That's sort of like how the environmental impact of each dollar we spend is
similarly almost infinite in relation to what we see...   The invisibility,
or 'unaccountability' problem requires developing confidence with
interpolating projected processes and limited local observability.

My latest combined estimate for a can of soda combines LCA inside and
econometric outside measures, and then excludes the double counts. To have a
can of water with CO2 and the flavoring you like on demand, the economy
seems to burn about as many ounces of gasoline as you end up getting in
water...   High octane or low, what's you choice today?


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Rich Murray
> Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 12:17 AM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: [FRIAM] "The entire "global" universe is about 10E100 times as
> large as the universe we can see." [ 10E33 larger radius ]: Rich Murray
> 2008.06.12
> "The entire "global" universe is about 10E100 times as large as the
> universe
> we can see.": Rich Murray 2008.06.12
> Our single universe bubble in the few most recent of 14 billions of
> years
> has accelerating expansion.
> Now, in recent human research, a hint that its unobserved vastness may
> have
> different fundamental properties.
> We are audacious germs indeed, surfing our exponential scientific
> expansion
> boldly into this vastness -- since 1600 AD, 408 years and counting.
> Our bubble's geometry, according to membrane theory, has 10 space
> dimensions
> and 1 time dimension.
> This hints that the source of our big bang must have as much or higher
> dimensionality.
> There's never just one of anything.
> There must be more big bangs from our big bang source, very many more,
> plausibly infinitely more, each with at least one dimension of time.
> What kind of awareness and intelligence might evolve in a bubble with 2
> or
> more time dimensions?
> Each bubble develops black holes and other extreme regions, including
> deliberate laboratory experiments, that may initiate more big band
> universes.
> Our big bang source most probably still exists, undisturbed by the
> initiation of our big bang bubble.
> The acceleration of our big bang bubble hints that it is overall a
> transient
> event on the scale of thousands of billions of years.
> Our big bang bubble exists in its own right, regardless of our thoughts
> and
> actions, as does our big bang source so exist in its own right.
> I say as a mighty microbe that single unity sustains every variety of
> infinity, and that "individual" awareness is single unity -- not part
> of it,
> but all of it, already, always, all ways, directly, intimately,
> creatively -- so that "each individual" awareness is equally the very
> foremost point of progress of single unity.
> Our Home is the abyss of single unity.
> In mutual service,  Rich Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]  505-501-2298
> 'The structures stretch beyond the edge of the observable universe,
> which is
> essentially confined to a region with a radius of 14 billion light
> years,
> since only light from within that distance has had time to reach us
> since
> the big bang.
> The entire "global" universe is about 10E100 times as large as the
> universe
> we can see." [ 10E33 larger radius ]
> beyond-the-visible-universe.html
> Hints of structure beyond the visible universe
>     * 01:01 10 June 2008
>     * news service
>     * David Shiga
> Subtle signs of a skewed universe are present in the WMAP satellite's
> map of
> radiation left over from the big bang, a new study says (Image:
> Science Team)
>     * Inflation deflated? The big bang's toughest test
>     * 06 June 2008
>     * Did pre-big bang universe leave its mark on the sky?
>     * 10 April 2008
>     * Universe mostly forgets its past during cosmic rebirth
>     * 02 July 2007
> Web Links
>     * WMAP, NASA
>     * Planck satellite, ESA
>     * Introduction to inflation, NASA
> Colossal structures larger than the visible universe -- forged during
> the
> period of cosmic inflation nearly 14 billion years ago -- may be
> responsible
> for a strange pattern seen in the big bang's afterglow, says a team of
> cosmologists. If confirmed, the structures could provide precious
> information about the universe's earliest moments.
> In the first instant after its birth, the universe is thought to have
> experienced a rapid growth spurt called inflation. During this period,
> space
> itself expanded faster than the speed of light.
> Inflation solves some cosmological puzzles, such as why relic radiation
> from
> the big bang, released when the universe was less than 400,000 years
> old, is
> relatively uniform.
> Called the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the radiation can be
> observed
> in all directions in the sky. It has a slightly mottled appearance due
> to
> small differences in temperature from place to place in the early
> universe.
> The temperature differences are thought to be caused by variations in
> the
> density of matter, with denser regions being warmer than emptier
> regions.
> But the theory of inflation predicts that the mottling should be
> equally
> prominent in all directions. Curiously, it is 10% more pronounced on
> one
> side of the sky than the other, an asymmetry that was reported in 2004
> by
> Hans Eriksen of the University of Oslo in Norway, based on a map made
> by the
> Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite.
> Now, cosmologists led by Adrienne Erickcek of Caltech in Pasadena, US,
> think
> they may have found the reason for this pattern. They suggest the
> universe
> has been skewed by the imprint of primordial structures that date back
> to
> the period of inflation.
> Extra field
> The structures stretch beyond the edge of the observable universe,
> which is
> essentially confined to a region with a radius of 14 billion light
> years,
> since only light from within that distance has had time to reach us
> since
> the big bang.
> The entire "global" universe is about 10E100 times as large as the
> universe
> we can see.
> In the inflation scenario, the expansion is driven by an energy field
> of
> still-mysterious origin. Erickcek and her colleagues argue that the
> asymmetry could be the remnant of fluctuations in an additional energy
> field, which started out very tiny, but were blown up by inflation
> until
> they were larger than the observable universe.
> As a result, the value of this energy field varied from one side of the
> universe to the other at early times, enhancing the variations in
> temperature -- and matter density -- on one side of the sky relative to
> the
> other.
> The conclusion, if correct, would shatter a cherished assumption about
> the
> universe. "One of the basic tenets of cosmology is that the universe is
> the
> same in all directions, and the standard model of inflation is built on
> that
> foundation," Erickcek told New Scientist. "If the asymmetry is real,
> then it
> tells us that one side of our universe is somehow different than the
> other
> side."
> Few and far between
> The asymmetry could theoretically be explained by the standard, single-
> field
> inflation scenario, though researchers say that is unlikely. That's
> because
> the standard theory allows for a few large-scale differences across
> vast
> regions of space. But these asymmetrical spots are expected to be few
> and
> far between, meaning that there is only a 1% chance that our observable
> universe would happen to occupy one.
> Charles Bennett of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, US,
> the
> chief scientist for the WMAP mission, notes that Erickcek's team has
> predicted additional subtle differences in the CMB compared to the
> standard
> inflation picture.
> These predictions could be tested when more sensitive CMB maps are
> available. "It might be within reach of WMAP, and it will be within
> reach of
> Planck," he told New Scientist, referring to the European Space Agency
> satellite scheduled to launch later in 2008 to scrutinise the CMB.
> Mysterious era
> If further observations bear out the scenario, it would provide some
> precious new information about the universe's earliest moments, about
> which
> little is known. "It was a period of extremely rapid expansion, but
> what
> drove that expansion and how long it lasted is an open question,"
> Erickcek
> says.
> Alan Guth of MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US, one of the scientists
> who
> pioneered the inflation idea in the 1980s, says inflation is only the
> framework of a theory, with many details remaining to be filled in.
> He says the team's "well thought-out" analysis is just the kind of
> thing
> needed to help do that. "Although the hint [from asymmetry] may very
> well
> turn out to be a fluke, it is only by pursuing such hints that new
> ideas
> will be generated, and that ultimately we will have a chance to find
> the
> right theory," he told New Scientist.
> The asymmetry is distinct from another curious pattern in the CMB
> called the
> axis of evil, which some scientists have proposed is also a remnant of
> exotic physics during inflation.
> ============================================================
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