Jeanette Wing, the President's Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, and Associate Director, Computer and Information Science & Engineering, U.S. National Science Foundation, will give a talk on "Computational Thinking and Thinking about Computing."

Place: Santa Fe Institute, Robert N. Noyce Conference Room

When: Friday, July 11, 2008, at 3:30 p.m.

Abstract: My vision for the 21st Century: Computational thinking will be the fundamental skill used by everyone in the world. To reading, writing, and arithmetic, let's add computational thinking to every child's analytical ability. Computational thinking has already influenced other disciplines, from the sciences to the arts. The new NSF Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation initiative in a nutshell is computational thinking for science and engineering. Realizing this vision gives the field of computing both exciting research opportunities and novel educational challenges.

The field of computing is driven by technology innovation, societal demands, and scientific questions. We are often too easily swept u with the rapid progress in technology and the surprising uses by society of our technology, that we forget about the science that underlies our field. In thinking about computing, I have started a list of "Deep Questions in Computing," with the hope of encouraging the community to think about the scientific drivers of our field.

Host: Joe Traub

"He has van Gogh's ear for music."

                                Billy Wilder

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