It was interesting to watch myself fish for the names WarpIV and Jeff
Steinman when I replied to Doug's message.

I knew that Doug's description reminded me of a system I had known about.
But I couldn't retrieve either WarpIV or Jeff Steinman from my own memory
even though I knew it was that system that I wanted to mention to Doug. How
to find those names.  I knew that Jeff's company was in San Diego. I also
knew that he had previously worked at JPL.  So I did a search for JPL,
Simulation, and San Diego. Among the items returned, the term "time warp"
showed up. I recognized that as part of Jeff's approach. So I added that to
the search. That search returned an item with the name WarpIV.  I recognized
that and tracked down Jeff and his company.

What was interesting was that I knew what I wanted, I didn't know its name,
but I was able to recognize relevant terms when Google thrust them in front
of me.  That and some persistence was what it took.

-- Russ Abbott
Professor, Computer Science
California State University, Los Angeles
Cell phone: 310-621-3805
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