So yesterday I'm reading about solar energy and thinking -- blah, blah, blah
-- of all the known solutions.
Today Slashdot gives me a blurb about synthetic black holes, which I follow
to new scientist and on to

The abstract:

   Traditionally, a black hole is a region of space with huge gravitational
in the means of general relativity, which absorbs everything hitting it
the light. In general relativity, the presence of matter-energy densities
results in
the motion of matter propagating in a curved spacetime1 , which is similar
to the
electromagnetic-wave propagation in a curved space and in an inhomogeneous
metamaterial2 . Hence one can simulate the black hole using electromagnetic
fields and metamaterials. In a recent theoretical work, an optical black
has been proposed based on metamaterials, in which the numerical simulations
showed a highly efficient light absorption3 . Here we report the first
tal demonstration of electromagnetic black hole in the microwave
The proposed black hole is composed of non-resonant and resonant
structures, which can absorb electromagnetic waves efficiently coming from
directions due to the local control of electromagnetic fields. Hence the
magnetic black hole could be used as the thermal emitting source and to
the solar light.

The actual synthetic black hole is, for microwaves, simply a radially
symmetric pattern of glyphs on a printed circuit board.

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