Owen -
I'm surprised at how good the critter seems. My main concern is that it doesn't have a camera, so skype would be somewhat disabled. But that seems to be the only serious lack, and will likely be there for future versions.
I think Apple will do well with this, despite my own personal disappointment.

I had hoped mightily for a full OSX notebook... so am disappointed by that. Second to that, I had hoped for something I could buy to replace my wife's geriatric 12" G4 which is barely (not quite actually) serving her right now (Can't keep the ffing web browsers from crashing and can't find a combination of browser and ??javascript?? that is stable anymore and the slot-DVD player is finicky). She really only needs Web, E-mail, iTunes and DVD playing.... but the iPad doesn't offer a DVD player (nor any obvious way to connect one easily/properly). I'm sure there is a way through "Family Share" to watch DVDs inserted into another computer on a local net or a way to rip them down, but this really doesn't fit my wife's use patterns and for all those here who are married, you must know that thinking you can change one's spouses way of doing things is the path to madness and marital discontent.

I had just been considering a portable DVD player (iLuv, Phillips 951, ...) with an iPhone dock... but the shortcoming there is the lack of keyboard for the iPhone... maybe the iPad's needs for a bluetooth keyboard will lead to the iPhone having the same feature?

Amazingly, the iPhone/Touch apps work with the iPad, in 2x mode. So it starts out with a LOT of apps. The NYTimes app looks great! MLB (baseball for folks not in the know) built an interactive view of real-time games.
I think the NYT app would be her best friend. She already uses it on her iPhone but naturally rails at the small screen.

Games are touch enabled, and use the positional controls as well. The art program, Brushes, is really cool .. very Santa Fe.
Her second favorite iPhone app... I imagine she would appreciate it even more with a bigger screen.
The stunt of a new SDK, that integrates both iPhone and iPad. EASports has already converted many of their apps to the iPad.

And it works with a bluetooth keyboard, thereby being a "laptop" when needed. That was my greatest concern. I can't believe I've watched the keynote -- 1.5 hrs!

It is NOT just a laptop. The apps really are different. Homage made to Kindle, then iBooks shown which is really killer. The iTunes is now adding books to their media world.
And we need a convergence of standards in this arena... which seems to always be confounded by the need for market differentiation/penetration-resistance. Se La Vie.

Boy was I skeptical. But I've gotten in line, and will buy one asap! And its the same cost as the large Kindle DX. If it gets the battery life it claims (10 hrs) .. even 5 would be great for me. I sure hope it can use Java for NetLogo! We'll see.
I'm doubtful that Java (or NetLogo) is going to be available here for the same reasons as the iPhone... but maybe time will tell, maybe things will evolve more quickly now.

Sure there's a lot to sneer at, but this is really yet another apple game changer.
I agree that it is a game changer. Maybe not as significant/acute as the iPod or then the iPhone/iPod-touch but something big nevertheless. A Kindle with good web surfing/e-mail.

I haven't heard any other minor announcements (rumors of a red MacBook to complement the Black and the White?)... or was it all iPad?

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