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June 03, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

AcidRip 0.9

    AcidRip is an automated frontend for MPlayer/Mencoder written in Perl,
    using Gtk::Perl for a graphical interface. It makes encoding a DVD just
    a one-button click! 

ADP 0.4.0 PR1

    ADP is a set of PHP classes that facilitates the generation of a
    front-end to a database, based on HTML templates. Using a modular
    system, ADP provides support for most HTML constructs. This way, the
    need for custom programming is reduced to almost nothing. The user only
    needs basic understanding of SQL and XML and to be able to work with
    HTML. You can use a WYSIWYG editor to create the HTML templates.
    Developers can write their own modules to extend the functionality of

akpop3d 0.7.5

    akpop3d is a POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure. Despite its
    small size, it offers a lot of features. It is completely RFC 1939

arch revision control system 1.0pre25

    arch is a modern replacement for CVS, specifically designed for the
    distributed development needs of open source projects. It has uniquely
    good support for development on branches (especially good merging
    tools), distributed repositories (every developer can have branches in
    their own repository), changeset-oriented project management (arch
    commits changes to multiple files at once), and, of course, file and
    directory renaming. 

AutoGen 5.5.5

    AutoGen is a tool designed for generating program files that contain
    repetitive text with varied substitutions. Its goal is to simplify the
    maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text.
    This is especially valuable if there are several blocks of such text
    that must be kept synchronized. Output is specified with a
    Scheme-enhanced output template. Input, if required by your template,
    may come from AutoGen definitions, CGI data, or XML files. 

AutoOpts 19.2.10

    AutoOpts is an integrated part of AutoGen. Based on a very simple
    option description file, it will process configuration files,
    environment variables, command line options, text strings passed by
    client programs, and will make the results easily accessible to the
    client program. It will also produce a man page and the info-doc
    invoking section automatically. 

Batik 1.5 Beta 5

    Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications that want to use images
    in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such
    as viewing, generation, or manipulation. It gives developers a set of
    core modules (parsers, generators, DOM implementation) which can be
    used together or individually, and be highly extensible. It comes with
    a full-fledged SVG viewer. 

Big Medium 1.1 (Stable)

    Big medium is an affordable, full-featured content management system
    that makes it easy to manage dynamic, fast-changing Web sites. The
    browser-based interface allows even the most non-technical staff to
    add, edit and publish Web content without needing to learn HTML. Big
    Medium empowers writers, editors, and business users to update Web
    sites directly, freeing Web professionals to be more productive and
    creative. It is written in Perl to run on Web servers running a UNIX
    operating system. 

bind 8.4.0

    The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet name
    server for Unix operating systems. The BIND consists of a server (or
    `daemon') called `named' and a resolver library. A name server is a
    network service that enables clients to name resources or objects and
    share this information with other objects in the network. 

Byline 0.4beta

    Byline is a command-line multi-protocol Weblog client. It manipulates
    the content of weblogs using XML-RPC interfaces, and can be used with
    your favorite text editor. It supports Blogger, Movable Type, and
    Nucleus, and should work with any other CMS that uses the Blogger or
    MetaWeblog API. It also features category and template editing (when
    supported by the CMS), drafts, support for multiple accounts, and can
    be used as a Python library. 

CCured 1.1.2

    CCured is a source-to-source translator for C. It analyzes the C
    program to determine the smallest number of run-time checks that must
    be inserted in the program to prevent all memory safety violations. The
    resulting program is memory safe, meaning that it will stop rather than
    overrun a buffer or scribble over memory that it shouldn't touch. Many
    programs can be made memory-safe this way while losing only 10-60%
    run-time performance. CCured can find more bugs that Purify misses but
    with much less run-time cost. 

cdrtools 2.01a15 (Development)

    cdrtools (formerly cdrecord) creates home-burned CDs with a CDR/CDRW
    recorder. It works as a burn engine for several applications. It
    supports CD recorders from many different vendors; all SCSI-3/mmc- and
    ATAPI/mmc-compliant drives should also work. Supported features include
    IDE/ATAPI, parallel port, and SCSI drives, audio CDs, data CDs, and
    mixed CDs, full multi-session support, CDRWs (rewritable), TAO, DAO,
    RAW, and human-readable error messages. cdrtools includes remote SCSI
    support and can access local or remote CD writers. 

Cookmenus 0.1

    Cookmenus is a tool for generating menus from definition files. It
    curently supports Debian and input formats, and GNOME
    and output formats. It is fully Unicode-aware and
    supports menu entry translations encoded in UTF-8. 

Cornice 0.2.1

    Cornice is a cross-platform image viewer written in Python, wxPython,
    and PIL. 

CRM114 Discriminator 2003-06-01-alpha

    CRM114 is a Controllable Regex Mutilator and Smart Filter, designed for
    easy creation of filters for things like incoming email redirection,
    spam filtering, system logs, or monitoring processes. Filtering rules
    can be either hard-coded (such as regexes), soft-coded (calculated at
    runtime or read from an external file or process), or learned
    dynamically by phrase matching (by SBPH hashing). This makes it
    possible to create very accurate filters with very little actual work.
    Accuracies over 99.9% are achievable. 

Dark Commander 0.0.2

    Dark Commander is a Norton Commander clone that supports browse, copy,
    delete, rename, chmod, and viewing operations. It features a built-in
    image viewer that is capable of showing many popular image formats, and
    a small file editor. The view can be customized and files sorted in
    various ways. 

Database Schema Designer 0.4

    Database Schema Designer creates/maintains schemas for databases stored
    in SQL servers. The schemas are stored in XML format. It supports the
    following database objects: tables, domains, views, triggers,
    procedures, and relations (links). 

dcplusplusstats 1.1

    dcplusplusstats is a Java 1.2 command line tool that parses log files
    written by the DC++ file sharing application and creates HTML
    statistics pages. The information that is assembled includes the amount
    of data transferred, most active users, most popular files,
    communities, file types and formats, times of day, and days of the

DirectFB 0.9.18 (Development)

    DirectFB is a thin library that provides developers with hardware
    graphics acceleration, input device handling and abstraction, an
    integrated windowing system with support for translucent windows and
    multiple display layers on top of the Linux framebuffer device. It is a
    complete hardware abstraction layer with software fallbacks for every
    graphics operation that is not supported by the underlying hardware. 

DocPile 3.0 (Stable)

    Docpile is a PHP-based document management system that allows multiple
    people to share documents and keep track of revisions. Users can upload
    and download documents, grant per-file, -user, or -folder access
    privileges, and send notification emails when documents are being
    updated. Administrators can create access groups, each responsible for
    a different set of folders and users. 

Download Manager 0.0.2

    Download Manager (also known as downman) is a suite of programs that
    assist with downloading files. It features a GNOME 2 GUI. 

Dupseek 1.0

    Dupseek finds and interactively removes duplicate files. It aims at
    maximum efficiency by keeping file reads to a minimum and is much
    better than other similar programs when dealing with groups of large
    files of the same size. 

EasyTAG 0.28 (Stable)

    EasyTAG is a utility for viewing and editing tags for MP3, MP2, FLAC,
    Ogg Vorbis, MusePack, and Monkey's Audio files. It features a simple
    and attractive GTK+ interface. 

EmPy 3.0

    EmPy is a system for embedding Python expressions and statements in
    template text. It takes an EmPy source file, processes it, and produces
    output. This is accomplished via expansions, which are special signals
    to the EmPy system and are set off by a special prefix (by default the
    at sign, '@'). It can expand arbitrary Python expressions and
    statements in this way, as well as a variety of special forms. Textual
    data not explicitly delimited in this way is sent unaffected to the
    output, allowing Python to be used in effect as a markup language. Also
    supported are callbacks via hooks, recording and playback via
    diversions, and dynamic, chainable filters. The system is highly
    configurable via command line options and embedded commands. 

Erlang R9B-1

    Erlang is a small concurrent functional programming language developed
    by Ericsson. It is being used by Ericsson as a systems programming
    language for large concurrent fault-tolerant distributed systems. 

exilist 0.3

    Exilist is a mailing list manager for Exim. It supports a
    sophisticated, modern, and good-looking Web interface, browser-based
    administration (including list creation), and multiple domains. It uses
    VERP-style bounce detection and MySQL. 

flowprobe 1.0.pre5

    flowprobe is a libpcap-based tool that collect network traffic data and
    emit it as NetFlow flows towards the specified collector. 

FreeMarker 2.3pre2 (Lazarus)

    FreeMarker is a template engine that was originally designed so that
    servlet-based applications could keep graphical design separate from
    application logic. The templates provide an easy and highly flexible
    way to generate any kind of text output (HTML, RTF, PostScript, TeX,
    source code, etc.) from a variety of data sources such as Java objects,
    Jython objects, XML object models, and more. 

Generic Security Service 0.0.0

    Generic Security Service (GSS) is an implementation of the Generic
    Security Service API (GSS-API), which is used by network servers to
    provide security services, such as authenticating SMTP/IMAP clients
    against SMTP/IMAP servers. It consists of a library and a manual, and
    has a Kerberos 5 mechanism that supports mutual authentication and the
    DES and 3DES ciphers. 

genlop 0.14

    genlop is a small Perl script which shows you, in a nice colored
    output, useful information about your previously-emerged packages by
    looking at /var/log/emerge.log. genlop is for Gentoo/portage users

Genmake 2003_06_02

    Genmake creates Makefiles for C/C++ projects from a simple project
    description. The project description file can contain any number of
    projects and dependencies between them. The description is organized
    into workspace, projectspace and filespace and supports any number of
    build modes (debug, release, etc.). 

GNU Simple Authentication and Security Layer 0.0.7

    GNU SASL is a library that implements the IETF Simple Authentication
    and Security Layer (SASL) framework and some SASL mechanisms. SASL is
    used in servers (e.g. IMAP, SMTP, etc.) to request authentication from
    clients, and in clients to authenticate against servers. 

GOBLIN Graph Library 2.6.1Build2

    The GOBLIN project consists of a C++ class library for a large series
    of graph optimization problems, GOSH, an extension of the Tcl/Tk
    scripting language to graph objects, and GOBLET, a graphical user
    interface to the library functions. GOBLET includes a graph editor, but
    provides only basic graph layout methods. 

GPdf 0.101

    GPdf is a PDF viewer for GNOME, based on Xpdf. 

GRAMPS 0.9.2 (Development)

    Gramps is a GTK/GNOME-based genealogy program written in Python. 

GSM SMS Download Daemon 0.2

    GSM SMS Download Daemon is a simple utility to query a GSM modem for
    received SMS and save them to a database. 

Hardware Debugger 6.02

    Hardware Debugger is a graphical tool for detecting, diagnosing, and
    testing custom hardware. It is designed to meet the needs of the
    hardware developer by enabling quick and easy testing of hardware
    without writing any code. Hardware Debugger runs under Linux, Solaris,
    and Windows. 

HTML Forms generation and validation 2003.05.31

    HTML Forms generation and validation is a PHP class that generates HTML
    forms supporting keyboard navigation, server side and client side field
    validation, the ability to stop the user from submiting a form more
    than once, sub-form validation, composition and generation of the HTML
    output with fields displayed as fully accessible or in read-only mode,
    generation of Javascript field related functions, and automatic
    capitalization of the text of a field. A plug-in filter is provided for
    composing forms with the Smarty template engine. 

htmlrecode 1.2.0

    htmlrecode applies modifications to a HTML file. An example of these
    modifications is changing the character set. It does it without making
    any characters unreadable. 

IaraJS 1.0preB

    IaraJS is a set of JavaScript templates for the construction of Web
    sites, using JavaScript components. 

iiitAccessServer 1.0

    The iiitAccessServer is a rule-based enterprise authorization system
    written in Java. It works as a server and is usable with any
    programming language able to open a socket. The server fetches its data
    from LDAP and stores it in optimized form in one or more MySQL
    databases, used as a persistent 2nd-level cache to achieve high
    performance. The entire system is designed to be scalable and

Impact 0.3.4

    Impact is a finite element program based on an explicit time stepping
    algorithm. It can be used to simulate dynamic events such as car
    crashes or other large deformation events. It is written in Java and is
    kept very simple, to make it intuitive to use and easy to change and
    extend. It is very flexible and can handle several different input and
    output formats. 

Interceptor 0.8

    Interceptor is a KDE 3.1 kicker applet for syslog monitoring and alerts

Intergif 6.08

    InterGif is a versatile utility that can be used for creating and
    manipulating GIF files. It can join GIFs together as animations, split
    animations apart, and optimize animations created by other programs. 

Ismo 0.0.9 (Development)

    Ismo is a Web application framework and application suite written in
    PHP. It's easy to use but still powerful and flexible. 

Java iCal Group Scheduler 1.3.2

    Java iCal Group Scheduler enables several users to get together for a
    meeting, by using JICAL to translate their iCalendar files into their
    available free/busy time and post it automatically to your Web server.
    This project enables Ximian Evolution desktop users to book meetings
    with each other (and Outlook users) via a Web server storing their
    'Free/Busy' information as specified in RFC2445. It works with
    Evolution, Korganiser, Apple iCal, and MS Outlook (for meetings), and
    enhances your workgroup and personal calendar views. Shell scripts for
    converting to various image formats are also included. 

JFtp 1.30

    JFtp is a Swing Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP
    with its own FTP API, SMB using jcfis, SFTP using j2ssh, and local file
    IO using the j2se library. It includes many advanced features such as
    recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while
    transferring files, FTP resuming, browsing the LAN for Windows shares,
    and more. The FTP API is separated from the GUI and can also be used in
    third-party applications or in a commandline mode. It should ideally be
    launched in a Web browser via Java Web Start (contained by the Java 1.4
    plugin) but can also be started locally. 

jpegpixi 0.7

    "Jpegpixi" is short for "JPEG pixel interpolator".
    It is a command-line utility which interpolates pixels in JFIF images
    (commonly refered to as "JPEG images"). This is useful to
    correct images from a digital camera with CCD defects. Jpegpixi is
    unique in that it tries to preserve the quality of the JFIF image as
    much as possible. Most graphics programs decode JFIF images when they
    are loaded, and re-encode them when they are saved, which results in an
    overall loss of quality. Jpegpixi, on the other hand, does not decode
    and re-encode the image, but manipulates the encoded image data,
    protecting the quality of the image as much as possible. 

JWall 0.70 (alpha)

    JWall is a Java-based application for graphically building and
    installing rules for one or more firewalls, local or remote. 

KCDLabel 2.12-KDE3

    KCDLabel is a program to create labels, covers, and booklets for CD
    cases. It can include text, bitmapped images, and directory content
    recursively read from a directory. KCDlabel can print and output
    postscript files. It can also create round labels to stick on CDs.
    KCDLabel can access CDDB to retrieve information about a CD. 

Krusader 1.20

    Krusader is an "old-school" file manager. Its twin-panel look
    follows in the footsteps of the great file managers of old such as
    GNU's Midnight Commander© and the Norton Commander© for DOS.
    Krusader features an intuitive GUI, complete drag n' drop capability,
    transparent handling of archives, mimetype support, and more. 

Lancer 20030601

    Lancer is a Web server for POSIX-based systems. Some of the main
    features include a threaded design and a powerful Lua-based
    configuration scripting language. 

LintPlus 5

    LintPlus is a static source code analysis tool for ANSI C that
    automatically identifies problems in source code prior to compiling or
    executing programs. It can save time with code debugging, greatly
    reducing the resources required for C testing efforts. 

Linux Intrusion Detection System 1.1.2 for kernel 2.4.20 (2.4.x)

    The Linux Intrusion Detection System (LIDS) is a patch which enhances
    the kernel's security by implementing a reference monitor and Mandatory
    Access Control (MAC). When it is in effect, chosen file access, all
    system/network administration operations, any capability use, raw
    device, memory, and I/O access can be made impossible even for root.
    You can define which programs can access specific files. It uses and
    extends the system capabilities bounding set to control the whole
    system and adds some network and filesystem security features to the
    kernel to enhance the security. You can finely tune the security
    protections online, hide sensitive processes, receive security alerts
    through the network, and more. 

Linux X10 Universal Device Driver 1.6.7 (Linux-2.4.x)

    This project provides a /dev interface to an X10 network through Linux
    kernel modules. It is intended to provide a standard interface and
    syntax to shell script utilities (such as cat and echo), Perl scripts,
    C programs, or Java programs so that everything from a quick hack to a
    more advanced program can manipulate the X10 devices in an automated
    home regardless of the transceiver used. Its simplest use is with shell
    scripts (examples of which are provided in the package). Currently the
    project supports the 4 main X10 transceivers (PowerLinc Serial,
    PowerLinc USB, CM11A, and Firecracker/CM17A). 

Logrep 1.3.1

    Logrep is a secure multi-platform framework for the collection,
    extraction, and presentation of information from various log files. It
    features HTML reports, multi-dimensional analysis, overview pages, SSH
    communication, and graphs, and supports more than 10 popular systems
    including Snort, Squid, Postfix, Apache, syslog, iptables/ipchains, NT
    event logs, Firewall-1, and Pix. 

MIB Smithy 2.1

    MIB Smithy is an application for SNMP developers, MIB designers, and
    Internet-draft authors. It provides a GUI-based environment for
    designing, editing, and compiling MIB modules according to the SMIv1
    and SMIv2 standards. It accelerates the development process by
    providing an easy-to-use GUI environment for designing, editing, and
    compiling SNMP MIB specifications without the syntax and formatting
    concerns of designing MIBs by hand. It includes a number of built-in
    basic SNMP management tools, XML support, and (with MIB Smithy
    Professional) support for custom compiler output formats. 

MIB Smithy SDK 2.1

    MIB Smithy SDK is a dynamic extension to Tcl/Tk (8.1+) that allows
    development of custom scripts for controlling SNMP agents, manipulating
    SMI definitions, doing conversions, and more. It is based on the core
    of Muonics' MIB Smithy, and the SDK supports SMIv1 and SMIv2, as well
    as SNMPv1/v2c/v3 with HMAC-SHA-96 and HMAC-MD5-96 authentication and
    CBC-DES privacy. It also provides complete read-write access to all
    elements of SMI/MIB Module definitions, unlike similar extensions that
    provide only read access to a limited subset. The SDK allows multiple
    discrete SMI databases and SNMP sessions, and provides all of the
    built-in validation and error recovery capabilites of the full product,
    without the visual MIB development environment. 

Music Library 1.1

    Music Library is a music-on-demand system for phpGroupware. It searches
    recursively through a directory full of files for audio formats you
    specify and dumps their artist, album, and track names into a database.
    You can then browse, search, or listen over HTTP. It features custom
    playlists, and comes with an MP3 renaming script to ease the task of
    administration as well as an Applescript for using XMMS via X11 on OS

MyClassifieds 2.01

    MyClassifieds is a Perl CGI implementation of online classifieds,
    similar to other classifieds or auction sites. It displays all aspects
    of the classifieds and creates all of the files for you. Only one file
    needs to be edited to specify the categories, colors, template, and a
    few other site-specific variables and preferences. The script supports
    email and deletion/modification of ads by users, as well as searching
    ads, and auto-delete after an admin-specified number of days. 

MyClassifiedsSQL 2.01 (Stable)

    MyClassifiedsSQL is a Perl/CGI/MySQL implementation of online
    classifieds, similar to other classifieds or auction sites. It displays
    all aspects of the classifieds and creates all of the files for you.
    Only one file needs to be edited to specify the categories, colors,
    template, and a few other site-specific variables and preferences. The
    script supports email and deletion/modification of ads by users, as
    well as searching ads, and auto-delete after an admin-specified number
    of days. 

MyHeadlines 4.2.1

    MyHeadlines is module that adds syndicated headline functionality to
    any PHP and MySQL-based website. Your users may subscribe to multiple
    RSS feeds from a fully categorized database of over 1,000 sources. It
    was previously a PHPNuke/PostNuke Addon, but can now be integrated with
    any Web site. 

mysqlRadacct 0.4

    mysqlRadacct includes the mysqlRadacct.cgi control panel and a
    specially patched MySQL radiusd (based on the Cistron 1.6.6 RADIUS
    server). RADIUS accounting packets are logged directly into MySQL
    tables. It provides several report formats and control of RADIUS usage
    via an auto-hold account system. Using mySQL compressed read-only
    tables, it also warehouses monthly RADIUS accounting data. It allows
    SMTP-AFTER-AUTH in conjunction with mysqlSendmail. This software is
    compatible with the mysqlISP suite of ISP management tools. 

Natural Docs 0.9

    Natural Docs is an extensible, multi-language, source code
    documentation generator written in Perl. Its syntax is transparent so
    the source comments read just as easily as the generated documentation.
    It also focuses on automation and high-quality HTML output. 

Netics 2.5

    Netics is an extensible network statistics collector. It puts the
    network interface in promiscuous mode and reads the data stream (after
    it strips off the appropriate protocol headers), then displays the
    results at specified intervals, either in a "progress bar"
    mode or as raw statistics. Currently, it supports 2 statistics, both
    involving entropy: LZW compressability and Ueli Maurer's universal
    statistical test. Maurer's test is a very good and comprehensive
    measure of entropy, but requires a large amount of data. The LZW
    statistic requires much less data. 

Nibbles 1.2

    Nibbles is a simple ncurses-based console game in which you control a
    snake. Your objective is to eat as many dots as possible before you
    crash into yourself or the wall. 

Noble Ape Simulation 0.661

    The Noble Ape Simulation creates a random island environment and
    simulates the ape inhabitants of the island's cognitive processes. It
    features the Ocelot landscape rendering engine. 

nowplaying 0.1.1

    nowplaying is a plugin for XMMS that records information about the song
    currently being played in a text file. 

OpenBSD 3.3

    The OpenBSD project produces a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based
    UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts place emphasis on portability,
    standardization, correctness, security, and cryptography. OpenBSD
    supports binary emulation of most programs from SVR4 (Solaris),
    FreeBSD, Linux, BSDI, SunOS, and HPUX. 

OTRS 1.1.2

    OTRS (Open Ticket Request System) is an open source Ticket Request
    System and email management system with many features to manage
    customer telephone calls and email. The system is built to allow your
    support, sales, pre-sales, billing, internal IT, helpdesk, etc.
    department to react quickly to inbound inquiries. It is useful for
    people who receive many emails and want to answer them with a team of
    agents. It has been tested on Linux, Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
    Mac OS 10.x, and Windows. 

Packit 0.6.0

    Packit is a network auditing tool. Its value is derived from its
    ability to customize, inject, monitor, and manipulate IP traffic. By
    allowing you to define (spoof) nearly all TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, ARP,
    RARP, and Ethernet header options, Packit can be useful in testing
    firewalls, intrusion detection systems, port scanning, simulating
    network traffic, and general TCP/IP auditing. Packit is also an
    excellent tool for learning TCP/IP. 

PennMUSH 1.7.7p15 (Development)

    PennMUSH is a MUD server that is often used for running social or
    role-playing games, with an extensive internal programming language. It
    runs on Unix systems, Windows, and MacOS. 

Perl Panel 0.0.1

    PerlPanel is an attempt to build a useable, lean panel program (like
    Gnome's gnome-panel and KDE's Kicker) in Perl, using GTK 2. It has an
    object-oriented design for easy customisation and extension, and an
    applet architecture that means that you can create an applet in a
    matter of minutes. 

php-residence 0.3.2

    php-residence is designed to manage weekly or daily rental of house
    apartments or small hotel rooms. It uses a PostgreSQL or MySQL database
    as a backend. Reservations can be assigned to an apartment
    automatically with user-defined rules. 

phpMyAdmin 2.5.1

    phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the
    administration of MySQL over the WWW. Currently it can create and drop
    databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute
    any SQL statement, manage keys on fields, create dumps of tables and
    databases, export/import CSV data and administrate one single database
    and multiple MySQL servers. 

phpMySQLDiff 1.3.2

    phpMySQLDiff is a PHP script which generates an SQL ALTER script for
    the differences between two databases. 

php_tree 0.2

    php_tree supplies raw functions to display, inject, retrieve, and
    delete information from MySQL databases holding "flat" tree
    information in rows ident, parent, and haschild. 

Pine 4.56

    Pine® is a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic
    messages. Pine was designed by the Office of Computing &
    Communications at the University of Washington specifically with novice
    computer users in mind, but it can be tailored to accommodate the needs
    of "power users" as well. 

polyxmass 0.5.0

    polyxmass is a mass spectrometry framework where users are able to
    define brand new polymer chemistries (with the polyxdef module), and
    use these definitions in order to make simple mass calculations (with
    the polyxcalc module) or perform complex simulations of polymer
    chemistry with related mass data computations (with the polyxedit
    module). The framework allows full customization of every aspect of the
    polymer chemistry being defined, and of the way the polymer sequences
    are graphically displayed. This program was formerly called

Python-LDAP 2.0.0pre13

    python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
    servers from Python programs. It wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for that

QDist 0.9.1

    The QDist package implements the O(n log^2 n) time method for computing
    the quartet distance between unrooted evolutionary trees. 

RoadMap 1.0rc5

    RoadMap is a GIS program for Linux that displays street maps. The maps
    are provided by the US Census Bureau, and thus only cover the US.
    Specific areas are displayed by selecting a street address (street
    number, street name, city, and state). It interfaces with gpsd to track
    a GPS position, and has been designed to be usable on both a desktop or
    laptop computer, or on a PDA. 

rpmrebuild 1.4.2-1

    rpmrebuild is a tool to build an RPM file from a package that has
    already been installed. It can be used to easily build modified
    packages, and works on any Linux distribution that uses RPM. 

RSA implementation in Haskell 1.2.0

    RSA implementation in Haskell (rsa-haskell) is a Haskell implementation
    of the RSA algorithm. It contains simple programs for encrypting and
    decrypting anything that can be piped, as well as an easy-to-use RSA
    and number theory library. 

Ruby PHP Serializer 2003.06.02.1

    Ruby PHP Serializer is a Ruby module providing workalikes of PHP's
    serialize() and unserialize() functions, enabling it to manipulate
    serialized PHP data structures. It supports Array, Hash, String,
    Fixnum, Float, NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, and Struct, and has
    some support for arbitary object handling. 

SeeBorg 0.4

    SeeBorg is a C++ version of PyBorg, the IRC chatbot. It was written
    completely from scratch and uses the botnet library for IRC

Shishi 0.0.0

    Shishi is a (still incomplete) implementation of Kerberos 5, the RFC
    1510(bis) network authentication system, which can be used to
    authenticate users in distributed systems. It contains a library
    (libshishi) that can be used by application developers, and a command
    line utility (shishi). A telnet client and server (based on InetUtils)
    is included for remote network logins, along with a PAM module for host

SkyEye 0.2.8

    SkyEye provides an integrated simulation environment for typical
    embedded computer systems. It supports Atmel AT91 boards based on the
    ARM7TDMI or ARM720T CPUs, and can run embedded operating systems such
    as ARM Linux, uClinux, and uc/OS-II(ucos-ii) for source level debugging
    and analysis. 

SKYRiX XML Processing Libraries 4.2-3

    The SKYRiX XML library package is a set of Objective-C libraries for
    processing XML and XML-like data. It includes a SAX2, DOM, and XML-RPC
    implementation for Objective-C. SAX drivers are provided for accessing
    HTML and XML files using libxml2, XML using expat and CoreFoundation,
    iCal/vCard using libical, pyx and plist files. The package works with
    GNUstep and the Apple Cocoa Foundation. 

slashem 0.0.7E1 (Development)

    Slash'EM (Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack -- Extended Magic) is a variant
    of the hugely popular roguelike game NetHack. It adds more monsters,
    more objects, more dungeon levels, more roles, and more races,
    shopkeeper services, and techniques for you to use, and invisible
    objects and gypsies for those who feel lucky. It also comes with a GTK
    windowing interface and higher resolution tile sets as options. 

Splint 3.1.1

    Splint is a tool for statically checking C programs for security
    vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. With minimal effort, it can be
    used as a better lint. If additional effort is invested adding
    annotations to programs, it can perform stronger checking than can be
    done by any standard lint. Splint is the successor to LCLint. The main
    differences between Splint and LCLint are support for buffer overflow
    detection and extensible annotations. 

SuperUpdate 3.1 (Stable)

    SuperUpdate provides distributed content and site management through a
    Web browser. It features a full WYSIWYG HTML editor (Java Applet) that
    works on Netscape and an ActiveX control for Internet Explorer. It is
    installed right on a Web server (Apache, IIS, and others) and works on
    the local filesystem. A fully functional demo is available online,
    along with a free trial download. It provides a complete site manager,
    fine-grained access rights, version control, and workflow process.
    SuperUpdate provides full Web content management with minimal
    integration on existing sites. 

Support Information Tracker 0.17

    Support Information Tracker is a knowledge base for organizations.
    Features include multiple document versions, group permissions,
    document submission reviews, and many more. 

SWH Plugins 0.4.2

    SWH Plugins are a set of audio plugins for the LADSPA plugin system. 

TAMS 2.13a2

    TAMS (Text Analysis Markup System) is a qualitative or ethnographic
    coding and data extraction-analysis system. 

Tapestry 3.0-beta-1

    Tapestry is a rich, component-based object model for developing
    dynamic, robust, highly interactive Web applications. Applications are
    constructed in terms of Java objects, methods and properties, instead
    of URLs and query parameters. It builds and interprets all URLs,
    dispatching directly to application-specific "listener"
    methods. It includes complete source code, documentation, tutorials and
    a complete example J2EE application. 

tasks 1.6b6

    tasks is built on PHP and MySQL. It features a dynamic hierarchical
    view of your tasks, scheduling due dates and associating URLs with
    tasks, an iCalendar of your tasks (scheduled tasks can go into the
    calendar as events or task list). and a mobile version for easy access
    with a PDA. 

TCLP 0.3b (Development)

    TCLP is a type checker for Prolog dialects. It is written in SICStus
    Prolog. Its goal is to statically trap programming errors like illegal
    arguments used in a call for a predicate or illegally built data
    structures with respect to a given typing for function symbols or
    predicates. TCLP is also capable of type inference for user predicates.
    Supported dialects include ISO-Prolog, GNU-Prolog, and Sistus Prolog. 

TestMaker 4.0 beta 3

    TestMaker delivers a rich environment for building and running
    intelligent test agents that test Web-enabled applications for
    scalability, functionality, and performance. It comes with a friendly
    graphical user environment, an object-oriented scripting language
    (Jython) to build intelligent test agents, an extensible library of
    protocol handlers (HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, XML-RPC, SMTP, POP3, IMAP), a new
    agent wizard featuring an Agent Recorder to write scripts for you, a
    library of fully-functional sample test agents, and shell scripts to
    run test agents from the command line and from unit test utilities. 

TextMaze 1.1 (Stable)

    TextMaze is a small console-based game. It generates random mazes and
    allows you to traverse them using the arrow keys. Once you complete the
    maze you are given an uplifting congratulations. 

TR-IRCD 5.5-rc1 (Development)

    TR-IRCD is an ircd and a collection of services programs for IRC
    networks. The ircd is heavily influenced by ircd-hybrid and Bahamut. It
    includes support for IRC extensions such as md5-encrypted hostnames,
    modules, threads, different protocols, channel modes, and languages. It
    supports IPv6 and Web-based configuration, and includes a proxy

Uncle Unc 0.25.3

    Uncle Unc is a framework for working with trees of objects. Existing
    services such as filesystems, code libraries, networks, log files,
    mailboxes and directories can be mapped onto this object tree, as can
    some traditional desktop applications. User interfaces work directly
    with the object tree, offering best of breed interface design (e.g.
    filtering, breadcrumb bars, paging, sorting, and file-explorer-like
    views) across the full range of services. The framework promotes clean
    design, completeness of representation, and reusability of both front
    end and back end code. 

Vim - Vi IMproved 6.2

    Vim is an almost fully-compatible version of the Unix editor Vi. Many
    new features have been added including multi-level undo, syntax
    highlighting, commandline history, online help, filename completion,
    and block operations. It is descended from the vi clone
    "stevie" and runs on many systems, including Unix, MS
    Windows, OS/2, Macintosh, VMS, and Amiga. 

whichman 2.2

    This is a set of fault tolerant search utilities. whichman allows you
    to search for man pages that match approximately the specified search
    key. ftff is a fault tolerant file find utility which is similar to the
    'find' command but fault tolerant. ftwhich is a fault tolerant version
    for the 'which' command. The error tolerant approximate string match is
    based on the Levenshtein Distance between two strings. 

WinDriver 6.02

    WinDriver is a professional USB/PCI/ISA/ISAPnP/EISA device driver
    development tool for Linux 2.0.31 and above. It lets you use powerful
    wizards to access and diagnose your hardware from an intuitive user
    mode interface. The wizard will also automatically generate your
    skeletal driver. Drivers written using WinDriver will also compile and
    run in Solaris 2.6, 2.7 (both x86 and Sparc), Windows NT/2000/XP,
    Windows 95/98/Me, Windows CE/CE.NET, and VxWorks. It has API support
    for multiple interface USB devices, dual processor and SMP support on
    Linux, and scatter/gather DMA support on Linux 2.4. 

WinDriver Linux USB 6.02

    WinDriver USB for Linux automates and simplifies the development of
    user mode Linux device drivers and hardware control applications for
    USB peripheral devices. No Linux kernel knowledge or kernel level
    programming is required. Including powerful tools for hardware
    diagnostics, automatic driver code generation, and driver debugging, as
    well as intuitive hardware access API, it provides a complete solution
    for creating high performance drivers and custom hardware access
    applications, thereby enabling you to focus on your driver's
    added-value functionality, instead of on your operating system

XDirectFB 1.0-rc5

    XDirectFB is a rootless X Server using DirectFB Windows for X11
    toplevel windows. This way the opacity of every application can be
    adjusted with your mouse wheel. Window movements are initiated by the
    application or the window manager. The graphical movement is done by
    DirectFB using the available hardware acceleration. Overlapping
    toplevel windows does not cause expose events, i.e. redrawing of the
    window contents, as they are DirectFB windows and therefore have an own
    surface, or backing store. 

XEmacs 21.5.14 (Beta)

    XEmacs (formerly known as Lucid Emacs) is a powerful, extensible text
    editor with full GUI support, initially based on an early version of
    GNU Emacs 19 from the Free Software Foundation and since kept up to ate
    with recent versions of that product. XEmacs stems from a collaboration
    of Lucid, Inc. with Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the University of
    Illinois with additional support having been provided by Amdahl
    Corporation, INS Engineering Corporation, and a huge amount of
    volunteer effort. 

xpress2html 1

    xpress2html extracts texts from Quark XPress files. It handles Mac
    format files, versions 3.x and 4.x (only tested with 3.3 and 4.0). It
    stores the text in an HTML (3.2) file encoded in UTF-8. The XPress
    files are assumed to be encoded in Mac Roman. 

yaws 1.22 (Main)

    Yaws is a high performance, light-weight, threaded HTTP 1.1 Web server
    targeted for the generation of dynamic content. It is written in
    Erlang, and the server side dynamic content is generated by Erlang code
    embedded in the HTML code. 


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