Bilconference looks like a great idea and inspirpation for events at The
Complex. Check out their Bilders toolkit to bring and the fact they're using

I'm surprised LCD projector is not on the list

Also reminds me of barcamp:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Lowenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 2:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: [FRIAM] BIL & TED... no way... Yes way
> Forwarded Message:
> From: Tyler Emerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Friends,
> Many of us know and love TED. It brings together an extraordinary
> group each year. The catch for many of us, though, is the 
> cost: $6,000.
> So I'm helping organize BIL with some friends, a free unconference,
> which will start March 1st and 2nd  coinciding with TED's last day on
> Saturday.
> We hope BIL can be a perfect match to TED. We already have the thumbs
> up from TED Curator Chris Anderson, who has been very supportive.
> Here's the site: <>
> ..and a great plug from Ethan Zuckerman, one of TED's 
> bloggers: 
> <
> excellent-adventure
>  >
> If you can attend, please add your name to the guest list. We're also
> expecting quite a few TEDsters to attend, and some to speak.
> I hope to see you in Monterey in a few weeks. Just give me a call
> (650-353-6063) or Todd Huffman (562-537-1320) if you need anything.
> Cheers!
> Tyler
> PS Props go to the affable and way-too-cool Huffman for this
> brainchild. Oh, and please help spread the word!
> --
> BIL Conference (Free)
> Sat-Sun March 1-2
> El Estero Park Complex
> 777 Pearl Street
> Monterey, CA 93940
> Logistics:
> Presentations:
> Attendees:
> FAQ:

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