On Nov 10, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Stephen Guerin wrote:
I did a quick look through. Any idea how to get a GUI? HTML via webserver?


My guess is hidden in my earlier response: GUI programming will not be at the systems level. It will be at a service level (i.e. like the X window system, it will be a server with a protocol interface).

So all the GO folks will have to do is write the protocol client, using the existing X server protocol. For non-X systems either C/C++ integration (calling out from GO to C/C++) will work. On Mac and *nix, this is not an issue as long as you don't mind Apple's X server.

Notice that none of the existing languages really support GUI other than Java, and many feel that was a mistake .. it took way too many of Java's development time. Before that, only TCL tried it, and Perl and several other languages found ways to use Tcl/Tk.

    -- Owen

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