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March 04, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

abcm2ps 3.4.1 (Development)

    abcm2ps is a package that converts music tunes from ABC format to
    PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developed mainly to
    print baroque organ scores that have independant voices played on one
    or more keyboards, and a pedal-board. It introduces many extensions to
    the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music. 

Access Modifier Eclipse Plug-in 1.0.1

    The AccessModifier Plug-in for Eclipse allows the user to change the
    visibility (public, protected, default, and private) of Java classes,
    interfaces, methods, and fields in the workbench's Outline, Members,
    and Package Explorer views. 

Apache Tomcat 4.1.21 Beta (Development)

    The goal of the Jakarta Project is to provide commercial-quality server
    solutions based on the Java Platform that are developed in an open and
    cooperative fashion. Tomcat 3.x is an implementation of the Java
    Servlet 2.2 and JavaServer Pages 1.1 Specifications. Tomcat 4.x is an
    implementation of the Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages 1.2
    Specifications, and is a re-implementation of the Tomcat servlet engine
    from the ground up. 

ARSC Really Simple Chat 2.3

    ARSC Really Simple Chat is a Web chat system that uses PHP and MySQL.
    It works with every browser in existence, even text-based ones, and it
    uses the server push technique or, if possible, its own socket server.
    It is very simple to install and use ARSC. It includes some important
    features, such as operators, kick-ing, whispering, and more. Multiple
    rooms and different languages are available. To run ARSC on your site,
    you need a Web server that understands PHP, and can connect to a MySQL

Axualize 1.1.0

    Axualize is a tool for creating applications by actualizing Java
    objects using XML. Axualize is based on JSR-57, and is intended to
    allow developers to create Java applications dynamically using XML. To
    understand how this could be useful, imagine a J2EE application with
    multiple client UIs being generated from Web applications. Using
    Axualize, you can present multiple form-based GUI front ends to your
    application by dropping in a Web application which builds your GUI
    applications using Axualize XML generated with JSP and whatever
    application framework you please. 

Babeldoc 1.0RC2

    Babeldoc is a framework and set of applications to process documents
    for business-to-business and other Internet/integration applications.
    It is primarily intended for text documents, especially XML, but
    supports a wide range of operations and data types. It has a
    sophisticated journaling system that supports replaying and
    reprocessing. Babeldoc is pipeline based and supports numerous ways to
    combine the pipeline stages in a dynamically reconfigurable fashion. It
    has a GUI and a Web-based console for document processing and
    monitoring, and comes with tools for the tranformation of flatfile data
    to XML, archival, and cryptography. Additionally it is able to scan
    various data sources based on sophisticated constraints. 

bk_edit 0.6-10

    bk_edit is an easy to use bookmark manager and editor. The program can
    read, write, edit, create, manage, and organize the bookmarks of the
    most popular browsers. There is also a simple drag and drop interface
    for adding new bookmarks from a running browser in a very comfortable
    way. There are plugins for Mozilla, Opera, Galeon/XBEL, and Netscape. 

CanIt 1.10 (Pro)

    CanIt is a server-based spam-control system built around SpamAssassin,
    MIMEDefang, Apache, and PostgreSQL. It features sophisticated
    spam-handling techniques which minimize the amount of spam you receive
    while guaranteeing that you'll never lose a valid email. CanIt achieves
    extraordinarily accurate discrimination through human intervention, and
    includes mechanisms to minimize the amount of human intervention

CanIt 1.10 (Stable)

    CanIt is a server-based spam-control system built around SpamAssassin,
    MIMEDefang, Apache, and PostgreSQL. It features sophisticated
    spam-handling techniques which minimize the amount of spam you receive
    while guaranteeing that you'll never lose a valid email. CanIt achieves
    extraordinarily accurate discrimination through human intervention, and
    includes mechanisms to minimize the amount of human intervention

cdrtools 2.01a04 (Development)

    cdrtools (formerly cdrecord) creates home-burned CDs with a CDR/CDRW
    recorder. It works as a burn engine for several applications. It
    supports CD recorders from many different vendors; all SCSI-3/mmc- and
    ATAPI/mmc-compliant drives should also work. Supported features include
    IDE/ATAPI, parallel port, and SCSI drives, audio CDs, data CDs, and
    mixed CDs, full multi-session support, CDRWs (rewritable), TAO, DAO,
    RAW, and human-readable error messages. cdrtools includes remote SCSI
    support and can access local or remote CD writers. 

CLEX 3.1.8

    CLEX is a file manager with a full-screen user interface written in C
    with the curses library. It displays directory contents (including file
    status details) and provides features like command history, filename
    insertion, or name completion in order to help the user to construct
    commands to be executed by the shell (there are no built-in commands).
    CLEX is easily configurable and all its features are explained in the
    on-line help. 0.3.3 (Unstable) is a Perl script to colorize your system, Squid, Apache,
    oops, xfer, and many other logs with file, version, address, URL,
    email, user, service, etc. catch routines. HTML output support with
    "valid" HTML and CSS code is available. 

Custom 0.7.1

    Custom is an E-Commerce system providing Ordering and Invoicing, Stock,
    Supplier, and Catalogue Management. Easily customisable, it is written
    in Python for use as CGI scripts (under Apache or any other Web server)
    with a simple example site and example database. Custom is intended as
    a modern replacement for Sage. 

DigitizeIt 1.5.2

    DigitizeIt digitizes scanned graphs and charts. Graphs can be loaded in
    nearly all common image formats (including gif, tiff, jpeg, bmp, png,
    psd, pcx, xbm, xpm, tga, pct), pasted from the clipboard, or imported
    via a screenshot. Digitizing of line and scatter plots occurs
    automatically, and manual digitizing via mouse clicks is also possible.
    Data values are transformed to a specified axes system and can be saved
    in ASCII format, ready to use in many other applications such as
    Microcal Origin or Excel. Axes can be linear, logarithmic, or
    reciprocal scale. Multiple data sets can be defined and edited. Tilted
    and distorted graphs can be handled. Comprehensive online help is
    included. Java 1.4 is required. 

DoubleSpeak CMS 1.1

    DoubleSpeak (formerly known as Igloo Weblog) is a CMS/Blog written to
    be robust yet user-friendly. The aim is to create clean and efficient
    code while providing many features and an easy way to add new ones.
    DoubleSpeak is written entirely in Object-Oriented PHP. 

dvd::rip 0.50.5 (Stable)

    dvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program written in Perl. It
    provides an easy-to-use but feature-rich GTK+ GUI to control almost all
    aspects of the ripping and transcoding process. It uses the widely
    known video processing swissknife, transcode, and many other Open
    Source tools. 

E-Xoops Theme for Window Maker 1

    E-Xoops is a theme dedicated to the E-Xoops CMS that features a simple
    background with E-Xoops logo, and some grey/blue icons. 

echolot-pinger 2.1

    Echolot-pinger is a pinger for anonymous remailers, which works by
    regularly sending messages through remailers to check their
    reliability. It then calculates reliability statistics which are used
    by remailer clients to choose the chain of remailers to use.
    Additionally, it collects configuration parameters and the keys of all
    remailers, and offers them in a format readable by remailer clients. 

Fuse CMS 0.5.6

    Fuse is a Content Management System, born as a PHP-Nuke clone, designed
    to take advantage of mod_perl and HTML::Mason's features, including
    template and theme creation, compilation and caching of code, and

gnocl 0.5.7

    gnocl is a GTK / Gnome extension for the programming language Tcl. It
    provides easy to use commands to quickly build Gnome compliant user
    interfaces including the Gnome canvas widget and drag and drop support.
    It is loosely modeled after the Tk package. 

GNU Transport Layer Security Library 0.9.0 (Development)

    GNU Transport Layer Security Library is a library which implements a
    secure layer over a reliable transport layer such as TCP/IP. It
    implements the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols. GnuTLS is available for
    beta testing. 

gURLChecker 0.2-0

    gURLChecker is a C/GNOME 2 tool that can check links on a single Web
    page or on a whole Web site in order to determine the validity of each

Gwine 0.5.2

    Gwine is a GNOME wine cellar manager written in Perl. 

Historical Event Markup and Linking Project 0_5.4-dev

    Historical Event Markup and Linking Project (Heml) comprises an XML
    schema for historical events, and xslt/Java, which transforms
    conforming documents into useful and possibly new views, including
    charts, time-lines, and maps generated in SVG. It is not meant to be
    the one and only language for marking up historical events, however it
    does aim to be a most information-rich interchange format for
    historical data, and thus add an historical component to the growing
    movement for a 'Semantic Web.' 

IlohaMail 0.7.10

    IlohaMail is a lightweight, multilingual Webmail client that is easy to
    use and install. It runs on a stock build of PHP, and does not require
    databases (although database support is available) or the IMAP library
    (it is powered by a custom IMAP/POP3 library). It supports all
    essential functionality, including a full contacts list and a user
    customizable interface. Other features include support for multiple
    domains (virtual hosts), built-in spam prevention, and activity

JFreeReport 0.8.1

    JFreeReport is a Java report generator. Using data from a Swing
    TableModel, JFreeReport can send output to the screen (print preview),
    the printer, and to Acrobat PDF files. 

JPluck 0.9 beta 3

    JPluck allows users to convert Web sites to Plucker documents. It
    creates Plucker documents ready to be installed and read. 

JSX2 0.3.0

    In one line, JSX2 externalizes object data as XML, so it can be
    distributed, stored, and processed independently of the code that
    created it. In another line, that data can be deserialized back into
    objects. JSX uses the JOS API, and so works for all objects, complex
    object graphs, dynamically adjusts to recompiled classes, and enables
    classes to customize their serial form for evolution. The XML format
    for JSX2 is much easier to process than that of JSX. 

KAVClient 0.2

    KAVClient is a C language interface to the Kaspersky Anti-Virus daemon.
    It allows users to check files and memory for viruses. 

KDE Kontact 0.2.1

    KDE Kontact is a personal information management application for KDE.
    It integrates KMail, KAddressBook, and KOrganizer into a unified

kowey-generic 9

    kowey-generic is a set of Java templates for small programming projects
    in single languages. The goal is to provide a simple way to make highly
    portable and nicely distributable software that "just works".
    These templates allow you produce packages that the user simply
    downloads and runs. No mess, no fuss, no nonsense with the CLASSPATH.
    These templates also help developers to adopt better coding habits, as
    the default buildfile auto-generates unit test skeletons via

lftp 2.6.5

    lftp is a sophisticated command line based FTP client. It has a
    multithreaded design allowing you to issue and execute multiple
    commands simultaneosly or in the background. It also features mirroring
    capabilities and will reconnect and continue transfers in the event of
    a disconnection. Also, if you quit the program while transfers are
    still in progress, it will switch to nohup mode and finish the
    transfers in the background. HTTP protocol and FTP over HTTP proxy are
    supported. Version 2.3.0 includes HTTPS and FTP over SSL support. 

makeself 2.1.0

    makeself is a small shell script that generates a self-extractable
    compressed TAR archive from a directory. The resulting file appears as
    a shell script, and can be launched as is. The archive will then
    uncompress itself to a temporary directory and an arbitrary command
    will be executed (for example, an installation script). This is pretty
    similar to archives generated with WinZip Self-Extractor in the Windows

mtools 3.9.9

    Mtools is a collection of utilities for accessing MS-DOS disks from
    Unix without mounting them. It supports Win95 style long file names,
    OS/2 Xdf disks, ZIP/JAZ disks, and 2m disks (store up to 1992k on a
    high density 3 1/2" disk). 


    MUSCLE (Multi User Server Client Linking Environment) is a messaging
    server and networking API. It is portable to any OS with a sockets API
    and a C++ compiler. It lets programs communicate via streams of
    PortableMessages (very similar to BeOS's BMessage class) layered over
    TCP streams. The included server program ("muscled") lets its
    clients message each other, and/or store information in its serverside
    hierarchical database. The database supports queries via regex and
    "live" updates via a subscription mechanism, and may be
    subclassed to if application-specific logic is needed. 

myPod 0.2.1

    myPod is a platform-independent program to manage your MP3 collection,
    create playlists, and synchronize them with an iPod. 

MySQL Database Server 4.0.11 (Development)

    MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a
    client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld)
    and many different client programs/libraries. 

Nebulus 0.4.0 (For XMMS)

    Nebulus is an OpenGL/SDL visual plugin for XMMS or AlsaPlayer. It
    features a lot of options, including fullscreen mode, effects
    priorities, and more. 

NNTPSwitch 0.07

    NNTPSwitch is a Linux NNTP content router. It's aimed at
    high-performance news servers for ISPs and Usenet resellers. NNTPSwitch
    forwards client connections to multiple backend servers to get its
    actual articles. Depending on the backend server type, all NNTP
    commands and extensions are supported, including (remote)
    authorization. Accounting is supported in a user-friendly matter for
    data limited NNTP connections. 

PassGuard Framework 0.1

    PassGuard Framework is a library for the PassGuard suite of programs
    that is used to manage numerous passwords in an encrypted file.
    Encryption is managed with a plugin system, which allows easy support
    for any kind of encrypted file. 

PassGuard gpasman plugin 0.1

    The PassGuard suite is a set of software that manages your passwords
    encrypted in a file. You just have to remember one, and different
    encrypted file formats are supported via plugins. The PassGuard gpasman
    plugin is the plugin that manages gpasman files encrypted with the RC2

pekwm 0.1.3pre2

    pekwm is a window manager based on aewm++ but it no longer resembles
    it. It is highly configurable and rather fast. You can group windows in
    a sense much like pwm. Keybindings, Rootmenu, mouse button actions, and
    automatic properties are configurable. 

phpSecurityAdmin 3.0b2

    phpSecurityAdmin is a PHP application that was designed to be
    implemented in custom Content Management Systems (CMS). It is designed
    to be easy to use, so that CMS programmers do not have to spend a lot
    of time managing user access. It can be used for controlling access to
    Web pages based on user names and passwords. The system allows the
    client to manage user accounts and access rights, and to add, edit, or
    delete users. It also features "user profiles" which provide
    an efficient method for creating multiple users with similar access
    rights. It includes localization support and a few language

phpWebSite 0.9.0

    phpWebSite provides a complete Web site content management solution.
    All client output is valid XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C's Web
    Accessibility Initiative requirements. Features include articles, page
    creation, menu management, an event scheduler, and much more. 

python-evas 0.10

    python-evas is a set of object-oriented Python bindings for the Evas
    canvas. Complete wrappers for Evas objects are provided, with an easy
    to use API resembling Evas' native C interfaces. 

QDBM: Quick DataBase Manager 1.3.0

    QDBM is a library of routines for managing a database. It is developed
    referring to GDBM for the purpose of the following three points: higher
    processing speed, smaller size of a database file, and simpler API. 

qmail-ldap 20030301

    qmail-ldap is an extension to stock qmail-1.03 to get all user account
    information from an LDAP database. Its primary target is POP toasters
    with thousands to millions of users, such as in ISP, FreeMail, and
    Corporate environments. It features full SMTP/POP3/IMAP server
    clustering for scaling and high availablity. Additionally there are
    state-of-the art spam filters, TLS SMTP encrytion, and mailbox quotas.
    A migration path for Netscape Messenger and's Post.Office
    installations is provided. 

RefDB 0.9.2 (Development)

    RefDB is a reference database and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, and
    LaTeX documents. This is an attempt to provide most of the
    functionality of commercial packages like Reference Manager or EndNote
    in a platform-independent tool, targeting markup languages rather than
    word processors. 

Seahorse 0.7.1 (Development)

    Seahorse is a Gnome front end for GnuPG, the GNU Privacy Guard program.
    It is a tool for secure communications and data storage. Data
    encryption and digital signature creation can easily be performed
    through a GUI and Key Management operations can easily be carried out
    through an intuitive interface. 

Sendmail 8.12.8

    Sendmail is a Mail Transfer Agent, which is the program that moves mail
    from one machine to another. Sendmail implements a general internetwork
    mail routing facility, featuring aliasing and forwarding, automatic
    routing to network gateways, and flexible configuration. 

shell watchdog 1.1-2 (Development)

    The shell watchdog is a simple shell script daemon to monitor system
    resources and report failures via local syslog, wall, mail, console
    sound, or user-definable actions. It is intended to be used as a simple
    failure recognition system. Tests are defined in a macro-like style in
    user-definable files, allowing you to create monitored resource groups.
    It currently includes tests to check the availability of an IP address,
    the availability of a service on a local or remote IP address, whether
    a process is running or not, and the usage of filesystems. 

Smart Cache 0.84 (Stable)

    Smart Cache is full-featured pure Java proxy cache server. It can cache
    any pages and make them available for offline browsing. Other features
    include a URL filter, cookie filter, ability to fake User-Agents,
    Referer, and Cookie headers, Web forwarder (accelerator) mode,
    background downloading, multiple logs, fast operation, very
    configurable garbage collection, cache directory structure copies
    server structure, and cached files are ready for use (no headers

SMTP Relay Checker 0.9.5b

    SmtpRC is a fully configurable, multithreaded open mail relay scanner.
    It supports scanning of IP blocks, and can print the results to a Web
    page. It is intended for Systems Administrators to check IP blocks
    under their control. 

snortalog 1.8.0

    Snortalog (formerly known as Snort-ng) is a powerful Perl script that
    summarizes Snort logs, making it easy to view any network attacks
    detected by Snort. It can generate charts in HTML and text output. It
    works with all versions of Snort, and can analyze logs in three
    formats: syslog, fast, and full snort alerts. It does not include a
    database for maximum performance. 

Speex 1.0rc3

    Speex is a patent-free compression format designed especially for
    speech. It is specialized for voice communications at low bit-rates in
    the 2-45 kbps range. Possible applications include Voice over IP
    (VoIP), Internet audio streaming, audio books, and archiving of speech
    data (e.g. voice mail). 

streamtuner 0.9.1 (World Cup)

    streamtuner is a stream directory browser. It offers an intuitive and
    unified interface to various streaming directories through the use of a
    plugin system. streamtuner implements a GTK+ 2.0 graphical user
    interface, and the official distribution ships with the SHOUTcast

tvmet 0.9.0 (Stable)

    This Tiny Vector and Matrix template library uses Meta Templates and
    Expression Templates (ET) to evaluate results at compile time, thus
    making it fast for low-end systems. Temporaries are avoided because of
    this. The produced code is similar to hand-coded code, but the quality
    of the code still depends on the compiler and its version. The
    dimensions for vectors and matrices are static and bounded at compile
    time using template arguments. 

Velocity editor plugin for Eclipse 1.0.0

    Velocity editor plugin for Eclipse provides an editor for the scripting
    language of Jakarta's template engine Velocity. The editor is
    implemented as an plugin for the Eclipse platform. 

Voodoo chat 0.14.24

    Voodoo chat is a fast, convenient, easily customized Web chat system
    with the ability to continuously update the user messages (push). It
    has 4 different ways of displaying messages: a Perl-daemon for
    continuous update, PHP-stream, Java-script emulation of stream, and
    classic refresh style. It features theme support, configurable rooms,
    private messages, ignoring, user-status, a mini-mail system, inline
    images, graphical statistics, user-info, language packs, and more.
    Several data storage engines are available, including ones based on
    files, SysV shared memory, and MySQL. It has been tested on a real
    server with up to 360 simultaneous users. 

Webtop 1.47

    Webtop is a Web-based POP3 email client that includes SSL encryption,
    many email filter options, spam fighting features, custom folders,
    email import/export, fast searching, undeliverable email bounce,
    intelligent read receipts, and email-to-PDF generation. The Webtop also
    includes a calendar, notepad, online file storage, automated email
    reminders, contacts, mailing lists, and Web-based administration. One
    installation can support multiple users and each user can set up as
    many POP3 accounts as they need. 

X-ChaMan 0.5.8

    X-ChaMan is a chapter manager for AVI/DIVX movies. It can display a
    simple GUI menu providing a choice of language (for BIVX) and chapter
    selection. X-ChaMan runs with mplayer. 

Xnee's not an event emulator 1.0.5

    Xnee can record, distribute, and replay X (X11) protocol data. This is
    useful for automated tests of applications or benchmarking of
    applications. Think of it as a robot. 

Zoe Intertwingle 0.4.2 (Stable)

    Zoe is a Web based email client with a built in SMTP and POP3 server
    and Google-like search functionality that lives on your desktop. It is
    written in Java and uses Lucene technology to provided instant
    searching and threading of your email messages. 

Zoinks 0.2.8

    Zoinks is a programmer's editor and development environment for
    Unix/X11 systems. The editor has features similar to Mac text editors
    like MPW and CodeWarrior. It also has some features for HTML authoring.
    It supports inputting and editing multi-byte text (e.g. Japanese and
    other Asian languages). 


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