server written in Perl which provides
    an architecture to simplify and streamline the process of writing
    applications that run on an instant messaging network. It features easy
    scripting of IM responses, session variables which are consistent
    across messages, session time limits, support for multiple
    "apps" from one bot, basic security, and the ability to use
    multiple access lists of password files. It makes writing IM apps very
    much like writing mod_perl or PHP pages. The homepage has full
    tutorials and documentation. 

Senken 0.2.0

    Senken is a city simulation game. Players buy the land, build the
    infrastructure, balance the books, and convince people to move in. The
    game has both goal-oriented and just play modes. There is multiplayer
    support but it is not well tested. 

SffTools 2.2.

    SffTools consists of SffToBmp, a little utility that converts
    Structured Fax Files to BMP, PBM, JPEG, or single- and multipage TIFF
    format, and SffView, a GUI viewer for those files. The tools should be
    especially useful to people who are faxing with ISDN cards because the
    CAPI interface of these cards generates such files. CAPI support for
    Linux is available for the active card AVM B1 and the passive card AVM

Skaringa r1p7

    Skaringa is a framework for Java and XML language binding. It transform
    Java objects into XML documents and back, and can generate XML schema
    definitions for a Java class. It is designed for simplicity, supporting
    a wide range of types, and speed. 

SkunkWeb 3.4b1

    SkunkWeb is a scalable, extensible, and easy-to-use Web application
    server written in Python. It is designed for handling both high-traffic
    sites and smaller sites. Its features include a powerful component
    model and an elegant templating language that encourages
    component-based design, highly configurable caching (on disk and/or in
    memory) of compiled templates and component output, message catalog
    support for i18n, and remote component calls. It can be used with
    Apache via an Apache module, or it can serve HTTP requests directly. 

Snap .08

    Snap is a Perl-based Napster client. 

socklog 1.0.0

    socklog cooperates with the daemontools package to create a small and
    secure replacement for syslogd. socklog supports system logging through
    Unix domain sockets (/dev/log) and UDP sockets ( with the
    help of daemontools svscan, supervise, and multilog. socklog provides a
    different network logging concept, and also does log event
    notification. multilog has built in log file rotation based on file
    size, so there is no need for any cron jobs to rotate the logs. socklog
    is small, secure, and reliable. 

StepTalk 0.7.0

    StepTalk is scripting framework which can be used to create scriptable
    servers or applications. It is written using Objective C and is
    language independent; you can use it with any available scripting
    language that is provided as a separate bundle. 

swiggle 0.3

    swiggle is le's simple web image gallery generator. It is a small
    commandline tool that generates HTML pages, including thumbnail
    indexes, for given images. It's intended to be easy to use, and since
    it is written in C, it's quite speedy. It uses libjpeg for
    decompression and compression of images, libexif for getting EXIF
    information contained in the images, and it caches scaled images so
    that subsequent runs don't need to scale images again and are faster.
    Of course, the original images aren't changed. Currently, it processes
    only JPEG images, and it's thought to be used primarily with images
    taken with digital cameras. 

Tabulizer 0.2d

    Tabulizer provides an easy-to-use interface for editing and displaying
    small tables of text. Its data is stored in XML format and can be
    exchanged with other programs in tab separated value format via copy
    and paste. 

Tammi 1.0

    Tammi is a Java component based development framework and run-time
    container for applications supporting Web browsers, mobile terminals
    and/or Swing-based user interfaces. Tammi application components can
    implement independent business logic themselves or act as proxies to
    native libraries, remote programs, and other kinds of manageable

Terminal Server Client 0.104

    Terminal Server Client (tsclient) is a frontend for rdesktop. It
    supports most of the rdesktop 1.1/1.2 arguments, can read .rdp files in
    the Microsoft Unicode format, writes new .rdp files in ASCII (which can
    also be read by the Microsoft RDP Client), and looks and functions very
    much like the Microsoft RDP Client. It features a Gnome panel applet to
    quickly launch saved rdp files. 

The Magic Notebook 1.3.1 (Stable)

    The Magic Notebook is a CGI script which allows the user to store and
    organize notes in as many topics as are desired. Uses include contact
    information, to do lists, lists of books to read, status information
    for different projects, a list of "things to do when thus-and-such
    happens", keeping track of things you need to tell people, and for
    the advanced user an editable quote of the day. The Magic Notebook is
    intended to give Webmasters a new attraction with little extra work. 

The Plastic File System 1.5

    The Plastic File System is an LD_PRELOAD module for manipulating what
    the file system looks like for programs. This allows virtual file
    systems to exist in user space, without kernel hacks or modules. 

Tiger Map Server 0.4

    The Tiger Map Server dynamically renders road maps of the United
    States. The server contains a multi-threaded Web server and a custom
    drawing library. All un-projected shape files are supported, including
    ESRI's version of the US Census' Tiger/Line Database. 

Tux Paint Default Stamps 2003.01.28

    Tux Paint Default Stamps is a collection of "rubber stamp"
    images (and associated descriptions and sound effects) for the
    childrens' drawing program, "Tux Paint." Categories include
    math and music symbols, space and planets, fruits and vegetables,
    flowers, and some cartoon Tux penguin shapes. 

VDR MP3/MPlayer Extensions 0.7.10 (Plugin development)

    The VDR MP3/MPlayer Extensions let you play MP3s with Video Disk
    Recorder and provide a frontend for MPlayer so you can use a DVB card
    to play files in formats like AVI, ASF, QT, MOV, VIVO, FLI, and FLC. 

VLC 0.5.0 (Natalya)

    VLC (VideoLAN Client) is a multimedia player for Unix, Windows, MacOS
    X, BeOS, and QNX. It can play most audio and video formats (MPEG 1/2/4,
    DivX, WMV, DV, Ogg/Vorbis, AAC, etc.), has support for VCD and DVD
    (with menus), and can read streams from a network source (HTTP, UDP,
    DVB, etc.). It can also act as a server and send streams through the
    network, with optional support for transcoding. 

vvftp 0.1

    vvFTP is a simple, console-based FTP client written in C++. The design
    is modular and extensible. 

Web components 2.10

    Web components is a collection of visual programming elements that can
    be used when creating a PHP-based Web site. It is similar in spirit to

white_dune 0.20beta186 (Development)

    VRML97 (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is the ISO standard for
    displaying 3D data over the web via browser plugins. It has support for
    animation, realtime interaction and multimedia (image, movie, sound).
    Dune can read VRML97 files, display and let the user change the
    scenegraph/fields, and load and store x3d (next generation VRML xml
    format) files if configured to work with the x3d translators.
    It also has support for stereoscopic view via
    "quadbuffer"-capable stereo visuals. 

wordtrans 1.1pre13 (Stable)

    Wordtrans is a frontend for several dictionaries. It supports some
    plain text dictionaries such as i2e (English-Spanish) and de-en
    (German-English), Babylon Translator dictionaries, and dict servers
    dictionaries. Some features include console and X (Qt) versions, good
    speed, and the ability to watch the clipboard and automatically
    translate the word there. 

XElf 0.1

    XElf is a set of modules dedicated to XML processing for Python. It
    currently features a Python XOM implementation. 

XML Indent 0.2.0

    XML Indent is an XML stream reformatter written in ANSI C. It is
    analogous to GNU indent. 

XScreenSaver 4.07

    XScreenSaver is a modular screen saver and locker for the X Window
    System. It is highly customizable and allows the use of any program
    that can draw on the root window as a display mode. More than 140
    display modes are included in this package. 

Yaxi 0.1

    yaxi is a functional API for OCaml XML data manipulation. It provides
    implementations of XML 1.0, XPath, and XSLT. 

Yet Another Font Installer 0.3.0

    Yet Another Font Installer (YAFI) is a set of programs that allow you
    to install TrueType and Type1 fonts for various applications like
    XFree, LaTeX, etc. 

Zence 0.75

    Zence is a small Postscript program that generates random text. Word
    morphology and the occurrence of certain letters or letter combinations
    are configurable. It may be used for generating words to be used in
    artificial languages, but with the correct set of parameters can also
    generate text that resembles existing languages. 

Zoe Intertwingle 0.3.8 (Stable)

    Zoe is a Web based email client with a built in SMTP and POP3 server
    and Google-like search functionality that lives on your desktop. It is
    written in Java and uses Lucene technology to provided instant
    searching and threading of your email messages. 

zphoto 0.5

    zphoto is a Web/Flash-based zooming photo album generator. 


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