Russ, Marcus: Thanks for yet another push for me hussle javascript a bit more.

This is a good reminder as to why javascript is so cool:

I found a great book as well: "Javascript, the Good Parts" .. here's video from the author:
He's great at leading us beyond the pitfalls of js.

    -- Owen

On Dec 27, 2008, at 9:20 PM, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:

Owen Densmore wrote:
BUT: the pipe paradigm of unix shells allows you to have the input be a file and the output to be piped into a file or another program.
The browser can be used as a hierarchical blackboard (the DOM) between a producer and a consumer while JavaScript 1.7's `yield' can switch back and forth between threads of control (like a pipe). Further, http and xml can be used to read and write objects in favor of flat files.

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