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September 25, 2003
   Freshmeat Latest Updates


    adodb-xmlschema is a class that allows the user to quickly and easily
    build a database using the ADODB database library and a simple
    XML-formatted file. adodb-xmlschema is included as part of ADODB 3.50
    and newer. 

AIOCP 1.1.000

    AIOCP (All In One Control Panel) is a Content Management System (CMS),
    a professional all-inclusive solution to completely manage a Web site
    or portal through a user-friendly Web-interface. AIOCP is also a
    framework for Web application developement and includes e-commerce and
    e-business modules. It includes all basic and extra modules: CMS,
    WYSIWYG editor, languages, users, menus, forums, news, newsletter,
    links, downloads, reviews, awards, chat, polls, calendar, banners,
    search engine, statistics, online help, system tools, shell, backup,
    MIME, whois, ping, traceroute, MySQL database management, transcoding,
    custom modules, code libraries, images, and sounds. 

aMule 1.0.6

    aMule is short for "another eMule file-sharing program". It
    is another fork of the xMule project. It connects to the eDonkey2000
    network, and supports Linux, *BSD, and Mac OS X platforms. aMule's
    distinctive feature is its new vision of the GUI. 

Asymptopia Flashcard System 1.1b

    Asymptopia Flashcard System uses Motif and LaTeX to produce, manage,
    and use attractively formatted flashcards. You load some or all of your
    "collections" and set the timer for pop-up frequency. The GUI
    interface and "Collection Manager" make modifying flashcards
    as simple as a pushing a single button. A knowledge of LaTeX is only
    required for when entering special symbols. 

AudioLink 0.03

    AudioLink is a tool that makes searching for music on your local
    storage media easier and faster. Your searches can include a variety of
    criteria, like male artists, female artists, band, genre, etc. It is
    flexible: you can use a command line interface or your choice of
    multiple GUIs, design your own search criteria, etc. You can search MP3
    and Ogg files and use AudioLink to categorize your music collection. 

BitTorrent 3.3 (Stable)

    BitTorrent is a tool for copying files from one machine to another. FTP
    punishes sites for being popular. Since all uploading is done from one
    place, a popular site needs big iron and big bandwidth. With
    BitTorrent, clients automatically mirror files they download, making
    the publisher's burden almost nothing. 

BookmarkManager 0.06

    BookmarkManager is an online bookmark manager and is meant as a
    replacement for a browser's bookmark system. It runs on a servlet
    container, and needs no database. It uses the Prevayler system for
    storing its data. 

CDNSMan 1.0.3 (Stable)

    CDNSMan is a Web application for easy, highly convenient zone
    management on many name servers. In addition to overall administrative
    control, it has support for decentralized (end-user) zone management. 

Chadwick 0.1.1

    Chadwick is a C library for manipulating baseball play-by-play files in
    the Retrosheet format. 

Clustered JDBC 1.0beta12

    Clustered JDBC is to databases what RAID is for disks. C-JDBC provides
    transparent database clustering (partitioning, replication, etc.) to
    any Java application through JDBC. It works with any Java application
    without code modification and with any database engine. C-JDBC has been
    successfully tested with Tomcat, JBoss, JOnAS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQL,
    SAP DB, Oracle, Sybase, and more. 

Collapsar Creations Project 1 0.3 (Stable)

    Project 1 is a cross-platform space simulation game. It will have
    multiple single-player and multiplayer modes, with an open architecture
    and a complete toolset to produce new content and code. 

Connect Daily Web Calendar 2.5.3

    Connect Daily, a Web-based calendaring system, allows multiple users to
    add and edit calendar events using a Web browser. The calendar display
    can be directly integrated into your Web site. It provides advanced
    capabilities for managing resources and facilities. The approval
    processes allow many users to edit calendars, with the assurance that
    all items added are approved. It supports event download to MS Outlook
    and Palm OS PDAs. Authentication to LDAP directories is also supported. 

ConPresso 3.4.6

    ConPresso is a PHP/MySQL Content Management System which features easy
    installation and integration into existing Web sites, an integrated
    WYSIWYG editor with cut-and-paste support, article previewing before
    online publishing, automatic publication, deletion, and archiving of
    articles, a release function, template and snippet editors, optimized
    category and user administration, no restrictions on used objects or
    elements in an article (texts, graphics, files, and links), display of
    ConPresso contents in external Web sites through Javascript/Content
    sharing, and multilanguage (German/English/Portuguese) support. 

Damn Small Linux 0.4.8

    Damn Small Linux is a business-card size (50MB) Live CD Linux
    distribution. Despite its minuscule size it strives to have a
    functional and easy to use desktop. 

Darik's Boot and Nuke 1.0.2

    Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) is a self-contained boot floppy that
    securely wipes the hard disks of most computers. DBAN will
    automatically and completely delete the contents of any hard disk that
    it can detect, which makes it an appropriate utility for bulk or
    emergency data destruction. 

DKMS 0.37.04

    DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) is a framework where device driver
    source can reside outside the kernel source tree so that it is very
    easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. This allows Linux
    vendors to provide driver drops without having to wait for new kernel
    releases (as a stopgap before the code can make it back into the
    kernel), while also taking out the guesswork for customers attempting
    to recompile modules for new kernels. For veteran Linux users it also
    provides some advantages since a separate framework for driver drops
    will remove kernel releases as a blocking mechanism for distributing

Dropbear SSH Server 0.37

    Dropbear is an SSH 2 server, designed to be usable in small memory

dweb 20030925

    Dweb is a set of PHP scripts and modules to create (and manage) simple
    and efficient directory-structured Web sites. It includes modules for
    creating menus, a sitemap, photo-albums, embedded HTML, and

Dynebolic GNU/Linux 1.0 (Stable)

    Dyne:bolic GNU/Linux is a live bootable distribution, an operating
    system which works directly from the CD without the need to install or
    change anything on the hard disk. It is user-friendly, recognizes your
    hardware devices (sound, video, firewire, and USB), and offers a vast
    range of software for multimedia production, streaming, 3D modeling,
    photo, peer-to-peer filesharing, Web browsing and publishing, word
    processing, email, encryption, and networking. It also includes games
    and a world navigator. It does automatic clustering, joining the CPU
    power between any other dyne:bolic on the local network, and works on
    modded XBOX consoles as well. 

Ebotula 0.1.12

    Ebotula is an IRC bot for administration tasks in one or more channels.
    It has four access levels. The top level is the bot master, where a
    user has complete access to all functions. The channel owner is the
    administrator in one channel. The other levels are friends and other
    users. The bot is a multithread application and can execute more
    commands simultaneously. The data are contained in gdbm hash files. 

Enhydra JaWE 1.2

    Enhydra JaWE (Java Workflow Editor) is a graphical workflow process
    editor which uses XPDL as its native file format and LDAP connections.
    It can be used to edit/view every XPDL file which conforms to WfMC

Enhydra Shark 1.0-beta1

    Enhydra Shark is a workflow server based on standards from WfMC and
    OMG. It uses XPDL as its native workflow definition format. Storage of
    processes and activities is done using Enhydra DODS. It consists of a
    server and client applications (admin and worklist handlers). 

Etherboot 5.3.2 (Development)

    Etherboot is a free software package for making boot ROMs for booting
    Linux and other operating systems on x86, Itanium, and Hammer machines
    over a network using Internet Protocols, i.e. DHCP and tftp. 

FluxConf 0.9.5

    FluxConf is a set of 3 programs for configuring fluxbox. It's simple
    but you can configure almost everything. 


    Gambit is a set of tools for doing game theory on finite games. It
    features a graphical interface as well as a (currently experimental)
    Python API for doing repetitive or econometric tasks on games. 

GECO 0.9.2

    Geco is an ERP/e-commerce/e-procurement solution for Italian
    Small-Medium Enterprises (PMI), and is especially suited for
    accounting/financial purposes. Written in pure PHP (with extensive use
    of OOP), it can run both in ASP and in "Linux box" mode, and
    the look and feel is provided by the use of stylesheets for quick and
    easy personalization. 

genlop 0.20

    genlop is a small Perl script which shows you, in a nice colored
    output, useful information about your previously-emerged packages by
    looking into /var/log/emerge.log. genlop is for Gentoo/portage users

gimp-print 4.3.21 (Development)

    Gimp-Print is a collection of very high quality printer drivers for
    UNIX/Linux. The goal of this project is uncompromising print quality
    and robustness. Included with this package is the Print plugin for the
    GIMP (hence the name), a CUPS driver, and two drivers (traditional and
    IJS-based) for Ghostscript that may be compiled into that package. This
    driver package is Foomatic-compatible and provides Foomatic data to
    enable plug and play with many print spoolers. In addition, various
    printer maintenance utilities are included. Many users report that the
    quality of Gimp-Print on high end Epson Stylus printers matches or
    exceeds the quality of the drivers supplied for Windows and Macintosh. 

HarvestMan 1.2 rc1

    HarvestMan is a multithreaded off-line browser.It has many features for
    customizing offline browsing through URL filters, depth-fetching, fetch
    levels, domain filters, file limits, thread limits, download depth,
    directory checking, and robot exclusion protocol. It is useful to
    download an entire Web site or certain files from a Web site to the
    hard disk for offline browsing later. It features an XML project file,
    and support for the HTTP/HTTPS and FTP protocols. It works
    transparently across proxies and can also crawl intranets. 

ibargraph 0.1

    ibargraph shows the current throughput on an ISDN line as an LED bar
    graph with LCDProc. 

iClip 2.5.2

    iClip is a multiple clipboard/scrapbook application. It lets you
    quickly store, organize, and access bits of information, and
    copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop clippings to and from its multiple
    "clipping bins". The clippings can be text, pictures, URLs,
    sounds, etc. They can be arranged into unlimited groups called
    "clipping sets". 

JADC 1.0.004

    Java Advanced Digital Clock (JADC) is both a digital clock and a time
    counter (countdown or countup display, to or from a particular time).
    It is a browser-independent and highly-configurable Java applet, and
    could be easily customized with your own graphics and time format to
    achieve an unlimited variety of appearances and behaviors. This
    distribution include 255 images (17 different sets of digits). 

Java Implementation of Speex 0.8.2

    JSpeex is a Java port of the Speex speech codec (a patent-free, Free
    software audio compression format designed for speech). It provides
    both the decoder and the encoder in pure Java, as well as a JavaSound

Java Object Cache 1.1

    Java Object Cache is a library which provides basic Object caching.
    Implemented strategies include First In First Out (fifo), Least
    Recently Used (lru), and Least Frequently Used (lfu). All strategies
    enforce maximum size in elements and maximum time to live. 

JDDM 2.0.007

    JDDM is a drop-down menu Java applet, a comprehensive solution for Web
    site navigation. It is browser-independent and highly-configurable, and
    could be easily customized to fit your Web site needs to achieve an
    unlimited variety of menu appearances and behaviors. It lets you
    generate vertical and horizontal menus with an unlimited number of
    nested pop-up submenus, various color schemes, buttons, fonts, icons,
    and sounds. 

libplg 1.0

    libplg is a simple C API for rendering vector graphics on X11,
    Postscript, and other output devices. Applications using libplg can
    produce graphics on any of the supported devices and the result will be
    about the same, except for the fonts. 

Lightweight C++ 0.8

    Lightweight C++ is a programming language that looks like C++ and is
    directly translated to readable C code. It supports function
    overloading, member functions, inheritance, polymorphism (virtual
    functions), multiple inheritance, virtual inheritance and pure virtual
    functions, constructors/destructors, new/delete, and simplistic

LilyPond 2.0.0 (Stable)

    LilyPond is a music typesetter. It produces beautiful sheet music using
    a file as input. LilyPond is part of the GNU Project. 

LiveCMS 3.0

    LiveCMS is a Spanish Content Management System designed to let
    non-technical users manage their material on the Web. It features
    categories, articles, article pages, support for multiple editors,
    image management, and a WYSIWYG editor. 

log4php 0.7

    Log4php is a PHP port of Log4j, the most popular Java logging
    framework. It supports configuration through XML and properties files
    (with the same structure as log4j) and custom Configurators. File,
    RollingFile, DailyFile, Echo, Console, Mail, PEAR::Db, PHP error,
    Syslog or NT events, and socket appenders are supported. Simple, TTCC,
    Pattern, Html, and Xml Layouts are supported. It also supports Filters,
    custom Levels, and Loggers. Internal debugging can be switched on and
    off. Log4php can be used inside a class or inside a main/sub function. 

MemAid (KMemAid)

    Memaid is a software designed to predict optimal time of repetitions
    (computes best possible intervals between reviews, using an Artificial
    Neural Network). It may be used in learning anything. It makes your
    learning process much more effective: less time wasted, more things you

Metadot Portal Server

    Metadot Portal Server is point-and-click Web site building portal
    software to build intranets, extranets, and community portals. It
    features content management, collaboration, and a dashboard 'My News
    Pages' like My Yahoo!. It is used by NASA, Berkeley, Schlumberger, and
    other leading organizations. It runs on Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl. 1.3 is a shell script that creates a VBR VCD MPEG1 stream that
    fits up to 2 hours of movie data on an 80-minute CDR. It can use any
    file that can be played by mplayer as input. It only requires tools
    from the mplayer, transcode, and mjpegtools packages. 

mod_security 1.7RC1

    Mod_security is an intrusion detection and prevention module for the
    Apache Web server. Its purpose is to protect vulnerable applications by
    detecting and (optionally) rejecting attacks. In addition to request
    filtering, it also can create Web application audit logs. Requests are
    filtered using regular expressions. Mod_security can analyse POST
    payloads, unlike other similar projects. 

msnlib 3.0

    msnlib is an MSN Messenger protocol library and text mode client
    written in Python. 

My3SP 0.1.1

    My3SP is a thin-client application designed to interoperate with the
    forthcoming Open3SP server. It provides features including integrated
    SSH connection management, role based access control, corporate VPN
    access, and secure corporate instant messaging. 

myServer 0.5

    myServer is a free and easy-to-configure Web server. It is
    multithreaded and supports multiprocessor machines. 

Nacho 0.9.2

    Nacho is a rapid Web development platform. It delivers dynamic text,
    image, and other rich content through a high level functional template
    language and database abstraction layer. 

Network Packet Capture Facility for Java v0.01.14 (jpcap)

    Network Packet Capture Facility for Java is a set of Java classes that
    provide an interface and system for network packet capture. A protocol
    library and tool for visualizing network traffic is included. It
    utilizes libpcap, a widely used system library for packet capture. 

Nosefart 1.92f-mls

    Nosefart is a player for NES Sound Format (NSF) files (which consist of
    audio data ripped from Nintendo Entertainment System games). 

Open BEAGLE 2.0.0

    Open BEAGLE is a versatile C++ evolutionary computation framework. It
    provides an Object-Oriented software environment enabling the
    implementation of almost any kind of evolutionary algorithm, such as
    genetic algorithms and genetic programming. 

Open Office Software Development Kit  1.1 Release Candidate Four

    The Open Office Software Development Kit is an add-on for It provides the necessary tools and documentation for
    programming the APIs and creating your own extensions
    (UNO components) for 

OpenH323 Gatekeeper 2.0.6

    The OpenH323 Gatekeeper is a free H.323 gatekeeper based on the
    OpenH323 project. You can use it to manage a Voice-over-IP network and
    let endpoints (e.g., Netmeeting) communicate through symbolic names. It
    also has an external interface for billing and other applications. It
    runs on a number of Unix versions (including Linux and Solaris) and

oxygen XML editor 2.0.4 (Stable)

    Oxygen is a Java-based XML editor with support for XML, XSL, TXT, XSD,
    and DTD documents. It has FOP and Unicode support and the interface
    messages have been translated to English, French, German, Italian, and

p0f 2.0.2

    p0f is a versatile passive OS fingerprinting and masquerade detection
    utility, to be used for evidence or information gathering on servers,
    firewalls, IDSes, and honeypots, for pen-testing, or just for the fun
    of it. It is a complete rewrite of p0f version 1 that used to be
    maintained by William Stearns. 

PackdDir utils 0.0.5

    PackdDir utils is a collection of utilities that can unpack PackdDir
    archives. PackdDir files are famous for being the archive format of
    Quake (I and II). 

PgSqlClient 1.0 Beta 2

    PgSqlClient is an ADO.NET Data provider for PostgreSQL. 

PHP Live! 2.3

    PHP Live! is powerful Web-based live chat support software for your Web
    site. It uses only PHP and MySQL. Functions include unlimited operators
    and departments, the ability to initiate chat, the ability to push
    URLs, a real-time visitor traffic monitor, a proactive survey, a chat
    icon for each department, and more. 

phpLDAPadmin 0.9.1

    phpLDAPAdmin is a Web-based LDAP administration tool, written in PHP.
    You can browse your LDAP tree, create, delete, edit, and copy entries,
    perform searches, and view your server's schema. You can even copy
    objects between two LDAP servers and recursively delete or copy entire
    trees. Formerly known as DaveDAP. 

PHPope 0.9 RC1

    PHPope is a Web-based content management application providing full
    functionality for use with Web sites and intranets. The system is
    designed for high flexibility, and its modular structure allows
    individual adjustments to your needs. 

Plone CMS 2.0beta1

    Plone is a content management system that is simple to set up,
    maintain, and modify. It is designed to be a corporate-ready content
    management system. It is ideal as an intranet and extranet server, as a
    document/Web publishing system, and as a groupware tool for
    collaboration between separately located entities. It can be used in a
    myriad of ways. 

Pogo 2.2

    Pogo is a lightweight, elegant, programmable, and highly customizable
    application launcher for X11. 

ProFTPD 1.2.9p (Development)

    ProFTPD is a proven, high-performance, scalable FTP server written from
    scratch, with a focus toward simplicity, security, and ease of
    configuration. Naturally, ProFTPD powers some of the largest sites on
    the Internet. It features a very Apache-like configuration syntax,
    modules, and a highly customizable server infrastructure, including
    support for multiple 'virtual' FTP servers, anonymous FTP, and
    permission-based directory visibility. 

ProFTPD 1.2.8p (Stable)

    ProFTPD is a proven, high-performance, scalable FTP server written from
    scratch, with a focus toward simplicity, security, and ease of
    configuration. Naturally, ProFTPD powers some of the largest sites on
    the Internet. It features a very Apache-like configuration syntax,
    modules, and a highly customizable server infrastructure, including
    support for multiple 'virtual' FTP servers, anonymous FTP, and
    permission-based directory visibility. 

PyPE 1.6.1

    PyPE (Python Programmers Editor) was written in order to offer a
    lightweight but powerful editor for those of you who think emacs is too
    much and idle is too little. Syntax highlighting is included out of the
    box, as is multiple open documents via tabs. Being written in Python
    and wxPython allows PyPE to be used on basically every platform

Python 2.3.1

    Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
    language. It combines remarkable power with very clear syntax, and
    isn't difficult to learn. It has modules, classes, exceptions, very
    high level data types, and dynamic typing. There are interfaces to many
    system calls and libraries, as well as to various windowing systems
    (Tk, Mac, MFC, GTK+, Qt, wxWindows). Newbuilt-in modules are easily
    written in C or C++. Python is also usable as an extension language for
    applications that need a programmable interface. 

Python SAP RFC module 0.99.0

    The Python SAP RFC module enables programming remote function calls
    from SAP ERP systems. It enables SAP-compatible data definitions in
    Python (both simple and complex datatypes like structures and internal
    tables can be defined from within Python and manipulated like normal
    Python datatypes) and features transparent value conversion from SAP to
    Python and vice versa. It needs the SAP librfc shared library. 

Quadcap Embeddable Database 3.2

    QED is a fast, small, pure Java, relational database, implementing the
    SQL 92 standard, with transactions and resilient failure recovery. 

qwtplot3d 0.2.0 beta

    qwtplot3d is a graphics extension to the Qt GUI application framework
    that provides a 3D plotting widget for scientific data and mathematical

runit 0.11.2

    runit is a daemontools alike replacement for SysV-init and other init
    schemes. It currently runs on GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and can
    easily be adapted to other Unix operating systems. runit implements a
    simple three-stage concept. Stage 1 performs the system's one-time
    initialization tasks. Stage 2 starts the system's uptime services (via
    the runsvdir program). Stage 3 handles the tasks necessary to shutdown
    and halt or reboot. 

ruribox 1

    ruribox is a theme inspired by ruri (from 

Silky 0.2.0

    Silky is an easy-to-use graphical SILC (Secure Internet Live
    Conferencing) client. It contains all the necessary features of a SILC
    client while keeping the user interface as simple and user-friendly as

Simple C Compiler 0.1.5

    The Simple C Compiler is a port of Small C/386 to Linux. It is designed
    for use with older systems or rescue disks. It provides a usable C
    compiler in significantly less space than GCC. 

slapt-get 0.9.3

    slapt-get is an APT-like system for Slackware package management. It
    allows you to search and mirrors for packages, compare
    them with installed packages, and install new packages or upgrade
    installed packages, all with a few simple commands. 

Snd 6.12

    Snd is a freeware sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs and an old,
    sorely-missed PDP-10 sound editor named Dpysnd. It can accommodate any
    number of sounds, each with any number of channels. It can be
    customized and extended using Guile or Ruby. 

SolarWolf 1.3

    SolarWolf is an action/arcade game written entirely in Python. It is
    originally based on SolarFox for the Atari 2600. 

sonar 1.2.0

    sonar is a network reconnaissance utility. It runs all its scans from
    plugins. The currently supported plugins are an ICMP scan (a la the
    original sonar) and an ACK scan which can see if hosts that don't
    respond to ICMP are online. With the ability to create your own
    plugins, sonar is becoming the most extensible security scanner

sortdir 0.4

    Sortdir is an LD_PRELOAD library which sorts directory entries before
    supplying them to your applications. Sorting order is controlled by the
    current locale settings, however, other directory sorting locales can
    also be specified. (glibc >= 2.3 is required.) Sortdir can be
    especially useful as a wrapper for "tar" or "find".
    It's been used for creating packages for the UHU-Linux distribution;
    all of its deb packages contain their entries in alphabetical order so
    that better user feedback is provided when hitting F3 in mc on a
    package or querying its contents with "dpkg -L". 

Speex 1.0.2 (Stable)

    Speex is a patent-free compression format designed especially for
    speech. It is specialized for voice communications at low bit-rates in
    the 2-45 kbps range. Possible applications include Voice over IP
    (VoIP), Internet audio streaming, audio books, and archiving of speech
    data (e.g. voice mail). 

Squirrel Jukebox 0.4.1a

    Squirrel Jukebox plays all your local MP3 files via its own
    libmad-based decoder. It allows the tracks to be ranked and grouped in
    the user-preferred way. It also supports text searches by any ID3 tags
    or filenames. It is a commandline application. Currently only Linux is
    supported (OSS). 

StarDict 2.4.1

    StarDict is a cross-platform and international dictionary written in
    GTK 2. It has powerful features such as glob-style pattern matching,
    scan selection word, fuzzy queries, etc. 

SwiftFXP 0.4.4 (Development)

    SwiftFXP is a FlashFXP clone, coded in C using GTK. It supports both
    Unix and NT ftp servers. 

The Data Mine 0.0b

    The Data Mine is a search engine designed to make a more useful
    interface available to users. It is designed around human-computer
    intelligent interaction considerations. It divides the screen into two
    halves. One lets you find all the instances of your query's keywords,
    and the other lets you look through a highlighted version of the
    results you choose. 

Trackballs 0.9.1

    Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classic game Marble Madness.
    By steering a marble through a track filled with vicious hammers, pools
    of acid, and other obstacles the player collects points. When the ball
    reaches the destination, the player continue to the next, more
    difficult track - unless, of course, time runs out first. 

xCHM 0.8.2

    xCHM is a graphical CHM viewer for UNIX. It's based on CHMLIB and
    written using the wxWindows framework. It is not an extractor, but a
    standalone viewer, able to generate and show the topics tree, figure
    out the homepage for the document, print the current page, and go
    forward and backward in its history. 

xines 0.0

    xines is a Web application for tracking classes, students, and

xmlBlaster 0.85 beta

    XmlBlaster is XML based MOM (Message oriented Middleware) with a lot of
    features. It is a publish/subscribe and point-to-point MOM server which
    exchanges XML-encoded messages. Communication with the server is based
    on CORBA (using JacORB), RMI, XML-RPC, native socket, or a persistent
    HTTP plugin. Subscribers can use XPath expressions to filter the
    messages they wish to receive and add their own MIME-based filter
    plugins. C/C++, Java, Perl and PHP client demos are included in the
    xmlBlaster test suite, and Tcl and Python demo clients are scheduled.
    XmlBlaster also provides a browser callback framework, allowing
    browsers (Netscape, Mozilla, MSIE) to receive instant callbacks over a
    persistent http connection. A security plugin framework allows
    authentication/authorization in many ways. Currently there are LDAP-
    and passwd-based plugins available. 

xzgv 0.8 (Stable)

    xzgv is a GTK+/Imlib-based picture viewer for X, which supports most
    popular image formats. It provides a thumbnail-based file selector, and
    allows panning and fit-to-window methods of viewing. It has mouse
    support as well, but can be used solely from the keyboard. 

Yahoo Mail Sucker Prototype 39

    Yahoo Mail Sucker allows you to fetch Yahoo Mail messages to your local
    inbox (after the free POP3 service has been suspended). 


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