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February 17, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

Ace Operator 1.1.0b

    Ace Operator is an instant messaging call-center solution that can be
    accessed from Web pages. Using this product, online service providers
    can easily add a "live help" button to any or all of their
    Web pages, which gives online customers access to company
    representatives and allows them to exchange information in real-time. 

AdaSockets 1.5

    AdaSockets is a library that lets you use sockets in Ada 95. It
    supports unicast and multicast sockets, and uses object oriented
    structures to ease sockets manipulation. 

Averist (Development)

    Averist is a module that adds an authentication layer to any CGI
    application written in Perl. It supports initial authentication through
    CGI (form), and it can use CGI (hidden form fields) or cookies for
    reauthentication after a configurable timeout. It can also use an SQL
    database or DBM file for storing session tickets for increased
    security. The username and password check at the initial authentication
    can be done via a DBM file, an LDAP directory, NIS, an SQL database, or
    a passwd-style file. Averist is written in Perl for easy customization
    and expansion. 

BlaXXtarZ 0.2

    BlaXXtarZ is a theme with rounded tiles. 

BookmarkBridge 0.55

    BookmarkBridge is a small, easy to use, multi-platform, GUI-based
    utility that allows the user to share bookmarks between all their
    browsers. The user runs it periodically to synchronize between the

cvsd 0.9.17

    cvsd is a wrapper program for CVS in pserver mode. It will run 'cvs
    pserver' under a special uid/gid in a chroot jail. cvsd is run as a
    daemon and is controlled through a configuration file. It is easy to
    configure and provides tools for setting up a rootjail and managing

Damascus 0.8.1

    Damascus is a GTK+ 2.x client for the Gale communication protocol. It
    is somewhat modelled after IM/ICQ-style interfaces. If you don't know
    what Gale is, this client probably won't be very useful; you need a
    valid Gale key to send anything, and Damascus can't generate them
    (yet). Gale is also scary and confusing. 

Darius Tools 1.1 (Sound)

    Darius Tools is a collection of miscellaneous scripts which are useful
    for a variety of purposes. They are all designed to be faster and
    easier to use than the command line that would normally be required to
    accomplish the same task. For example, there are scripts for mass
    conversion of WAV files to Ogg files and Ogg files to WAV files, for
    converting LaTeX to PostScript and viewing the output in ggv, for
    creating image thumbnails, for converting from the Euro to another
    currency, for automated updating via FTP and for removing backups
    recursively. The Darius Tools are split among several packages
    according to different categories. 

Enemies of Carlotta 0.18 (Development)

    Enemies of Carlotta is a simple mailing list manager. It tries to mimic
    the ezmlm software somewhat, but is written completely from scratch in
    Python. It has a less restrictive license than ezmlm and qmail, and is
    smaller and simpler than GNU Mailman. 

EzSDK 4.53

    EzSDK is a PHP SDK which includes a PHP source code generator, a
    library of PHP classes, and an application environment consisting of
    premade supporting modules. The modules handle user application and
    data access security, DB compatibility (with MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle,
    etc.), a built-in GUI interface with an interactive desktop, and more. 

fbdump 0.3

    fbdump is a simple tool to capture snapshots from the Linux kernel
    framebuffer device and write them out as a PPM file. Currently, most
    packed-pixel framebuffer formats and the vga16 framebuffer are

FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall 1.8.2

    FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall. It provides a highly customizable
    script for setting up an iptables-based firewall. Configuration is done
    through one configuration file for each network to which the firewall
    is connected. FIAIF supports masquerading, port forwarding, traffic
    shaping, and more. 

Freeoxyd 0.70

    Enigma is a reimplementation of Oxyd, a puzzle game that was very
    popular on the Atari ST and later on the PC. Equipped with a little
    black marble, your objective is to locate and uncover matching pairs of
    Oxyd stones. 

GOPchop 0.7 (Development)

    GOPchop is an MPEG2-PS editor that cuts on GOP boundries so that the
    resulting MPEG2-PS file does not need to be re-encoded when saving the
    resulting desired frames. It is useful for editing commercials out of
    MPEG2 TV capture files. 

GRAMPS 0.9.0 (Development)

    Gramps is a GTK/GNOME-based genealogy program written in Python. 

Greenwich 0.5.1

    Greenwich is a graphical whois client for GNOME. It is written in Perl
    and makes use of the GNOME bindings for Perl. 

GtkTerm 0.99.0

    GtkTerm is a serial port terminal written in GTK+ . It is a clone of
    the famous Hyperterminal. The port can be set up, and the control
    signal can be toggled. It also supports file transfers and an
    hexadecimal view of the data. 

IceCrack 2.0.0

    IceCrack is a simple theme based on the TigertCrack theme for Metacity.
    It was designed to match the colors of the PrettyOkayish GTK theme. 

im-stats 0.1

    im-stats produces HTML statistics from Trillian logs. 

Impact 0.2.6

    Impact is a finite element program based on an explicit time stepping
    algorithm. It can be used to simulate dynamic events such as car
    crashes or other large deformation events. It is written in Java and is
    kept very simple, to make it intuitive to use and easy to change and
    extend. It is very flexible and can handle several different input and
    output formats. 

Jacksum 1.2.0 (Stable)

    Jacksum is a free checksum utility written entirely in Java. It
    supports most common checksum algorithms (Adler32, BSD sum, POSIX
    cksum, CRC-16, CRC-32, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, SHA-1,
    Unix System V sum, and Whirlpool). Recursive file processing is

Jay's Iptables Firewall 0.9.5 (Development)

    Jay's Iptables Firewall is a bash script that allows one to easily
    install and configure a firewall on a Linux system. It was initially
    written for use on a home LAN, but can be extend to any type of
    network. It features support for multiple (external/internal)
    interfaces, TCP/UDP/ICMP header control, masquerading, synflood
    control, spoofing control, port forwarding, (experimental) upload
    limits, VPNs (like vtun), ToS (bandwith managment), denying hosts,
    ZorbIPTraffic, Spyware list IP, log options, and more. The firewall is
    able to launch custom iptables rules, and the configuration of the
    firewall is assisted by an optional, interactive, curses-based Perl

jGal D1 [2003-02-15]

    jGal is a Perl script that generates static XHTML image galleries,
    along with thumbnails and slides, from image files. It's derived from

kbilliards 0.4b (Stable)

    Kbilliards is a pool game entirely written using Qt/KDE. It supports a
    neat and customizable physics system. 

leads4web (beta)

    leads4web is a very customizable, multilingual, Web-based Customer
    Relationship Management solution. It supports different users and
    roles, comes with email support, customer/companies management, todos,
    calendar, CR, and Projects Management. 

Less 381

    Less is a program similar to more, i.e. a terminal based program for
    viewing text files and the output from other programs. Less offers many
    features beyond those that more does. For instance, it allows backward
    movement in the files as well as forward. 

Looper Event / Alert System 0.20

    Looper is a highly modularized application designed to simplify the
    event / alert model. Primarily used for Network Management, this
    application can be used to accomplish a variety of tasks related to
    logging and alerting such as listening for SNMP traps and logging to a
    file or sending notification to Netcool (a la "trapd probe"),
    reading a log file for alerts and sending notification via e-mail,
    parsing syslogs and sending notifications to Netcool (a la "syslog
    probe"), etc. Looper can also be used as an ad-hoc Netcool probe
    or Gateway. 

Lyrictracker X 4.2.1

    Lyrictracker X is a Mac OS X application which allows you to find and
    download song lyrics. It also features functionality to download lyrics
    to your iPod, submit lyrics to the database, and chat with other users. 

man-pages-ja 20030215

    man-pages-ja is a comprehensive collection of Japanese man pages for
    Linux. It contains Japanese version of LDP man-pages, man pages for GNU
    tools, and ones for various opensource applications. 

MonAlbum 0.8.4

    MonAlbum is a PHP and MySQL based photo album. 

Mosfet replacement image loader for Konqueror 0.2.1

    This is a replacement for the Konqueror Web browser's image loader. It
    is aimed at dialup and/or PixiePlus users and adds incremental image
    loading for JPEG, GIF, PNG, and some BMPs. It features checking if the
    image being downloaded is a duplicate, canceling if so, and the ability
    to save directly to your hard disk without the file dialog. 

nMicrocoder 0.02

    nMicrocoder is an ncurses EDA tool to write microcode. Basically it is
    a stripped-down spreadsheet program which lets you fill a tabular
    layout with "0", "1", and "-", and gives
    you compile-ready verilog-code in return. 

photom 0.5

    photom is a collection of programs designed to take raw, instrumental
    measurements of stellar brightness and convert them to calibrated
    magnitudes on some standard system. They were written as part of the
    TASS Mark IV pipeline, but may work on other datasets. 

PHPReports 0.1.2

    PHPReports is a PHP report generator that uses XML report layout files
    to generate PHP code and show a report. 

PHPX 2.2.4 (Release)

    PHPX is a Web portal system, blog, Content Management System (CMS),
    forum, and more. It is designed to allow everyone to be able to have
    feature-rich, interactive websites even if you do not know a bit of
    programming. Some key features include fully-integrated forums,
    downloads, an image gallery with slideshow and auto-thumbnailing,
    support ticket system, a GUI interface for Web page content management,
    news with topics and instances, and a whole lot more. It allows you to
    fully customize the look of your site. 

Plugger for Mozilla 1.1

    Plugger for Mozilla is a modification of Plugger, a very small
    multimedia plugin for the Unix versions of Netscape, Mozilla, and Opera
    which uses external programs to show and play many file formats. This
    modification fixes bugs which occurred with Mozilla 1.x and allows a
    player to stream a media file directly from the URL. 

PowerDNS daemon 2.9.6 (Development)

    PDNS is an advanced high performance authoritative nameserver with a
    host of backends. Besides plain BIND configuration files, PDNS reads
    information from MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and many other databases.
    Backends can easily be written in any language, and a sample Perl
    backend is provided. PDNS powers, a
    Web-based DNS maintenance site, and the top level domain .TK. 

PrettyBlueish 1.0.0

    PrettyBlueish is a theme based on the thinice engine. It is a
    modification of the PrettyOkayish theme to match the colors of
    Mozilla's modern theme. There is also a matching IceWM theme, IceCrack. 

ProjectForum 1.3

    Easier to use and more interactive than conventional forum,
    collaboration, or intranet software, ProjectForum lets you build an
    intranet or project site where everyone can actively and directly
    contribute, without complex software or a full-time administrator
    getting in the way. It can be used for project planning, task
    assignments, meeting notes, team discussions, research, brainstorming,
    and more. 

PTlink Services 2.22.5 (Stable)

    PTlink Services provides channel/nick registration services for IRC
    networks. Specially developed for the PTlink IRC daemon, it includes
    features like channel logging, oper management, helper management,
    AJOIN user list, memo read acknowledgement, rotated logs, autoidentify
    on ghost, and ChanServ PROTECTED level. It also integrates NewServ for
    real time news delivering. 

rb.log 0.9

    rb.log is a full-featured weblogger written in Ruby. It features file
    uploads, comments, blog- rolling, side-bar editing, bookmarklets, the
    Blogger API, searching, RSS syndication, and archives. It also performs
    well on slower machines by regenerating static pages after posts are

Renaissance 0.7.0

    GNUstep Renaissance allows you to describe your user interfaces (that
    is, the windows in your application and the buttons, boxes, text
    fields, etc. in the windows) in simple and intuitive XML files, using
    an open, standard format describing the logic of the interface. 

Scintilla 1.51

    Scintilla is a free source code editing component for Win32 and GTK+.
    As well as features found in standard text editing components,
    Scintilla includes features especially useful when editing and
    debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error
    indicators, code completion and call tips. Styling choices are more
    open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts,
    bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and
    multiple fonts. 

SciTE 1.51

    SciTE is a GUI-based single-document editor which uses the Scintilla
    editor component. It rapidly styles most common programming languages
    with good control over how syntactic elements are displayed, and
    features folding for C++, C, Java, JavaScript, and Python. Styling of
    HTML also styles embedded scripts written in VBScript, Javascript, or

Simple Python Blogger 0.5.1

    Simple Python Blogger is a small Python script to handle entries,
    users, sessions, and comments of a blog. the files are very simple to
    edit, change, and set up. It creates pages based on one HTML template
    file, which can be edited to suit your personal taste. 

skaMenu 0.1

    skaMenu is a menu browser. It's controlled with an LIRC (Linux Infrared
    Remote Control) device, and it's very configurable through the use of
    an XML configuration file. It supports TrueType fonts and antialiasing,
    and the output is done with the pygame library. 


    SMATCH is an experiment in finding Linux kernel errors. There are two
    main parts to Smatch. The first is a patch to the gcc sources to print
    out a lot of information. The second part is a collection of Perl
    scripts and libraries to analyze the information. 

SouRCe PacKaGer 1.1-beta2 (Development)

    SouRCe PacKaGer (srcpkg) is a program for managing separate software
    packages under the same directory hierarchy. It is especially useful
    for packages distributed as source. It is similar to GNU Stow, Depot,
    etc., but works by creating packages from new files found in the
    directory tree, allowing it to manage large, complex, interdependent
    packages such as those of KDE and GNOME. 

Spamcup 1.02 (Stable)

    Spamcup is a tool for automatic Spamcop reporting. It performs the same
    actions as if you were to report spam to with a Web
    browser, but from the commandline. 

Text::BarGraph 0.3 (Stable)

    Text::BarGraph is a simple Perl module for generating ASCII bar graphs
    based on data in a hash, where the keys are labels and the values are
    magnitudes. It automatically scales the graph to fit on your terminal
    screen. It is very useful in making data more meaningful. For example,
    it can be used with statistics gathered from a log file. 

The Linux Virus Writing HOWTO 2003-02-15

    The Linux Virus Writing HOWTO describes how to write parasitic file
    viruses which infect ELF executables on Linux/i386. Though it contains
    a lot of source code, no actual virus is included. Every mentioned
    infection method is accompanied with a practical guide to detection. 

toolame 02k

    Toolame is an optimized MPEG-1/2 Layer II audio encoder based upon the
    ISO demonstration source code that borrows heavily from the LAME
    project, as well as introducing new optimizations and additional
    features such as VBR. 

TOra (Development)

    TOra is a Toolkit for Oracle which aims to help the DBA or developer of
    database application. It features an SQL worksheet with PL/SQL block
    parsing, a PL/SQL debugger and editor with syntax highlighting, a
    Schema browser, UNICODE support, printing, and a full suite of DBA
    management tools. 


    tosvcd is a small C++ utility that can take one or more recorded VDR
    files and transcode them to one or more SVCD image files ready to burn
    with cdrdao. 

Video Disk Recorder 1.1.24 (Development)

    Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-reciever program using Linux
    and DVB technologies. It can record MPEG2 streams, as well as output
    the stream to TV. It also supports plugins for DVD, DivX, or MP3
    playback and more. 

XFMail 1.5.4

    XFMail is X11 application for receiving electronic mail. It was created
    using XForms library toolkit by T.C. Zhao and Mark Overmars. It's
    partially compatible with MH style mail- boxes but it does not require
    any mh tools to be installed on the system. You can read most of your
    MH folders and messages. It has a very friendly user interface and it's
    extremely easy in use. It implements most of the mail functionality in
    one program and it does not require any additional tools. It will run
    on most UNIX variants, as well as OS/2 (with the emx libraries and
    XFree86). It is also available in Gentoo Portage. 

Zorbstats 0.18

    ZorbStats is a simple Web statistics generator using PHP and MySQL. It
    is simple to install an features visitor logs, browser stats, OS stats,
    and number of visits. It also allows you to search all logs. 


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