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April 03, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

Abbot 0.8.4

    Abbot is a framework for testing Java GUIs. It lets you launch an
    application or GUI component, play back user actions on it, and examine
    its state. Tests may be coded or scripted. The editor supports
    recording user actions into a script, exploring the component
    hierarchy, running the script, and other features you'd expect from a
    script editor. Test scripts are JUnit extensions. 

AFT 5.08b

    AFT (Almost Free Text) is a document preparation system. It is mostly
    free form, meaning that there is little intrusive markup; AFT source
    documents look a lot like plain old ASCII text. It has a few rules for
    structuring your document, more to do with formatting your text than
    embedding lots of commands, and it produces all types of output (HTML,
    XHTML, LaTeX, roll-your-own XML, etc.). All that needs to be done is to
    edit a rule file. You can even customize your own rule files for
    specialized output. 

Aorta 0.04

    Aorta is a load-balancing clustered P2P application. It executes
    Tasklets (which have the ability to split themselves into sub tasks
    that can be executed in pararell). A typical cluster contains of a LAN
    with 1-256 computers, each one running aorta. A Tasklet can be of any
    type ranging from encoding MP3s to rendering Web pages for high
    speed/heavily loaded Web sites. You can make functions calls to C/C++,
    applications like Matlab, etc. 

AstaStuSito 0.3 beta1 (Beta)

    AstaStuSito is a very simple utility, written in the PHP language, that
    helps Web site administrators to manage a Web site. 

Async Blockreport 1.0

    Async Blockreport processes sendmail logs and produces reports of the
    messages blocked using DNSBLs for each system user. Blockreport can be
    set up as a cron job to mail these reports to your users periodically,
    providing them with an idea of how much spam they would be getting if
    the spam filters didn't work, and also telling them if any false
    positives occurred. 

Binc IMAP 1.1.3-1

    Binc IMAP is a simple xinetd/tcpserver based IMAP server with support
    for Maildir. It is very easy to install and use. 

Bonita 2.0_beta1

    Bonita is a flexible cooperative workflow system based on the workflow
    model proposed by the ECOO Team, which incorporates the anticipation of
    activities as a more flexible mechanism of workflow execution. This
    flexibility allows a considerable speed increase in the design and
    development phases of cooperative applications. The workflow engine is
    built on EJB (Enterprise Java Beans), using Jboss as the application
    server. The system offers a comprehensive set of integrated graphical
    tools for performing the process conception and definition, the
    instantiation and control of this process, and the interaction with the
    users and other applications. 

curl and libcurl 7.10.4

    curl and libcurl is a tool for transferring files using URL syntax. It
    as well as HTTP-post, HTTP-put, cookies, FTP upload, resumed transfers,
    passwords, portnumbers, SSL certificates, Kerberos, and proxies. It is
    powered by libcurl, the client-side URL transfer library. There are
    bindings/interfaces to libcurl for more than a dozen languages and

Customer-Touch CRM 1.5.1pre

    An easy to use and install CRM for small to medium farms. 

CVSPermissions 0.2

    CVSPermissions is a toolkit that will allow CVS administrators to set
    up directory level access control in CVS for multiple CVS users. This
    toolkit is a collection of shell scripts and CVS configuration to
    achieve the access control functionality. 

DB Web Admin Build 5

    DB Web Admin provides simple access to Oracle databases and
    applications through the Web. It shows existing users, processes, and
    system locks, and also allows users to kill sessions and execute SQL
    queries. PL/SQL and JSP versions are included. 

devlabel 0.29.15

    Devlabel is a program which dynamically creates symbolic links to
    disk/partition names. It uses the disk's and/or partition's unique
    identifiers to keep the symlink pointed to the correct location even if
    the underlying partition's name has changed. So, regardless of whether
    /dev/sdb6 becomes /dev/sdc6, devlabel figures this all out and points
    the symlink to the correct data. 

Dexters Versatile Server 0.1

    Dexters Versatile Server is a simple server with optional support for
    HTTP fetching, ECHO, UDP, TIME, real time chat, and more. 

Eclipse Project 2.1

    Eclipse is a kind of universal tool platform - an open extensible IDE
    for anything and nothing in particular. The real value of Eclipse comes
    from tool plug-ins that "teach" Eclipse how to work with
    things - java files, web content, graphics, video, etc. Eclipse allows
    you to independently develop tools that integrate with other people's
    tools seamlessly. 

FastParser 1.3

    Fast Parser is a high performance Java XML parser. Benchmarks measure
    it to be up to +400% faster than Xerces and the JDK1.4 integrated
    parser. It is ideal for Web services (SOAP) and XSL. The core parsing
    package (without DOM) is very compact. It features SAX Level 1 and 2
    compliance, JAXP compatibility, namespace support, integration with
    JXMLPad for real time parsing, modular libraries, an embedded device
    mode (including minimal memory usage), optional XML Comment support,
    CDATA support, the ability to include any node type with a custom
    NodeFactory, and a walker for easily navigating through XML trees. Many
    API samples and benchmark tests are included. JDK1.1 or later is

Fiasco microkernel 1.0 (Stable)

    Fiasco is a microkernel with real-time capabilities running on x86 PCs.
    It is compatible with the L4 microkernel, which has set standards in
    microkernel performance and functionality. Fiasco is a fully-featured
    and secure L4 implementation with excellent real-time properties. It
    can run L4Linux, a port of the Linux kernel to the L4 interface which
    executes completely in user mode. 

GNOME Assistive Tech Service Provider Interface 1.1.9

    at-spi is a part of the Gnome Accessibility Project. It provides a
    Service Provider Interface for the Assistive Technologies available on
    the GNOME platform, and a library against which applications can be

gspeakfreely 0.6

    Gspeakfreely is a VoIP system with a flexible component system. It
    implements a set of audio processing components which can be connected
    to each other or mixed together. The most important components are net
    in/output, which implement VoIP functionality and the OSS-DSP in/output
    component. Additionally there is a ISDN in/output component that allows
    making actual phone connections, and a file input component that can
    also play Internet radio streams. Also included is a fading plugin,
    that can for example fade incoming calls into your music. New
    components can be developed for specific purposes, and combined with
    existing ones. 

Gubby 0.5.0

    Gubby keeps track of changes in your procmail log file, and will in
    real time display in which folders new email has been placed. Mailboxes
    are read using a specified external mail user agent. Output is normally
    displayed in a nice and colorful curses environment, but can also be
    printed to the standard output from the command prompt. 

Historical Event Markup and Linking Project 0_5.5-dev-20030402

    Historical Event Markup and Linking Project (Heml) provides an XML
    schema for historical events and a Java Web app which transforms
    conforming documents into hyperlinked timelines, maps and tables. It
    aims to provide a most information-rich interchange format for
    historical data, and thus add a historical component to the growing
    movement for a 'Semantic Web.' 

Impact 0.2.9

    Impact is a finite element program based on an explicit time stepping
    algorithm. It can be used to simulate dynamic events such as car
    crashes or other large deformation events. It is written in Java and is
    kept very simple, to make it intuitive to use and easy to change and
    extend. It is very flexible and can handle several different input and
    output formats. 

Inti 1.0.7

    Inti is a set of integrated C++ foundation classes for developing GTK+
    applications on Linux. It comes with more than 330 classes that wrap
    most of the objects found in the GTK+ libraries. It has its own system
    of signals and slots, and has a standard string compatible UTF-8 string
    class, a full set of example programs, a C++ version of the GTK+
    demonstration program, and an extensive tutorial. It unleashes the
    power of GTK+ with a state-of-the-art C++ GUI toolkit. It makes
    developing applications easy, intuitive, and efficient, and is designed
    to work nicely with the GNU toolchain, and take advantage of the
    standard C++ features provided by the GNU compiler. 

Inti-GConf 1.0.4

    Inti-GConf is the second module in the Integrated Foundation Classes
    library, an Inti binding for GConf (the GNOME Configuration System). It
    makes accessing the GConf database from your Inti applications easy and
    intuitive. Its API and documentation are complete and it comes with
    several examples. 

Java Serialization to XML 2 0.8.0

    Java Serialization to XML 2 allows you to convert Java objects into
    streams of XML and back again. Using it is as easy as replacing
    "ObjectOutputStream" with "JSX.ObjectWriter" to
    convert objects to XML, and replacing "ObjectInputStream"
    with "JSX.ObjectReader" to convert XML into objects. JSX
    subclasses Java's serialization classes, so it can be used in their
    place with the same simple power. This allows you to check and correct
    your distributed, persisted, and logged object data, and process it
    with XSLT, SAX, and DOM. JSX handles all objects, complex object
    graphs, new classes, old classes, and evolving classes. JSX even
    handles classes that do not implement the "Serializable"

Jaxe 1.4

    Jaxe is a Java XML editor with a graphical document-oriented interface.
    It is configurable with an XML schema and a configuration file. It
    supports validation at element insertion, and is customisable with Java
    modules. There is an HTML preview with an XSLT stylesheet. Examples
    include XHTML strict and a Docbook article. 

JFtp 1.23

    JFtp is a Swing Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP
    with its own FTP API, SMB using jcfis, SFTP using j2ssh, and local file
    IO using the j2se library. It includes many advanced features such as
    recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while
    transferring files, FTP resuming, browsing the LAN for Windows shares,
    and more. The FTP API is separated from the GUI and can also be used in
    third-party applications or in a commandline mode. It should ideally be
    launched in a Web browser via Java Web Start (contained by the Java 1.4
    plugin) but can also be started locally. 

Kpl 3.1

    kpl is a KDE program for two- and three-dimensional graphical
    presentation of data sets and functions (plotter). Multidimensional
    nonlinear parameter fits of functions to data sets can be performed
    using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. General linear least square
    parameter fits are also possible. A DCOP interface can be used to
    control Kpl by other applications and scripts. 

Linux-BG Spell Checker Package 0.0.4

    Linux-BG Spell Checker is a Web front-end to the aspell program used in
    the Linux-BG project. It consists of a server, a client, and an
    example. It can be used in a CMS, a news service, or other types of Web
    systems in which it is important to have correct spelling. 

LogStream 0.1

    This project intends to provide C++ programmers with an easy interface
    to logging facilities such as stderr, log files, syslog, and others
    that might come in handy later on. The interface is provided by global
    std::ostream objects similar to cout and cerr, allowing programmers to
    easily port programs to this library. One of it's main features is the
    ability to define debug levels, for which only inferior levels would be
    output. This project came from the need to have a really simple
    interface for debugging that required very few changes to existing code
    that uses cout and cerr. 

Logtalk 2.15.2

    Logtalk is an open source object-oriented extension to the Prolog
    programming language. Integrating logic programming with
    object-oriented and event-driven programming, it is compatible with
    most Prolog compilers. It supports both prototypes and classes. In
    addition, it supports component-based programming through
    category-based composition. 

log_analysis 0.42

    log_analysis is a log file analysis engine that extracts relevant data
    for any of the recognised log messages and produces a summary that is
    much easier to read. It can be configured to recognize entirely new log
    types. log_analysis natively understands about 100 different kinds of
    syslog messages, as well as sulog and wtmp messages for Linux, Solaris,
    and OpenBSD. It also has optional continuous monitoring capabilities,
    with both text and GUI modes. 

Mah-Jong 1.5.2

    Mah-Jong is a set of three programs comprising a networked Mah-Jong
    game, a graphical client for humans, and a basic computer player. The
    game can be played by four humans, by a human and three computer
    players, or any other combination. The version of Mah-Jong is that
    generally called Chinese Classical. It should not be confused with the
    solitaire games such as xmahjongg. 

morsetrainer 2.1

    Morsetrainer is a program for learning Morse code. It shows you a Morse
    coded letter and requires you to type the corresponding decoded letter.
    The codes of incorrect answers will be asked more frequently and vice
    versa. Display frequencies are saved so that you will keep learning the
    codes you need when you start your next session. 

netcount 0.7b

    netcount is a command line PPP traffic logging and statistics display
    tool for Linux. Logging is done via a small shell script which is
    called during the ip-up, ip-down, and system startup processes and from
    cron, while analysis and printing is done by a program written in
    Python. Statistics can be made on a per-call, daily, and/or monthly
    basis. Also part of the package is nstat, an X utility to display
    connection status, to hang up, and to start and terminate pppd. 

Otak 1.3.1

    Otak provides a visual interface to command line programs that don't
    have one, that allows users to select arguments from a menu. For
    example, it can be used as an address book program with Mutt (the
    default), or as a phone book with SMS sending software, or even as a
    list of hosts for SSH or FTP. 

passlogd 0.1e (Alpha)

    passlogd is a purpose-built sniffer for capturing syslog messages in
    transit. This allows for backup logging to be performed on a machine
    with no open ports. 

PHP Thumbnail AutoIndex 1.1

    PHP Thumbnail AutoIndex is a thumbnail-index generation script designed
    to be a companion to mod_autoindex for Apache. It generates a thumbnail
    "gallery" of images contained in a directory, which is much
    like what mod_autoindex generated indexes. 

PHP-Nuke 6.5

    PHP-Nuke is a Web portal and online community system which includes
    Web-based administration, surveys, access statistics, user customizable
    boxes, a themes manager for registered users, friendly administration
    GUI with graphic topic manager, the ability to edit or delete stories,
    an option to delete comments, a moderation system, referer tracking,
    integrated banner ad system, search engine, backend/headlines
    generation (RSS/RDF format), Web directory like Yahoo, events manager,
    and support for 20+ languages. 

phpCDLabelPS 0.0.4

    phpCDLabelPS creates labels for your CDs. It is currently only useful
    for data CDs (MP3 CDs included). After you provide some basic
    information, it reads the directory structure and creates a Postscript
    file out of it. The "look and feel" is controllable via a
    template and a frontend. 

prtunnel 0.1.6

    prtunnel tunnels a TCP connection through to a remote server using an
    HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy. It is useful if you are behind a proxy and want
    to use a program that doesn't have native proxy support. 

psycopg 1.1.3 (StablePlus)

    psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming
    language. Its main advantages are that it supports the full Python
    DBAPI 2.0 and it is thread safe at level 2. It was designed for heavily
    multi-threaded applications that create and destroy lots of cursors and
    make a conspicuous number of concurrent INSERTs or UPDATEs. The psycopg
    distribution includes ZPsycopgDA, a Zope Database Adapter. 

PycURL 7.10.4

    PycURL is a Python module interface to the cURL library. PycURL can be
    used to fetch objects identified by an URL within a Python program. 

SCPA 1.1

    SCPA (Squirrelmail Courier PHP Administrator) is a collection of PHP
    scripts which provide improved functionality for Squirrelmail, a
    popular WebMail interface. Using SCPA, you can change your password,
    add new users to a domain, and remove users from a domain, features
    which weren't present in SquirrelMail running with Courier-IMAP. It
    supports multiple domains, as used by Postfix. 

SISC 1.7.8

    SISC is an extensible Java-based interpreter of the algorithmic
    language Scheme. It uses modern interpretation techniques and handily
    outperforms all existing Java interpreters (often by more than an order
    of magnitude). In addition, SISC is a complete implementation of the
    language. The entire R5RS Scheme standard is supported. This includes a
    full number tower including complex number support and arbitrary
    precision integers and floating point numbers, proper tail recursion,
    hygienic macros, and full support for first-class continuations (not
    just the escaping continuations found in many other systems). 

SKYRiX Core Libraries 4.2

    The SKYRiX Core library package is a set of Objective-C libraries which
    contain various extensions to Foundation, a streaming library
    comparable to, MIME parsers and generators, an IMAP4
    implementation, LDAP classes, and classes for handling iCalendar
    entities. These libraries form the basic Web infrastructure for the
    SKYRiX groupware server. 


    SMATCH is an experiment in finding Linux kernel errors. There are two
    main parts to Smatch. The first is a patch to the gcc sources to print
    out a lot of information. The second part is a collection of Perl
    scripts and libraries to analyze the information. 

SMS Server Tools 1.10.1

    The SMS Server Tools were made to send and receive SMS from one or many
    GSM modems. They include a send/receive daemon and some sample scripts
    to build an SMS email gateway and for logging into an SQL database. The
    daemon waits for files in an outgoing spool directory and sends them.
    It puts all received SMS in an incoming spool directory, and can call
    any external program for incoming or outgoing notification. 

snapshot 1.03

    snapshot is a set of Perl scripts for creating, accessing, and managing
    a repository of directory snapshots. Multiple snapshots of a directory
    can exist in a repository representing the state of that directory at
    different times. A snapshot repository can be local or remote, with
    remote servers accessed using SSH. 

Socks Server 5 1.3 (Stable)

    Socks Server 5 is a socks server for the Linux platform which supports
    the Socks protocol versions 4 and 5. 

tcshrc 1.2.0

    The tcshrc package provides a well-organised set of configuration files
    that make full use of the advanced and often unknown features of the
    tcsh shell. Features used are a comprehensive prompt setting, advanced
    "set"s and "alias"es, bindkey support for the
    function keys, and intelligent completion. A Makefile is included for a
    safe installation procedure. 

The Magic Notebook 1.4 (Development)

    The Magic Notebook is a CGI script which allows the user to store and
    organize notes in as many topics as are desired. Uses include contact
    information, to do lists, lists of books to read, status information
    for different projects, a list of "things to do when thus-and-such
    happens", keeping track of things you need to tell people, and for
    the advanced user an editable quote of the day. The Magic Notebook is
    intended to give Webmasters a new attraction with little extra work. 

TkMan 2.2

    TkMan is a graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser for
    UNIX. TkMan boasts hypertext links, (optional) outline view of man
    pages, high quality display and superior navigational interface to
    Texinfo documents, a novel information visualization mechanism called
    Notemarks, full text search among man pages and Texinfo, incremental
    and regular expression search within pages, robust yellow highlight
    annotations, and more. 

TopologiLinux 3.0.0

    TopologiLinux is an easy to install Linux distribution that is designed
    to be run from any Windows computer without requiring repartitioning.
    It mounts itself using a loop-back device and can be run from a DOS,
    Windows 9x, or Windows 2000/XP system with an NTFS or FAT partition. It
    is based on Slackware 9 and contains some extra packages like the new
    Alsa sound drivers, Licq, and Wine. 

Trusted Debian 0.9.1

    The Trusted Debian project aims to create a highly secure but usable
    Linux platform. It brings together security solutions including kernel
    patches, compiler patches, security related programs, and techniques. 

WDialog 2.00

    WDialog is a system to make dialog-centric Web applications. It
    imitates the behavior of widgets found in GUIs, but acts in an
    HTML/HTTP environment. It uses its own XML-based UI language, but
    callbacks are coded in a normal programming language: either O'Caml or
    Perl. WDialog is written in Objective Caml, an ML variant. 

Whale 0.2.3

    Whale is a GNOME 2 application which provides a simple interface for
    creating playlists and storing songs on your Apple iPod. For example,
    you can add a song by simply dragging the file from Nautilus to the
    Whale window. 

XDrawChem 1.6.9 (Stable)

    XDrawChem is a program for drawing chemical structures. Features
    include fixed length and fixed angle drawing, a ring tool to
    automatically draw rings, automatic alignment of structures in
    reactions, and structure diagram generation. It can access structures
    in the NCI database by name, CAS number, or formula. It can predict 1H
    NMR, 13C NMR, and simple IR spectra. XDrawChem can work with its native
    file format, ChemDraw files, and any format supported by OpenBabel (MDL
    Molfile, CML, etc.). 

YASM 0.2.1

    YASM is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler. It is designed from
    the ground up to allow for multiple syntaxes to be supported (e.g.,
    NASM, TASM, GAS, etc.) in addition to multiple output object formats.
    Another primary module of the overall design is an optimizer module. 

Yerase TNEF Stream Reader 1.13

    ytnef is a program to decode TNEF streams (winmail.dat). Unlike other
    similar programs, it can also decode meeting requests and create VCal
    entries for easy import. It can also create vCard entries from contact
    cards and vTodo entries from task entries. It also has a Perl script
    that can be used in procmail recipes to automatically reformat incoming
    mail appropriately. 


    zpop3d is an RFC 1939-compliant POP3 server. It features virtual
    domains support, POP before SMTP, and secure mailbox updates. It runs
    through tcpserver, xinetd, or the like. 


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