Here is another picture
Somehow Steve Jobs got all the money,
Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Atkinson got all the glory, and you got all the hard work? What a distribution.

My first task in my first job after
university was working on printing procedures as well. Writing printing functions is not a very thankful task,
there is always a printer, printer driver
or paper size which does not work. And the system would work without them, they do not belong to the core of the system.

In every software system there is a core
and a shell - the core that's the part
which gets, stores, and processes the data.
It is the part which is encapsulated by the API. The shell consists of additional parts:
localization and translation, import and
export, and printing. The system would run without the shell, it would only be
a bit less useful.

If you join a software team late, your first work is often at this shell - if you would join Google as an engineer today, you would probably work on some Javascript problems in the calendar functions. Or printing functions for the calendar. I wonder what Software Wizard Andy Hertzfeld is doing at Google currently?


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