Please help out Max and Harsha test their distributed computing project. Point your browser to and leave it running while you're not using your machine just for the next day or so. More info below from their mentor, Nick Bennett.


From: Nick Bennett <>
Date: March 31, 2009 7:56:18 PM MDT
To: Joshua Thorp <>, Irene Lee < >, Paige Prescott <>, talaya white < >, Steve Guerin <> Cc: Meestuh Boing <>,, robert bond <> Subject: Help some GUTS-XL/Challenge students, and have your browser do some work for a change!


Max and Harsha, two of our GUTS-XL students, are doing some almost- final crunching on their project - which is not only their project for GUTS-XL, but also their Challenge project, as well as Max's project for his mentorship at Monte del Sol this year.

The project is on distributed computing via applets in web pages. This approach would allow a much wider range of machines than usual to participate as computing resources in solving certain kinds of computationally intensive problems. Also, since the applets in this case are communicating with the task distribution server via XML-RPC over HTTP, no special firewall policy or router port configuration is required to allow participation. Basically, if a user can browse to the web page hosting the applet, and if the user has Java 5 (1.5) or higher installed, it's virtually certain that the user's machine can participate - no matter where in the world the user is, and no matter how the user is connected to the Internet.

Variations on this kind of distributed computing have been used in s...@home, GIMPS (Great Internet Search for Mersenne Primes), cracking some of the final remaining Enigma cyphertext messages from WWII, and other projects. However, virtually all of these have been more restrictive in their approach, generally requiring the installation of special software on the user's machine (often restricted to a subset of the operating systems and platforms in wide use), and sometimes special configuration of any firewalls the user might be behind. Max & Harsha's project is thus an attempt to demonstrate the opportunity to extend such projects to a much more heterogeneous world of platforms and networks.

For the proof of concept, they've chosen the search for Mersenne primes - partly because this is an interesting topic in and of itself, but also because it's a well-understood problem, with interesting mathematical and algorithmic aspects, and with an existing distributed computing project (GIMPS) that can be used as a point of comparison and contrast.

So my suggestion - to those of you who feel like letting your computer participate as a resource for some portion of the next 18 hours (as Max and Harsha gather the last round of data for their report), and if you can spare the cycles - is to point your JavaScript- and Java-enabled (v5/1.5 or higher) browser to - that's it, that's all it takes. All you'll see, as your computer participates in the process, is a status message that changes from time to time, and a task history that gets updated every few minutes.

At this point in the search, testing each candidate Mersenne numbers for primality is a slow process, since we're dealing with very large numbers (i.e. those currently being tested have over 5,000 digits when written out in base 10 form). Please note that these tests are computationally intensive: if you have a single-core CPU, Java will pretty much try to use all of its power; so if you need to do a lot of work on your computer, it would probably be less annoying for you if you don't participate at this point. But the power of the distributed approach to this problem is that each participant resource can be working on a different Mersenne number, cutting down the time to move through the search space. So, if you have the cycles to spare, join in!

Thanks and regards,


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