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March 16, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

AsyncResolv 0.0.1

    AsyncResolv is an asynchronous DNS query library written in C++. It is
    easy to use and is quite fast. It is designed for incorporating in
    high-concurrency network servers. 

AutoGen 5.5.3

    AutoGen is a tool designed for generating program files that contain
    repetitive text with varied substitutions. Its goal is to simplify the
    maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text.
    This is especially valuable if there are several blocks of such text
    that must be kept synchronized. Output is specified with a
    Scheme-enhanced output template. Input, if required by your template,
    may come from AutoGen definitions, CGI data, or XML files. 

AutoOpts 19.0.10

    AutoOpts is an integrated part of AutoGen. Based on a very simple
    option description file, it will process configuration files,
    environment variables, command line options, text strings passed by
    client programs, and will make the results easily accessible to the
    client program. It will also produce a man page and the info-doc
    invoking section automatically. 

Bakery 1.3.10 (Unstable)

    Bakery is a C++ Framework for creating GNOME applications using gnomemm
    and gtkmm. It provides a Document/View architecture, but it doesn't
    force you to use the whole architecture. It makes it easy to start
    developing GNOME applications by inheriting and overriding. 

BSDftpd-ssl 0.6.2

    BSDftpd-ssl is a TLS/SSL-enhanced FTP server. It is based on FreeBSD's
    ftpd, and the TLS/SSL enhancement allows RFC 2228 "FTP Security
    Extensions"-compliant TLS/SSL support for both control and data
    connections. This feature requires special clients; with standard
    clients, this software operates as a standard FTP server. 

CK-Ledger 0.6.1 (Development)

    CK-Ledger is a double-entry ledger accounting system which runs on top
    of PHPGroupWare. It provides accounting and backoffice functionality to
    SMEs, and utilizes PHPGroupWare to administer user accounts and groups.
    It comprises 15 modules: Ledger Admin, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation,
    Inventory, Service, AP, AR, PO, SO, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for
    Manager, Human Resources, Staff Self Service, and Payroll. 

disktype 3

    The purpose of disktype is to detect the content format of a disk or
    disk image. It knows about common file systems, partition tables, and
    boot codes. 

DOTCONF++ library 0.0.1

    dotconf++ is a dotconf like configuration file parser written in C++.
    It supports macro substitution from the environment or from the file
    itself, config file inclusion, easy handling of XML like tags, checking
    for required tags, and more. The whole document (with all inclusions)
    is parsed into a useful tree structure that is easy to use in your

DrawSWF 1.2.7

    DrawSWF is a simple drawing application written in Java. The drawing
    can be exported as an animated SWF (Macromedia Flash) file. It has been
    tested to run with Java2 1.4 under Linux. 

Eric3 3.1

    Eric3 is a Python IDE written using PyQt and QScintilla. It has
    integrated project management capabilities with class browsing
    functions, gives developers an unlimited number of editors with syntax
    highlighting and code folding, an integrated Python shell, an
    integrated Python debugger, a file system browser with class browsing
    capabilities for Python files, and more. 

ESSE 1.1

    ESSE (Efficient Site Search Engine) is a search engine for Web sites
    which is based on the PostgreSQL database engine. You can choose
    extensions for searchable documents, and you can fully customize the
    output of queries. It is configurable, and allows you to speed up the
    search by using statistic keywords instead of searching through the
    full document. 

Falsoyd 0.8-alpha

    Falsoyd is a little shoot-em-up for your desktop. It is an entirely
    plotless game intended for hours of frivolous and violent entertainment
    while you should be working. 

Giram 0.3.5

    Giram Is Really A Modeller. It is a multi-purpose 3D modeller written
    with GTK+ 2.0. It supports many 3D formats. 

GNU C library 2.3.2

    GNU C library (glibc) is one of the most important components of GNU
    Hurd and most modern Linux distributions. It is used by almost all C
    programs and provides the most essential program interface. Version 2.1
    is a companion to Kernel 2.2.x. 

GNU Smalltalk 2.0l (Development)

    GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language. 

GNU Transport Layer Security Library 0.9.2 (Development)

    GNU Transport Layer Security Library is a library which implements a
    secure layer over a reliable transport layer such as TCP/IP. It
    implements the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols. GnuTLS is available for
    beta testing. 

Gtk-IPTables 0.3.5 (Stable)

    Gtk-IPTables is a GTK-based frontend for iptables written in C. You can
    create rules for all chains for Filter, NAT, and Mangle tables. 

gtkmm 2.2.1

    gtkmm (previously known as Gtk--) is a C++ interface for the popular
    GUI library GTK+. It provides a convenient interface for C++
    programmers to create graphical user interfaces with GTK+'s framework.
    Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets which are extensible by
    inheritance, and many classes that can be easily combined to quickly
    create complex user interfaces. 

Hash Database Manager 0.02

    Hash Database Manager provides a commandline interface and an
    interactive terminal interface to GDBM (and other) hash DBs. 

HTML::Merge 3.40

    HTML::Merge is an embedded HTML/Perl/SQL tool used to create dynamic
    Web content. It uses TAG-based embedded Perl and SQL integration in
    templates that are used to automatically generate Perl code, which is
    run in the deployment mode. 

imgv 2.4 (Development)

    imgv is free image viewer that runs on everything from MS-Windows to
    Linux to BSD and more. It includes standard features (file/directory
    browser, slideshows, zoom in/out, flip/rotate, etc.) and special
    features (multi-view, adjustable thumbnail sizes, image playlists,
    remote image loading, MPEG movie support, a customizable interface, and
    much more). 

JXTA Instant Messenger 0.1c

    JXTA Instant Messenger (JIM) aims to establish a server-free instant
    messaging system with various options. It features encrypted messaging,
    presence awareness, and sophisticated search for users. 

KBudget 0.5

    KBudget is a budgeting and money management program for KDE. It allows
    you to manage accounts and transactions. 

libxml++ 0.22

    libxml++ is a C++ interface for working with XML files, using libxml
    (gnome-xml) to parse and write the actual XML files. It has a simple
    but complete API. 

licq-osd 1.2.4

    The licq-osd plugin that enables licq to display new messages as an On
    Screen Display message. 

Mah-Jong 1.5

    Mah-Jong is a set of three programs comprising a networked Mah-Jong
    game, a graphical client for humans, and a basic computer player. The
    game can be played by four humans, by a human and three computer
    players, or any other combination. The version of Mah-Jong is that
    generally called Chinese Classical. It should not be confused with the
    solitaire games such as xmahjongg. 

MiddleMan 1.5

    Middleman is a robust proxy server with many features designed to
    remove unwanted content, increase privacy, and to simply make surfing
    the Web a more pleasant experience. Some of the highlights include
    banner and popup blocking, HTTP and FTP content caching, NTLM and Basic
    authentication when forwarding through another proxy server, regular
    expression substitution in downloaded files and HTTP headers, regular
    expression substitution on requested URLs, many URL commands to
    temporarily change the proxy settings or to view information about a
    requested file, complete support for HTTP/1.1 including persistent
    connections and gzip encoding, and an intutive Web interface for
    configuring the proxy. 

mpg2ppm 1.0

    mpg2ppm is a MPEG-VStream decoder based on mpeg2decode. The difference
    with the original is that it has the ability to extract the desired
    frames, or GOPs, only. 

NBASE 4.0 4.0 Prerelease 0.35 (Snapshot 20030315)

    NBASE is a set of standard libraries for rapid development in C++. The
    libraries include string manipulation and parsing, file I/O,
    networking, threading, a wide array of data structures, and an object
    management system. 

NetMap network scanner 0.1.0

    NetMap is a network scanner written in Perl/GTK. It is not just another
    nmap frontend. It is a modularized network prober/scanner that just
    happens to have an nmap module. Incidentally, NetMap has nothing to do
    with the network weather mapper. 

omniORB 4.0.1

    omniORB is an Object Request Broker (ORB) which implements version 2.6
    of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). It supports
    the C++ and Python language bindings, is fully multithreaded, uses IIOP
    as the native transport, and comes complete with a COS Naming Service.
    omniORB is possibly the fastest available C++ ORB. 

omniORBpy 2.1

    omniORBpy is a high-performance CORBA 2.6 ORB for Python. It consists
    of an interface between Python and the omniORB C++ library. IDL is
    compiled into pure Python code, so new IDL interfaces can be used
    without involving the C++ compiler. 

orbitcpp 1.3.5

    orbitcpp is a C++ mapping for ORBit2. 

PhpDig 1.6.1 (Stable)

    PhpDig is a search engine written in PHP that uses a MySQL database
    backend. It features indexing of both static and dynamic pages,
    spidering of almost all links in HTML content, in hrefs, areamaps, and
    frames, and full text indexing. The search results appearence is
    skin-able, using a very simple templates system. It can index PDF and
    Office files using external tools. 

Project Manager X 1.2

    PMX is a simple project management tool for OS X. It allows you to
    track, group, and manage project items and resource allocation. It
    displays the project in a nice Gantt Chart that can be printed. 

QDBM: Quick DataBase Manager 1.3.2

    QDBM is a library of routines for managing a database. It is developed
    referring to GDBM for the purpose of the following three points: higher
    processing speed, smaller size of a database file, and simpler API. 

rdiff-backup 0.11.4 (Development)

    rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another. The target directory
    ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are
    stored in a special directory so you can still recover files lost some
    time ago. The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an
    incremental backup. rdiff-backup can also operate in a bandwidth-
    efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync. Thus you can use rdiff-backup
    and ssh to securely back up to a remote location, and only the
    differences will be transmitted. It can also handle symlinks, device
    files, permissions, ownership, etc., so it can be used on the entire
    file system. 

robotTracker 1.0

    robotTracker is a PHP tool that allow you to record robot accesses in
    real time to your pages and display the results by months, days, URLs,
    and graphically. 

Romeo xmame frontend 0.1a

    Romeo is a Java frontend for xmame with a lot of features. It uses a
    library by l2fprod to be skinnable and the Java Mail API for an
    enclosed mail module. Romeo can automatically download ROMs,
    screenshots, flyers etc. and can use a different config file for each

RubyPod 0.2

    rubyPod is a graphical frontend for managing an iPod on Linux,
    programmed in Ruby, and relying on the gnuPod project as its backend.
    It supports adding and deleting of songs, creation and modification of
    playlists, convenient id3v2 MP3 tag editing, and exporting to hard

SaveMyModem 0.18 (Development)

    SaveMyModem is an anti-spam, mail-shaping, and delete-on-server mail
    tool. It is designed for users with slow dialup connections, who are
    tired of downloading large amounts of spam and worm and virus

Siproxd 0.2.7 (Stable)

    Siproxd is a SIP proxy for SIP based softphones hidden behind an IP
    masquerading firewall. It includes an RTP data stream proxy for
    incoming audio data (outgoing RTP data should be handled by IP
    masquerading by the firewall). Multiple local users/hosts can be
    simultaneously masqueraded. All configuration is done via one simple
    ASCII text file. 

SmallBoardPHP 0.43 (Development)

    SmallBoardPHP is a small & quick messageboard. It uses a MySQL
    backend for speed. 

Styx 1.6

    Styx is a scanner/parser generator designed to address some
    shortcomings of the traditional lex/yacc combination. It has unique
    features like automatic derivation of depth grammar, production of the
    derivation tree, including it's C interface, preservation of full
    source information, pretty printing to faciliate source-source
    translation, and persistence to aid rapid interpreter writing. It also
    supports reentrancy. Styx works well under several different OSes,
    including serveral Unixes, DOS, and Windows. 

swaret 1.1.2 (Stable)

    swaret lets you keep your Slackware system up to date. It functions
    similarly to apt-get, the Debian package manager. 

TemplatePower 3.0.2 (Stable)

    TemplatePower is a fast, easy to use, and powerful PHP4 template class.
    It is about 6 times faster than FastTemplate. Its main features are
    nested dynamic block support, block/file include support, show/hide
    unassigned variables, save/use parsed template on/from disk, PHP-file
    include, and global variable assign. 

TeXwrapper 0.2.0

    TeXwrapper has been implemented to facilitate the interfacing of
    (La)TeX with the quickfix mode of the VIM text editor. It allows you to
    run TeX and some tools like BibTeX or MakeIndex at once. If an error
    occurs, it scans the transcript files and sends a "compiler
    style" error message to stderr. This program may also be useful
    with other text editors (like SciTE) which are able to deal with
    compiler's error output. 

Thy 0.4.141 (Development)

    Thy is a lightweight httpd designed to be clean and fast, yet powerful
    enough to serve many hits a day. 

Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator 0.80-pre4 (Development)

    UADE (Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator) plays old Amiga music formats by
    UAE Amiga emulation. It supports at least 150 different formats. 

VideoDB 2003-03-15

    VideoDB is a database to manage your personal video collection. It's
    mainly designed for videofiles but you can also put your DVDs and VHS
    tapes in it. It features fetching movie data/covers from the Internet
    Movie Database (IMDb), local caching of coverimages, an option to mark
    movies as seen, a search by genre or title/subtitle/plot/cast data, a
    filter for TV episodes, a random movie function and a simple borrow
    manager. It is a personal database, so no user
    management/authentication scheme is implemented. Everybody may
    add/edit/delete movies. 

Vobcopy 0.5.7

    Vobcopy copies DVD .vob files to harddisk, decrypting them on the way
    (thanks to libdvdread) and merges them into 2 GB files (or larger) with
    the name extracted from the DVD. It checks for enough free space on the
    destination drive and compares the copied size to the size on DVD (in
    case something went wrong during the copying). 

Vstr string library 1.0.4

    Vstr is a safe and fast string library for C. It is designed for
    network communication. Its design uses chunks of ptr+length data, so
    adding, substituting, and deleting data are all fast operations. This
    model also allows it to do automatic referencing for mmap() areas of
    memory. Shortcut APIs are included to mmap() a file into a Vstr string,
    and read()/write() data to/from a Vstr string. Another big feature of
    the library is a POSIX and ISO 9899:1999 compliant printf() like
    function, which can also be extended with user supplied formatters that
    are gcc warning compatible. The total API is over 140 functions, but
    laid out in a easy to remember manner, including data parsing
    functions, a non-destructive split() function, and conversion functions
    (among others). 

windowmaker Binary Clock 0.1

    The windowmaker Binary Clock applet shows the actual system time as a
    binary clock. You have to add up the bits to get the time. The clock
    has a 24-hour format. 

X10-wish GUI 1.2.4

    This Java Client demonstrates the simplicity of creating a remote
    control client/server capability for an X10 automated home controlled
    by a Linux server with the X10-wish drivers installed. The socket
    server runs on the same machine as the X10-wish drivers and the Java
    client can be run on any machine with the Java runtime envrionment 1.3
    (or higher) installed. 


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