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September 14, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

Ajaqs 0.9.8

    Ajaqs is a Web app that organizes FAQs on a per-project basis. It is
    designed to be deployed under popular Web and application servers. It
    aims to serve two purposes: to provide engineering groups a mechanism
    for consolidating and preserving in-house knowledge in connection to
    product development and usage, and to provide small companies with a
    Web interface for exposing searchable, internationalizable information
    related to products and services. 

Aldo 0.5.0

    Aldo is a Morse code tutor. It generates some strings of chars using a
    random number generator, and translates and sounds these strings in
    Morse code. You must catch the code and check what you have heard. It
    has 6 skills and 4 speeds. 

Amoeba Tools 1.2.0

    Amoeba Tools is a collection of objects for Sun One Active Server Pages
    for Unix platforms. Objects included are AmoebaHTTP, Amoeba Command,
    Amoeba ScriptTools, Amoeba Spellcheck, Amoeba RegExp, and Amoeba Chart. 

Animal Shelter Manager 1.21

    Animal Shelter Manager is a complete computer solution for animal
    sanctuaries and rescue shelters. It features complete animal
    management, document generation, full reporting, charts, Internet Web
    site publishing, and more. 

Avi2VCD 0.1

    Avi2VCD is a bash script that converts an AVI file (DivX, xvid, or AVI)
    to a VCD. It uses transcode and vcdimager. 

BBclone 0.32.4

    BBclone is a PHP Web counter on steroids which displays individual logs
    as well as aggregated data. It is a clone of Big Brother webstats,
    except that it is written in PHP and it relies only on flat files (no
    database needed). BBclone enables any Web site administrator to have a
    very precise view of who visit the website: OS, browser, date,
    referring page etc. Main features include reload resistance, hostname
    resolution, proxy workaround, and blacklist. 

Bloof 0.1

    Bloof is an infrastructure for analytical processing of version control
    data. Its main application, the Bloof Browser, provides detailed
    visualizations of the evolution of software projects. Bloof uses
    version control data for analyzing the evolution of software projects.
    Bloof is designed to be integrated into other applications, providing a
    Java API access interface and an XML output format. Other Tools for
    Bloof are: Bloof Shell, Bloof Script, and Bloof Metric SDK. 

BomberClone 0.10.1

    BomberClone is a free Bomberman-like game for Linux and Windows. The
    rules of the game are simple: run though a level and bomb other
    players. It features powerups that give you more strength, make you
    walk faster through the level, or let you drop more bombs. 

Colorer Library beta2

    Colorer Library provides source text syntax highlighting and text
    parsing services for host applications. It colorizes source code on
    host editor systems in more than 100 formats. It uses the powerful HRC
    format (XML, regexp, context-free grammars), allowing it to support any
    language. The parser can search and build lists of special text tokens
    (function lists, syntax errors) and search and indent programming
    language constructions (brackets, paired tags). 

config_api 1.3.4 (Stable)

    config_api is a library that allows you to easily read/write/syntax
    check/erase configuration files. 

Cygwin 1.5.4

    Cygwin is a DLL which provides a Unix emulation environment for
    Windows. The Cygwin environment provides a complete port of such
    development utilities as gcc, binutils, gdb, make, etc., as well as a
    number of useful utilities. 

EasyChem 0.1 alpha

    EasyChem is designed to draw high-quality molecules and chemical
    formulas (organic molecules in particular). It can export to many
    formats (e.g. Fig, PostScript, and LaTeX). 

Elk 3.99.3

    Elk (the Extension Language Kit) is an implementation of the Scheme
    programming language. It can be used as a standalone Scheme
    interpreter, or as an embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem
    for applications written in C or C++ through the libelk library. 

Filelight 0.6.2

    Filelight graphically represents a file system as a set of concentric
    segmented rings, aiming to show where diskspace is being used. Segments
    expand from the center, representing files and directories. The size of
    segments is proportional to the size of the files they represent.
    Directories have child segments which represent the files they contain.
    Filelight performs a similar function to the command line tool du, but
    all the information is shown in a compact graphical fashion. 

flP5 1.0.1

    flP5 is easy to use, easy to configure, and easy to extend
    full-featured PIC (and most of the serially programmed device)
    programming software. 

gdu A.0.3

    GDU is equivalent to the 'du' command-line tool. It displays a
    graphical tree showing the disk space used by each file/folder. 

GNOME Structured File Library 1.8.2

    The GNOME Structured File Library is a utility library for reading and
    writing structured file formats. Support for MS OLE2 streams is
    complete, as is zip import. There is also support for document metadata
    and some initial work on decompressing VBA streams in OLE files for
    future conversion to other languages. This library replaces libole2 and
    is used in gnumeric, mrproject, abiword, libwv2, koffice. It is also
    part of the AAF format. 

Gnu Gatekeeper ACD 1.1

    The GnuGk ACD does automatic call distribution for the Gnu Gatekeeper.
    It is the first step to a VOIP call-center solution based on GnuGk.
    Incoming calls are routed to agents based on different distribution

Highlight 2.0-9

    Highlight is a universal source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, or LaTeX
    converter. (X)HTML output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It
    supports Bash, C, C++, C#, COBOL, Java, Perl, PHP, and 40 more
    programming languages. It's possible to easily enhance the parsing

ICEWall Network Access System 0.0.1

    ICEWall Network Access System is a modular billing and security system.
    The main module is "IC-Radius" (a Radius protocol
    implementation); it is needed to work with VPN clients. It can set
    traffic limits and time limits, block viewing of external sites, etc.
    Th statistics module provides information about individual clients and
    total usage. 

ID3 Tag Framework 0.93

    ID3Tag.framework is a Cocoa-based framework for reading and writing ID3
    tags. It supports 1.1 and 2.0 - 2.4 tag types. 

Issue Dealer 0.9.7 (Main)

    The Issue Dealer is a simple product for managing (structuring,
    editing, prioritizing, categorizing) issues. It is primarily used to
    manage information. 

jSaluki 0.81

    jSaluki is a small, easy to use Java hyperelliptic curve cryptography
    library. A simple hyperelliptic crypto system is implemented in the
    example file. 

KCDict 0.2.1

    KCDict is a frontend to the popular CEDICT Chinese-English dictionary.
    It provides lookup of Chinese characters by radical and stroke count
    and by pinyin code, allowing regular expressions. User entries can be
    stored and edited in a separate user dictionary. 

Kripper 0.2

    Kripper is a GUI front-end to some of the Linux command-line tools for
    ripping a VCD and converting it into DivX. The goal of this project is
    to produce a GUI by which the above task can be done with very few
    mouse clicks. 

libESMTP 1.0.1 (Stable)

    LibESMTP is a library to manage posting (or submission of) electronic
    mail using SMTP to a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) such as
    Exim. It may be used as part of a Mail User Agent (MUA) or another
    program that must be able to post electronic mail but where mail
    functionality is not the program's primary purpose. LibESMTP is not
    intended to be used as part of a program that implements a Mail
    Transport Agent. 

libthai 0.1.2

    libthai is a set of Thai language support routines aimed to ease
    developers' tasks to incorporate Thai language support in their
    applications. It includes important Thai-specific functions (e.g., word
    breaking, input and output methods, and basic character and string

MacXM 1.8

    MacXM is a control program for the XM PCR satellite receiver, an XM
    radio powered and controlled by a USB connection. 

Mathomatic 10.6

    Mathomatic is a small, portable symbolic math program that can solve,
    simplify, combine, differentiate, and compare algebraic equations.
    Complex number and polynomial arithmetic are supported. 

mdate 1.4.1

    Mdate is a freely-available mayan date utility. It calculates Mayan
    Long Counts, Julian Day Numbers, and dates of the Mayan Tzolkin and
    Haab calendars. 

Modeling Framework 0.9pre15

    Modeling Framework fills the gap between the Python object world and
    relational databases in that it allows users to transparently create,
    retrieve, update, or delete Python objects from a database without
    having to write a single line of SQL. Its main features include
    generation of database schema, generation of Python code templates
    ready to be used, support for transparent mapping of (class)
    inheritance in relational databases, object-oriented query language,
    use of standard Python getters to traverse relationships (the related
    objects are automatically fetched when needed and when appropriate),
    and automatic checking for referential-integrity constraints, etc.
    Supported databases are MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. 

Moon Shine 4 -- The Hitch Hiker 1.0

    Moon Shine 4 -- The Hitch Hiker is a CGI telling a tale of when someone
    forgot to fill the gas tank. It is part of a series of images which
    show scenes lit by moonlight. 

mrtg-ping-probe 2.2.0

    mrtg-ping-probe is a ping probe for MRTG. It is used to monitor the
    round trip time and packet loss to networked devices. MRTG uses its
    output to generate graphs visualizing minimum and maximum round trip
    times or packet loss. 

net2ftp 0.72

    net2ftp is a Web-based FTP client, offering standard FTP client
    functionality for Web pages. 

Ocrad 0.4

    Ocrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program implemented as
    a filter and based on a feature extraction method. It reads a bitmap
    image in PBM format and outputs text in the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1)
    charset. It includes a layout analyser that is able to separate the
    columns or blocks of text normally found on printed pages. Ocrad can be
    used as a stand-alone console application, or as a backend to other

PAR Packaging and Deployment tool 0.74

    PAR is a cross-platform packaging and deployment tool for Perl
    programs, dubbed as a cross between Java's JAR and Perl2EXE/PerlApp. 


    PHP GEN reads the list of tables in a database, lets you select one,
    then reads the structure of it, suggests a basic (modifiable)
    configuration, and generates good-style and easily maintainable PHP
    code capable of listing, adding, editing, and deleting records. Both
    the generated code and the engine itself use Pear::DB for the
    database-abstraction layer and Smarty for the presentation/interface

phpSANE 0.3.1

    phpSANE is a Web-based frontend for SANE written in HTML/PHP. Now you
    can scan with your Web browser, too. 

PTlink IRCd 6.16.0 (Development)

    The PTlink IRC daemon integrates some of the most advanced features
    needed to manage an IRC network into the stable core from Hybrid IRCd.
    It is fully integrated with PTlink IRC Services and PTlink Open Proxy
    Monitor, providing a great platform for anyone starting an IRC network. 

python3ds 0.3.1 (Development)

    python3ds is a small set of Python routines for reading 3ds archives.
    It features support for animations, textures, and collision detection,
    and it is compatible with pyopengl and pygame. 

QDBM: Quick DataBase Manager 1.6.16

    QDBM is an embeded database library compatible with GDBM and NDBM. It
    features hash database and B+ tree database and is developed referring
    to GDBM for the purpose of the following three points: higher
    processing speed, smaller size of a database file, and simpler API. 

RLIB 1.0

    RLIB is a LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) report generator that makes it
    possible to easily create professional reports in PDF, HTML, TEXT, and
    CSV from one simple XML report definition file. 

SiEd 0.1.0

    SiEd is a simple text editor for Palm OS 3.5+. It is designed to allow
    editing of large documents on any Palm. It is targeted more at users
    with add-on keyboards for their Palm, as existing editors do not take
    full advantage of the keyboard. 

SnortPing 0.1

    SnortPing is a preprocessor plugin for the Snort Intrusion Detection
    System. It detects packets that are destined for unused IP address as
    determined by the built-in ping tool or any custom command, and can
    effectively and quickly catch internal network scans by unruly users,
    other malicious activity, and even network misconfigurations. 

sybadmin 0.4

    Sybadmin is a set of bash scripts which could be useful for the
    administration of a Sybase ASE server. These scripts should help you
    perform such activities as backing up databases or transaction logs,
    saving vital server information (e.g. devices and logins), checking
    database consistency with dbcc commands, and checking database usage. 

Transit Executive 0.2

    Transit Executive is a real-time strategy simulation game in which you
    build transit systems, make profits, and attempt to take over your

treewm 0.4.4 (Development)

    treewm is a window manager that tries to implement a new concept. In
    addition to the client windows, the user can create desktops which can
    themselves contain windows and desktops. By arranging the windows in
    such a tree, the user is able to manage tasks efficiently. 

ULN - User Level Networking 20030913

    User Level Networking is software designed to allow the dynamic
    allocation of IP addresses. The basic idea is to give different IP
    addresses to different users, thus identifying the UID-HOST pair with
    an IP address. It includes a patch to the kernel which must be applied
    to every client in the LAN, a suid executable which will be used by the
    users to get their IP address from the server and activate it on a
    virtual interface (like eth0:*) on the local computer, and an
    executable which will be launched by sshd on the server host. 

Universal FPS Organiser 0.1

    UFO (Universal FPS Organiser) is a way to connect to your preferred FPS
    game server. It will let you retrieve your friends in a game such as
    Enemy Territory. 

uSTL 0.4-1

    uSTL is a partial implementation of the Standard Template Library which
    reduces code size by factoring memory management code into a
    non-template base class and deriving containers from it. 

vim2html 1.33

    vim2html is a small program that will export any Vim- editable file
    into well-formed HTML, simulating a Vim session. It fully supports Vim
    colorization (customizable) and authentic Vim syntax highlighting. This
    program provides an excellent method of presenting
    programs/HTML/scripts/etc. on the Web. It fully supports valid CSS and
    XHTML-1.0/Transitional or Strict with HTMLtidy. 

VIrus 0.0.6 (Development)

    VIrus (VI resembling utility skeleton) was originally taken from
    busybox and stripped of most unrelated stuff. The intention is to
    provide a pure, minimalist VI implementation that allows you to switch
    off shell-escaping and other security risks by default, and allow the
    admin to offer an interim user to just have a vi as login-shell on a
    certain host, while allowing others to work with a resource-sensitive
    and small vi implementation for your OS bootdisks. 

Web-2-Database 0.2

    The Web-2-Database System is an XML dialect and Java package to reduce
    the need to hardwire Java server-side code to a given database schema.
    The system features support for dynamic Web clients, and runs where
    Java 1.4.x+ and MySQL 3.2.x runs. 

xCHM 0.8.1

    xCHM is a graphical CHM viewer for UNIX. It's based on CHMLIB and
    written using the wxWindows framework. It is not an extractor, but a
    standalone viewer, able to generate and show the topics tree, figure
    out the homepage for the document, print the current page, and go
    forward and backward in its history. 


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