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August 25, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

Advanced Strategic Command 1.13.8

    ASC is a turn-based strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3.
    It can be played against the computer or against other human players
    (either hotseat or by mail). 

AutoGen 5.5.6

    AutoGen is a tool designed for generating program files that contain
    repetitive text with varied substitutions. Its goal is to simplify the
    maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text.
    This is especially valuable if there are several blocks of such text
    that must be kept synchronized. Output is specified with a
    Scheme-enhanced output template. Input, if required by your template,
    may come from AutoGen definitions, CGI data, or XML files. 

AutoOpts 20.0.11

    AutoOpts is an integrated part of AutoGen. Based on a very simple
    option description file, it will process configuration files,
    environment variables, command line options, text strings passed by
    client programs, and will make the results easily accessible to the
    client program. It will also produce a man page and the info-doc
    invoking section automatically. 

BBStatus 2.03

    BBStatus is an IP accounting package and an SNMP and IP monitoring tool
    for Linux. It collects, summarizes, and displays the values from its
    database. It can be used for IP accounting (allows you to design
    various kinds of accounting filters), SNMP monitoring (collects data
    making SNMP requests), ICMP monitoring (stores and summarizes values
    like min, avg, max reply time, and packet loss), and client traffic
    filtering (using various types of filters). It also provides user based
    access so that every user can log in and visualize various data
    (depending on access rights). It requires PostgreSQL, Apache with
    mod_auth_pgsql, Perl(Net::SNMP), and RRDTool. 

cfv 1.15

    cfv is a utility to both test and create .sfv (Simple File Verify),
    .csv, .crc, .md5(sfv style), md5sum, and BSD md5 checksum verification
    files. It also includes test-only support for .par and .par2 files.
    These files are commonly used to ensure the correct retrieval or
    storage of data. 

Coherent Mail Gateway 0.4.0

    Coherent Mail Gateway is intended to be a very easy to set up MTA using
    SMTP and POP3. Greylisting is used on the SMTP daemon to reduce spam.
    In addition, quite a lot of checks on the validity of information from
    the SMTP client (such as claimed server name and sender) are carried
    out, and anyone caught telling lies is disconnected. As well as
    greylisting, black and white listing is also supported. The target
    market is small offices and home users with static IPs. Others can use
    the system but its value will be limited. 

Cornice 0.3.4

    Cornice is a cross-platform image viewer written in Python, wxPython,
    and PIL. 

CSV Utilities for Unix/Linux 20030824

    csvutils is a set of four shell (sh and bash) scripts to handle CSV
    files. Three are purpose-built tools to help manage file collections,
    but the fourth is a general-purpose script to parse CSV files. 

ctrlproxy 2.3

    ctrlproxy is an IRC server with multiserver support. It runs as a
    daemon and connects to a number of IRC servers, then allows you to
    connect from a workstation and work as the user that is logged in to
    the IRC server. After you disconnect, it maintains the connection to
    the server. It acts like any normal IRC server, so you can use any IRC
    client to connect to it. It supports multiple client connections to one
    IRC server (under the same nick), allowing you to connect to IRC using
    your IRC nick, even while you have an IRC session open somewhere else.
    It supports logging (in the same format as the irssi IRC client),
    password authentication, and ctcp (in case no clients are connected). 

CWirc 1.2.1

    CWirc is a plugin for the X-Chat IRC client to transmit raw Morse code
    over the internet using IRC servers as reflectors. The transmitted
    Morse code can be received in near real-time by other X-Chat clients
    with the CWirc plugin. CWirc tries to emulate a standard amateur radio
    rig: it sends and receives Morse over virtual channels, and it can
    listen to multiple senders transmitting on the same channel. Morse code
    is keyed locally using a straight or iambic key connected to a serial
    port, or using the mouse buttons, and the sound is played through the
    sound card, or through an external sounder. 

DCTC 0.85.5

    DCTC (Direct Connect Text Client) is a library that gives access to the
    direct connect world, like IRC but more file-sharing oriented. 

DSPAM 2.6.5-beta-1

    DSPAM is a server-side anti-spam agent for UNIX email servers. It
    masquerades as the email server's local delivery agent and
    filters/learns spam using a Bayesian statistical approach which
    provides an administratively maintenance-free, self-learning anti-spam
    service. Each email is broken down into its most interesting tokens,
    each assigned a spam probability. All probabilities are then combined
    to produce a statistical probability of spam. This approach, applied to
    a mature corpus of email, has the potential to yield a 99.75% success
    rate with less than a 0.03% chance of false positives. 

dvd::rip 0.50.15 (Stable)

    dvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program written in Perl. It
    provides an easy-to-use but feature-rich GTK+ GUI to control almost all
    aspects of the ripping and transcoding process. It uses the widely
    known video processing swissknife, transcode, and many other Open
    Source tools. 

Eros BBS Engine 20030824-0910-jam (Development)

    Eros is a modular, object-oriented BBS engine intended to be used as a
    library that builds upon proven open source software technology and W3
    standards to implement and manage templates, permissions, membership,
    database access, etc. It is currently in heavy development, and new
    snapshots are released often. 

fbv 0.99

    fbv is a very simple graphic file viewer for the framebuffer console,
    capable of displaying GIF, JPEG, PNG and BMP files using libungif,
    libjpeg, and libpng. The image can be shown either in fit-to-screen or
    panning mode in 8, 15/16, and 32bpp. 

FindBugs 0.6.5

    FindBugs looks for bugs in Java programs. It can detect a variety of
    common coding mistakes, including thread synchronization problems,
    misuse of API methods, etc. It is written in the GJ dialect of Java,
    and will run on any Java VM compatible with Sun's JDK 1.4.0 or later.
    It includes both GUI (Swing) and commandline frontends. 

Group PHP Library 0.4

    Group PHP Library is a collection of PHP scripts to list books
    available for checkout. Data is held in a Postgres database. Available
    books can be listed by author's first or last name, by publisher, or by

GTK Cervi 0.0.2

    GTK Cervi is clone of very good game called Cervi. It is a multiplayer
    game (on one machine) where players drive a worm and mustn't collide
    into anything. 

GTKSee 0.5.3

    GTKSee is a image viewer and image browser with slide show capability
    which aims to be an ACDSee clone. 

GYR Penguins 0.1

    GYR Penguins consists of 8 penguin-related icons made with Blender3d
    and/or The Gimp. The Blender source files (.blend and .xcf.gz) are
    provided for those who would like to help. 

International Ispell 3.2.06.epa6 (Unofficial 'epa')

    International Ispell is an interactive spell-checking program for Unix,
    which supports a large number of European languages (only English
    dictionaries are included in the source tarball). An emacs interface is
    available, as well as the standard command-line mode. 


    JESAS is a multi-user, multi-exam simulation and authoring system. It
    is a tool used to assess candidate expertise in technical skills and to
    track candidate performance over a specified period. JESAS provides
    several different testing environments or modes: Learning, Mock,
    Adaptive, and Quick Drill. It supports more than 12 question types. It
    has a built-in secured database with a secured login facilty. It can
    easily beat the current leading Windows-only test engines, ExamGear and
    SelfTest, in terms of performance and functionality. 

jMSN 0.5.10 (Stable)

    jMSN is an MSN client for the Linux console. It uses a BitchX-like
    interface, featuring multiple windows. It is written in Perl, and is
    not based on any existing MSN code. 

JpGraph 1.13 (Stable)

    JpGraph is an OO Graph drawing library for PHP 4.0.2 and above.
    Highlights of the available features are: text, linear, and log scales
    for both the X and Y axes, anti-aliasing of lines, color-gradient
    fills, support for GIF, JPG, and PNG formats, support for two Y axes,
    spider plots (a.k.a Web plots), pie-charts, lineplots, filled line
    plots, impulse plots, bar plots, and error plots, support for multiple
    plot types in one graph, intelligent autoscaling, and extensive
    documentation (145 pages). 

JXMLPad 1.9.2

    JXMLPad is a Java component for editing XML document. It includes Java
    bean usage, syntax coloration (tags, name spaces, strings, entities,
    etc.), a syntax helper, a look-and-feel plugIn, a customized action
    toolbar, real time tree location, syntax correction, a template for
    fast creation, easy integration in your application, several standard
    actions for XML usage (parse, search, comment, etc.), a standard Swing
    EditorKit, real time tree text synchronization, auto tag closing, many
    actions (parsing, searching, adding comments, formatting), and real
    time text location. It is customizable with a property file 

kdissert 0.1.2

    kdissert is an attempt to make a mindmapping-like tool to help students
    to write texts like dissertations, theses, and reports. It is meant to
    organize the ideas faster, not to actually write the documents

Linux 2.4.22-rc3 (2.4-testing)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

lyskom-server 2.1.0

    LysKOM is an online, text based, interactive discussion system sort of
    like a mix between Mail, News, IRC and a BBS system. It's modeled after
    the KOM system that was available to DECsystems running the TOPS-20
    operating system ages ago. The web site for LysKOM is written in
    Swedish, but the README files on the FTP site are in English. Both the
    server and (some of) the client(s) can speak both Swedish, English and
    other languages. LysKOM is a client-server system. This project is the
    server software itself. 

MagCon 0.9.4

    MagCon reads tracks from a Magellan GPS. It was tested on a SporTrak
    Pro, but should work on all SporTraks, all Meridians, the 315/320, and
    other devices. 

mboxgrep 0.7.9

    mboxgrep is a small utility that scans a mailbox and displays messages
    matching a basic, extended, or Perl-compatible regular expression. It
    supports mbox, MH, nnmh, nnml, and maildir folders. 

Merchant of Venice 0.2 alpha

    Merchant of Venice is a stock market trading programme that supports
    portfolio management, charting, technical analysis, paper trading, and
    experimental methods like genetic programming. It features a graphical
    user interface with online help and includes full documentation. It
    runs on UNIX, Mac OS X, and Windows. 1.0 is a shell script that creates an PAL VCD MPEG1 stream that
    fits up to 2 hours of movie data on an 80-minute CDR. It can use any
    file that can be played by mplayer as input. It only requires tools
    from the mplayer and mjpegtools packages. 

Mp3dings Alpha 2

    Mp3dings is a small, powerful, and easy-to-use program that lets you to
    change the names and edit the meta-information of a large number of MP3
    audio files at the same time. 

mudsbuilder 0.5.2

    Mudsbuilder is a set of tools for the creation of dungeon maps in MUDs.
    Once a map is created, the user has the ability to generate LPC code
    from that map for virtually any mudlib. It supports standard (south,
    north, east, etc.) exits, ups and downs, and miscellaneous exits, such
    as one-way exits. 

netmap 1.3.0

    Netmap is a network weather map creator. It collects data from network
    devices using SNMP and 'prints' them on existing images creating
    traffic maps. It provides a Web-based interface and does not require
    any command-line interaction or text file editing to design the maps. 

obliquid 0.6.9 (Development)

    Obliquid is a PHP/XML framework for building groupware Web portals. It
    provides Lego bricks that may be composed to build an Internet
    application. It has multilingual support and themes. Modules include
    user management, calendar, news, CMS, and messaging. 

pktstat 1.7.3

     pktstat listens to the network and shows the bandwidth being consumed
    by packets of various kinds in realtime. It understands some protocols
    (including FTP, HTTP, and X11) and adds a descriptive name next to the
    entry (e.g., 'RETR cd8.iso', 'GET' or 'xclock -fg

PMK 0.6

    PMK aims to be an alternative to GNU autoconf configure scripts. It
    attempts to avoid the use of scripts in packages that can hide trojans,
    to minimize the number of dependencies, and to be easy to use for users
    and developers. 

portmon 2.0

    Portmon is a daemon that is able to monitor network services and send
    notification in the event that a server goes down. Portmon was designed
    to be able to monitor a large number of servers/workstations and give
    very configurable notification in the event of a network failure. 

Ruby 1.8.0

    Ruby is a language for quick and easy programming. Similar in scope to
    Perl and Python, it has high-level data types, automatic memory
    management, dynamic typing, a module system, exceptions, and a rich
    standard library. What sets Ruby apart is a clean and consistent
    language design where everything is an object. Other distinguishing
    features are CLU-style iterators for loop abstraction, singleton
    classes/methods and lexical closures. 

sadlittlewebjournal 2.3

    sadlittlewebjournal is a Weblog written in Perl that utilizes
    PostgreSQL or MySQL and a straightforward ASCII interface. Site
    maintenance is done via an intuitive backend that allows one to add,
    delete, and modify previous entries. Other features include an
    integrated guestbook, a Web stat chart complete with ASCII bar graphs,
    and various other modularized features. 

SerialBridge 0.4.1

    SerialBridge bridges data across two serial ports across a Palm device.
    It's mainly aimed at bridging the Wireless Modem and a USB/Serial port
    on a Treo. 

SkinLF 1.2.4

    Todays applications tend to be skinnable: cdplayers, email notifiers,
    even operating systems. SkinLF provides a skin system for Java

Squid 3.0-PRE3 (Development)

    Squid is a high performance Web proxy cache that can be arranged
    hierarchically for an improvement in response times and a reduction in
    bandwith usage. Squid runs on all popular Unix and Windows platforms. 

suPHP 0.3

    suPHP is a combination of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and an
    executable which provides a wrapper for PHP. With both together, it is
    possible to execute PHP scripts with the permissions of their owner
    without having to place a PHP binary in each user's cgi-bin directory.
    suPHP doesn't need Apache's suExec, and provides a logging function. 

The Battle for Wesnoth 0.4

    The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy

Train Scheduler for Palm Pilot 0.4

    trainsched displays train schedules in an easy-to- read format. The
    included converter converts the schedules from a CSV format to the PDB
    file format used in Palm OS. 

Umix 1.0.1

    Umix is a program for adjusting sound card volumes and other features
    in sound card mixers. You can control your volumes, balances, and
    recording sources flexibly from the command line or with a ncurses user
    interface with familiar vi/emacs keybindings. Umix supports multiple
    mixer devices. All settings can be saved and loaded from a file. 

VideoDB 2003-08-24a

    VideoDB is a database to manage your personal video collection. It's
    mainly designed for videofiles but you can also put your DVDs and VHS
    tapes in it. It features fetching movie data/covers from the Internet
    Movie Database (IMDb), local caching of coverimages, an option to mark
    movies as seen, a search by genre or title/subtitle/plot/cast data, a
    filter for TV episodes, a random movie function and a simple borrow
    manager. It is a personal database, so no user
    management/authentication scheme is implemented. Everybody may
    add/edit/delete movies. 

Womcat Bookmarks 2.2.9

    Womcat Bookmarks is a program that maintains Web bookmarks in a set of
    hierarchical folders. It can output the bookmarks as an HTML page and
    as an RSS 2.0 file which can be placed on a Web site. The RSS file maps
    folder names into the "category" element. Womcat Bookmarks
    can download other RSS files, treating them as categorized bookmarks,
    to create a local database of web bookmarks that can be browsed by
    subject. It supports RSS discovery by allowing posting RSS file URL's
    as new items. It also acts as a basic RSS feed reader. 

Workrave 1.4.0

    Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of
    repetitive strain injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to
    take micro-pauses and rest breaks, and restricts you to your daily
    limit. It currently runs on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows (using

Xfprot 0.23beta

    XFPROT is a graphical frontend for the F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Small
    Business Edition. It was based upon the XSTEP-3.5.1 library. Starting
    from version 0.20beta, it is based on the GTK+ 1.2 libraries. 

xMule v2 0.1.6 (wx UI)

    xMule v2 is a multi-platform file-sharing program, a fork of the
    original xMule project. It connects to the eDonkey2000 network, has
    customizable user interface(s), features console and Web interfaces for
    local and remote controlling, and includes much more. 


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