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Günther Greindl on 11/16/2007 12:30 PM:
>> I suspect the "orderability" only requires partial orders rather than
>> total orders.
> yes, but relativity implies locality - that means all causes for A and 
> all effects of A would have to be in the past/future light cone. So for 
> the causality at point A you would have total ordering.

Well, my primary objection is that "A" is only post-observation
description or pre-observation prescription determined to be a _unit_.
My original point was that all cause is complex and all effect is
complex.  Perhaps I didn't say that clearly.

This means that there really isn't an "A" as an (a single, autonomous)
effect.  "A" is a _situation_ that obtains.  And that situation consists
of many things.  I.e. "A" is embedded inextricably in a context.

Granted, one can hyper-focus some observation so as to artificially
label some slice of the situation and call that slice the unit "A".
But, that's an act of either description or prescription and is merely a
_model_ of the situation (often an impoverished one at that).

Hence, what you really have in the light cone is a gooey glob of effects
and causes that are related by partial order.  This will be true as long
as the "locality" is not small enough to hit the quantum discretization

Does that make more sense?

- --
glen e. p. ropella, 971-219-3846, http://tempusdictum.com
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest. --
Hermann Hesse

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