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March 14, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

abaXX elements 3.5

    abaXX elements is a development environment for building
    component-based Web applications on top of JBoss. It is based on the
    proven J2EE standard technologies, including the JavaServer Pages
    Standard Tag Library (JSTL). Web applications are built with components
    called Parts, which are implemented according to the Model-View-
    Controller pattern, tying together a plain JavaBean as Model, a
    Controller class, and a JSP page as View. It includes an integrated
    Portal Builder toolkit and an application skeleton for rapid

Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library 0.1.0alpha

    Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library is a general purpose library
    designed for building Bayesian Filters. Its primary purpose is to
    provide an easy-to-use interface to allow the building of Bayesian
    filters regardless of the data being analyzed. A user will only need to
    provide a tokenizer, hash function, and comparison function in order to
    build a Filter. 


    BEAST (the BEdevilled Audio System) is a GTK+/GNOME-based frontend to
    BSE (the Bedevilled Sound Engine). BSE comes with the abilities to
    load/store songs and synthesis networks (in .bse files), play them
    modify them, etc. BEAST provides the necessary GUI to make actual use
    of BSE. Synthesis filters (BseSources) are implemented in shared
    library modules, and get loaded on demand. 

Binc IMAP 1.0.25-2

    Binc IMAP is a simple xinetd/tcpserver based IMAP server with support
    for Maildir. It is very easy to install and use. 

Bluebeard 1.0b6.2

    Bluebeard locates and downloads single- and multi-part file attachments
    on the Usenet forum network. It is robust, able to handle between 1-4
    simultaneous downloads, and supports however many queued downloads you
    want to throw at it. It is able to piece together multi-part
    attachments and handle popular encoding formats, including UUE and
    yEnc. Decoding is automatic and quick. 

CheckInstall 1.6.0beta2 (Development)

    CheckInstall keeps track of all files installed by a "make
    install" or equivalent, creates a Slackware, RPM, or Debian
    package with those files, and adds it to the installed packages
    database, allowing for easy package removal or distribution. 

Coin 2.0.1 (2.x)

    Coin is an implementation of Open Inventor. Open Inventor is the de
    facto standard API for retained-mode 3D graphics programming. Open
    Inventor has a highly extensible design, and has been designed to allow
    for rapid development of highly interactive 3D graphics applications in
    the fields of CAD, engineering, scientific computing, simulation, VRML,
    and visualization. 

Comic Collection 1.03

    Comic Collection is a Java (AWT) application to allow automatic
    download, storage, categorisation, and search of Web comics. 

Consultant Communicator 3 Beta 8 (Testing)

    Consultant Communicator (ConsultComm) is a lightweight, cross-platform
    program that allows anyone managing multiple projects, clients, or
    tasks to effectively keep track of exactly how much time has been spent
    on each project. 

CourseForum 2.0

    CourseForum provides a painless, straightforward and flexible solution
    for posting and sharing course materials, class discussions, and
    student collaboration. It can be used for lecture notes, Q&A, class
    discussions, research, student portfolios, projects, and more. The easy
    Web browser interface and quick installation lets you get started in
    minutes, and everyone can easily create, read, and contribute. 

CVSps 2.0b1 (Beta)

    CVSps is a program for generating 'patchset' information from a CVS
    repository. A patchset in this case is defined as a set of changes made
    to a collection of files, and all committed at the same time (using a
    single 'cvs commit' command). This information is valuable to seeing
    the big picture of the evolution of a cvs project. CVSps allows you to
    see history of committed patchsets, restrict by author, date range,
    files affected, branches affected. CVSps can generate a diff of a given

denature 0.6.0

    denature uses several Perl modules and the fop utility to convert an
    HTML file to PDF. It has the beginnings of CSS support, and handles
    several HTML tags. 

DHTML TreeMenu 1.0

    DHTML TreeMenu is a PHP class that generates DHTML menu trees that work
    under IE 5.5+, NS 6+, and other browsers that support InnerHTML. It
    supports indentation levels, linking on any node, and collapsing and
    expanding. Menus are defined with simple XML files. 

DocBook DSSSL Stylesheets 1.78

    DocBook is an XML and SGML dialect that enables you to author and store
    document content in a presentation-neutral form that captures the
    logical structure of the content. Using the modular DocBook stylesheets
    and related resources, you can transform, format, and publish your
    DocBook content as HTML pages and PDF files, and in many other formats,
    including TeX, RTF, FrameMaker MIF, JavaHelp, Microsoft HTML Help, UNIX
    man pages, and TeXinfo. 

DockExtender 3.0.3

    DockExtender allows you to organize and access your applications,
    documents and web sites through custom menus that you create. You can
    create up to 10 separate menus that you can access through the Dock,
    menu bar, or by pressing a HotKey. Items in your menus can be organized
    into as many submenus as you want, and sectioned by separator items.
    Load whole folders into submenus, or have them loaded when you access
    the menu, giving you the most up-to-date contents at your fingertips. 

DvorakNG 0.3.1

    DvorakNG is a Dvorak typing tutor. It's heavily based on Dvorak7min,
    but adds many improvements like a progress information database. 

Easy Integrity Check System 2.0b-rc2

    Easy integrity check system is an easy-to-install and use file
    integrity system. It is intended to be used by system administrators to
    aid with intrusion detection. 

eMoviX 0.8.0pre6

    eMoviX is a micro (7MB) Linux distro meant to be embedded in a CD
    together with all video/audio files you want. A CD burned with eMoviX
    will be able to boot and play automagically all of its files with
    MPlayer. Supported formats are AVI (in particular DivX & XviD
    formats), MPEG, QuickTime, WMV, ASF, MP3, Ogg, and in general
    everything supported by MPlayer. 

fastutil 2.52

    fastutil provides type-specific Java maps and sets with a small memory
    footprint, which feature much faster (2 to 10 times) access and
    insertion. The classes implement their standard counterpart interfaces
    (e.g., Map for maps) and can be plugged into existing code. Besides the
    usual features, fastutil provides reference-based containers (which do
    not use equals() to compare objects) and linked structures. Most
    iterators provided by fastutil classes are bidirectional, or even
    implement the standard list iterator interface. 

FauBackup 0.5.1

    FauBackup uses a filesystem on a hard drive for incremental and full
    backups. All backups can easily be accessed by standard filesystem
    tools. Later backups to the same filesystem will automatically be
    incremental, as unchanged files are only hard-linked with the existing
    version of the file. 

FCKeditor 0.9.1 beta

    FCKEditor is an HTML editor that brings to the web many of the powerful
    functionalities of known desktop editors like Word. It's really
    lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation in the client

General Purpose Converter 0.2.8

    General Purpose Converter (GPC) is a tool for converting between
    different units of measurement. It contains internal tables with many
    convertion values, and a parser that can interpret strings such as
    "10 km to miles". It is easily customizable and can be used
    from other programs with a simple method call. It includes a text mode
    interface and an applet. 

GKrellM 2.1.8 (GTK 2.0)

    GKrellM is a GTK-based stacked monitor program that charts SMP CPUs,
    disks, load, active net interfaces, and internet connections. There are
    also builtin monitors for memory and swap, file systems with
    mount/umount feature, mailbox checking including POP3 and IMAP,
    clock/calendar, laptop battery, sensors (temperatures, voltages, and
    fans), and uptime. It has LEDs for the net monitors and an on/off
    button and online timer for PPP. There is a GUI popup for
    configuration, plugin extensions can be installed, and many themes are
    available. It also features a client/server monitoring capability. 

GProFTPD 8.0.3 (GNOME 2)

    GProFTPD is a GNOME frontend for the ProFTPD standalone server. 

GRAB 2.4

    GRAB (Greg's RPM Application Builder) adds functionality and
    ease-of-use to RPM, by allowing a user to search through a collection
    of RPMs on various FTP servers (given in a configuration file), and
    download and install all in one action. It can perform system upgrades,
    and display all packages that are "outdated". It also has the
    ability to be run through cron, to automatically upgrade all packages
    (except ones defined in a skip list) that are available. This project
    began to provide similiar functionality to RPM based distros as apt-get
    (Debian package tool). Apt has since been ported to RPM. GRAB's
    functionality now is still fairly similar, but also provides additional
    features that makes it easier to use and more intuitive. It can also
    work with any FTP server, as opposed to a specifically configured RPM
    repository server. 

Gretools 0.0.4 (Development)

    Gretools is a collection of programs which use the Barron's word list
    to help users improve their vocabulary. The wordlist is adapted from
    the one found at, and contains
    about 4000 words. gretools consists of a gtk-based synonym quizzing
    program and a command line word-guessing game, among others. Features
    include automatically remembering the words on which the user erred and
    applying a filter to restrict the wordspace to practice on. It is
    particularly useful for preparing for word tests. 

JaxMeJS 1.2

    The JaxMe JavaSource generation framework (a spinoff of the JaxMe
    Java/XML binding tool) is an object-oriented view to a set of Java
    classes created by you. For example, there are objects JavaSource,
    JavaMethod, and so on. Features include automatic generation of import
    lists, semiautomatic indentation, and the ability to postprocess
    generated sources. This allows source code generation to be a
    pipelining process. 

JDistro 0.25

    JDistro is a project to build a Java distribution. The main subprojects
    are an application launcher, a desktop with a document management, and
    access to remote applications. 

Jelie 1.1

    Jelie is a JTAG port driving software for the Intel XScale CPU family.
    With only a JTAG connection, Jelie is able to upload a debug handler,
    initialize the memory, upload and debug programs. Jelie can reach the
    JTAG port of the target processor trough a parallel port and a OCDemon
    McGraigor Wiggler adapter. A USB connection using Anchor's EzUSB is
    also possible. Jelie understands GDB's serial protocol on a TCP/IP

JOnAS 3.0

    JOnAS is a pure Java implementation of the J2EE 1.3 specification,
    available in open source. It is useful to those building applications
    like e-commerce, eportal, management systems, intranet application,
    inventory systems, reservation systems, banking applications, etc. 

JSwat Java Debugger 2.14

    JSwat is a graphical, stand-alone Java debugger, using the JPDA
    library. It offers breakpoints with monitors and conditions, colorized
    source code display, single-stepping, displaying variables, viewing
    stack frames, and expression evaluation. 

KdeRadio 0.2.0

    KDERadio lets you listen to the radio, add stations, etc. 

Languenet 1.1

    Languenet is a PHP application originally written for Language
    departments of Universities, allowing users to register for educational
    courses online and administrators to manage course data, add grades,
    print certificates, and more. The whole program is accessible by a
    simple browser. It is currently only available in German. 

LibCGI 0.8.2 (Stable)

    LibCGI is a simple to use and powerful library written from scratch to
    assist in the making of CGI appliactions in C. It has support for
    string manipulation, linked lists, cookies, sessions, GET and POST
    methods, and more. 

LiveCut 1.99

    LiveCut is a graphical helper for people who have to synchronize
    different media sources like audio or video sources, slides, text
    transcriptions, while making movies or SMIL presentations. It allows
    you to easily mark the time at which events happen, and generates a
    simple text file which can be reused either manually or automatically
    later (e.g., in an SMIL generator). 

lvs-kiss 1.22 (Stable)

    lvs-kiss is designed to make load-balancing with fail-over simpler. The
    primary design-goal is for you to get load-balancing with fail-over up
    and running withing an hour or so. The secondary design goal is to be
    able to make this software as flexible as possible. Embedding of perl
    in configuration-files and load-balancing with custom made tests should
    be possible without too much hassle. 

Maillog View 1.03.3

    Maillog View is a Webmin module that allows you to easily view all your
    /var/log/maillog.* files. It features autorefresh, message size
    indication, ascending/descending view order, compressed file support,
    and a full statistics page. Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, and Qmail
    (partially) are supported. Courier MTA support is experimental. 

Managing Gigabytes for Java 0.7

    MG4J (Managing Gigabytes for Java) is a collaborative effort aimed at
    providing a free Java implementation of inverted-index compression
    techniques; as a by-product, it offers several general-purpose
    optimised classes, including fast and compact mutable strings,
    bit-level I/O, fast unsychronised buffered streams, (possibly signed)
    minimal perfect hashing, etc. 

MLton 20030312

    MLton is a whole-program optimizing Standard ML compiler that runs on
    x86 machines with Linux, FreeBSD, or Cygwin/Windows. MLton generates
    excellent code, has a fast C FFI, source-level time and allocation
    profiling, and many useful libraries. 

mod_pgauth 2

    mod_pgauth is a PostgreSQL authorization module designed to work with
    Apache 1.3.*. 

Moto 0.19.0 (Development)

    Moto is a server-side scripting language much like PHP or ColdFusion.
    The difference between Moto and other server-side scripting languages
    is that Moto pages can run interpreted (like PHP) or be natively
    compiled into dynamically loadable Apache modules (an entire Web site
    could be compiled into one .so file). It comes with a full suite of
    objects and functions for state and session management, MySQL and
    PostgreSQL database connectivity, and a slew of utility classes like
    stacks, hashtables, string buffers, etc. There is also an included
    interface definition language for exposing C functions to Moto. All
    object allocation occurs in a shared memory segment, so maintaining
    state in objects between page views is a snap. 

MoviX 0.8.0pre2

    MoviX is a small Linux distro that transforms your PC in a powerful
    multimedia box. After booting your PC with MoviX, a user-friendly
    console menu will allow you to use MPlayer ( to play
    any DVD/VCD, video/audio files (most noticeably DivX, AVI, MPEG,
    QuickTime, WMV, ASF, MP3, and OGG/VORBIS), TV (provided you have a TV
    card), and radio stations on the Internet (if you are connected to a
    LAN). Since the entire operating system is loaded into RAM, you do not
    even need a hard disk to use MoviX. 

Open Remote Collaboration Tool 1.4.0

    OpenRCT is a multidisciplinary effort to enhance collaboration between
    people who are not co-located in time and space. It is a platform
    independent multimedia tool that supports synchronous and/or
    asynchronous communication. 

OpenBottle 0.1.1

    OpenBottle is a per user anti-spam system based on a sender
    authenticated whitelist mechanism. The core of the system is written in
    Perl, with a Web-based user interface in PHP. 

PIMd 2.1.0-alpha29.16 (development)

    PIMd is a PIM-2 sparse-mode multicast router, ported to Linux; kernel
    patches are available for various BSD-based OSes that do not already
    support PIM multicasting. It can support native multicasting and/or

Pizza Business 1.0-beta8

    Pizza Business is a platform-independent restaurant simulation game
    written in object-oriented C++. It utilizes the WxWindows library. 

PyBabelPhish 1.1

    PyBabelPhish is a GTK-based program providing fast translations from
    one natural language to another. Texts translated to Spanish can be
    read aloud in Spanish through optional text-to-speech support. 

PyInstallShield 0.3

    PyInstallShield is a GTK-based, cross-platform installation and
    un-installation program. It is known to work on both Linux and Windows. 

PyPrint 0.2

    PyPrint is a print dialog and printer spool manager for LPRng-based
    printing systems on Linux and Unix. 

Python and Vim Livejournal poster 0.0.1

    pyljvim is a simple Python script to do posts to LiveJournal and a
    couple of handy vim macros to interface it, including syntax file for
    LJ posts and actual create-and-submit macro functions. 

Pythoñol 1.1

    Pythoñol is an all-in-one program that helps English speakers
    learn Spanish. It features pronunciation, verb conjugation, a
    dictionary with over 70,000 words, a thesaurus, quizzes, full-text
    translation, idioms, a verb browser, and a large reference section. 

qpopper-mysql 0.10

    qpopper-mysql is a patch to Qualcomm's qpopper POP3 daemon to enable it
    to do user authentication via a MySQL database, support virtual
    domains, support Maildir-style mailboxes, and log logins into a MySQL
    database for possible MTA SMTP authentication relaying use. 

Really Slick ScreenSavers GLX Port 0.7.4

    The Really Slick ScreenSavers GLX Port is a port of some nifty OpenGL
    screensavers that were originally written for Windows to GLX. It is
    intended for use with an existing screensaver daemon like xscreensaver. 

Remote Arpwatch 0.03

    Remote Arpwatch collects ARP tables from remote devices using SNMP and
    checks them for changes. It is very useful for detecting problems and
    malicious users in networks with routers that don't support static ARP

runit 0.8.1

    runit is a daemontools alike replacement for SysV-init and other init
    schemes. It currently runs on GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and can
    easily be adapted to other Unix operating systems. runit implements a
    simple three-stage concept. Stage 1 performs the system's one-time
    initialization tasks. Stage 2 starts the system's uptime services (via
    the runsvdir program). Stage 3 handles the tasks necessary to shutdown
    and halt or reboot. 

SDBA Revolution 1.8

    SDBA Revolution is an open-source architecture written in Perl which
    simplifies and streamlines the process of writing applications that run
    on an instant messaging network. It features easy scripting of IM
    responses, session variables which are consistent across messages,
    session time limits, support for multiple "apps" from one
    bot, basic security, and the ability to use multiple access lists. It
    makes writing IM apps very much like writing mod_perl or PHP pages. It
    currently supports AIM, MSN, ICQ, YIM, and Jabber. The homepage has
    full tutorials and documentation. 

Shark CGI Function 0.3

    The Shark CGI Function simplifies programming CGIs in C. It extracts
    variables and contents from GET, POST, and multipart/form-data forms
    (including file uploads and cookies), and makes them accessible as
    environment variables. 

syslog-ng 1.5.26

    syslog-ng, as the name shows, is a syslogd replacement, but with new
    functionality for the new generation. The original syslogd allows
    messages only to be sorted based on priority/facility pairs; syslog-ng
    adds the possibility to filter based on message contents using regular
    expressions. The new configuration scheme is intuitive and powerful.
    Forwarding logs over TCP and remembering all forwarding hops makes it
    ideal for firewalled environments. 

Time Manager 0.6.0

    Time Manager is a CGI script that keeps track of how much time you have
    spent at work. This works with the user signing on and off whenever he
    or she arrives or leaves. 

Timo's Rescue CD Set 0.9.6

    Timo's rescue CD set provides an easy way to generate bootable CDROMs
    with a ready-to-use rescue system on them. The system is designed to be
    fully customizable and easy to build. The rescue system includes
    reiserfs, parted, partimage, nmap, w3m, bash, sshd, telnetd, ftpd, and
    nfsd. It is based on Debian's "woody" release. LILO,
    syslinux, isolinux, and GRUB are supported. The project is evolving
    more and more into a "Debian on CD" project, which means that
    its use is not limited to a rescue CD; it is also possible to install a
    whole Debian system on CD. 

Turaco CL 0.2

    Turaco CL is a tool for extracting PNM image files out of arcade game
    ROMs. It also can regenerate arcade game ROMs from PNM image files.
    Once the image files have been extracted, you can edit them in your
    favorite paint program. They can then be encoded back into game ROMs to
    be played in an emulator or real arcade hardware. 

W3Mail 1.0.7 (Version 1.0)

    W3Mail is Webmail server application. It allows an organization to give
    its email users Web access to their POP3 email. It provides support for
    address books and MIME attachments. 

webCDwriter 2.5.0

    webCDwriter can be used to make a single CD-writer available to all
    users in your network. It consists of the server CDWserver and the
    clients webCDcreator and rcdrecord. CDWserver stores the files
    transmitted by the clients, reserves the CD-writer and controls the
    CD-writer using cdrecord. webCDcreator is a Java applet that runs
    within your browser (Netscape or IE), assists you when putting together
    a CD, and transmits the files. Finally rcdrecord is a command line
    client that trys to offer the functionality of cdrecord over the

xbiso 0.5.8

    xbiso is an Xbox xdvdfs ISO extraction utility. 

XiMoL 0.7 alpha 03

    XiMoL is an XML reader/writer (non-validating) library written in C++.
    It is a iostream-oriented library based on the STL and not a SAX or DOM
    library (like Xerces, expat, etc.). Each object has its own

Yngvi 0.1a1

    Yngvi allows Apache Webmasters to determine filesystem locations that
    are accessible through the server--including those which have not been
    explicitly published. It's good for finding inadvertent exposures or
    unintended configuration inheritances. 


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