When he was given a brief description of the learned theories of Dr. Freud,
and told that they accounted for all human behavior, Will Rogers stated
that: "he found it real interesting, but reckoned that in Oklahoma, folks
mainly did things jes' acause they felt like it".  I gave a paper at AIAA
annual meeting in Reno earlier this week on birds extracting energy from
turbulence. There's a lot in it for the birdies, with their low flight
speeds, superb sensing and rapid response. Ravens in Santa Fe are
marvellous aerobats in the turbulence rolling off the Sangres. But why? 
When you see them rolling off perfect chandelles, as with dolphins surfing
and gamboling in the bow wave, you have to admit that they're "jes' havin'
fun", contrary to these gloomy animal "behavioristos" who claim animals do
everything for a reason.  

Peter Lissaman,  Da Vinci Ventures

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
TEL: (505) 983-7728                        FAX: (505) 983-1694

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