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February 20, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

ARIA Business Management 0.92.5

    ARIA is business class management (ERP) software. It lets you manage
    inventory levels, maintain payroll, and process orders. It is written
    primarily in PHP and incorporates the ADODB database abstraction layer. 

Article Manager 1.26

    Article Manager is a fully featured Web content management system that
    makes it easy for non- technical users to easily update and manage
    articles, news stories, headlines, and editorials. It includes the
    following features: supports multiple users with different access
    levels (Administrators, Editors, Trusted Writers, and Writers), uploads
    up to 10 images per article, password protected login screen, advanced
    setup options to make it easy to customize the program, a powerful
    search engine, a customizable database, the ability to customize the
    HTML templates, and much more. 

Axxrom 1.3

    Axxrom is a dark blue theme with transparency. 

Boot Everywhere Linux 0.20-r1

    bootE Linux is yet another minimalist (i386) Linux distribution and is
    contained entirely on a single floppy disk. It supports only single
    user mode, and is intended as a repair/rescue/emergency distribution. 

CacheIt 2003-02-11 (Stable)

    CacheIt is a PHP class designed to facilitate caching. You subclass
    Cachable and implement the get method of Cachable, and you instantiate
    it as well as instantiate CacheIt with arguments of the instance of
    your subclass of Cachable, the path (ending in a trailing slash) to the
    directory that cached data will be kept, and the number of seconds that
    a cached entry can be kept before expiring. Then, just call the get
    method of the instance of CacheIt and caching happens automatically.
    This doesn't do LRU or anything like that--if you're concerned about
    the cache directory getting too large, have a cron job scan it
    occasionally and delete the oldest files. 

CBQ.Init GUI 0.02b

    CBQ.Initi GUI is a frontend to the CBQ.INIT script. It allows users to
    easily limit their bandwidth at the IP/port level. 

CGI Contact Form 1.1

    CGI Contact Form is an extremely simple Perl contact form manager for
    Web sites. It accepts a visitor's name, company, e-mail address, phone
    number, and any comments or questions. It features intelligent handling
    of errors such as invalid e-mail addresses and missing input. After
    submission, it forwards the information to an e-mail address along with
    the date, time, host name or IP address, operating system, and browser
    version. Examples and thorough instructions are included. 

CGI::Application 3.0

    CGI::Application is intended to make it easier to create sophisticated,
    reusable web-based applications. This module implements a methodology
    which, if followed, will make your web software easier to design,
    easier to document, easier to write, and easier to evolve.
    CGI::Application builds on standard, non- proprietary technologies and
    techniques, such as the Common Gateway Interface and Lincoln D. Stein's
    excellent module. CGI::Application judiciously avoids employing
    technologies and techniques which would bind a developer to any one set
    of tools, operating system or web server. CGI::Application works
    exceedingly well under Apache/mod_perl. It is also fully compatible
    with any other web server (UNIX or NT) which implements the Common
    Gateway Interface. 

Citadel/UX 6.05

    Citadel/UX is an advanced client/server messaging and collaboration
    system for BBS and groupware applications. Users can connect to
    Citadel/UX using any telnet, WWW, or client software. Among the
    features supported are public and private message bases (rooms),
    electronic mail, real-time chat, paging, etc. The server is
    multithreaded and can easily support a large number of concurrent
    users. In addition, SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 servers are built-in for easy
    connection to Internet mail. Citadel/UX is both robust and mature,
    having been developed over the course of the past thirteen years. 

dk.brics.automaton 1.3-3

    dk.brics.automaton is a DFA/NFA implementation with Unicode alphabet
    and support for all standard regular expression operations:
    concatenation, union, intersection, complement, Kleene star, etc. 

Dockside 1.1

    Dockside is a desktop companion application which provides quick access
    to a growing list of system and Internet information monitors through a
    familiar 'dock-like' user interface. The location, orientation, and
    overall look is configurable through an extensive set of user
    preferences and built into the theme engine. 

EC Email Client 1.25

    EC is an email reader and composer written using Perl and the Perl/Tk
    GUI libraries. It supports reading, composing, and sorting messages in
    user-defined folders, and allows users to send and recieve file

email-rblcheck 0.9-beta-9

    rblcheck is a per user/domain configurable RBL checker for qmail and
    sendmail which supports 550 Sod off messages during the SMTP

EQ XMMS Graphical Equalizer 0.4

    EQ is a realtime graphical equalizer that will equalize everything you
    play through XMMS (OGG, MP3, WAV, etc.). It features three different
    bands (10, 15, and 31), all of them with ISO central frequencies,
    independent gain settings for left and right channels, and more than
    +-14dB of gain per band. 

EXACT 1.20

    EXACT is a program that implements POP Before SMTP Relay
    Authentication. It will work as is with Exim, and configuration
    instructions are provided in this file. It will work with Sendmail and
    Postfix without problems. POP Before SMTP Relay Authentication is
    commonly used on systems that provide both IMAP or POP services and
    SMTP services, to authenticate users for mail sending based on their
    previous authentication against an IMAP or POP server. 

Exmh 2.6.1

    Exmh is an X user interface for MH mail. MH provides a set of UNIX
    commands that manage folders and mail messages. MH has a zillion
    features as a result of several years of availability. Exmh provides a
    graphical interface to many of these features, as well as MIME, PGP/GPG
    support, NNTP, and more. 

Far 1.00

    Far (find and replace) is simple but powerful Perl script for replacing
    text in files based on regular expressions. It features the ability to
    handle multiple from/to pairs and to recurse into directories. 

fastUtil 2.50

    fastUtil provides type-specific Java maps and sets with a small memory
    footprint, which feature much faster (2 to 10 times) access and
    insertion. The classes implement their standard counterpart interfaces
    (e.g., Map for maps) and can be plugged into existing code. Besides the
    usual features, fastUtil provides reference-based containers (which do
    not use equals() to compare objects) and linked structures. Most
    iterators provided by fastUtil classes are bidirectional, or even
    implement the standard list iterator interface. 

FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall 1.9.0

    FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall. It provides a highly customizable
    script for setting up an iptables-based firewall. Configuration is done
    through one configuration file for each network to which the firewall
    is connected. FIAIF supports masquerading, port forwarding, traffic
    shaping, and more. 

Flipit 0.3.4

    Flipit is a simple command line program that supports the X10
    Firecracker (model CM17A) on a Unix machine. It is known to work on
    Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and Solaris. 

FOX 1.0.32 (Stable)

    FOX is a C++-based toolkit for GUI development. It includes a rich set
    of widgets and has powerful yet simple layout managers, MDI widgets,
    and mega-widgets. FOX incorporates support for XDND for drag and drop,
    X clipboard and X Selection, watching other I/O channels and sockets,
    timers and idle processing, object serialization and deserialization, a
    registry to save persistent settings, and 3D widgets using Mesa or
    OpenGL. FOX works on Linux, IRIX, Solaris, HP/UX, AIX, Tru64 Unix,
    Windows 9x,NT,2K (VC++, GNUWIN32, Borland, VisualAge C++), FreeBSD, and

Foxtrot 2.0

    Foxtrot is a small and powerful API for using threads with the Java(TM)
    Foundation Classes (JFC/Swing). It is based on a new concept, the
    Synchronous Model, which greatly increases ease of use. 

FreeCraft 030210 (CVS snapshot)

    FreeCraft is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine. It
    is possible to play against human opponents over a LAN or the Internet,
    or against the computer. The engine can be used to build RTS games like
    C&C, WarCraft, StarCraft, or AOE. Since FreeCraft only provides the
    engine, you need either the FcMP (FreeCraft Media Project) or the
    original game (normal or expansion CD), so FreeCraft can extract the
    files which are necessary for playing a game. 

ganttproject 1.7

    ganttproject lets you plan projects using a Gantt diagram. 

glDesigner 0.2

    glDesigner is a GTK 2 GUI to work with OpenGL objects. A part of this
    project is glInterpret, which implements an interpreter for OpenGL.
    This project was started to be an interactive tutorial for OpenGL. 

Grid Application Framework for Java 1.0

    Grid Application Framework for Java (GAF4J) is a lightweight framework
    that abstracts all grid semantics from the application logic and
    provides a simpler programming model that lines up smoothly with common
    Java programming models. It abstracts the details of interfacing with a
    grid middleware, which is assumed to be the Globus Toolkit, for
    transferring files to remote nodes, starting remote jobs, and
    monitoring their execution status. It provides a simpler programming
    model that enables the development of maintainable Java applications
    uncluttered with calls to grid services. 

GTKsubtitler 0.2.0

    GTKsubtitler is a tool for editing and converting subtitles for DivX
    films. It allows you to move subtitles, change their format, convert
    them to ISO-8859-1/2, and merge two sets of subtitles. 

Helix DNA Server 9.0 DR1

    The Helix DNA Server is a universal media delivery engine that supports
    the real time packetization and network transmission of any media type
    to any device. It includes support for MP3 audio (.mp3), RealAudio, and
    RealVideo (.rm, .ra, .rv). Other data types are supported through the
    Helix Universal Server. It uses RTSP/RTP streaming delivery for
    standards-compliant clients and proxies, an RTSP cloaked protocol over
    HTTP, and media data delivery via TCP, UDP unicast and multicast, and

HyperSCSI 20030218

    HyperSCSI is a new storage protocol designed for the transfer of SCSI
    data and commands over networks. It runs on Ethernet-based networks,
    but does not use TCP/IP as a foundation for communications. While this
    may run counter to convention, it has allowed HyperSCSI to achieve high
    throughput without the need for complex and expensive hardware add-ons.
    Intrinsic advantages of bypassing TCP/IP include immunity to cracking
    via the Internet, simplicity, and plug-and-play functions. It supports
    IDE and SCSI hard disk drives, optical, tape, and even removable USB
    drives. It is compatible with Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet (with and
    without Jumbo frames), and 802.11b wireless LANs. 

IBM Grid Toolbox 1.0

    The IBM Grid Toolbox is a set of installable packages that includes the
    Globus Toolkit 2.2 with additional documentation and custom
    installation scripts written for IBM eServer hardware running AIX and
    Linux. IBM LoadLeveler (AIX 5.1) enablement as an alternative job
    manager is provided. The IBM Grid Toolbox is an integrated set of tools
    and software that facilitate the creation of grids and applications
    that can exploit the advanced capabilities of the grid using a
    combination of this toolbox and other technologies. 

IceMe 1.1.1

    IceMe is a graphical menu and shortcut editor for the IceWM window
    manager, written in Python and GTK+. You can edit menu entries with
    drag and drop as well as cut and paste. Both the default menu and the
    local menu in the users home directory can be edited. 

IDMS Database Mail Agent 0.0.3 (Stable)

    IDMS Database Mail Agent is an effort to develop a highly-scalable,
    plugin-based, database-driven mail agent, hopefully replacing the
    commercial ones used by large ISPs today. It is cluster-friendly and
    easily configurable. Web-based frontend support is available. 

IMAP Proxy 1.1.3

    The IMAP Proxy server is a caching IMAP proxy server. It was written to
    reduce the load that Webmail clients put on an IMAP server by keeping
    server connections alive for reuse, thus avoiding a new server
    connection for each Webmail transaction. 

imgSeek 0.6.4

    imgSeek is a photo collection manager capable of searching through an
    image database, in which the query is expressed either as a rough
    sketch painted by the user or as another image you supply. You simply
    draw a rough sketch of what you want to find and imgSeek displays for
    you a thumbnail view of the best matches. You may also create
    slideshows, generate Web photo albums, edit image metadata including
    EXIF JPEG data, organize images into a keyword hierarchy, and more. 

IRC Services 5.0.10 (Stable)

    Services for IRC Networks (or just Services for short) provides for
    definitive nickname and channel ownership, automatic channel mode
    setting, memo (short message) storage and retrieval, and greater IRC
    operator control over the network. 

Jabber Test Suite 1.0.2

    The Jabber Test Suite is a suite of tools and scripts that are used to
    test the performance and reliability of Jabber servers. 

Java String Analyzer 1.0-1

    The Java String Analyzer is a tool for analyzing the flow of strings
    and string operations in Java programs. For each string expression, it
    computes a finite-state automaton that provides an upper approximation
    of the values that may appear at runtime. 

JaxMe 1.54

    JaxMe is a Java/XML binding framework based on SAX2. It consists of a
    set of code generators that read an XML schema and generate code for
    parsing conformant XML documents into corresponding Java objects,
    saving those objects into a database or, vice versa, reading such Java
    objects from a database and converting them into XML. JaxMe supports
    namespaces, relational databases, and Tamino. JaxMe comes with an
    integrated application framework and a generator for EJB entity beans
    with BMP (bean managed persistence). 

JFreeVote 1.0

    JFreeVote is a set of Java tools to manage a e-vote process. It
    provides authentication, vote unicity, vote secrecy (with extensive use
    of cryptography), deferred vote counting, an interventor module, atomic
    transtactions with failure recovery, proctection against direct
    database inspection, emission and validation of digital vote
    certificates, multiple simultaneous consults, and census. A chat and
    forum system are included. JFreeVote is oriented to domestic (Web) or
    presidential votes (via an electoral collage). 

jMax 4.0.1

    jMax allows one to interactively design dataflow circuits. The basic
    data types that can go through are integers, symbols, lists, etc. It is
    an event-driven system and has been used for MIDI processing. A second
    part of the system (DSP) allows a continuous signal to flow through a
    circuit, which is most useful for PCM sound (ie. microphone, sound
    files, etc). The system is extensible by using shared libraries, you
    may add data processor types, data types, GUI elements, device types,
    and more. Data processors may also be designed as circuits and reused. 

jwma 0.9.7

    jwma is a Web mail implementation based on the JSP Model 2
    architecture. It builds on standard Java APIs (Java Mail API, Java
    Server Pages, and Java Servlet API) and relies on some available open
    source technologies (Xerces, Castor, Jakarta-ORO). jwma is designed and
    implemented for use with an IMAP server. It allows complete control
    over the store (creating, deleting, and moving folders, mailboxes, and
    messages). It supports MIME messages, supports text/plain message
    processing (e.g. making plaintext URLs "clickable"), and
    supports automatic sent & read mail archiving. It features a trash
    mailbox, includes a small addressbook, allows simple configuration of
    its features, and can be used in parallel with other mail clients (like
    Pine or Eudora). 

KMLDonkey 0.3

    KMLDonkey provides integration for the MLDonkey P2P software and KDE 3,
    in the form of a Kicker applet, ed2k protocol handling for Konqueror,
    and a control panel applet to bring it all together. 


    LASANGE aims to create a mostly-automated LAN session administration
    and management system. It provides game server management (instant
    deploy of Gameserver) and tournament management in a more advanced and
    automated way than other systems. It also consists of basic tools for
    LAN sessions such as a Generic Modular Masterserver. 

latex4jed 1.3.2

    latex4jed is an S-Lang file for the Jed editor which provides a greatly
    enhanced LaTeX mode, similar to AUC TeX. It features menus, shortcuts,
    templates, syntax highlighting, document outlines, integrated
    debugging, symbol completion, full integration with external programs,
    and more. It was designed with both the beginner and the advanced LaTeX
    user in mind. 

libyahoo2 0.6.3

    libyahoo2 is a single-threaded, asynchronous Yahoo! Messenger library
    currently used in Everybuddy. It is written in C. Communication is by
    means of requests and callbacks. 

Linux-HA 1.0.1 (Stable)

    Heartbeat provides a heartbeat and IP address takeover functions for a
    high-availability Linux cluster. It monitors the members of the cluster
    and tells you when one goes down within a few seconds. The current
    version runs over serial ports and UDP broadcast/multicast. It is
    easily adapted to different interconnect media and protocols. It also
    will re-allocate IP addresses and other resources to other members of
    the cluster when a machine goes down, and move them back when it comes
    back up. 

LinuxMagic magic-smtpd 0.7.0

    MAGIC-SMTPD is a drop-in replacement for Dan Bernstein's qmail-smtpd,
    and was originally designed to be part of the LinuxMagic Magic Mail
    Server. This opensource version has been released to allow others to
    benefit from its anti-spam components, and valid user checking to
    reduce server loads and spam volumes. It is designed to support stock
    qmail installations, qmail/vpopmail installations, and database
    connectivity. Designed for ISP service, this will work for all mail
    servers large and small. 

Mainstreet Credit Verification Engine 3.0.0

    Mainstreet Credit Verification Engine (MCVE) is a scalable Credit Card
    Processing Engine for Linux and UNIX. MCVE is designed to handle credit
    card authorizations and is certified to support major clearing house
    protocols. Features include support for multiple modems, multiple
    merchant accounts, and multiple processors, all simultaneously -- as
    well as IP and SSL connectivity along side SQL database support.
    Designed in C, conforming to POSIX standards, and utilizing light
    weight processes (threads), this product is able to handle a large
    number of transactions with high speed and minimal CPU usage. 

Matt's C Utility Library 0.1

    Matt's C Utility Library is a collection of useful routines for writing
    programs in C. It has code for common data structures, file handling,
    parsing, and networking tasks. 

MiddleMan 1.4.1

    Middleman is a fast HTTP/HTTPS proxy server with features designed to
    remove unwanted content and increase privacy. It features an XML-like
    configuration file and an intuitive Web interface. It can be used to
    filter HTTP headers, block certain files or mime types, block cookies
    to and from certain sites, redirect requests, forward requests through
    another proxy using NTLM or Basic authentication, block inappropiate
    content using a keyword scoring system, and manipulate the contents of
    files using either its builtin rewrite feature or an external program
    or script. It fully implements the HTTP/1.1 protocol, including
    persistent connections and gzip encoding. 

Mioga 1.2.0

    Mioga is a groupware application suitable for intranet use. All the
    functionality of Mioga can be reached through any HTML browser. The
    interface is designed with HTML templates which allow the look and feel
    and the ergonomics of Mioga to be fully and easily customizable. It is
    written in Perl and uses a PostgreSQL database. It uses DAV for file
    management, providing you with a complete DAV workspace with Mioga user
    access controls (ACLs). Mioga includes the followig applications: file
    manager, organizer, todo tasks, shared folders (with version control),
    forms, intranet search, and administration tool. 

My Movies Database 2003-02-18

    My Movies Database is a movie DB management tool that allows the
    management of movies, actors, directors, friends and loans, physical
    supports, and languages. It also connects to the IMDB to retrieve
    movies data and avoid typing. Finally, it supports sending email
    messages to friends that do not return items. 

Netscape Communicator 7.02 (Mozilla-based)

    Netscape Communicator is the all-in-one web browser and communications
    suite that makes it easy to send Internet email, read newsgroups,
    create web pages, and browse the World Wide Web. 

Netx 0.5

    Netx (Network eXecute) is a JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol)
    client that can also be used as a component to provide applications
    with JNLP features and support. It downloads code over a network,
    caches it, and runs it in a secure sandbox environment. It operates in
    a manner similar to Web Start, but is smaller, faster, and has no
    splash screens. 

nmaFPS 0.79 beta

    nmaFPS is a simple, portable 3D first person shooter. The aim is to
    shoot down as many drones as you can. You lose if the number of drones
    flying around goes above 10. 

noeGNUd 0.1

    noeGNUd is an alternate ASCII, 2D, and 3D user interface for nethack
    that uses SDL and OpenGL. 

Noname 1.01

    Noname is a simple Perl script that updates your domains
    with your current IP address, which is useful if you receive
    dynamically assigned addresses. 

P300DRV 0.9

    P300DRV is Linux printer driver for the Olympus P300 dye sublimation

Page Publisher 1.22

    Page Publisher is an advanced content management system that allows
    non-technical users to easily update information on their Web sites
    without the need to learn HTML. 

PCX Portal 0.2 (UserProperties)

    The PCX Portal provides a desktop environment, company, user and app
    management, context sensitive help, and multi-lingual support. It is
    written in Perl, and designed to provide the foundation for Web-based
    applications that need all of the above. 

PCX Portal 0.0.08 (template app)

    The PCX Portal provides a desktop environment, company, user and app
    management, context sensitive help, and multi-lingual support. It is
    written in Perl, and designed to provide the foundation for Web-based
    applications that need all of the above. 

PCX Portal 0.2.00 (pcxportal)

    The PCX Portal provides a desktop environment, company, user and app
    management, context sensitive help, and multi-lingual support. It is
    written in Perl, and designed to provide the foundation for Web-based
    applications that need all of the above. 

PHP Generic Access Control List 3.1.0b4

    PHP Generic Access Control List provides a set of PHP functions giving
    Web developers a simple, yet immensely powerful "drop in"
    permission system for their current Web-based applications. 

phpBlogger 1.0.5

    This program is a Web log utility for a single developer. Its main
    purpose is to allow an employer to keep track of the work that's been
    done on a daily basis. It provides a detailed search engine, reviewer,
    and mailer plugin for mailing logs by hand. It can be setup to
    automatically update with cron. 

Plugger for Mozilla 1.1.1

    Plugger for Mozilla is a modification of Plugger, a very small
    multimedia plugin for the Unix versions of Netscape, Mozilla, and Opera
    which uses external programs to show and play many file formats. This
    modification fixes bugs which occurred with Mozilla 1.x and allows a
    player to stream a media file directly from the URL. 

PostgreSQL File Finder beta-2

    PostgreSQL File Finder is an alternative to the locate/updatedb
    commands found in most Linux environments. It searches the filesystem
    for all files and directories and stores that information in a
    PostgreSQL database. It can also collect file lists from other hosts,
    giving you the opportunity to search for files on several hosts using
    the same command. 

Pound 1.3

    Pound is a reverse HTTP proxy, load balancer, and SSL wrapper. It
    proxies client HTTPS requests to HTTP backend servers, distributes the
    requests among several servers while keeping sessions, supports
    HTTP/1.1 requests even if the backend server(s) are HTTP/1.0, and
    sanitizes requests. 

prokyon3 0.9.0

    prokyon3 is a multithreaded MP3/Ogg Vorbis manager and tag editor. It
    was written in C++ using the Qt3 widget set and the MySQL database.
    prokyon3 can access MP3 files on harddisk, CDROM, SMB, and NFS. MP3
    files can be played using XMMS, and can even be played when the files
    are on CD as prokyon3 identifies CDs by content. The files view is
    customizable and favorite artists are supported. prokyon3 also offers
    an editor for ID3 tags and has been designed to support tagging for
    multiple files en masse. 

Q 4.1.3

    Q is a powerful and extensible functional programming language based on
    the term rewriting calculus. When programming with Q, you specify an
    arbitrary system of equations which the interpreter uses as rewrite
    rules to reduce expressions to normal form. Q is useful for scientific
    programming and other advanced applications, and also as a
    sophisticated kind of desktop calculator. The distribution includes the
    Q programming tools, a standard library, add-on modules for interfacing
    to GNU Octave, Tcl/Tk and IBM's Data Explorer, and an Emacs mode. 

Q-Midi 1.8.2

    Q-Midi is a MIDI interface module which allows you to write MIDI
    applications in the Q programming language. It runs on top of Grame's
    MidiShare package. Most basic MidiShare functionality is available,
    including timing functions for realtime programming and MIDI file
    access. A sample MIDI player application is included (which requires

SDBA Revolution 1.5

    SDBA Revolution is an open-source server written in Perl which provides
    an architecture to simplify and streamline the process of writing
    applications that run on an instant messaging network. It features easy
    scripting of IM responses, session variables which are consistent
    across messages, session time limits, support for multiple
    "apps" from one bot, basic security, and the ability to use
    multiple access lists of password files. It makes writing IM apps very
    much like writing mod_perl or PHP pages. The homepage has full
    tutorials and documentation. 

Seminole Webserver 2.21 (Stable)

    Seminole Webserver is a portable Web server designed to be used in
    embedded systems, where memory space is at a premium. It is written in
    C++, and has a mechanism to direct requests to application-specific
    code, complete with the decoding of "CGI" parameters. It also
    includes a "filesystem" that can package up Web content (and
    optionally compress it) and store it in a ROM or other "flat"
    device. It comes with a simple example to make it a standalone
    Webserver under POSIX platforms for evaluation and testing. 

SKYRiX XML Processing Libraries 4.2-2

    The SKYRiX XML library package is a set of Objective-C libraries for
    processing XML and XML-like data. It includes a SAX2, DOM, and XML-RPC
    implementation for Objective-C. SAX drivers are provided for accessing
    HTML and XML files using libxml2, XML using expat and CoreFoundation,
    iCal/vCard using libical, pyx and plist files. The package works with
    GNUstep and the Apple Cocoa Foundation. 

SmokePing 1.19 (Stable)

    SmokePing is a network latency monitor which works in a way that is
    similar to MRTG. It measures network latency to a configurable set of
    destinations on the network, and displays its findings in easy-to-read
    Web pages. SmokePing has special support for monitoring hosts with
    dynamic IP addresses. SmokePing uses RRDtool as its logging and
    graphing back-end, making the system very efficient. The presentation
    of the data on the Web is done through a CGI which creates graphs on

SNMP::Info 0.2

    SNMP::Info gives an object oriented interface to information obtained
    through SNMP. This module is geared towards network devices. Speciality
    sub-classes exist for a number of network devices and MIBs. 

snortalog 1.7.0

    Snortalog (formerly known as Snort-ng) is a powerful Perl script that
    summarizes Snort logs, making it easy to view any network attacks
    detected by Snort. It can generate charts in HTML. It works with all
    versions of Snort, and can analyze logs in two formats: syslog alerts
    and text alerts. It does not include a database for maximum

SSH ManaGeR 0.5.5b

    SSH ManaGeR (sshmgr) is a Unix open ssh client wrapper script written
    in Perl. It is a handy commandline utility for people who have many
    remote user accounts that are accessed via ssh, sftp, scp, ftp, and
    telnet. sshmgr includes scmdmgr (which allows for remote command
    execution), sftpmgr (which behaves identically to sshmgr except instead
    of starting a shell, it's an sftp session), scpget/scpput (both are scp
    wrappers), ftpmgr (same as sftpmgr but for normal FTP), and telnetmgr
    (same as sshmgr but for telnet). All of these utilize a shared
    configuration file for user account profiles. Passwords are not stored
    in this plain text configuration file and the use of RSA keys for SSH
    connections is strongly suggested. 

Straw 0.16

    Straw is desktop RSS aggregator for the GNOME 2.0 environment, written
    in Python. 

Tapir User Manager 0.10.3

    Tapir User Manager provides all of the user management features common
    on large-budget commercial Web sites for new and existing sites based
    on PHP/Apache/MySQL, including permanent login, email verification,
    password recovery, and a sophisticated administration interface. 

Thy 0.4.116 (Development)

    Thy is a lightweight httpd designed to be clean and fast, yet powerful
    enough to serve many hits a day. 

Tiger Map Server 0.5

    The Tiger Map Server dynamically renders road maps of the United
    States. The server contains a multi-threaded Web server and a custom
    drawing library. All un-projected shape files are supported, including
    ESRI's version of the US Census' Tiger/Line Database. It is intended to
    be used on Web sites and in mobile GPS applications without Internet

tinybar fb 1

    tinybar fb is a blue/grey theme made to look like the pekwm theme by
    the same name. 

uControl 1.3.0

    uControl gives you the ability to take those useless keys, that you're
    certain would have been better fashioned as something else, and turn
    them into something useful. It started out as a simple hack to remap
    the caps lock key to a control key, but has since evolved into a fairly
    sophisticated means of not only remapping modifier keys, but giving
    your trackpad a virtual scroll wheel, or giving lefties a sensible
    mouse, or giving people with disabilities the ability to type with one

UMLd 0.3.2

    UMLd is a management daemon for systems running many instances of the
    user mode Linux kernel. Designed for a hosting environment, UMLd allows
    users and administrators to control UMLs running on the system via a
    TCP interface. It also supports network configuration and automated UML

User Dialog Perl Module 0.85

    User Dialog Perl Module is an OOPerl interface for dialog-based
    applications such as dialog, cdialog, whiptail, gdialog, and kdialog.
    It features extensive documentation with detailed compatability charts,
    enhanced usage of cdialog font attributes, and text element alignment
    for curses based dialogs. It is useful for writing Unix system scripts
    in Perl, or for when quick, portable, and robust interfaces are

UTMP Jeber 1.0.12

    UTMP Jeber is a small tool which prints broken entries found in the
    UTMP database on Unix systems. It has several methods of process
    analysis which you can select using command line arguments. It
    optionally removes broken entries. 

Warewulf 1.9

    Warewulf is a Linux cluster implementation tool that builds RAMDISK
    based filesystems and distributes them to the slave nodes. This
    facilitates a Central administration model for all nodes and includes
    tools needed to build configuration files, monitor, and control the
    nodes. It is totally customizable and can be adapted to just about any
    type of cluster. The node distributions are built from a virtual node
    filesystem residing on the master and transfered to the nodes either by
    Etherboot or CD-ROM images. Administration becomes scalable by having
    only one point of admin for all nodes. Node filesystems are very easy
    to customize, which makes Warewulf fit many different solutions. There
    are also a number of add-on software components (MPI, PVM, and Sun Grid
    Engine) for Warewulf. 

Webanalyse 1.0

    Webanalyse is a Web site traffic statistics tool written in PHP 4. It
    doesn't use any databases or Apache logs. Its reports include Web site
    statistics by day, week, month, and year, referer, host, IP, browser.
    The big advantage lies primarily in detail of each visit--you can
    follow the pages or articles which are visited on your site. WebAnalyse
    can be added very easily on all the pages where you wish to follow the

Webzap 0.1

    Webzap is an framework for the development of Web applications or views
    of multiple tier client server systems using the WingS API. In Webzap
    your application or view is defined in an XML file with the .webzap
    extension. It mainly defines the user interface objects and what should
    happen if a user interface object triggers an event. The controls are
    layed out using a template HTML file with the .thtml extension. 

wshare 0.2

    wshare is a command line-driven HTTP server that requires no setup or
    configuration prior to execution. All directories listed on the command
    line are indexed and shared via HTTP. 

X10-wish GUI 1.1.0

    This Java Client demonstrates the simplicity of creating a remote
    control client/server capability for an X10 automated home controlled
    by a Linux server with the X10-wish drivers installed. The socket
    server runs on the same machine as the X10-wish drivers and the Java
    client can be run on any machine with the Java runtime envrionment 1.3
    (or higher) installed. 

xcave 1.0.1

    xcave is a wine cellar manager which allows you to browse wine stock,
    grouping bottles by country zones, add, modify, or suppress wine from a
    cellar, and print all stock. It is available in French, English, Dutch,
    and German. 

XScreenSaver 4.08

    XScreenSaver is a modular screen saver and locker for the X Window
    System. It is highly customizable and allows the use of any program
    that can draw on the root window as a display mode. More than 140
    display modes are included in this package. 

XT-Mail 2.0

    XT-Mail scans the contents of email messages using the Exim local_scan
    feature. It operates after the sending client has completed the SMTP
    data phase and is waiting for an answer from the servers. Messages
    containing unwanted content can be rejected, redirected, or blackholed.
    It supports the F-Protd Daemon and SpamAssassin, and handles compressed
    attachments. Two different scanning facilities are supported: antivirus
    and antispam. 

yahoo2mbox 0.12

    yahoo2mbox retrieves the messages from Yahoo! Groups archive and stores
    them in a local file in mbox format. 

Zina 0.9.9

    Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal
    jukebox, and an MP3 streamer. It is similar to Andromeda, but released
    under the GNU General Public License. 


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