New Case Study --  Oracle database backup on Linux
Need an inexpensive solution to backup and restore an Oracle 9i RAC database
on Linux?  Read this case study from Dell and learn how LEGATO's NetWorker
can help protect your business-critical applications and data.

March 19, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

AbstractDB 0.7

    AbstractDB is a PHP wrapper class which provides easy and simple class
    methods to access the most important database functions. It contains
    classes implementing the functionality for native PHP functions
    (MySQL), PEAR, PHPLIB, ADOdb, and METABASE. It allows you to switch
    between these database abstraction layers by changing only a single
    line of code, allowing you to use a unified abstraction layer for
    database access. 

AcidRip 0.8

    AcidRip is an automated frontend for MPlayer/Mencoder written in Perl,
    using Gtk::Perl for a graphical interface. It makes encoding a DVD just
    a one-button click! 

Aqsis Development 0.7.5

    Aqsis is a Renderman(tm) compliant 3D rendering toolkit. It is based on
    the Reyes rendering approach. Features include programmable shading,
    true displacements, NURBS, CSG, Motion Blur, and direct rendering of
    subdivision surfaces. 

AquaOS for Metacity 2.0

    AquaOS is a port of the Sawfish Aqua style theme, with additions from
    the Aqua-Metal Metacity theme. 

ARIA Business Management 0.95

    ARIA is business class management (ERP) software. It lets you manage
    inventory levels, maintain payroll, and process orders. It is written
    primarily in PHP and incorporates the ADODB database abstraction layer. 

Astro::FITS::Header Module 2.6.1 (Development)

    The Astro::FITS::Header Perl module and its associated sub-classes are
    object-orientated classes for reading, modifying, and writing out FITS
    standard header blocks to FITS, NDF, and GSD files. 

AutoUpdate 4.7.2

    AutoUpdate is a Perl script which performs a task similar to Red Hat's
    up2date or autorpm. It can be used to automatically download and
    upgrade RPMs from different HTTP(S) or (S)FTP sites, while also
    handling dependencies. Moreover, it can also be used to keep a server
    with a customized (Red Hat) distribution plus all clients up to date. 

Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library 0.1.1alpha

    Bayesian Pattern Filtering Library is a general purpose library
    designed for building Bayesian Filters. Its primary purpose is to
    provide an easy-to-use interface to allow the building of Bayesian
    filters regardless of the data being analyzed. A user will only need to
    provide a tokenizer, hash function, and comparison function in order to
    build a Filter. 

BoolStuff 0.1.8

    BoolStuff is a small C++ library that computes the Disjunctive Normal
    Form of a boolean expression binary tree. The library also has a C
    programming interface. 

Choosefont 0.2

    Choosefont is a tool for efficiently finding the required font from a
    large amount of font faces. It can also create HTML and CSS code to
    select the font and copy it to the X clipboard automatically. 

Clam AntiVirus 20030317 (Development)

    Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of
    this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment
    scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded
    daemon, a commandline scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via
    Internet. The programs are based on a shared library distributed with
    the Clam AntiVirus package, which you can use in your own software. 

Content management module for PHProjekt 0.5.0

    This module let users manage content pages for PHProjekt. It uses a
    directory-based model and role-based security. Features include file
    upload capabilities, a comment system, a search facility, and simple
    statistics generation. 0.0.1-pre2 is an almost completely rewritten version of the script for X- Chat. It displays your system information,
    currently playing xmms song, and some random network load information. 

Cygwin 1.3.22-1

    Cygwin is a DLL which provides a Unix emulation environment for
    Windows. The Cygwin environment provides a complete port of such
    development utilities as gcc, binutils, gdb, make, etc., as well as a
    number of useful utilities. 

Darkbot 7rc6

    Darkbot is a very fast and small IRC bot written in C. Originally
    created as an aid for help channels to answer repeated questions from
    its virtually unlimited database, it has became a very popular talking
    robot in a generic sense, being used all over IRC networks for
    different purposes and in 18 languages. Data can be added to it and
    managed dynamically online or edited in its database files offline. An
    extensive but easy-to-understand list of commands and features,
    including some channel operation functions and levels of protection,
    makes Darkbot a very flexible but somehow powerful and complex robot,
    with almost human conversations and reactions. 

DigiTemp 3.1.0

    DigiTemp uses a simple serial port adapter to read temperatures from
    the Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire DS1820 digital temperature sensors. It
    supports the DS9097-U adapter, supports DS2409 based 1-Wire hubs, and
    features a 1-Wire walk that will display all devices on the LAN, not
    just temperature sensors. 

displayusers 1.1

    displayusers generates a user list based on text files in the user's
    area. If the data is present, the user is listed in the directory. The
    user may optionally display a photo and biographical information. The
    program also generates a default email address and home page, but the
    user may over-ride default settings. The entry in the list will
    disappear if the files are removed, so deleted accounts are
    automatically removed, reducing dead links. 

DocBook Doclet 0.40

    The DocBook Doclet creates DocBook SGML or XML from Java source
    documentation or HTML files. It is helpful if you want to print
    reference handbooks of your API. Normally it is used with the Javadoc
    tool but it can also be used as a standalone application to convert
    HTML to DocBook. Additionally it comes with a Swing application to
    manage documentation projects and to transform the resulting DocBook
    files to PDF. 

Dr.Cat 0.4.0 beta

    Dr.Cat (Dave's Remote Cat) concatenates a file on a remote Linux host
    that is running the Dr.Cat daemon (drcatd) to stdout in the clients
    terminal. It authenticates users versus the standard shadow password
    authentication facility and spawns a process with that users
    permissions to attempt to access the requested file. If the file exists
    and the user has the necessary permissions the file is sent to stdout
    on the clients terminal; otherwise it returns "file not

Dustismo 2.0

    Dustismo contains a standard sans-serif TrueType and a serifed Roman
    TrueType font good for most applications. It contains most common
    glyphs (about 360 for the sans-serif and 470 for the Roman). The
    sans-serif font has associated italics, bold, and bold italics. 

DvorakNG 0.5.0

    DvorakNG is a Dvorak typing tutor. It's heavily based on Dvorak7min,
    but adds many improvements like a progress information database. 

ecasound 2.2.2

    Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio
    processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback,
    recording, and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect
    processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. It supports a wide
    range of audio inputs, outputs, and effect algorithms. Effects and
    audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can
    be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A
    versatile console-mode user interface is included in the package. 

Eddi 1.1.2 (Development)

    Eddi is a powerful and easy-to-use text editor for X. It can use macros
    and has syntax highlighting. 

Enterprise Volume Management System 1.9.2 (Development)

    The Enterprise Volume Management System (EVMS) Project has the goal of
    providing unparalleled flexibility and extensibility in managing
    storage. It represents a new approach to logical volume management, as
    the architecture introduces a plug-in model that allows for easy
    expansion or customization of various levels of volume management. 

Eternal Lands 0.6.0

    Eternal Lands is a multiplatform (Windows/Linux) 3D graphical online
    world that will evolve into a fully-featured MMORPG. It requires a
    hardware-accelerated video card that supports at least OpenGL 1.2. 

flock utility 1.0

    flock is a small utility to manage advisory file locks from shell
    scripts. Advisory file locks allow programs to let other programs to
    know that a particular file is in use and shouldn't be used until the
    lock is released. 

FourCoordinates 0.4b

    FourCoordinates is a Mac OS X framework written in Objective C for
    listening to GPS devices connected to Macintosh computers. It takes
    care of interpreting the output of the GPS device and presents you with
    a simple class interface for obtaining the current coordinates, and
    being notified when they change. Its goals are ease of integration,
    zero user configuration (i.e., autodetection of GPS devices), and
    support for a broad range of GPS devices. It includes a demo
    application called WhereAmI, which displays current GPS information. 

GNU Libidn 0.1.13

    GNU Libidn is an implementation of the Stringprep (with the Nameprep
    and Kerberos 5 profiles), Punycode, and IDNA specifications defined by
    the IETF Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) working group, used for
    internationalized domain names. It is used to prepare internationalized
    strings (such as domain name labels, usernames, and passwords) in order
    to increase the likelihood that string input and string comparison work
    in ways that make sense for typical users throughout the world. 

GNU Simple Authentication and Security Layer 0.0.6

    GNU SASL is a library that implements the IETF Simple Authentication
    and Security Layer (SASL) framework and some SASL mechanisms. SASL is
    used in servers (e.g. IMAP, SMTP, etc.) to request authentication from
    clients, and in clients to authenticate against servers. 

Goben 0.0.4

    Goben is a GTK+ 1.2 GUI for playing Go. It allows any combination of
    human vs computer, computer vs computer, or human vs human play, and
    supports any board size from 5x5 to the full 19x19. Computer players
    are controlled via GTP1 for compatibility with GNUGo. 

grafist 2.0.0

    Grafist is a bandwidth utilization viewer. It gets the bandwidth
    utilization information for network interfaces from the /proc/net/dev
    file in 15-second periods, and stores it in four data files (daily,
    weekly, monthly, and yearly). When a request is sent to index.php, it
    executes four programs to create graphics (using the GD library) and a
    summary for each file. Grafist provides localization support for 24

gtktetcolor 0.6.2

    gtktetcolor is a GTK+ reimplementation of tetcolor, a Tetris-like game. 

IceWM Theme Designer 1.0

    IceWM Theme Designer is an intuitive program for designing and editing
    IceWM themes. It features a comfortable user interface and full
    drag-and-drop support. It includes English and Spanish translations. 

IOzone 3.164

    IOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool. The benchmark generates and
    measures a variety of file operations. Iozone has been ported to many
    machines and runs under many operating systems. 

JAsteroids3D 1.1.2

    JAsteroids3D is a 3D version of the classic Asteroids arcade game,
    written with a small and flexible 100% Java cross platform custom 3D
    rendering and animation library. It's easily bundled into an applet. 

Java SOS 3.30

    Java SOS is a set of configurable Java servlets for fast site building,
    including Forums, Chat, and Calendar servlets, etc. 

JGraph 2.1 (For Java 1.3)

    JGraph is a robust and complete graph component that is better than
    many of its commercial competitors. With the JGraph zoomable component,
    you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. It
    can also be used on the server-side to read an GXL graph, apply a
    custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 

JiveAudio 2.0.5

    JiveAudio is a multimedia plugin for Mozilla/Netscape. It supports
    embedded audio media with audio/basic, audio/x-wav, audio/wav,
    audio/x-midi, and audio/midi types. 

JOELib 2003-03-18

    JOELib is a computational chemistry library which supports SMARTS
    substructure search, descriptor calculation, processing/filtering
    pipes, and conversion of different chemical file formats. It is written
    in 100% pure Java, and interfaces to external programs are available. 

Keepalived for LVS 1.0.1 (Development)

    Keepalived for LVS aims to add a strong and robust keepalive facility
    to the Linux Virtual Server project. This project is written in C with
    multilayer TCP/IP stack checks. It implements a framework based on
    three family checks: Layer3, Layer4, and Layer5. This framework gives
    the daemon the ability of checking a LVS server pool states.When one of
    the servers in the LVS server pool is down, keepalived informs the
    Linux kernel via a setsockopt call to remove this server entry from the
    LVS topology. In addition, it implements a VRRPv2 stack to handle
    director failover. 

Kernel Mode Linux 2.5.65_001 (For Linux 2.5)

    Kernel Mode Linux is a technology which enables the execution of user
    programs in a kernel mode. In Kernel Mode Linux, user programs can
    access kernel address space directly. Unlike kernel modules, user
    programs are executed as ordinary processes (except for their privilege
    level), so scheduling and paging are performed as usual. Although it
    seems dangerous, the safety of the kernel can be ensured through such
    methods as static type checking, software fault isolation, and so

LinCVS 1.1.3

    LinCVS is an easy-to-use graphical frontend for the CVS-client. It
    supports CVS versions 1.9 and higher. It can check out a module from
    and import of a module to a repository, update or retrieve the status
    of a working directory or single files, and perform common operations
    like add, remove, commit, diff against the repository, or view the log
    messages in list form. 

Linux 2.5.65 (2.5)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Linux Security Auditing Tool 0.6.6

    Linux Security Auditing Tool (LSAT) is a post install security auditing
    tool. It is modular in design, so new features can be added quickly. It
    checks many system configurations and local network settings on the
    system for common security/config errors and for packages that are not
    needed. It has been tested on Linux (Gentoo, Red Hat, Debian, etc.) and
    Solaris (SunOS 2.x). 

LTI-Lib 1.9.0

    The LTI-Lib is an object oriented library with algorithms and data
    structures frequently used in image processing and computer vision. It
    was developed at the RWTH-Aachen University as a part of many research
    projects on computer vision dealing with robotics, object recognition,
    sign language, and gesture recognition. It provides an object oriented
    C++ library that includes fast algorithms, which can be used in real

Magma 1.3.0 (Stable)

    Magma is a bash script designed to make CD burning at the console
    easier. It supports burning normal data CDs, audio CDs, blanking
    CD-RWs, multisession, and more. 

Mandrixx Java Slideshow 2.0 (Stable)

    Mandrixx Java Slideshow is a Java slideshow applet. It can work in the
    middle of a Web page, in a popup window, or fullscreen. It can display
    .jpg and .gif files of any size and will use the available space well. 

MidWay 0.12.0

    MidWay is a service request broker. It provides a simple way for server
    programs to offer services, and for client programs to call the
    services. It is designed for maximum speed and scalability. MidWay
    consists of a library that gives programmers a simple API, and various
    runtime daemons. 

miniLogger 1.0.7

    miniLogger is a very small (4 classes and a 10KB jar) and easy to use
    logger. It uses a logging API that is a subset of JDK 1.4 logging but
    works on all Java 2 versions. It has been tested on Windows, Solaris,
    IRIX, and Linux for versions 1.2 and 1.3 of the Sun JDK. It supports
    logger control from the command line. Logger names are hierarchical
    separated by dots, and selecting any name automatically selects all
    names below. If logger_name is an empty string, it will affect all
    loggers. The loggers and level options are evaluated from left to
    right. It prints the thread name, source file name, and number line by
    default, and output can be redirected from System.err to file or any
    PrintStream. Finally, the logger hierarchy can easily mirror a
    package/class hierarchy or can be arbitrarily defined by the user. 

MoreQt 0.2.0

    MoreQt extends the Qt library, providing a range control on
    floating-point values instead of integers and associated widgets, a
    line edit that "waits" for user validation (using a timer,
    the focus loss, or Enter-key press), and a units (length, temperatures,
    etc.) management system, including conversion between units, freely
    expandable at runtime and used by an extended line editor. 

Native POSIX Thread Library 0.30

    Native POSIX Thread Library is a POSIX thread library for Linux. 

NewsMac 2.1 (Stable)

    NewsMac is like an Internet news agent. It brings together all your
    favorite news Web sites into one place, and lets you view the current
    headlines for whichever sites you choose. When you see something that
    interests you, you're just one click away from reading that news story
    in your favorite Web browser. 

NewVideoRecorder 20030316 (Stable)

    NewVideoRecorder is a high quality video capture toolkit for Linux. It
    includes deep buffering of audio and video to reduce frame dropping, a
    smooth dropping algorithm to keep the video smooth if dropping is
    required, and dynamic stretching of the audio stream to exactly match
    the video stream. It can use v4l1 and v4l2 devices as video sources,
    and OSS devices as an audio source. It can produce QuickTime, AVI,
    NuppelVideo 0.52 files, MPEG-1 files, and all files supported by ffmpeg
    (through the ffmpeg library). It also includes tools and utilities for
    high quality video streaming (multicast and unicast). 

Noble Ape Simulation 0.659

    The Noble Ape Simulation creates a random island environment and
    simulates the ape inhabitants of the island's cognitive processes. It
    features the Ocelot landscape rendering engine. 

Nosica 0.2

    Nosica is a new object oriented language. It is strongly typed and
    object oriented, and has garbage collecting, properties, genericity,
    global code analysis and optimisation, and more. 

NTLM authentication library 0.3.2

    The NTLM library contains utilities for authenticating against
    Microsoft servers that require NTLM authentication. The goal of this
    project is to make libntlm easier to build (by using autoconf,
    automake, and libtool) for use by other projects. 

Onyx 4.4.0 (Stable)

    Onyx is a powerful stack-based, multi-threaded, interpreted, general
    purpose programming language similar to PostScript and Forth. It can be
    embedded as an extension language into other applications, and was
    designed to have a small memory footprint. It is among the smallest
    embeddable interpreters available. 

OpenGUI 4.0 beta 3

    OpenGUI (formerly FastGL) is a high-level C/C++ graphics &
    windowing library built upon a fast, low-level x86 ASM graphics kernel.
    It provides 2D drawing primitives and an event- driven windowing API
    for easy application development, and it supports the BMP image file
    format. You can write apps in the old Borland BGI style or in a
    windowed style like QT. OpenGUI supports the keyboard and mouse as
    event sources, the Linux framebuffer, SVGAlib, and XFree86-DGA2 (HW
    accelerated) as drawing backends, Mesa3D under Linux, and 8, 15, 16,
    and 32- bpp color modes. 

osx2x 0.1.5

    osx2x allows the user to control a remote X11 display from a MacOS X
    machine, similar to x2x. The tool simply captures mouse and keyboard
    events on your Mac and sends them to a specified X server. 

phaonet 0.2

    Photoalbum on the net (phaonet) is an easy way to publish your
    photoalbum on your homepage. phaonet includes a set of PHP-coded files
    to make it easy to include and administer one complete photoalbum. The
    photoes can be viewed in different sizes, the pages can have different
    themes, be translated to different languages, and it is all very easy
    to set up thanks to a logic setup and commented PHP-files. phaonet also
    includes pages for adding new photos to your album. Each photo can be
    given a description, time it was taken, whom was the photographer and
    can be sat in a category. 

Philer 0.95

    Philer Web Document Management provides private file sharing for users
    and groups of users; it has an integrated admin system to manage users,
    groups, files, and rules for sharing. 

PHP Live! Support 2.0

    PHP Live! Support is an alternative to the popular Human Click (a.k.a.
    Live Person) Live Customer Support Chat system. It uses simple database
    tables, PHP, and Javascript. It also features multiple departments,
    load balancing, new request sound alarm, and much more. 

Plain 1.0

    Plain is a plain and simple theme. Its buttons show descriptive text
    instead of pictures. The color of the border is derived from the
    gtk:base[SELECTED] color. 

qpsmtpd 0.25

    qpsmtpd is a plugin driven, object-oriented qmail-smtpd replacement
    written in Perl. Its features include tools to avoid accepting mails
    that have to bounce anyway, SpamAssassin integration, and a fancy
    object-oriented system for extension plugins. Most functionality is
    implemented in simple plugins. 

Red Hat Update 1.10 Beta (build 1.101) (Development)

    Red Hat Update lists and downloads (but does not install or upgrade)
    RedHat RPMs that are available as updates to your installed system. 

Samsung Contact 8.0.2 beta 1 (MAPI)

    Samsung Contact is Samsung SDS's Linux/Unix unified communication,
    business messaging, and collaboration system. It supports desktops
    running Microsoft Outlook, including support for calendaring, wide-area
    scheduling, public folders, and delegation. 

sed 4.0.6 (GNU Stable)

    Sed, the GNU Stream Editor, copies the named files (standard input
    default) to the standard output, edited according to a script of

SILC (Server)

    SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides
    secure conferencing services in the Internet. It can be used to send
    any kind of messages, in addition to normal text messages. This
    includes multimedia messages like images, video, and audio stream. All
    messages in the SILC network are encrypted and authenticated, and
    messages can also be digitally signed. SILC protocol supports AES,
    SHA-1, PKCS#1, PKCS#3, X.509, OpenPGP, and is being developed in the
    IETF. The software is delivered as SILC Client for end users, SILC
    Server for system administrators, and SILC Toolkit for application

SILC (Client)

    SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides
    secure conferencing services in the Internet. It can be used to send
    any kind of messages, in addition to normal text messages. This
    includes multimedia messages like images, video, and audio stream. All
    messages in the SILC network are encrypted and authenticated, and
    messages can also be digitally signed. SILC protocol supports AES,
    SHA-1, PKCS#1, PKCS#3, X.509, OpenPGP, and is being developed in the
    IETF. The software is delivered as SILC Client for end users, SILC
    Server for system administrators, and SILC Toolkit for application

Simkin 1.24

    Simkin is a scripting language for Java/XML. Simkin is designed to let
    your users control all or part of your Java application. They write
    scripts in a very simple scripting language which can be embedded in
    XML. The scripts can call down into the API you've exposed from your
    Java classes. You write the mechanism, your users write the policy. 

Simkin for C++ 2.17

    Simkin is a simple scripting language that can be used to customize C++
    applications such as games. Scripts can be embedded within files such
    as XML or in databases. 

Spacewar 0.1.1

    Spacewar is an arcade game in which two players have to destroy each
    other's space ship by hitting them with their lasers. It uses SDL and
    runs on both Linux and Windows. 

Squid 2.5.STABLE2

    Squid is a high performance Web proxy cache that can be arranged
    hierarchically for an improvement in response times and a reduction in
    bandwith usage. Squid runs on all popular Unix and Windows platforms. 

streambox 0.1

    streambox is a Web interface for live MP3 streaming. It can be
    installed on a Linux machine with one or more soundcards. It is meant
    to be used as the only interface to the machine; it does not need a
    keyboard or monitor. 

TAMS 1.21a3

    TAMS (Text Analysis Markup System) is a qualitative or ethnographic
    coding and data extraction-analysis system. 

TaskJuggler 1.4.2

    TaskJuggler is a project management tool for Linux and UNIX
    system-based operating systems. Projects can be defined in a simple
    text format, listing tasks and their dependencies. Reports are returned
    in HTML or XML format. TaskJuggler does not only honor the task
    interdependencies but also takes resource constrains into account.
    Using its powerful filtering and reporting algorithms, the user can
    create task lists, resource usage tables, status reports, project
    calendars, and project accounting statements. 

Teanna Kai 1.0

    Teanna Kai is a light theme featuring a model named Teanna Kai. 

testmail 3.0.0

    testmail is a Perl script that checks email availability at the POP3
    server, filters it according to defined rules, and--depending on the
    selected method--gets the messages to the local mailbox and/or removes
    it from the server. It uses Perl libnet module and helps you escape
    from spam. 

Text Trix 0.3.2

    Text Trix is a text tinkering tool that comes laden with both practical
    and goofy tools for making text just right, or humorously wrong. The
    graphical text editor can be employed for tweaking, or one-stop editing
    can be performed from the command line. 

TriActive Java Data Objects 2.0 Beta3

    TriActive Java Data Objects (TJDO) is an implementation of Sun's Java
    Data Objects (JDO) specification (JSR-12). It aims to provide a viable,
    spec-compliant JDO offering to complement other open source Java tools. 

TriviaShock 1.3.3

    TriviaShock is a Web-based trivia game and quiz system which uses PHP,
    MySQL, and Flash. 

Trusted Debian 0.9

    The Trusted Debian project aims to create a highly secure but usable
    Linux platform. It brings together security solutions including kernel
    patches, compiler patches, security related programs, and techniques. 

Turaco CL 0.4

    Turaco CL is a tool for extracting PNM image files out of arcade game
    ROMs. It also can regenerate arcade game ROMs from PNM image files.
    Once the image files have been extracted, you can edit them in your
    favorite paint program. They can then be encoded back into game ROMs to
    be played in an emulator or real arcade hardware. 

uControl 1.3.2

    uControl gives you the ability to take those useless keys, that you're
    certain would have been better fashioned as something else, and turn
    them into something useful. It started out as a simple hack to remap
    the caps lock key to a control key, but has since evolved into a fairly
    sophisticated means of not only remapping modifier keys, but giving
    your trackpad a virtual scroll wheel, or giving lefties a sensible
    mouse, or giving people with disabilities the ability to type with one

Virtual Memory Simulator 0.2

    Virtual Memory Simulator is a simulator for paging systems. It includes
    its own scripting language, and memory usage can be seen in real-time.
    It implements a few swapping algorithms and uses GTK+ 2.0. 

Watchfolder 0.3.2p1 (Experimental)

    Watchfolder watches specifed folders for incoming files and processes
    them with programs assigned to those folders. Afterwards, the files are
    removed from the inbound directory. 

Web shell 1.3.3

    Wsh is a remote Unix and Windows NT shell that works via HTTP. The
    client script provides a shell-like prompt, encapsulating user commands
    into HTTP POST requests and sending them to the server script. The
    server script extracts and executes commands and returns STDOUT and
    STDERR output. Features include command line history support, file
    upload/download, and it can work through an HTTP proxy server. 

WebUserPrefs 0.3

    WebUserPrefs is a Web-based editor for SpamAssassin user_prefs files.
    It is written in PHP and supports whitelist and blacklist directives,
    as well as others through a simple plugin architecture. 

Whoson 2.02a

    Whoson (WHO iS ONline) is a proposed Internet protocol that allows
    Internet server programs know if a particular (dynamically allocated)
    IP address is currently allocated to a known (trusted) user and,
    optionally, the identity of the said user. The protocol could be used
    by an SMTP Message Transfer System in conjunction with
    anti-spam-relaying filters to implement a scheme similar to the one
    described here to allow roaming customers use their "home"
    SMTP server to submit email while connected from a "foreign"

WinDriver 6.00

    WinDriver is a professional USB/PCI/ISA/ISAPnP/EISA device driver
    development tool for Linux 2.0.31 and above. It lets you use powerful
    wizards to access and diagnose your hardware from an intuitive user
    mode interface. The wizard will also automatically generate your
    skeletal driver. Drivers written using WinDriver will also compile and
    run in Solaris 2.6, 2.7 (both x86 and Sparc), Windows NT/2000/XP,
    Windows 95/98/Me, Windows CE/CE.NET, and VxWorks. It has API support
    for multiple interface USB devices, dual processor and SMP support on
    Linux, and scatter/gather DMA support on Linux 2.4. 

WinDriver Linux USB 6.00

    WinDriver USB for Linux automates and simplifies the development of
    user mode Linux device drivers and hardware control applications for
    USB peripheral devices. No Linux kernel knowledge or kernel level
    programming is required. Including powerful tools for hardware
    diagnostics, automatic driver code generation, and driver debugging, as
    well as intuitive hardware access API, it provides a complete solution
    for creating high performance drivers and custom hardware access
    applications, thereby enabling you to focus on your driver's
    added-value functionality, instead of on your operating system

Wonderland Galeon 0.0.1

    Wonderland Galeon brings the Wonderland (also called Bluecurve) visual
    style to Galeon. Icons are included for almost all the available

xmms-alarm 0.3.3

    xmms-alarm is a plugin which allows XMMS to be used as an alarm clock.
    It features alarm start time, sleep time (so the alarm will stop after
    a while), volume fading time, loading a seperate playlist for the
    alarm, executing a shell command when the alarm goes off, and the
    option to choose a starting volume when fading. 

XSLjoke 1.0 (Stable)

    XSLjoke is an XSL/XML transformation class for PHP, using Sablotron as
    a PHP extension library. Currently, it seems to be the only one able to
    work with Sablotron >= 0.97 and PHP. It has been tested with PHP
    4.3.1, but should work with any PHP version since 4.2.0. 


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