[Note: the thread got broken so I'm deliberately starting a new one that hopefully keeps both its new thread ID header and its old subject line. Anyone not understanding thread breaking and thread highjacking can ask and I'd describe the technical details.]

I'd like to take the thread back for its original purpose, OK?

The idea of the seminar is simple: we're trying to *understand* the various authors in the book. Not to belittle them or the concept.

I started out quite skeptical .. I really think there is a good definition of Emergence but that these guys hadn't a change in hell of stating it. And yes, I believe it to lie within the domain of mathematics.

But, mainly due to good will of the participants and skillful management by Nick who's done this for ages, I find I'm enjoying the seminar very much. Better yet, we're getting some traction how *we'd* like to define Emergence, at least in the much less limited domain of "complexity".

If Friamers would like to read along, we have a digital version you can use to see if you'd like to plunge in, get the book, and discuss the week's reading.

Our last week's reading was two chapters, Searle and Wimsatt:
Ch 3 Reductionism and the Irreducibility of Consciousness John Searle
Ch 5 Aggregativity: Reductive Heuristics for Finding Emergence William C. Wimsatt
Frank W read/presented the first, I did the second.

Next week is:
Ch 8 Downward Causation and Autonomy in Weak Emergence Mark A. Bedau
..presented by Chip Garner.

    -- Owen

On Sep 24, 2009, at 7:57 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

Dear All,

We had a good meeting, at least 8 of us, even tho we lost Michel, who went back to Paris. The first time it didnt actually RAIN duirng the meeting, so we were able to sit outside.

For next week we will be reading the Mark Bedau chapter on weak emergence. I think I have already established that Bedau has a pdf of a version of this article on his website. Ping me if you need a better reference.

At least one person has promised to join us from the diaspora.

Please put discussion of this chapter -- and ONLY discussion of this chapter -- in this thread.


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