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February 07, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

Anthill Pro Build and Release Management Server 2.0.5

    Anthill Pro is an automated manager for the build and release process
    of Java software development. It can provide daily reports of an
    overnight build, with automated test runs, a revision log which lists
    newly implemented features. Anthill Pro adds to the already robust
    feature set of the open source version of Anthill. Anthill Pro is easy
    to use in heterogeneous environments since it allows you to use
    different JDKs and different classpaths to build different projects. It
    also provides robust support for project dependencies, allowing you to
    rebuild all dependent projects with the latest version of a dependency.
    Every project can store its latest artifacts in Anthill's built-in
    repository, and Anthill gives you the ability to rebuild any previously
    built version. 

AstroCam System 2.3.0

    AstroCam is an C-based Stepmotor Controlsystem including a CGI Web
    interface. You can use it for controlling webcams over the
    Internet/intranet or everything else you want to do with a stepmotor. 

atop 1.9

    Atop is an ASCII full-screen performance monitor, similar to the top
    command. At regular intervals, it shows system-level activity related
    to the CPU, memory, swap, disks and network layers, and it shows for
    every active process the CPU utilization in system and user mode, the
    virtual and resident memory growth, priority, username, state, and exit
    code. The process level activity is also shown for processes which
    finished during the last interval, to get a complete overview about the
    consumers of things such as CPU time. Atop only shows the active
    system-resources and processes, and only shows the deviations since the
    previous interval. 


    BEJY is a modular server application. It has functionality similar to
    inetd and some helper classes/functions to ease the implementation of
    new protocols. It provides a generic multithreaded TPC/IP server
    implementation with optional SSL support, covering the complete
    connection and thread management. Each supported service provides its
    protocol implementation(s), where the protocol dependend handling is
    done. The current version comes with HTTP, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP
    protocol implementations. The HTTP protocol implementation also
    contains a servlet engine, a JSP engine, a handler to invoke CGI, and
    other useful things. 

Big Sister 0.98beta3

    Big Sister is an SNMP-aware monitoring program consisting of a
    Web-based server and a monitoring agent. It runs under various Unixes
    and Windows. 

Clover framework 0.3

    CloverETL is Java-based framework for creating ETL transformations. It
    follows the concept of transformation graphs which consist of
    individual nodes performing simple operations on data. Any
    transformation can be defined as a set of interconnected nodes through
    which data flows. 

Dav 0.8.0 (Development)

    Dav (Dav Ain't Vi) is meant to provide a stable text editor that is
    efficient in both memory and processor usage. Its user interface is
    designed to be intuitive and to increase productivity. 

DMI Gallery 2.0-pre-1 (Galerias II)

    DMI Gallery is an editor-oriented image gallery application based on
    DMI. The editor just needs to FTP full-sized pictures into the
    directory and small and medium-sized thumbnails are automatically
    created. If a text documents with the same name as the picture is
    uploaded, it will be inserted as a description. DMI Gallery provides a
    complete set of navigation controls, and allows designers to create
    templates in their favorite HTML editor to customize the look and feel
    of the image gallery. 

DMI Gallery 1.4.1 (Development)

    DMI Gallery is an editor-oriented image gallery application based on
    DMI. The editor just needs to FTP full-sized pictures into the
    directory and small and medium-sized thumbnails are automatically
    created. If a text documents with the same name as the picture is
    uploaded, it will be inserted as a description. DMI Gallery provides a
    complete set of navigation controls, and allows designers to create
    templates in their favorite HTML editor to customize the look and feel
    of the image gallery. 

EnergyMech 2.9.2 (Development)

    The EnergyMech is an advanced IRC bot. It has many features including
    DCC partyline, powerful userlist handling, a telnet console, bot
    linking, and more. 

exiftags 0.97

    exiftags parses a JPEG file looking for Exif (Exchangeable Image File)
    data, formatting, and printing image properties. Digital cameras
    typically add Exif data to the image files they produce containing
    information about the camera and digitized image. exiftags includes
    support for some camera manufacturer-specific properties. 

eZ publish 3.0 release candidate 2 (Unstable)

    eZ publish is a professional open source content management system
    (CMS). It lets you update and maintain the content of your site through
    a user friendly Web interface, eliminating the need for HTML code. It
    is dual licenced under the GPL and the eZ publish Professional licence,
    where you can get the right to use the source code for making your own
    commercial software. It is useful for building Web sites, Web shops,
    intranets/extranets, news sites, portals, and more. 

FLP 1.040

    FLP (Flaimo's Little Package) is a collection of PHP classes for
    internationalization. It formats date and time strings, replaces
    keywords, converts measurement units between SI and the US Customary
    System, and more. 

Frogg 1.0.1

    Frogg is a completely stand-alone player for Ogg Vorbis files, although
    support for other formats is coming soon. Designed from the ground up
    for low memory usage and a lightweight GUI, it's great for playing the
    occasional Ogg clip without starting up iTunes. 

Gammu 0.68 (Development)

    Gammu (formerly known as MyGnokii2) is cellular manager for various
    mobile phones and modems. It currently supports Nokia 3210, 33xx, 3410,
    3510, 51xx, 5210, 5510, 61xx, 62xx, 63xx, 6510, 7110, 82xx, 8310, 9110,
    and 9210, and AT devices (such as Siemens, Alcatel, WaveCom, IPAQ, and
    other). It has a command line version with many functions for
    ringtones, phonebook, SMS, logos, WAP, date/time, alarm, calls, etc. It
    can also make full backups and restore them. It works on various Unix
    systems (like Linux) and Win32. 

gcc 3.2.2

    The GNU Compiler Collection contains frontends for C, C++, Objective-C,
    Fortran, Java, and Ada as well as libraries for these languages. It is
    a full-featured ANSI C compiler with support for K&R C as well. GCC
    provides many levels of source code error checking traditionally
    provided by other tools (such as lint), produces debugging information,
    and can perform many different optimizations to the resulting object

GCompris 2.1

    GCompris is a complete educational suite for children 3 to 10 years
    old. It is activity-based, and currently includes more than 30
    activities. It offers activities dedicated to little kids which teach
    them how to use a mouse and keybord. It teaches letters, numbers, and
    words, basic algebra training, reading time on an analog clock, and
    much more. 

GKrellM Volume 2.1.7

    GKrellM Volume is a plugin which controls the sound mixer device of
    your choice. 

GNU TeXmacs

    GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was inspired by
    both TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
    documents via a "wysiwyg" and user friendly interface. The
    program implements high quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts.
    It is also possible to use TeXmacs as an interface to computer algebra
    systems. Finally, TeXmacs supports the Guile/Scheme extension language,
    which makes it possible to adapt the user interface to specific needs,
    and even to extend the editor. 

gPHPEdit 0.0.31 (Development)

    gPHPEdit is a GNOME2 editor that is dedicated to editing PHP files and
    other supporting files, like HTML/CSS. It has support for drop-down
    function lists, hints showing parameters, and syntax highlighting. 

HTTP Navigator 2.0.1 alpha

    HTTP Navigator is a set of PHP classes, based on Perl's LWP, that
    simplifies sending and receiving HTTP messages. Features include:
    cookie handling, basic authentication, chunked encoding, and

icoutils 0.18.0

    The icoutils are a set of programs for extracting and converting images
    in Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files. These files usually have
    the extension .ico or .cur, but they can also be embedded in
    executables and libraries (.dll-files). Icoutils can also create icon
    and cursor files. 

IDSA 0.95

    IDS/A is a combined system logger, reference monitor, and intrusion
    detection system for applications. An IDS/A enabled application can not
    only be monitored, but also instructed to restrict functionality.
    Features include a powerful logging component and an extensible and
    modular access control subsystem which can driven by misuse signatures,
    anomaly detection modules, or even a human operator. 

Jahia CMS and Portal Server 4.0 Alpha 1

    JAHIA CMS and Portal Server is an open source and collaborative Java
    solution for building complex and dynamic Web sites. Unlike traditional
    corporate portal solutions, JAHIA provides a comprehensive and
    out-of-the-box platform for developing, integrating, delivering, and
    managing Content, Web Applications, and Web Services across intranets,
    extranets, and the Internet. 

JSX2 0.1.5 (Object Export)

    In one line, JSX2 externalizes object data as XML, so it can be
    distributed, stored, and processed independently of the code that
    created it. In another line, that data can be deserialized back into
    objects. JSX uses the JOS API, and so works for all objects, complex
    object graphs, dynamically adjusts to recompiled classes, and enables
    classes to customize their serial form for evolution. The XML format
    for JSX2 is much easier to process than that of JSX. 


    K-3D is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for GNU/Linux
    & Win32. Features include creation and editing of geometry in
    multiple realtime OpenGL solid, shaded, and texture-mapped views;
    unlimited undos and redos; complete extensibility at runtime through
    third-party plugins; animated procedural geometric effects; all
    parameters animatable through a consistent control-spline based
    interface; rendering pipeline to Renderman Interface compliant
    rendering engines; optimization for use with the Aqsis rendering
    engine, which features solid modelling, true displacement, and user
    programmable shaders; and support for background and batch rendering. 

KCachegrind 0.3a

    KCachegrind visualizes traces generated by profiling, in various ways,
    including a TreeMap visualization of the calls happening, and a
    condensed version, the Coverage analysis. It's designed to be fast and
    to provide a quick overview of very large programs, such as KDE
    applications. It uses Cachegrind as profiling backend, which uses the
    CPU simulator in Valgrind. Thus, profiling does not need any
    preparation, can cope with shared libraries and plugin architectures,
    and allows for profile runs to not influence the measuring by the
    profile itself, however, the disadvantage to this is slower profile

Linux Test Project 20030206

    The Linux Test Project is a joint project with SGI, IBM, OSDL, Bull,
    and Wipro Technologies with a goal to deliver test suites to the open
    source community that validate the reliability, robustness, and
    stability of Linux. The project consists of well over 950 individual
    testcases and a test driver to automate execution of the tests. 

Loggerithim 6.2.0

    Loggerithim is a monitoring package. It allows you to monitor your
    systems graphically, proactively spot problems, perform postmortems,
    throw alerts when bad things happen, predict future needs, and automate
    routine administration tasks. 

ManEdit 0.5.8 (Stable)

    The ManEdit UNIX Manual Page Editor is an editor specifically tailored
    for UNIX manual pages. It has a preview viewer, uses the manual page
    XML format for easy editing, and comes with a tutorial and reference
    guide. It uses the GTK+ widget set and features syntax highlighting, a
    complete drag and drop system for easy viewing and editing, a crash
    recovery system, and sample manual page templates. 

ManySMS 3.0 (Stable)

    SMS is frontend for SmsSend. Users can easily send SMS messages to many
    GSM telephone numbers. The numbers are written in a text file. This
    program is designated for use in the Czech republic (operators:
    Eurotel, Paegas, Oskar), but can be easily adapted for different
    counties. It is written in Basic. 

mod_injection 0.3.1

    mod_injection is an Apache 2.0.X filter module. It allows you to inject
    text in the HTTP response after a HTML tag, or after any given text
    string. The main intention of this module is to add a banner to several
    HTML pages on the fly. 

mon modules 2003-02-06

    mon modules is collection of modules for mon which include an advanced
    PostgreSQL monitor, a SAP R/3 monitor, a TCP connection and chat
    monitor which works through a SOCKS server, and a WAP cgi-bin client
    that lets you check the status of your servers using a WAP phone. 

N-View 2.5 (Stable)

    N-View is a network monitor for small and medium-sized networks. It
    features automatic scanning of subnets for host addresses, monitoring
    of ICMP responses from all hosts, signalling of timeouts and delays in
    the GUI and by mail, a portscanner, an SNMP client (MIB browser and
    trap receiver), a graphical display of network traffic for network
    interfaces, connectivity to hosts by telnet, HTTP browser, or an
    arbitrary external program (such as ssh), printing of network diagrams,
    automatic generation of HTML pages, and more. 

O-Kiraku Nikki 1.0

    'O-Kiraku Nikki' is Japanese for 'A Nice Calendar'. It is a simple PHP
    program that displays a calendar on a Web site, with the ability to add
    as many annotations as desired to any day, and have these annotations
    displayed on a Web page. It can be used as a diary, a Weblog, or a
    scheduler, etc. It comes with full multilanguage (Unicode) support, and
    includes by default English, Japanese, and Spanish translations. It has
    been designed with both security and simplicity in mind. 

openSkat 1.1

    OpenSkat is an cryptographically secure implementation of the german
    card game Skat for multiple players over IRC (Internet Relay Chat). The
    fairness is based on several zero-knowledge-proofs from Christian
    Schindelhauers research paper "A Toolbox for Mental Card
    Games". It has a graphical user interface based on xskat 3.4. The
    modified sources are included and require an X11 environment. 

Packet Excalibur 1.0.1 (Stable)

    Packet Excalibur is a multi-platform graphical and scriptable network
    packet engine with extensible text-based protocol descriptions. It is a
    network tool designed to build and receive custom packets. Packet
    Excalibur allows you to decide packet attributes from the physical
    layer to the top, to sniff and spoof packets with a single interface,
    to build scripts in the GUI, and to define additional protocols in
    simple text files. 

PHP vCard 2.0

    PHP vCard generates vCards from any data. This is useful if you have a
    lot contact information stored in regular databases and want to make
    them available to end users as comfortable as possible. vCard files are
    supported by many PIMs. 

Pluggable Images Generator 0.2.1

    Pluggable Images Generator (PIG) is mainly designed to create fractal
    images and dislay them. But since it's based on plugins, it can be used
    to create any type of computer generated image. 

ppm2html 1.0

    ppm2html is a small Linux tool that converts an RGB PPM image to an
    HTML page. The page will display an approximated version of the image
    only using ASCII characters and color definitions. The tool makes full
    use of 24 bit color in HTML. If a 'source string' is being defined this
    string will repeatedly be used as the character source for rendering
    the ASCII output. If omitted, random characters between 'a' and 'z'
    will be used. The 'red', 'green', and 'blue' values define the
    backgroundcolor of the HTML page. If no command line arguments are
    given the page is rendered black. 

pylibini 0.1.2

    pylibini is a Python module which provides powerful access and easy
    manipulation of .ini files in Python applications. 

PyTone 1.12.0

    PyTone is a music jukebox written in Python with a curses-based GUI.
    While providing advanced features like crossfading and multiple
    players, special emphasis is put on ease of use, making PyTone an ideal
    jukebox system for use at parties. 

qpopper-mysql 0.8

    qpopper-mysql is a patch to Qualcomm's qpopper POP3 daemon to enable it
    to do user authentication via a MySQL database, support virtual
    domains, support Maildir-style mailboxes, and log logins into a MySQL
    database for possible MTA SMTP authentication relaying use. 

Quake2Forge 0.2.1

    Quake2Forge is The QuakeForge Project's version of id Software's game,
    Quake II. It aims to be a stable, portable codebase focusing on
    improving the quality of the game whilst maintaining backwards
    compatibility with the original. 

Rain gutter 1.0

    Rain gutter is a theme based on a photo taken by octoberX. 

RunLaunch 0.2

    Run Launch is a GNOME program execution utility not unlike the Windows
    9x "Run" facility. Features include a "Run in
    Terminal" facility, a file browser, program history, automatic
    history completion, and keyboard shortcuts. 

ScreenIRC 0.5

    ScreenIRC is an IRC client that lets you close the GUI without being
    disconnected from the IRC server. You can then reconnect later and see
    what has happened on the channels while you were away. 

sNibbles 0.1.1

    sNibbles is a platform independent Snake/Nibbles game. 


    SPIKE is an attempt to write an API that helps reverse engineer new,
    unknown network protocols. It features several working examples. 

struts-wml 1.1b3

    struts-wml is a WML taglib for WAP enabled devices, based on

Subconv 0.2.1

    Subconv converts DivX subtitles from one format to another (currently
    only from srt/tmplayer/microdvd to tmplayer). It can also adjust
    subtitle delay and split subtitles in a given time position. 

Sweep 0.8.1

    Sweep is an audio editor and live playback tool. It supports many music
    and voice formats including WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex, and MP3, with
    multichannel editing and LADSPA effects plugins. Inside lives a pesky
    little virtual stylus called Scrubby who enjoys mixing around in your

The Kiwi Toolkit 1.4.1

    The Kiwi Toolkit is a foundation class library containing many useful
    classes that complement the Java Foundation Classes (JFC). It includes
    many classes and components that were not provided with the JFC, such
    as a TreeTable component, a DateChooser, an MVC charting package (bar
    charts, line charts, pie charts), a plugin framework for Java, an
    application resource manager (for loading images, icons, HTML pages,
    audio clips, and other resources from JAR files), a better
    internationalization API, and much more. 

Tk LaTeX Editor 1.0.0

    Tk LaTeX Editor is a powerful LaTeX editor. It supports code
    highlighting, a document structure navigator, a project and file
    manager, spellchecking, command autocompletion, and much more. 

TR-IRCD 5.0.5-r

    TR-IRCD is an ircd and a collection of services programs for IRC
    networks. The ircd is heavily influenced by ircd-hybrid and Bahamut. It
    includes support for IRC extensions such as md5-encrypted hostnames,
    local channels, and autokill exclusions, modules for commands,
    different protocols, channel modes, and languages. It supports IPv6 and
    many different architectures. 


    Wcalc is a very capable calculator. It has standard functions (sin,
    asin, and sinh for example), many pre-defined constants (pi, e, c,
    etc.), support for using variables, a command history, hex/octal/binary
    input and output, unit conversions, bit-shifting, embedded comments,
    and an expandable expression entry field. It evaluates expressions
    using the standard order of operations. 

Webcpp 0.8.0 (Stable)

    Webcpp (Web C Plus Plus) is a command line utility that takes your
    source code and converts it into an HTML file, using a fully
    customizable syntax highlighting engine and stylesheets. Webcpp
    currently supports Ada95, Assembler, ASP, Basic, C, C#, C++, Cg, CLIPS,
    DOS Batch, EMF, Euphoria, Fortran, Haskell, Java, Javascript, Markup,
    Modula2, Objective C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Power Builder, Python,
    RenderMan, Ruby, SQL, Tcl, Unix shell, UnrealScript, and VHDL

WebShop 0.7.0

    WebShop provides a framework for an Internet shop using EJB 2. It
    includes the beans necessary to operate an e-commerce enterprise, as
    well as a sample servlet implementation of a shop. 

wGui 0.1.0

    wGui is a simple, platform-independent dialog manager library using SDL
    and FreeType2. Written in C++ (with extensive use of the Standard
    Library and STL), the intention is to leave all of the antiquated C
    paradigms out of it (like #defines). 

Yet Another Font Installer 0.3.1

    Yet Another Font Installer (YAFI) is a set of programs that allow you
    to install TrueType and Type1 fonts for various applications like
    XFree, LaTeX, etc. 


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