Your question on what F(f,g) is: I think it is ordinary function
composition, usually denoted fog (where the o is actually a small
circle, not the letter "o"). ie

(fog)(x) = f(g(x)).

I'm not entirely sure why the use of "inner" and "outer" entailment
refers to this, though. Inner and outer normally refer to products.
but I don't see an obvious generalisation from the product concepts to

If we specialise functional notation to linear algebra with linear functions
   f: R^n -> R and g: R -> R^n

   f(x) is an inner product when f is represented by a row vector


   gof is an outer product when f is as above and g is a column vector

Perhaps that's the generalisation being talked about.

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 12:02:43AM -0600, Nicholas Thompson wrote:
> Roseneers, 
> If anybody is still willing to help out in understanding chapter five, of 
> LIFE ITSELF I have posted a queston at 
> Let me know, if you cant get in. 
> One of you wrote me a kindly note asking after my mental health ,  given my 
> obsessive pursuit of this quest.   It's ok.  I guess.  Like all obsessives, I 
> don't see that I have much choice:  I cannot see how one could possibly 
> understand a text so complex WITHOUT engaging in the  sort of obsessive  
> collaborative head-bashing  that goes on in graduate seminars.  And I cant 
> see how I could have the gall to have opinions on Rosen, or on category 
> theory, unless I understood the text.  And I dont see any seminars on Rosen 
> within easy reach.  So..... onward!
> Thanks for the help given so far.  
> Nick 
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology, 
> Clark University ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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