I use facebook to keep in casual touch with people I like but whom I
don't have time (or travel options) to see in-person on a regular
basis. So instead of a big catch-up once a quarter (or year!), I'm
more-or-less in-tune with what's going on with them. At least with the
frequent posters / commenters. Contrarily, I am not that frequent a
poster of personal stuff, but I like to post links and topics that are
important to me.


On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:
> I've gotten a facebook account 'cause a family member died and there was a
> facebook memorial page that was great, so I joined to show all the pictures
> to our Santa Fe tribe.
> Now I've got lots of friends.  What next?  What do you guys use facebook
> for?
>    -- Owen

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