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August 30, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

aMule 1.0.1

    aMule is short for "another eMule file-sharing program". It
    is another fork of the xMule project. It connects to the eDonkey2000
    network, and supports Linux, *BSD, and Mac OS X platforms. aMule's
    distinctive feature is its new vision of the GUI. 

AstroCam System 2.5.2

    AstroCam is an C-based Stepmotor Controlsystem including a PHP Web
    interface. You can use it for controlling webcams over the
    Internet/intranet or everything else you want to do with a stepmotor. 

Blazerd 0.1.109

    Blazerd is a UPS monitoring daemon for the Centralion Blazer UPS. It
    monitors a serial connection from the UPS for power failures and shuts
    the machine down gracefully if the power remains off for more than a
    specified interval, or when the battery power goes too low. 

CDStatus 0.94b

    cdstatus checks for drive errors, outputs disc info (such as type and
    table of contents), and is capable of ripping full cd's, using
    configurable track ranges and retry counts. It usually produces
    identical output to cdparanoia with much faster execution. 

CodeEditor 0.4.2

    CodeEditor is an attempt at creating a code editor for GNUstep. The
    grand plan is to use it as a component in ProjectCenter, and also as a
    stand-alone application. 

CodeViz 0.12 (Stable)

    CodeViz is a call graph visualisation tool which uses a variety of
    different data collection methods to generate its call graphs. Using a
    modified version of the GNU Compiler, very accurate call graphs that
    precisely reflect the compiled code may be created. If using a compiler
    is undesirable, CodeViz is able to directly parse C/C++ code itself,
    and even analyse binaries with objdump, so it will work if the source
    isn't available. 

cryptoswap 0.0.3

    The cryptoswap package supports creating an encrypted swap partition
    when a system boots. This may be necessary on systems that use
    encrypted filesystems because plaintext secrets may be written to disk
    when memory is swapped to disk. The project also includes the ability
    to build a Linux initrd that supports booting with an encrypted root

CuteSITE CMS 1.155

    CuteSITE is an object oriented Web Content Management System for small-
    and medium-sized Web sites. With it, all Web sites consist of a number
    of objects and components. Objects can be folders, images, templates,
    strings, or custom organized objects (containers). The template
    language uses a common PHP script, and is highly efficient. 

Cyberduck 2.1beta5

    Cyberduck is an SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer) and FTP browser. It
    lets you open connections to multiple servers using a document-based
    interface. A simple "favorites" manager allows you to store
    frequently-used servers. Drag-and-drop is supported for both
    downloading and uploading files; just drag the file(s) or folder from
    the Finder to the browser window (or vice versa) to start the transfer.
    File deletion and renaming and checking and changing of permissions is
    possible with a Finder-like information panel. 

Debian Tux Blue 0.1

    Debian Tux Blue is a theme featuring a homemade Tux for Debian lovers. 

Drakemod 0.1

    Drakemod is a green theme based on the website. It sports
    pixmapped buttons, rounded windows, menu/slit alpha, and more. 

Drums++ 0.88

    Drums++ is a programming language for creating drum sequences for MIDI
    devices. It comes with a player program for parsing .dpp files and
    sending MIDI commands to a MIDI keyboard or drum machine. It can
    alternatively create .midi files for playing on a PC. 

Ecasound 2.3.0

    Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio
    processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback,
    recording, and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect
    processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. It supports a wide
    range of audio inputs, outputs, and effect algorithms. Effects and
    audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can
    be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A
    versatile console-mode user interface is included in the package. 

Ecdysis 2.11

    Ecdysis is a clean, techy LCD theme. 

Fast Light WRITER 0.1.2

    Flwriter is a small WYSIWYG multi-lingual word processor based on the
    FLTK library. UTF-8 Xhtml is used as the native file format. It can
    export documents to Unicode Rich Text Format. Both right-to-left and
    left-to-right words can be entered on the same line. 

FireStorm 1.1

    FireStorm is productivity tool for Java developers who need to access
    relational databases. It reverse-engineers databases schemas and
    generates a Java persistence tier for Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) or
    Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). The generated source code is based on
    the Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern. Full suport is present for
    Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, WebLogic, and WebSphere. 

FluxAqua 1.4

    FluxAqua is a pixmap-based Aqua theme. It is developed mainly from
    files found for the Enlightenment XAquaX theme and the Blueflux style

Form and Table Manager 1.0

    Form and Table Manager is an HTML form and table manager for

Freddy 0.80 (Stable)

    Freddy is a programmer's editor, written in Qt. It has a nice look, and
    is easy to use. It is extendable with its module support, and you can
    configure almost everything you want. 

GAI bgswitcher 0.1.1

    GAI bgswitcher is a dockapp and GNOME 2 panel applet that provides a
    quick, one-click background rotator. 

Gambas 0.65 (Development)

    Gambas is a graphical development environment based on a Basic
    interpreter, like Visual Basic. It uses the Qt toolkit, but is able to
    use any other toolkit that a module is written for. 

GetCodecs 1.0.0

    GetCodecs is a simple applet written in Python with a GTK2 GUI that
    downloads, installs, and configures your system to use the various
    multimedia formats (MP3, DivX, DVD, etc.) that are not shipped with
    many distributions (such as Red Hat). 

Goanseech 0.4

    Goanseech is a spinoff of the leverlada IRC leech script. One of its
    core parts was extracted and remade into a standalone server. This
    server holds information about the basic pattern that specifies the
    base name of a TV series, which episodes were already fetched, and the
    maximum number of episodes. There are several clients, including a
    script that parses Web pages for Bittorrent links, matches them against
    the information on the series server, and controls a user-defined
    number of Bittorrent clients for retrieval. There is also a directory
    watcher which scans a given set of directories and updates the series
    server with newly found files. 

Gspoof 3.0 (Stable)

    Gspoof is a GTK+ program written in the C language which makes it
    easier and more accurate to build and send TCP packets with or without
    a data-payload. It's possible to modify TCP/IP fields and also ethernet
    header working to Link Level. You can send one or more packets
    together. It runs also in "console mode" without X and so you
    can compile it without GTK+. 

GTick 0.2.3

    GTick is a metronome application. It features a scale from 30 beats per
    minute to 250 BPM and arbitrary beat modes (meters). It uses GTK+ and

ifGraph 0.4.10rc1 (Release Candidate)

    ifGraph is a set of Perl scripts created to help network administrators
    to visualize network flow on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly
    basis. The graphics are created with RRDTool, and it shows bytes
    (in/out) and errors for each interface. It also shows the
    current/average/max use and the respective link/interface usage in
    percentages. The program also outputs HTML files to make the
    visualization of the PNG/GIF/GD images more friendly and easy. 

iRATE client 0.2

    iRATE client is a client for the iRATE radio system. It uses a
    collaborative filtering system to allow clients to download music based
    on ratings. Tracks are rated and it uses these ratings and other
    people's to guess what music to play. The tracks are legal music
    downloaded from Websites that allow free music downloads. Binary
    GCJ/SWT releases are available for Windows, Linux Motif, and Linux
    GTK2. Java/Swing releases are available for Mac OS X, Java WebStart,
    and other Java 1.3+ platforms. 

Java Imaging Utilities 0.11.0

    JIU (Java Imaging Utilities) is a Java library for pixel images. It can
    read and write a number of popular image file formats. Several
    algorithms for image editing, analysis, and processing are implemented.
    A GUI demo application, Javadoc API documentation, and a manual are
    provided as well. 

Java Runtime Class Editor Alpha 0.0

    Java Runtime Class Editor allows all methods for user-defined classes
    to be altered at runtime. These alterations are then applied to a
    single instance, a collection of instances, or an entire class. This
    enables interactive application testing and the easy altering of
    running programs, allowing a trial and error approach to programming,
    testing code, and saving it when it is correct. The built-in script
    engine allows Java scripts to be run from within any application. RJCE
    can be used to write a program from within itself, ensuring high
    coupling between testing and development, with no delay before the
    outcome of any alterations. This is of particular interest to
    less-experienced developers who depend on more testing to build
    reliable applications. 

Java Serialization to XML 2

    Java Serialization to XML 2 allows you to convert Java objects into
    streams of XML and back again. Using it is as easy as replacing
    "ObjectOutputStream" with "JSX.ObjectWriter" to
    convert objects to XML, and replacing "ObjectInputStream"
    with "JSX.ObjectReader" to convert XML into objects. JSX
    subclasses Java's serialization classes, so it can be used in their
    place with the same simple power. This allows you to check and correct
    your distributed, persisted, and logged object data, and process it
    with XSLT, SAX, and DOM. JSX handles all objects, complex object
    graphs, new classes, old classes, and evolving classes. JSX even
    handles classes that do not implement the "Serializable"

Kit 1.6

    Kit is an AIM client for KDE. It has a standard KDE UI, has standard
    KDE sound and other notification support, and uses the open protocol
    for reliable service. It has shipped with many operating systems, and
    so undergone many hours of testing and portability work. It also
    integrates with KDE session management and system tray features. 

Kraken 1.1.28

    Kraken is a small Python application for managing documents, Web pages,
    and directories. It also allows users to annotate these files with
    metadat, perform complex queries about these annotations, and to
    present the result of these queries in the form of HTML pages. The
    format of annotations is RDF, thus the annotation files can be easily
    parsed by third party applications. 

KStella 0.8.1

    KStella is a KDE frontend to the Atari 2600 emulator, Stella. It
    currently supports the display of snapshots, labels, manuals, the
    configuration of individual game settings and of course, the ability to
    play games with just a click of the mouse. All these features are fully
    customizable to allow maximum flexibility. 1.77

    Led is a general purpose LDAP editor which allows editing of LDIF
    records or standard Unix flat file representations of LDAP databases
    using your favorite editor. It supports all of the maps defined by

libdvb 0.5.0

    libdvb (formerly dvb-mpegtools) contains three libraries with examples
    for their usage. libdvb is a library for switching channels using the
    Linux DVB API and keeping channel list for DVB-C, DVB-S and DVB-T.
    libdvbci is used for handling CI interfaces that are optional for some
    DVB cards. It is based on the CI handler of vdr. libdvbmpegtools and
    the dvb-mpegtools provide a library and various small programs helpful
    for converting, demuxing, changing, analyzing, and remuxing MPEG
    transport streams coming from DVB receiver cards. They mostly work on
    the PES level, but tools for manipulating elementary streams are also
    included. All those packages used to be included with the DVB driver. 

LinPHA 0.9.0pre2 (Development)

    LinPHA is an easy to use, multilingual, flexible photo/image
    archive/album/gallery written in PHP. It uses a MySQL database to store
    information about your pictures. It comes with a HTML-based installer,
    so you don't need experience in setting up SQL databases. Thumbnails
    are created as needed and stored in the SQL DB. 

Linux Port/Socket Pseudo ACLs 2.4.22-19

    These patches allow an administrator to delegate privilege for some
    protected network resources to non-root users. They are generally used
    to run untrusted or insecure applications as an unprivileged process,
    thereby mitigating some undiscovered denial of service or root
    compromise. The ACLs currently cover protected ports, raw sockets, and
    packet sockets. 

Loggerithim 6.4.1

    Loggerithim is an extensible monitoring and remote management package.
    It allows you to monitor your systems, proactively spot problems,
    remotely manage, perform post-mortems, throw alerts when bad things
    happen, predict future needs, and automate adminstration tasks. 

ManageIP 2.0

    ManageIP is an LDAP-enabled IP address and domain name management
    solution that includes LDAP-enabled DHCP and DNS servers. All
    information required for the operation of DHCP and DNS services, and
    for managing IP addresses and domain names, is stored in the customer's
    LDAP repository. ManageIP provides full- featured GUI access to
    configuration and other management functionality of the DHCP and DNS

MartokBot IRC Framework 1.0.0

    MartokBot is a modular IRC bot built on pircbot. It can load modules so
    it is easy to make a bot that does exactly what you want it to do. At
    the moment there are some plugins to do useful tasks with CounterStrike

mkvtoolnix 0.6.5

    mkvtoolnix is a set of tools that allow users to display information
    about, extract streams from, merge several streams into, and split
    Matroska media files. Supported stream types include video streams from
    AVIs or Ogg files and Vorbis audio from Ogg files among many others.
    The resulting files can be played back with mplayer or the Matroska
    Direct Show filter under Windows. 

mod_layout 4.0.2a (Apache 2.0)

    mod_layout is an Apache module that provides both a Footer and Header
    directive to automagically include output from other URIs at the
    beginning and ending of a Web page. It can be used to wrap documents
    for a standard look and feel for a site (or to insert banners on any
    given document in a site). Currently known to support mod_perl, PHP and
    Apache JServ. Should support just about any type of handler. 

Moodle 1.1

    Moodle is a learning management system for producing Internet-based
    course Web sites. It is written in PHP and is easy to install and use
    on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and Netware 6. It has been designed to
    support modern pedagogies based on social constructionist theory, and
    includes activity modules such as forums, chats, resources, journals,
    quizzes, surveys, choices, workshops, and assignments. It has been
    translated into over 33 languages, with more on the way. Moodle offers
    a free alternative to commercial software such as WebCT or Blackboard,
    and is being used by a growing number of universities, schools, and
    independent teachers for distance education or to supplement
    face-to-face teaching. 

NASM - The Netwide Assembler 0.98.37 (Devel)

    NASM is an 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity. It
    supports a range of object file formats including Linux a.out and ELF,
    COFF, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32. It will also output plain binary
    files. Its syntax is designed to be simple and easy to understand,
    similar to Intel's but less complex. It supports Pentium, P6, MMX,
    3DNow! and SSE opcodes, and has macro capability. It includes a
    disassembler as well. 

Open Source Microsoft Exchange Replacement beta1

    The purpose of this project is to provide an open source replacement
    for all Exchange functionality. This includes, but is not limited to,
    email, groupware, and instant messaging. It will tie together existing
    open source projects, and provide an easy to use installer. 

OpenPlugin 0.11

    OpenPlugin is an architecture written in Perl which manages plugins for
    Web applications. It allows you to incorporate any number of plugins
    and drivers into your Web application. For example, the Log plugin has
    drivers for logging to STDERR, files, syslog, email, and so on. The
    Session plugin has drivers for storing sessions in files, databases,
    and the like. Changing drivers is easy; you just change the driver name
    in a config file. There are plugins which abstract Apache::Request and, allowing you to build applications that can work seamlessly
    under mod_perl or CGI. If you want to move your application from one
    environment to another, you can just change the driver being used in
    the config file. 

OpenSched 0.4.3

    OpenSched is used to automatically schedule resources for a project.
    For instance, if 5 programmers cooperate on a software development
    project, and 100 tasks must be done, opensched can capture information
    about who can do what, what tasks depend on which, etc. 

OpenThought 0.71

    OpenThought is a powerful and flexible Web application environment.
    OpenThought applications are different from other Web applications in
    that all communication between the browser and the server is performed
    in the background. This gives a browser the ability to receive data
    from the server without ever reloading the currently loaded document.
    Data received can be displayed automatically on the existing page, can
    access JavaScript functions and variables, and can load new pages.
    Additionally, OpenThought completely manages all of your session data
    for you. These features give the look and feel of a full-blown
    application instead of just an ordinary Web page. 

OperaHotlist2HTML 2.12

    OperaHotlist2HTML is a script that converts Opera Hotlist files into
    HTML 4.01-compliant Web pages. 

Pan 0.14.1

    Pan is a newsreader which attempts to be pleasing to both new and
    experienced users. In addition to the standard newsreader features, Pan
    also supports yEnc, offline newsreading, article filtering, multiple
    connections, and more features for power users and alt.binaries fans. 

PHP vCard Creator 1.0

    PHP vCard Creator is a PHP function for creating vCard files conforming
    to the vCard 3.0 specification. 

phppdflib 2.5

    phppdflib is a PHP class that allows dynamic generation of PDF files.
    It focuses on being easy to use, without requiring special Web server
    configuration. It currently supports automatic JPEG image embedding, as
    well as manual embedding of bitmapped image formats. Several methods of
    text placement (specifically designed for easy layout) are supported. 

PHPX 3.1.1 (PHPX 3.x)

    PHPX is a Web portal system, blog, Content Management System (CMS),
    forum, and more. It is designed to allow everyone to be able to have
    feature-rich, interactive websites even if you do not know a bit of
    programming. Some key features include fully-integrated forums,
    downloads, an image gallery with slideshow and auto-thumbnailing,
    support ticket system, a GUI interface for Web page content management,
    news with topics and instances, and a whole lot more. It allows you to
    fully customize the look of your site. 

pLog 0.1RC1

    pLog is a blogging system designed with the idea of "plug and
    blog", so minimal configuration is required to start blogging.
    Easy to use, it has all the features one would expect: articles, a
    commenting system, categories, a powerful template system, translations
    to several languages out of the box, generation and aggregation of RSS
    sources, statistics, notification of updates via the XML-RPC ping
    protocol, and support for Trackback requests. It supports multiple
    blogs per installation and more than one user per blog, so it is
    equally suitable for personal journals and for sites wishing to offer
    such service to casual users. 

python-fchksum 1.7.1

    python-fchksum is a module used to find checksums of files (or stdin).
    It supports md5, crc32, cksum, bsd-style sum, and sysv-style sum. The
    advantage of using fchksum over the Python md5 and zlib(.crc32) modules
    is both ease of use and speed. You only need to tell it the filename,
    and the work is done by C code. 

Samba 3.0RC2 (3.0.x)

    The Samba software suite is a collection of programs that implements
    the SMB protocol for unix systems, allowing you to serve files and
    printers to Windows, NT, OS/2 and DOS clients. This protocol is
    sometimes also referred to as the LanManager or Netbios protocol. 

Scribe Email Client 1.86-test35 (Development)

    Scribe is a cross platform email client, address book, and calendar. It
    is small, fast, and easy to install. It has multi-language support, and
    currently includes English, French, Chinese, Italian, Czech, Spanish,
    German, and Dutch. It is very expandable via a plugin interface, and
    uses its own HTML engine (and not IE when run on Windows). It supports
    POP3, [E]SMTP, MIME, IMAP4, and MAPI. An integrated contact database
    and calendar are included. 

Scrubber 0.0-1

    Scrubber is a server-side, high performance, extendable,
    SMTP-independent mail content filtering system. It supports global,
    per- domain, and per-user configurations with caching support. Any
    number of configuration storage mechanisms are supported through the
    plugin interface. It supports anti-virus scanning, whitelist/blacklist
    matching, Bayesian probability scoring, and attachment blocking.
    Clients exist for SMTP-level integration in the common client-server
    architecture. Additional clients can be created for any mailer on any

SimpleData 3.0.18

    SimpleData is a Web application for managing your sales, inventory,
    invoices, quotes, purchases, and requests for quotes. It offers the
    ability to track all payments and balances on purchases and orders, and
    allows reports and forms to be printed or emailed. The printed forms
    are intended to fit in a standard 2-pane envelope for easy mailing. It
    features four sales and purchase reports, and can be easily extended. 

SingIt Lyric Displayer 0.0.8

    The SingIt Lyric Displayer is an XMMS plugin which displays formatted
    lyrics, including id3v2xx lyrics. It consists of the displayer and an
    integrated editor which allows one to easily insert time stamps, edit
    the text, and export & strip HTML. 

SlackUpdate 0.6.0

    SlackUpdate is a bash script that can be used to check for, download,
    and install Slackware updates. It currently supports Slackware 8.1-9.0. 

Snownews 1.0.4

    Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF newsreader. It supports RSS feeds that
    comply to W3C's RDF 1.0 specification and Radio Userland's 0.9x and
    2.0. Snownews depends on ncurses and uses libxml2 for XML parsing. 

SSHKeychain 0.3

    SSHKeychain is a graphical front-end for ssh-agent and ssh-add with all
    the features offered by both of those programs, and more. 

StarDict 2.4.0

    StarDict is an international dictionary written for the GNOME
    environment. It has powerful features such as glob-style pattern
    matching, scan selection word, and fuzzy query, etc. 

TextMaker rev 391

    TextMaker is a word processor that launches quickly, needs little
    memory, does not require complicated setup, and has the full feature
    set of a modern high-end word processor. It reads and writes Microsoft
    Word 6/95/97/2000/XP files. 

uClinux 2.4.22-uc0 (2.4.x)

    uClinux is a set of patches for Linux that supports MMUless processors.
    It brings a full featured operating system onto platforms that would
    otherwise run less advanced, simpler operating systems. uClinux gives
    the programmer a Linux API with remarkably few concessions to the lack
    of MMU (Memory Management Unit), and in terms of code size and
    efficiency it has an advantage over standard Linux. 

UNFS3 0.7

    UNFS3 is a user-space implementation of the NFSv3 server specification.
    It is designed to be portable to different operating systems, with
    built-in Linux and Solaris support. 

Virtual Universe / Virtual Worlds 0.30

    VU/VW is a 3D cyberspace which offers more possibilities than just
    chat: it is a combination of the Web, chat, and instant messaging
    within a realistic, three-dimensional cyberspace. Here people can meet,
    interact with each other, and build houses and whole worlds. The
    Virtual Universe is a virtual reality environment which runs on top of
    the Internet. 

Walter 0.1

    Walter will intercept keystrokes and insert text to the Web page being
    viewed. The idea is to turn the Web browser into a WYSIWYG HTML editor.
    Main uses for Walter might be as a replacement for a textarea in chats
    and bulletin boards or content management systems. 

WebList 1.0.1

    WebList is a PHP script that allows users who access the script to
    browse the contents of a directory on a Web server directly with their
    Web browser. 

XzibitIRCD a2

    XzibitIRCD is an Unreal-based IRCD that includes commands such as
    addoper adv protection and more. 


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