
It's more like a chronic irritation than actual pain, but I hear your
rebuke.   I suppose that when the RWRDDA movement (Right  Wing Religious
Dumbing Down of America) movement becomes sufficiently intolerable to more
of our scientific community, additional folks will begin to speak out on the
subject.  Perhaps if we get a Creationist Vice President the process will

Until then, I'll pipe down.


On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:22 PM, Owen Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 2, 2008, at 12:35 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:
>> How many people on this list *don't* think that religion has been , and
>> continues to be a (the?) major factor in American politics?
> Doug, I really do feel your pain.  But cut us a bit of slack, OK?
>  Fundamentalism is certainly an issue, but not *all* religion is
> fundamentalist.  Friam is a fairly rich and diverse community, a number of
> whom are religious.  We have Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and more.
>  Show them some respect, please.
> Would it surprise you to know that one of the first publications on Chaos
> and Complexity is from the Vatican Observatory press?  The first chapter
> includes Crutchfield, Farmer, Shaw, and Packard?
> Do you know that the current pope advised against single-issue voting on
> abortion, and advised that religious voters consider that hunger,
> homelessness, sickness, war, etc are also anti-life?
>  What ever happened to the precept of separation of church and state,
>> anyhow?
> Christ talks about it: render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.  So do
> Buddhists.  If politicians have forgotten that, then bad on them, not the
> church.
> I don't want to start a flame war on religion, but please remember you have
> religious family and friends who are kind, gentle, compassionate and as
> anti-fundamentalist as you are.
>    -- Owen
> ============================================================
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