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August 10, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

Abstrasplash 1

    Abstrasplash is a theme based on an abstract background with a red and
    blue splash. 

Archetypes 1.0 final

    Archetypes is a framework for developing new content types in Plone.
    The power of Archetypes is first in automatically generating forms,
    second in providing a library of stock field types, form widgets, and
    field validators, third in easily integrating custom fields, widgets,
    and validators, and fourth in automating transformations of rich

Automated Password Generator 2.3.0b (Development)

    Automated Password Generator is a set of tools for random password
    generation including a standalone password generator, an RFC972
    password generation server, and a Perl client for the password
    generation server. These feature a built-in X9.17 random number
    generator, and 35 modes of password generation, including pronounceable
    password generation. 

AutoUpdate 5.2.3

    AutoUpdate is a Perl script which performs a task similar to Red Hat's
    up2date or autorpm. It can be used to automatically download and
    upgrade RPMs from different HTTP(S) or (S)FTP sites, while also
    handling dependencies. Moreover, it can also be used to keep a server
    with a customized (Red Hat) distribution plus all clients up to date. 

bBlog 0.6

    bBlog is a weblogging application written in PHP. It has been
    programmed to be fast, secure, object-oriented, well-commented,
    Smarty-centric, and easily extendable. 

Be4gle 0.9.1

    Be4gle is a Web services layer for relational databases. It allows
    applications to access data via SOAP, without having to program a
    single line of code. If the SOAP client is a Web browser, it also
    serves HTML, generated from meta-data, in parallel with the XML so that
    unfamiliar data can be browsed effortlesly. For updating data, XML
    templates are parsed and served as Web forms. 

bonnie 1.4

    bonnie is a classic file system and storage device benchmark. It tests
    for linear character-based and block-based reads and writes, and the
    rewrite pattern. It also does a seek test. While other benchmarks do
    more sophisticated tests, bonnie is a very reliable and portable
    program that is suitable for basic testing. Optionally, you can test
    the operations with direct I/O (O_DIRECT on Linux). 

cammgr 1.3

    Cammgr manages a collection of web cameras. It will bring cameras
    online or offline, and initiate or suspend image capture operations.
    Any camera can be controlled provided a driver is available. Cammgr
    supports multiple images per camera, default images for inactive
    cameras, per- user/host/camera notifications, and an easy-to- use
    configuration file. It can scan Apache log files to auto-initiate image
    capture, and tune capture frequency can to the minimum needed to ensure
    that clients receive a new image on request. 

Compact Disc Input and Control Library 0.62

    The Compact Disc Input and Control library encapsulates CD-ROM reading
    and control. Applications wishing to be oblivious of the OS- and
    device-dependent properties of a CD-ROM can use this library. Some
    support for disk image types like BIN/CUE and NRG is available, so
    applications that use this library also have the ability to read disc
    images as though they were CDs. A sample utility for displaying CD info
    is included. 

Contentment Web Content Manager 0.5.0

    The Contentment Web Content Manager is a simple web content management
    system. It is intended to be easy to use, and is for people who want to
    quickly update pages. Once installed, a person can simply alter the
    design and content of the site through HTML forms. 

CVS Monitor 0.6.3 Beta 1 (Development)

    CVS Monitor is a Perl CGI application for monitoring activity in a CVS
    repository. It is somewhat similar in purpose to cvsweb, but far more
    useful when you just want to keep an eye on development, allow
    management/clients to see what is happening, or provide the public with
    a view into the project. 

CWirc 1.1.0

    CWirc is a plugin for the X-Chat IRC client to transmit raw Morse code
    over the internet using IRC servers as reflectors. The transmitted
    Morse code can be received in near real-time by other X-Chat clients
    with the CWirc plugin. CWirc tries to emulate a standard amateur radio
    rig: it sends and receives Morse over virtual channels, and it can
    listen to multiple senders transmitting on the same channel. Morse code
    is keyed locally using a straight or iambic key connected to a serial
    port, or using the mouse buttons, and the sound is played through the
    sound card, or through an external sounder. 

Defend the Kingdom 0.1

    Defend The Kingdom, or Defender for short, is a real time strategy game
    dedicated to the fantastic world of LARP. Its goals include the ability
    to build and control a complete fantasy world (with towns, poeple,
    etc.), control armies of knights and creatures to fight against your
    strongest enemies, gain power and resources by trading with your
    friends, and many more. 

dialog-mp3-list 0.2

    dialog-mp3-list generates an organized list of your directory of MP3
    CDs. It shows a numbered list of MP3s with information on their
    encoding speed and track lengths. It uses Dialog/XDialog and Latex to
    create lists in .tex, .ps, and .pdf formats, and uses Brazilian

ECCS 0.0.4

    ECCS (Encrypted Chat Client/Server) provides an easy-to-use, nearly
    configuration-free peer-to-peer chat system. Two or more people can be
    connected on a partyline, and encryption is used to protect transferred
    data. Big networks can very easily be made by connecting ECCS. 

Etherboot 5.2.0 (Stable)

    Etherboot is a free software package for making boot ROMS for booting
    Linux and other operating systems on x86, Itanium, and Hammer machines
    over a network using Internet Protocols, i.e. DHCP and tftp. 

ffproxy 1.5

    ffproxy is a filtering HTTP proxy server. It is able to filter by host,
    URL, and header. Custom header entries can be filtered and added. It
    can even drop its privileges and optionally chroot() to some directory.
    Logging to syslog() is supported, as is using another auxiliary proxy
    server. Contacting IPv6 servers as well as binding to IPv6 is supported
    and allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4 browsing (and vice versa). 

freepia 0.3.7-pre2

    Freepia is small GNU/Linux distribution designed to run on VIA EPIA-M
    mainboards. It currently only runs on the M-9000 and M-10000 (ezra and
    nehemia cpu) but with some modifications like kernel and X11 modules it
    should run on others too. The main goal of this project is to build a
    full-featured, low-noise media box to play movies, MP3s, images, etc.
    It uses freevo as its media viewer, but in the future there may be
    support for others, like mythtv or vdr. 

GMime 2.1.0 (Development)

    GMime is a set of utilities for parsing and creating messages using the
    Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME). 

gpsdrive 2.02

    Gpsdrive is a map-based navigation system. It displays your position on
    a zoomable map provided from a NMEA-capable GPS receiver. The maps are
    autoselected for the best resolution, depending of your position, and
    the displayed image can be zoomed. Maps can be downloaded from the
    Internet with one mouse click. The program provides information about
    speed, direction, bearing, arrival time, actual position, and target
    position. Speech output is also available. 

IceWM Control center 2.5

    The IceWM Control Center allows you to run various tools for
    configuring IceWM's options. 

Image Leech 0.2.03

    Image Leech is an automated image downloading program written in Perl.
    It will take a given address and retrieve all links to images and
    download. Each file downloaded can be renamed to prevent conflicts and
    to create an easily viewable collection. Other features include the
    ability to filter given Web pages, and traverse linked pages. 

imgv 2.8.8 (Development)

    IMGV is free Image Viewer written entirely in Python, and runs on
    Linux, FreeBSD, MS-Windows, Mac OS X, and others. It includes many
    standard and unique features such as a file/directory browser,
    slideshows, zooming, rotating, wallpaper setting, the ability to view 4
    images on the screen at once, adjustable thumbnail sizes, image
    playlists, view/save images from websites, movie playing,
    multiple-directory loading, a customizable interface, and much more. 

Issue Dealer 0.9.3

    The Issue Dealer is a simple product for managing (structuring,
    editing, prioritizing, categorizing) issues. It is primarily used to
    manage information. 

JunFa 0.0.1

    JunFa is a chinese chess engine compliant with the CXBoard v1
    communication protocol. It is the first OSS bitboard-based Chinese
    Chess engine released to the public. Its methods of move generation and
    board representation make it fast and capable of evaluating multiple
    board states very quickly. 

JXP 1.3

    JXP is a fast Java XPath 1.0-compliant API. It features a SAX-like
    event system, an inner expression tree for fast multiple document
    evaluation, syntax error location and cause, DOM support, FastParser
    lightweight node support, a customizable API with navigator, function
    libraries, a plugin for each node type system, and full samples with

Knoppix Auto-configuration for Installed Distribut 0.2.1 (Mandrake)

    Knoppix Auto-configuration for Installed Distributions provides ports
    of Knoppix's Live CD automatic hardware detection system to installed

Liferea 0.2.7

    Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is an RSS/RDF feed reader. It's intended to
    be a clone of the Windows-only FeedReader. It can be used to maintain a
    list of subscribed feeds, browse through their items, and show their
    contents using GtkHTML. 

LimeWire 3.3.5

    LimeWire is a multi-platform Gnutella client with nice features like
    auto-connect, groups, browse host, multiple search, upload throttling,
    connection quality control, library management and sophisticated
    filtering. It is built for the both the novice and power user. 

Linux 2.6.0-test3 (2.5)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator 5.5

    Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator allows beginning-to-advanced network
    administrators to control bandwidth. It is designed to be completely
    turn-key in its default configuration. You just plug it into your
    network trunk, and it self configures and immediately starts slowing
    "bandwidth hogs". It also comes with finer controls that are
    easy to use, and can be configured to target specific applications such
    as Kazaa, IMAP, and POP. Traffic can be limited by host IP, subnet, and
    content blocking. 

linuXMPCR 1.0 RC2

    linuXMPCR is a Perl interface for the XM Radio XMPCR computer receiver.
    The program has two parts: one is the module that controls the radio,
    and the other is the very basic interface that does everything it is
    needed to do. 

Log4Py 1.3 (Stable)

    Log4Py is a logging module for Python programmers that is similar to
    log4j. It supports various debug levels, configurable output, and
    debugging information such as line-numbers or tracebacks. 

MacXM 1.5

    MacXM is a control program for the XM PCR satellite receiver, an XM
    radio powered and controlled by a USB connection. 

mharc 0.7.3

    mharc is a collection of scripts for generating and managing Web-based
    searchable mail archives. MHonArc, Namazu, and Procmail are required. 

mozplayerxp 0.1

    mozplayerxp is a scriptable Mozilla mplayer plugin. It supports stop,
    play, pause, fullscreen, and JavaScript calls. 

MyOrgBook 2.5.1 (Stable)

    MyOrgBook is an Open Source online organizer programmed with PHP and
    MySQL. Its features include multi-user login, a lost password emailer,
    contacts, a to- do/scheduler, a calendar, and a profile changer. It
    allows you to edit, delete, and update contacts, and much more. 

Pascal To Doxygen Convertor 0.40

    Pas2Dox (Pascal To Doxygen) is a pre-processing filter for Doxygen. It
    allows Kylix/Delphi programmers to comment their code using JavaDoc
    style tags and then have Doxygen build the application documentation. 

PHP Web Application Framework 0.9

    phpWebApp is an application framework which makes it easy and simple to
    build PHP Web applications based on relational databases. It separates
    the task of designing and changing the layout of the application from
    the task of implementing the logic of the application, by using XML
    templates that are an extension of XHTML. It also simplifies the task
    of implementing the logic of the application by offering an event based
    programming model. In addition, phpWebApp tries to offer modularity and
    code reusability to the community of Webapp developers. 

PMK 0.5.4 (Snapshot)

    PMK aims to be an alternative to GNU autoconf configure scripts. It
    attempts to avoid the use of scripts in packages that can hide trojans,
    to minimize the number of dependencies, and to be easy to use for users
    and developers. 

PyGnome Tools 2.0.0

    PyGnome Tools contain a set of extended widgets for gnome-python
    developers. The main widgets are a fileselectiondialog, a progressbar,
    and a widget to create GtkOptionMenus more easily. 

PyPE 1.4.2

    PyPE (Python Programmers Editor) was written in order to offer a
    lightweight but powerful editor for those of you who think emacs is too
    much and idle is too little. Syntax highlighting is included out of the
    box, as is multiple open documents via tabs. Being written in Python
    and wxPython allows PyPE to be used on basically every platform

python-crack 0.5

    python-crack is a module that provides to Python programs the ability
    to evaluate password strength. It uses the well known cracklib toolkit,
    hence the name. 

QiPan 0.0.1

    QiPan is the reference implementation of a cxboard compliant interface
    program. CXBoard is a communication protocol, modeled after XBoard and
    UCI, used for communication between Chinese Chess engines and

rdiald 0.71 (Client)

    rdiald allows users in your home network to initiate a dialup
    connection to one of a freely configurable set of internet service
    providers on the server rdiald is running on. Multiple users can be
    online at the same time, and the connection is only terminated once the
    last user goes offline. The users are allowed to execute any commands
    that have been defined previously on the server and to hang up as soon
    as these commands have finished. 

remark 1.1.0

    Remark turns a file of plain text, with some very simple conventions,
    into DocBook XML, and thence into whatever format you can manage using
    DocBook as a starting point (e.g. PDF, PostScript, RTF, etc.). The
    "markup" that remark accepts is natural and intuitive to
    write (especially if you use Emacs), and can be easily consumed as-is.
    Remark's capabilites for producing DocBook XML are rather limited right
    now, but good enough for daily use, and can easily be extended. 

Report Manager 1.6

    Report Manager is both a print scheme designer (report) and a
    high-level printing (reporting) engine. The functionality is similar to
    some other comercial tools like Crystal Reports. 

RSSOwl 0.51b

    RSSOwl is a GUI desktop client (using SWT as fast graphic libary) that
    reads the RSS format from a URL or a local file. It is divided into 4
    areas: RSS Management includes quickview of an RSS feed, adding new RSS
    favorites to a category, adding new categories, deleting an RSS feed or
    a category, and fulltext searching with result highlights. RSS
    Favorites shows all the saved favorites in the different categories in
    a tree. RSS TabFolder displays the title and description of the RSS
    feed plus a list of the newsheaders from the feed; it opens a new tab
    whenever a new RSS feed is opened. RSS NewsItem displays the selected
    news from the list of newsheaders from the TabFolder; the link to the
    news can be clicked to open it in the browser. The supported languages
    are German and English. 

RSSOwl 0.5b

    RSSOwl is a GUI desktop client (using SWT as fast graphic libary) that
    reads the RSS format from a URL or a local file. It is divided into 4
    areas: RSS Management includes quickview of an RSS feed, adding new RSS
    favorites to a category, adding new categories, deleting an RSS feed or
    a category, and fulltext searching with result highlights. RSS
    Favorites shows all the saved favorites in the different categories in
    a tree. RSS TabFolder displays the title and description of the RSS
    feed plus a list of the newsheaders from the feed; it opens a new tab
    whenever a new RSS feed is opened. RSS NewsItem displays the selected
    news from the list of newsheaders from the TabFolder; the link to the
    news can be clicked to open it in the browser. The supported languages
    are German and English. 

Ruby-GStreamer 0.6.0 (unstable)

    Ruby-GStreamer is a set of Ruby bindings for the GStreamer multimedia

Samwise 0.1

    Samwise is a keyword-based link keeper that allows you to tag a given
    link with multiple keywords and generate listings on the intersection
    of sets of keywords. It supports multiple users, each with their own
    distinct set of keywords and bookmarks, and allows each user to have a
    set of private bookmarks visible only when they are fully logged in. 

scsidev 2.30

    scsidev builds a list of devices on your SCSI busses and creates device
    nodes to access them. The names are built based on their path, which is
    a 4-tuple consisting of the host adapter number, the channel number,
    the SCSI target ID, and the Logical Unit Number. Names build this way
    are much more persistent than the enumeration scheme used by the kernel
    (1st disk = sda, etc.). scsidev remembers the permissions of
    disappeared devices and restores the permissions properly when devices
    reappear. Optionally, it can create the devices as symbolic links to
    the main device nodes in /dev/, create missing device nodes, and handle
    missing permissions on the /dev/ nodes. You can assign alias names
    based on various pieces of information, such as vendor and model name.
    It also supports retrieving the serial number, the WWID, and the HSV OS
    ID and allows assigning names based on this information, thus providing
    a unique identification. 

SGE 030809

    SGE is a graphics library for the Simple Direct Media Layer. SGE
    provides pixel operations, graphics primitives, TrueType rendering,
    rotation&scaling, and much more. 

socklog 1.2.0 (Development)

    socklog cooperates with the runit package to create a small and secure
    replacement for syslogd. socklog supports system logging through Unix
    domain sockets (/dev/log) and UDP sockets ( with the help
    of runit's runsvdir, runsv, and svlogd. socklog provides a different
    network logging concept, and also does log event notification. svlogd
    has built in log file rotation based on file size, so there is no need
    for any cron jobs to rotate the logs. socklog is small, secure, and

SourceForge Utilities 1.0

    The SourceForge Utilities project provides programmatic interfaces to
    certain administrative applications on the SourceForge Web site. It
    offers a Java interface to the File Release System, allowing file
    releases to be incorporated into Ant and Maven builds. 

Space Colors 1

    Space Colors is a theme based on an abstract background. 

TCL File Server 4.3.2b

    TCL File Server is an IRC File Server made in TCL, that supports common
    features and some others. 

tkblog 2.40

    tkblog is a cross-platform standalone blogging application written in

TreoHandsFree 0.0.1

    TreoHandsFree (TreoHF) lets you dial preset numbers using the headset
    button. You configure up to 4 numbers and then press the headset button
    the corresponding number of times. 

Tundra IRC 0.5

    Tundra IRC is an IRC client written entirely in Java, to ensure
    compatibility with any platform. It features a clean, tabbed interface,
    and supports multiple servers and channels. The primary reason it was
    written was to provide a suitable IRC client for Mac OS X. 

WindowLab 1.13

    WindowLab is a small and simple window manager of novel design. It is
    click-to-focus, shares its window depth policy with the Amiga, and has
    a window resizing/reshaping method similar to that of 8-1/2 from Plan
    9. It maintains the illusion of direct manipulation by constraining the
    mouse pointer when appropriate (i.e., when a window cannot be dragged
    any further in one direction). The pointer is also constrained
    vertically (effectively making the target menu items infinitely tall
    according to Fitts's law) when it is in the menubar to reduce pointing

xCHM 0.6.1

    xCHM is a graphical CHM viewer for UNIX. It's based on CHMLIB and
    written using the wxWindows framework. It is not an extractor, but a
    standalone viewer, able to generate and show the topics tree, figure
    out the homepage for the document, print the current page, and go
    forward and backward in its history. 

ziproxy 1.2b

    ziproxy is a forwarding (non-caching) proxy that gzips text and HTML
    files, and reduces the size of images by converting them to low quality
    JPEGs. It is intended to increase the speed for dial-up Internet
    connections. Most browsers support gzipped content, so Web pages appear
    as normal, but as they are only a fraction of their original page size,
    pages are much quicker to load. Even for browsers that don't support
    it, hints how to overcome it using SSH port forwarding are included.
    Images are reduced in size by an average of one third, with only
    marginal visible image quality loss. It should be used with
    inetd/xinetd, but if you can't use them, a simple replacement
    "netd" is provided. 


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